Agua new headquarters of GA Group


Agua new headquarters of GA Group
Etu d e d e ca s : Ag u a n e w h e a d q u a r te r s o f G A G r o u p
S i te We b : h ttp :// n s tr u cti o n 2 1 .o r g /b e l g i q u e /
Agua new headquarters of GA Group
Type de pro jet : Co nstructio n Neuve
Type de bâtiment : Immeuble de bureaux
Année de co nstructio n : 20 14
Zo ne climatique : [Cfb] Océanique hiver
tempéré, été chaud, pas de saiso n sèche
Surface nette : 3 50 0 m 2
Co ût de co nstructio n : 7 177 0 0 0 €
No mbre d'unités fo nctio nnelles : 270
Po ste de travail
Co ût/m² : 2 0 51 €/m 2
Co ût/Po ste de travail : 26 58 1 €/Po ste de
8 chemin de la Terrasse , 3150 0 To ulo use,
// Description
Designed entirely fo r the well being o f the GA Gro up's teams, this exemplary and inno vative building sho ws actual energy
co nsumptio n under 25 kWh/m²/year fo r co mfo rt usages. The unco nsumed surplus o f the pho to vo ltaic pro ductio n (o riginally
used fo r auto co nsumptio n) reinjected into a smart grid. Co ntro l o f co mfo rt and energy, artificial intelligence, po sitive energy
and Smart Grid, Agua o ffers o n 350 0 m² an o verview o f the visio n and expertise o f the GA Gro up in co mmercial real estate
Agua wo n the Grand Prix SIMI 20 15 Real Estate Offices, in the catego ry New Building o f less than 50 0 0 m².
Plus de dé t ails sur ce pro je t :
http://www.o bservato irebbc.o rg/site/co nstructio n/fiche (...) s-realisatio ns/agua-limmeuble-intel (...)
Fiabilit é de s do nné e s :
Certifié tierce partie
// Intervenants
Maître d'ouvrage
No m : Euro sic
6 , rue Brindejo nc des Mo ulinais 3150 5 To ulo use - 0 1 45 0 2 23 38
Site Web : http://www.euro
No m : CDA Architectes
8 , chemin de la Terrasse 3150 0 To ulo use -[a]wanado o .fr - 0 5 6 1 52 8 4 9 4
Site Web :
No m : Gro upe GA
8 , chemin de la Terrasse 3150 0 To ulo use - ga[a] - 0 5 6 1 14 40 0 0
Site Web :
Actio n : Designer-Directo r
No m : Certivéa
Assistance à Maîtrise d'ouvrage
No m : Etamine
Mo de co nt ract ue l :
Dé m arche dé ve lo ppe m e nt durable du m aît re d'o uvrage : Euro sic Management, o n the business Plaines in
To ulo use, decided to include the Agua o peratio n in a HQE appro ach (High Enviro nmental Quality), to o btain HQE certificatio n
fo llo wing the NF Tertiary Buildings by Certivéa in 20 11.
A key prio rity was to design a building with lo w energy co nsumptio n. The pro ject had to meet the RT20 12 (French thermal
regulatio n) and aimed the level o f energy perfo rmance fo r BEPOS Effinergie 20 13 label (Po sitive Energy Building). This target
was based o n the specificatio ns established by Effinergie.
In additio n, the site must have the minimum po ssible disturbance to minimize the impact o f co nstructio n o n the enviro nment.
The perfo rmance o f the building in o peratio n is essential, the Client also favo red areas o f actio n fo r the pro per management o f
waste and the aspects o f maintainability and perfo rmance mo nito ring o f buildings and equipment.
The user co mfo rt is a co nductive line in technical and architectural cho ices o f the pro ject.
De script io n archit e ct urale : This o peratio n lo cated o n the Business Park Plaines o wned by Euro sic, co vers the
co nstructio n o f a 3 sto rey high building o f 2 350 0 m² + o ne basement level. It was designed by CDA Architects and designed /
built by the GA Gro up, which made it its headquarters. This is the first tertiary pro ject to receivethe BEPOS-Effinergie® label in
France; also certified NF Co mmercial Buildings - HQE appro ach.
The building is characterized by prefabricated co ncrete structure with a high thermal inertia. The facades are insulated with
mineral wo o l and integrate with each 2.70 m frame a standalo ne air pro cessing mo dule, ensuring the functio ns o f heating,
co o ling, ventilatio n and hygienic night free-co o ling. To limit heat lo sses o f the envelo pe, the ro o f terrace and the bo tto m flo o r
facing the parking lo t are insulated with po lyurethane respectively 12cm and 15cm thermal flo cking.
Mo reo ver, the facades are no n-lo ad bearing and junctio n with the flo o rs are co vered by a thick glass wo o l which significantly
reduces the linear lo sses. The glazing o f the building are in favo r o f the co ntributio n o f natural light while being thermally
efficient. They have a triple layer o f glass, in which inco rpo rates a mo to rized venetian blind, auto matically managed by the
centralized technical management o f the building.
As fo r equipment, heating and co o ling are insured basis by two geo thermal heat pumps reversible waterfall o n dry pro bes,
supplemented by extra by the air handling mo dules fro nt. The geo thermal heat pumps supply active slab (ceiling) guarantees
o ptimal co mfo rt hygro thermal and the lo west energy co nsumptio ns.
On the gro und flo o r, the lo bby is equipped with a heating-refreshing flo o r. In parallel to this, the air handling mo dules have a
do uble-flo w ventilatio n with heat exchanger to ensure air exchange devices premises. At the center o f the building, the meeting
ro o ms are ventilated by a do uble flo w co ntro lled central to CO2 senso rs. As fo r the lighting, it is co ntro lled by presence
detectio n and / o r absence and managed acco rding to the amo unt o f natural light. Last but no t least, 46 0 m² o f pho to vo ltaic
mo dules were installed o n the ro o f terrace.
The building is also equipped with an intelligent centralized technical management to o ptimize the o peratio n o f equipment
between them and ensure user co mfo rt thro ugho ut the year, anticipating weather co nditio ns, user behavio r and their agenda.
Agua is lo catedin the Business Park Plaines. Held by Euro sic, the park is part o f a new eco lo gical appro ach, expressing a new
impetus fo r the develo pment o f the park and pro mo ting energy savings and enhancement o f the quality o f living spaces fo r
users. Agua is lo cated in the middle o f the building co mplex alo ng an axis perpendicular to the two parallel buildings nearby. It
is part o f a landscaping plant enviro nment new and designed to recreate in the park a natural enviro nment reco nstituting a
green co rrido r that pro mo tes bio diversity o f flo ra and fauna. The building is therefo re inseparable fro m the landscape pro ject
and meets the criteria o f the HQE certificatio n and eco lo gical diagno sis established by an eco lo gist end.
CDA Architects designed a unique building, in the image o f its user GA gro up and in agreement with Euro sic who wanted a
scalable and flexible rental building use.
It has a "pro w" o verhanging o n the ro ad itself as a signal o n the Business Park, increasing the visibility o f the building, with its
signs at the to p o f so lid walls animated by thin slo ts illuminatio n and co lo red metal.
An awning brimming co vering an accessible o utdo o r terrace fo r o rganizing events in the summer, accentuates the presence o f
the building by this stro ng signal.
The main entrance is marked by a charco al gray steel cano py o n a po lished co ncrete wall lively co lo red metal slo ts. The
facades are co mpo sed o f architectural co ncrete made with white and gray marble sto nes, with po lished finish made in
facto ries GA gro up, ensuring high durability o f façades. An impo rtant part o f the facade is treated verticality and made o f glass
assemblies in all elements sto rey height, with mullio ned co mpo sed by aluminum po wder co ated grilles co ncealing Air
Treatment Mo dules (MTA). These facades o ffer exceptio nal natural light to o ccupants o f o ffices and trays are equipped with
pro ducts fro m the research and develo pment o f GA Gro up: MTA, triple frame windo w with blacko ut blind integrated, facade
elements in po lished architectural co ncrete.
// Energie
Consommation énergétique
Be so in e n é ne rgie prim aire : 10 ,30 kWh EP/m 2 /an
Be so in e n é ne rgie prim aire bât im e nt st andard : 77,50 kWh EP/m 2 /an
Mé t ho de de calcul : PEB - Wallo nie
CEEB : 0 kWh PE / €
Co nso m m at io n d'é ne rgie f inale : -16 ,0 0 kWh EF/m 2 /an
Ré part it io n de la co nso m m at io n é ne rgé t ique : Primary Energy
- Heating: 12.1
- Co o ling: 16
- Ho t Water: 6 .3
- Lighting: 17.9
- Auxiliaries dist .: 0 .8
- Auxiliary ventilatio n: 9 .1
- Pho to vo ltaic: - 51.9
Final Energy
- Heating: 4.7
- Co o ling: 6 2
- Ho t Water: 2.5
- Lighting: 6 .9
- Auxiliaries dist .: 0 .3
- Auxiliary ventilatio n: 3.5
- Pho to vo ltaics: - 20 .1
Performance énergétique de l'enveloppe
UBat de l\'e nve lo ppe : 0 ,6 0 W.m -2 .K-1
Plus d'inf o rm at io n sur l'e nve lo ppe : 120 mm glass wo o l (R = 3,75m²K / W) fo r facade insulatio n treatment with
thermal bridges per unit length o f the facades-flo o r junctio ns, by implementing 120 mm slab no se 120 mm glass wo o l
po lyurethane (R> 5m²K / W) 130 mm flo cking ro o f underside o f the bo tto m flo o r o verlo o king basement with heat treatment o f
inertia beams co ncrete highlighted by the absence o f suspended ceiling
Co e f f icie nt de co m pacit é du bât im e nt : 0 ,23
// EnR & systèmes
Chauf f age :
Po mpe à chaleur géo thermique
Chauffe-eau électrique individuel
Raf raîchisse m e nt :
Po mpe à chaleur géo thermique
Ve nt ilat io n :
Ventilatio n naturelle
Surventilatio n no cturne
Do uble flux avec échangeur thermique
Ene rgie s re no uve lable s :
So laire pho to vo ltaïque
PAC géo thermique sur so ndes
Pro duct io n d'é ne rgie re no uve lable : 10 0 ,0 0 %
Heating and Co o ling Generato rs: 2 reversible geo thermal heat pumps, cascade, o n dry pro bes - 22 pro bes 10 0 m
transmitters: Basic: active slab Activ'Co ncept (GA pro duct) + extra: air handling mo dules in fro nt
Ho t Water Pro ductio n
Ho t water by individual electrical ho t water cylinders in the sanitary
Ventilatio n
Heat reco very ventilatio n do uble flo w, free-co o ling, night ventilatio n
46 0 m² o f pho to vo ltaic panels fo r an installed capacity o f 72.6 kWp
So lut io ns am é lio rant le s gains passif s e n é ne rgie : free co o ling, inertia o f the co ncrete, geo -co o ling via active slab
midseaso n
Bâtiment intelligent
GT C : BMS Gapéo (GA pro duct) s-techno lo gies/gapeo
Sm art Grids (ré se aux int e llige nt s) : Smart-Grid ready building that redistributes its excess pro ductio n to two o ther
o ffice buildings in the business park
// Environnement
Emissions de GES
Duré e de vie du bât im e nt (anné e ) :
6 0 ,0 0 an(s)
Analyse du Cycle de Vie :
Plus d'inf o rm at io n sur le diagram m e ACV : ACV fo r all materials o f structure and sub-trade
Im pact s de s m at é riaux de co nst rut io n sur le s é m issio ns de GES : 7,49
Im pact s de s m at é riaux de co nst ruct io n sur la co nso m m at io n é ne rgé t ique : 27,6 2 kWhEP
Eau et qualité de l'air intérieur, santé et confort
Qualit é de l'air int é rie ur : implementatio n o f pro ducts and materials with eco -labels and regulato ry labeling A o r A +
(HQE standard TP o n target 2)
Co nf o rt & sant é : Daylight facto r calculatio ns were made to ensure minimal natural light in the premises
Glazing o f central po rtio ns fo r intake o f natural light
Intelligent lighting with auto matic dimming to ensure 30 0 lux o n the wo rkstatio n, depending o n the natural light
Auto mated blinds co ntro lled by the BMS acco rding to the o rientatio ns, time slo ts ... with manual o verride, to o ptimize the
so lar and light inputs and fight against the dazzle o f wo rkstatio ns
Co nf o rt aco ust ique : Aco ustic study fo r the design and realizatio n o f aco ustic bafles po st-build steps to validate the
HQE High Perfo rmance level requirements.
// Produits
Activ' Concept
Fabricant : Gro upe GA
Co nt act f abricant : ga[a]
Sit e Int e rne t f abricant :
Cat é go rie de pro duit : Génie climatique, électricité / Chauffage, eau chaude
De script io n:
Activ' co ncept is based o n active slabs precast co ncrete where water systems were integrated.
This signed GA techno lo gical inno vatio n has been successfully tested in the Agua building, the
new headquarters fo r GA Gro up. The system is co upled with geo thermal heat pumps that draw
the calo ries o r frigo ries so il and naturally regulate the water temperature. The o ffices thus benefit fro m the so il co o l in midseaso n. air handling mo dules are installed to pro vide extra air exchange.
Co m m e nt aire s:
Fabricant : Gro upe GA
Co nt act f abricant : ga[a]
Sit e Int e rne t f abricant :
Cat é go rie de pro duit : Management / Facility management
De script io n:
The building management system Gapéo , Active Perfo rmance Management Co mputer, can
drive co mfo rt and enviro nmental and energy perfo rmance. With Gapéo building management
system, all equipment designed, made and installed by GA can be co ntro lled fro m a single
po int. The central co ntro l analyzes the data reco rded by the individual equipment and transmits them instructio ns. Each space
has a well o ptimized level o f co mfo rt, acco rding to the wishes and habits o f every user. Gapéo The so lutio n also allo ws the
GA gro up to co mmit to a specified level o f energy co nsumptio n amo ng its custo mers as part o f a perfo rmance co ntract.
Co m m e nt aire s:
// Coûts
Co ût de co nstructio n : 7 177 0 0 0 €
// Environnement urbain
Enviro nne m e nt urbain :
Parking :
2 bus lines near the site impo rtant green spaces
air parking and basement
// Qualité environnementale du bâti
Qualit é e nviro nne m e nt ale du bât i :
Adaptabilité du bâtiment
Santé, qualité air intérieur
Bio diversité
Chantier (incluant déchets)
aco ustique
co nfo rt (o lfactif, thermique, visuel)
efficacité énergétique, gestio n de l\'énergie
énergies reno uvelables
gestio n du bâtiment, maintenance
gestio n des espaces, intégratio n dans le site
pro cédés de co nstructio n
pro duits et matériaux de co nstructio n
// Concours