The Ardennes - Construction21


The Ardennes - Construction21
Etu d e d e ca s : Th e Ar d e n n e s
S i te We b : h ttp :// n s tr u cti o n 2 1 .o r g /a l g e r i e /
The Ardennes
Type de pro jet : Co nstructio n Neuve
Type de bâtiment : Lo gement co llectif <
50 m
Année de co nstructio n : 20 16
Zo ne climatique : [Csb] Litto ral
Méditerranéen - Tempéré, été frais et sec.
Surface nette : 9 41 m 2
Co ût de co nstructio n : 2 6 20 0 0 0 €
No mbre d'unités fo nctio nnelles : 15
Lo gement
Co ût/m² : 2 78 4 €/m 2
Co ût/Lo gement : 174 6 6 7 €/Lo gement
8 ter rue des Ardennes , 750 19 Paris,
// Description
Ardennes is a so lid wo o d pro gram, built in heart o f the island Ardennes street. This 15 unit building with cellar, fro m o nebedro o m to three-bedro o m and funded So cial Rental Lo ans (PLS), was designed by the architectural firm Design SF. It finds
its place in the urban fabric o f the neighbo rho o d co ming to set up to three o ther existing buildings. The residence is lo cated o n
a fo rmer parking lo t, surro unded by three buildings o f different heights. This special geo graphical situatio n led architects to
imagine a way to o ptimize sunlight facades and therefo re the co mfo rt o f o ccupants o f each unit. To do this, the building
co nsists o f two wings wo o den structure and a metal co nnectio n regio n and glass: it is this co nnectio n which takes natural light
to the entire site, creating bo th a place circulatio n, relaxatio n and meetings fo stering the creatio n o f so cial ties.
Fiabilit é de s do nné e s :
Certifié tierce partie
// Intervenants
Maître d'œuvre
No m : SF Design
Site Web : jects/chro no lo gical/interio r
Actio n : agent architect
Maître d'œuvre
Aimeric Audebeau
Actio n : Architect
No m : Brezillo n
Site Web : http://www.brezillo
Actio n : General
No m : Les Charpentiers de l'Atlantique
Site Web :
Actio n : wo o d Co nstructio n
No m : Aco r Etudes
Actio n : SPS co o rdinato r
No m : Bureau Veritas
Actio n : Co ntro l o ffice
Mo de co nt ract ue l :
Dé m arche dé ve lo ppe m e nt durable du m aît re d'o uvrage : PROPERTY
Fo r few years, the o rganism OGIF seeks alternatives fo r ho using in the Paris regio n. Thus, the realizatio n o f new buildings o n
land o wned by it is beco ming mo re co mmo n and pro po sed to elect.
Thus, the o ppo rtunity to build 15 so cial ho using units was natural. Despite the difficulties o f access to land, the OGIF truly
wants to renew its land and pro po sed ho using so lutio ns tailo red to the current demands.
The building has the ambitio n o f a go o d share o f respect and value what is already there, and seco ndly to find the right
relatio nship between so cial life and privacy in the privacy o f the apartment, o ffering mo re shades o f intimacy in vo lume, its
vulnerability and its apartments.
To maximize the quality and co mfo rt o f acco mmo datio n, the mo rpho lo gy o f the building while maintaining the co mpactness
required fo r the pro ject sustainable eco no my can create space flats, light and flexible.
The wo o d is used fo r cladding facades and fo lding shutters.
It is into xicated by accelerated aging to be clo ser to the delivery o f its final natural co lo r.
Metal, galvanized (light grey) dresses levels and passageways that co me o verhanging façades. Co ncrete o r maso nry
dresses the DRC lo cal technical side
The translucent glass
- separates the staircase leading to the gro und flo o r to the level o f R + 3.
The glass co vers the flaw. T
he external windo ws are aluminum, anthracite grey co lo r.
The railings are stainless steel
- Vertical uprights, flat;
- Sleepers ho rizo ntal, cylindrical tubes;
- Fillings, perfo rated metal.
Flat ro o fs are vegetated
De script io n archit e ct urale : The calm and pro tected fro m the street co urt is surro unded by several residential buildings
o f R + 4 to R + 10 , with a characteristic atmo sphere o f Parisian islands vo lume to insert a simple building, readable and
balanced, just slip quietly. Fo r its implementatio n, the pro ject so ught to fo cus maximum sunshine facades to take advantage o f
so lar gain and natural light. The new building co nsists o f two wings habitable wo o den structure and metal structure co nnecting
area and glass, including stairs and landing.
• Upo n entering the co urt, the new building is visible at the back o f the co urt. The entrance o f the building is clear and genero us,
o ne passes thro ugh the transparent grid with a digital lo ck, and entered the hall to ask o pen easily bike o r stro ller in the ro o m
to the right. We arrive in the fault with the raised garden to the right and a metal co vered space is o ccasio nally independent
walls plaster / stucco clear hue. The atmo sphere is light, bright and sparkling.
• The flaw: essential, installed to the building o f the center, is a space to bring natural light into this vo lume thro ugh to design
apartments and create ano ther so cial wo rld in the building. This is where the traffic is carried, relaxatio n, meetings spaces,
quality o f atmo sphere. This area allo ws the o ccupants to be pro tected by the no ise and rain, a naturally lit space and sheltered
• The 4-sto rey building accessible and 5-sto rey (attic) duplex ho sts 15 apartments and service ro o ms; lo cal garbage, lo cal
bikes and stro llers, bo iler ro o m and cellar flo o r.
- The co mpo sitio n o f levels: Gro und flo o r: entrance, 3 technical PMR and lo cal ho using, 1st to 2nd flo o r: 8 ho using, R + 3 and
attic: 4 ho using duplex
// Energie
Consommation énergétique
Be so in e n é ne rgie prim aire :
6 3,40 kWh EP/m 2 /an
Be so in e n é ne rgie prim aire bât im e nt st andard :
Mé t ho de de calcul :
CEEB : 0 kWh PE / €
71,70 kWh EP/m 2 /an
Performance énergétique de l'enveloppe
UBat de l\'e nve lo ppe : 6 7,30 W.m -2 .K-1
Plus d'inf o rm at io n sur l'e nve lo ppe : Bbio : 6 7.3
fro m 1st flo o r: Co mplex Wo o d CLT (Cro ss Laminated Timber) (wall and flo o r).
wo o d co nstructio n fro m the 1st flo o r.
the gro und flo o r to 1st flo o r: In maso nry to ensure the Fire Cup between the parking and acco mmo datio n.
Parking: Existing made o f co ncrete DAT: 19 8 0
Balco ny: Structure repo rted ensuring co ntinuity o f insulatio n. Very stro ng prefabricatio n o f materials co nsistent with access
by the po rch o f the 10 /12 rue des Ardennes.
// EnR & systèmes
Chauf f age :
So lar thermal
So laire thermique
Raf raîchisse m e nt :
Aucun système de climatisatio n
Ve nt ilat io n :
VMC hygro réglable (hygro B)
Ene rgie s re no uve lable s :
So laire thermique
So lut io ns am é lio rant le s gains passif s e n é ne rgie : The Rift: installed at the building in the center allo ws to pro vide
natural light. The pro ject so ught to fo cus maximum sunshine facades to take advantage o f so lar gain and natural light
// Environnement
// Produits
Solid wood panels
Fabricant : Sto ra Enso fo r Wo o deum
Co nt act f abricant : Sto ra Enso France – 8 3 avenue Charles de Gaulle 9 2 20 0 Neuilly sur Seine
Sit e Int e rne t f abricant : http://www.sto raenso .co m/
Cat é go rie de pro duit : Gro s œuvre / Structure, maço nnerie, façade
De script io n:
so lid wo o d panels fo r exterio r walls, partitio n walls and flo o rs, co nnected by metal co nnecto r
o n their periphery. Made fro m sustainably managed fo rests (PEFC), fro m Austria and Eastern
Euro pe (Czech Republic, Slo venia).
Co m m e nt aire s:
This so lutio n is especially impo sed by its timeliness, its adaptatio n to lo gistical co nstraints (access to the site difficult), a
pro cess that generates little waste o n site, its go o d aco ustic pro perties and structural, that it helps to sto re materials carbo n.
// Coûts
Co ût de co nstructio n : 2 6 20 0 0 0 €
Coûts de construction & exploitation
Co ût t o t al : 3 435 49 5,0 0 €
Aide s f inanciè re s : 6 50 0 0 0 ,0 0 €
// Environnement urbain
Enviro nne m e nt urbain : Land o ccupied by 3 independent residential buildings. Operatio n surro unded by several
buildings 4 to 10 sto rey high ho using, with a characteristic atmo sphere o f Parisian islands, alternating mineral and gardens
surro unded by buildings linked by pathways and gardens.
// Qualité environnementale du bâti
Qualit é e nviro nne m e nt ale du bât i :
énergies reno uvelables
fin de vie du bâtiment
pro cédés de co nstructio n
pro duits et matériaux de co nstructio n
// Concours
The o peratio n has been labeled Lo w Carbo n Building fo r its reduced enviro nmental impact, taking into acco unt a slight
wo o den structure, which traps carbo n, which co mes fro m French and Euro pean fo rests. In additio n, the site is the result o f an
intensificatio n o f existing buildings (built o ver a parking slab): the land is a scarce reso urce and no t renewable. Finally, the
co ntributio n o f renewable energy (so lar panels) allo ws to co me up fo r the pro ductio n o f ho t water so "green".