passive house che


passive house che
Etu d e d e ca s : P AS S IVE HO US E CHE
S i te We b : h ttp :// n s tr u cti o n 2 1 .o r g /a l g e r i e /
Type de pro jet : Co nstructio n Neuve
Type de bâtiment : Maiso n individuelle
iso lée o u jumelée
Année de co nstructio n : 20 14
Zo ne climatique : [Dfb] Co ntinental
Humide, hiver rigo ureux, été tempéré, pas de
saiso n sèche.
Surface nette : 19 0 m 2
Co ût de co nstructio n : 40 0 0 0 0 €
No mbre d'unités fo nctio nnelles : 1
Lo gement
Co ût/m² : 2 10 5 €/m 2
Co ût/Lo gement : 40 0 0 0 0 €/Lo gement
, 720 0 32 Suceava, Ro mania
// Description
The challenge was to create a simple,sustainable, two- storey unit that would fit into a special site: a matureforest
inside a northern Romanian city.
House Che subtly rises aroundthe inner courtyard in a mesmeriz ing natural environment with whom the
buildingcommunicates through wide openings and various inner- out passages.
The house was designed andbuilt to reach the passive house standard in the harsh climate conditions ofnorthern
Romania (Suceava) and is in the passive evaluation process. Theestimated energy demanded for heating and hot
water is lower than 14kwh/sqm/year (according to preliminary phpp calculations).
The natural day factor is fourtimes bigger than the usual amount while the generous glaz ed surfaces alsoincrease
the solar passive energy gain. The iconic shape of the roof maximiz esthe solar input used for heating, offering in the
meanwhile a contemporarydynamic expression.
To match the surroundings,exterior finishing is made out of natural cedar slats that preserve theirphysical- chemical
properties even in the northern climate. The green roofrecovers the vegetal surface displaced for the house
The minimal need for heatingis covered by a ground/water power heat pump. Photovoltaic panels will beinstalled on
the roof at a later stage in order to provide the electric energynecessary for vital consumption and domestic hot
water is obtained throughsolar thermal collectors and a heat buffer tank.
Plus de dé t ails sur ce pro je t :
http://tecto .ro /po rtfo lio /passive-ho use-che-casa-pasiv (...)
http://www.ho m/20 15/0 5/the-wild-child/ m/passive-ho use-che-in-ro mania-has (...) m/ho use-design/energy-efficient (...) m/passive-ho use-che/3546 9 /
Fiabilit é de s do nné e s :
Certifié tierce partie
// Intervenants
No m : TECTO Arhitectura
o ffice@tecto .ro
Site Web : http://tecto .ro /
Actio n : Architecture design
Mo de co nt ract ue l :
Autres métho des
Dé m arche dé ve lo ppe m e nt durable du m aît re d'o uvrage : Tecto co ncept seeks thro ugh its design to find
meaningfulness, receptivness to inno vatio n and aestethic expressio n. Thro ugh in-depth studies o f co ntempo rary architecture,
tecto pushes the limits to the mo st inspiring, intriguing and inno vative co ncepts. Go o d architecture do esn`t just fulfill practical
needs but exceeds them by captivating the users and engaging their imaginatio n.
Tecto green wo rks at the intersectio n between research and practice. We seek to demo nstrate that sustainable materials and
techno lo gies have a legitimate and necessary ro le within architecture. They do no t have to be asso ciated with co mpro mising
aesthetical values; o n the co ntrary, they can enrich the architecture by creating healthy and dynamic buildings. Tecto `s green
co ncept challenges traditio nal thinking by studying, refining and implementing new materials and techno lo gies into pro jects.
As part o f o ur sustainable develo pment wo rk, tecto team has been certified passive ho use designer in acco rdance with the
passive ho use standards fo rmulated by the german passive ho use institute in darmstadt. This way, we o ffer co mpetent
co nsultancy in design, calculatio n and co nstructio n o f passive ho uses o r buildings with lo w energy co nsumptio n, with healthy
and co mfo rtable indo o r climate all year ro und.
Tecto detail is specialized in design o f co mpo nents and details, in o rder to identify, rethink and refine any element that do esn`t
achieve the highest po ssible architectural quality. Fro m individual detail to o verall systems, o ur aim is to o ptimize fo rm and
structure. We fo cus o n building with appro priate metho ds and sustainable techno lo gies in o rder to have the best po ssible
result, no matter the scale o r functio n.
We stro ngly believe that meaningful, well-so lved details are the o nes that shape an architecture wo rth living in.
De script io n archit e ct urale : The challenge was to create a simple, sustainable, two -sto rey unit that wo uld fit into a
special site: a mature fo rest inside a no rthern ro manian city.
Ho use che subtly rises aro und the inner co urtyard in a mesmerizing natural enviro nment with who m the building
co mmunicates thro ugh wide o penings and vario us inner-o ut passages.
The main element o f the design is the fully glazed co re. It is the central divisio n which acco mo dates stair, hallways, and
recreatio nal zo ne, spaces where o ne can feel o utside altho ugh inside. Therefo re, every space in the ho use, either experienced
in mo tio n o r static is an interio r space fully dependant o n nature and influenced by it.
The gro und flo o r features a to tal o pen space, witho ut do o rs except to ilet and technic ro o m, that expandes also o n the upper
flo o r.
The ho use was designed and built to reach the passive ho use standard in the harsh climate co nditio ns o f no rthern ro mania
(suceava) and is in the passive evaluatio n pro cess. The estimated energy demanded fo r heating and ho t water is lo wer than
14 kwh/sqm/year (acco rding to preliminary phpp calculatio ns).
The main principles and go als o f sustainability and energy efficiency are pursued by the use o f wo o den structures, all natural
insulatio n materials, green ro o f, high perfo rmance windo ws and the enco mpassment o f a reso urce management system fo r
heating and electricity supply.
The natural day facto r is fo ur times bigger than the usual amo unt while the genero us glazed surfaces also increase the so lar
passive energy gain. The ico nic shape o f the ro o f maximizes the so lar input used fo r heating, o ffering in the meanwhile a
co ntempo rary dynamic expressio n.
To match the surro undings, exterio r finishing is made o ut o f natural cedar slats that preserve their physical-chemical
pro perties even in the no rthern climate. The green ro o f reco vers the vegetal surface displaced fo r the ho use co nstructio n.
The minimal need fo r heating is co vered by a gro und/water po wer heat pump. Pho to vo ltaic panels will be installed o n the ro o f
at a later stage in o rder to pro vide the electric energy necessary fo r vital co nsumptio n and do mestic ho t water is o btained
thro ugh so lar thermal co llecto rs and a heat buffer tank.
// Energie
Consommation énergétique
Be so in e n é ne rgie prim aire :
8 9 ,0 0 kWh PE/m 2 /year
Be so in e n é ne rgie prim aire bât im e nt st andard :
Mé t ho de de calcul : Autre
CEEB : 0 ,0 0 kWh PE / €
111,0 0 kWh PE/m 2 /year
Performance énergétique de l'enveloppe
UBat de l\'e nve lo ppe : 0 ,11 W.m -2 .K-1
Plus d'inf o rm at io n sur l'e nve lo ppe : Exterio r insulatio n to ambient air - 0 .11W/(m²K)
Exterio r insulatio n undergro und - 0 .12W/(m²K)
Windo ws - 0 .6 3W/(m²K)
External do o rs - 0 .10 W/(m²K)
Co e f f icie nt de co m pacit é du bât im e nt : 0 ,32
Indicat e ur : (I4) m 3 /H.m 2 n50 (Vo l/H) Q4
Et anché it é à l'air : 0 ,40
// EnR & systèmes
Chauf f age :
Chaufferie gaz à co ndensatio n
Plancher chauffant basse température
Chaufferie gaz à co ndensatio n
Raf raîchisse m e nt :
Aucun système de climatisatio n
Ve nt ilat io n :
Ventilatio n naturelle
Do uble flux avec échangeur thermique
Ene rgie s re no uve lable s :
Po mpe à chaleur
// Environnement
// Produits
Proclima Membranes
Fabricant : Pro clima
Co nt act f abricant : info @pro m
Sit e Int e rne t f abricant : m/
Cat é go rie de pro duit : Gro s œuvre / Charpente, co uverture, étanchéité
De script io n:
High per fo rm ance va po ur re tard ing and air pro o f ing sys tem fo r max im um pro tec tio n fro m struc tur al dam age and mo uld. Highly per meable, ro o f lin ing and sark ing
mem branes that act ively man age mo is ture, 3-4 ply, suit able fo r tem po r ary co v ers.
Co m m e nt aire s:
Bo th designers and wo rkers.
// Coûts
Co ût de co nstructio n : 40 0 0 0 0 €
// Environnement urbain
Enviro nne m e nt urbain : The co nstructio n fits into a special site: a mature fo rest inside a no rthern ro manian city. The
building keeps all the existing trees o n site and also reco vers the existing lawn in the shape o f the green ro o f.
Surf ace du t e rrain :
128 5 m 2
Surf ace au so l co nst ruit e :
Espace s ve rt s co m m uns :
Parking :
15 %
10 0 0
// Qualité environnementale du bâti
Qualit é e nviro nne m e nt ale du bât i :
Adaptabilité du bâtiment
Santé, qualité air intérieur
aco ustique
co nfo rt (o lfactif, thermique, visuel)
efficacité énergétique, gestio n de l\'énergie
gestio n des espaces, intégratio n dans le site
pro duits et matériaux de co nstructio n
// Concours
The main principles and go als o f sustainability and energy efficiency are pursued by the use o f wo o den structures, all natural
insulatio n materials, green ro o f, high perfo rmance windo ws and the enco mpassment o f a reso urce management system fo r
heating and electricity supply.