ALISTAIR Wooden House


ALISTAIR Wooden House
Etu d e d e ca s : ALIS TAIR Wo o d e n Ho u s e
S i te We b : h ttp :// n s tr u cti o n 2 1 .o r g /m a r o c/
ALISTAIR Wooden House
Type de pro jet : Co nstructio n Neuve
Type de bâtiment : Maiso n individuelle
iso lée o u jumelée
Année de co nstructio n : 20 14
Zo ne climatique : Cfb
Surface nette : 8 0 m 2
Co ût de co nstructio n : 115 0 0 0 €
No mbre d'unités fo nctio nnelles : 1
Lo gement
Co ût/m² : 1 438 €/m 2
Co ût/Lo gement : 115 0 0 0 €/Lo gement
6 rue des vignes , 6 0 0 0 0 TILLE, France
// Description
This ho us e ha s be e n c e rt if ie d Po s it ive Ene rgy building (Ef f ine rgie B e po s ) f o r it s mo de l o f
individua l wo o d f ra me ho us e “Alis t a ir " . The f irs t in Fra nc e , a ny o t he r wo o de n ho us e ha s
o bt a ine d t his c e rt if ic a t io n.
Alist air ho use is t he house of the future, to live today: a f amily ho me wit h 3 bedro o ms, ac c essible at
af f o rdable c o st , whic h o f f ers it s inhabit ant s a t o t al energy independence and a muc h higher c o mf o rt
t han t he o t her ho uses o f f ered in t he market .
An ult ra-demanding c ert if ic at io n t hat pref igures t he f ut ure t hermal regulat io n (RT 2020), Bepo s Ef f inergie
c ert if ic at io n at t est s t he qualit y and ef f ec t iveness o f t ec hnic al so lut io ns c ho sen by Ec o lo c o st .
Alist air ho use is c harac t eriz ed by several spec if ic f eat ures:
80m² ho use o n t wo levels, spec if ic ally adapt ed t o f irst -t ime ho me demand (seulement 50 m² f o o t print )
Ne ga t ive f ina l e ne rgy c o ns umpt io n o f 42.1kWh ep / m² per year
The det erminat io n o f no t being dependent o f a ny f o s s il e ne rgy (o il, nat uralgas, c o al, et c .)
The self -c o nsumpt io n is f avo ured wit h pho t o vo lt a ic pa ne ls 1 0 0 % ma de
in Fra nc e
Po werf ul equipment (ECS t hermo dynamic s, VMC do uble f lo w, A +++ applianc es, LED light ing ...)
Lo wered needs emphasiz ing t he building envelo pe
A wo o d f rame st ruc t ure wit h t riple insulat io n 40 c m
Triple glaz ed windo ws
No radiat o r, useless
Ac c o rding t o st udies and t est s c urrent ly c o nduc t ed, t his ho use has a real energy consumption for all uses of the order of 40-50 € / month f o r a pho t o vo lt aic pro duc t io n es
Plus de dé t ails sur ce pro je t : lo co m m/edito /des-maiso ns-eco lo giques (...)
Fiabilit é de s do nné e s :
Certifié tierce partie
// Intervenants
No m : eco lo co st
maxime brard
Site Web : lo co m
Mo de co nt ract ue l :
Co ntractant général
Dé m arche dé ve lo ppe m e nt durable du m aît re d'o uvrage : We design and build fo r real estate develo pment quality
ho mes, co nfo rm to po sitive energy standard (BEPOS) and at an affo rdable co st made po ssible by the standardizatio n o f o ur
pro ducts. The timber frame particularly has advantages such as the ability to be easily industrialized, machined and co nveyed,
with a reduced manufacturing co st in the pro ductio n o f gro uped units.
Our ho using co ncept was bo rn o f a mature reflectio n o n the co nditio ns needed to create go o d quality ho using. Our bias:
reduce what can be, as the surface areas witho ut, co mpro mising o n quality and livability o f ho using.
Our demand fo r quality allo ws us to o ffer po sitive energy standard (BEPOS) ho using with implementatio n o f better finishes
than co nventio nal standards, but also better in the regulato ry requirements.
These ho uses are fo r pro perty develo pers and private investo rs wishing to build several ho using.
De script io n archit e ct urale : Our bias was to reach a po sitive energy ho memade (future RT 20 20 ) while retaining the
lo o k o f a traditio nal ho use. The timber frame o r perfo rmance are o nly ways that to thermal excellence with an affo rdable co st,
but the exterio r and interio r architectural appearance is identical to what is do ne to day in o rder to pro tect the enviro nment and
prevent disruptio n to end- user wishes .
In additio n, we to o k care o f traffic and internal layo ut to make this 8 0 m2 ho use as co mfo rtable as a ho me that wo uld be 10 o r
20 m2 larger.
Et si c'é t ait à re f aire ? : We have to evo lve and we believe it is mo re relevant to build o ur ho mes in "villages"because we
can po o l the co st o f pro ductio n and heating thanks to the co mmo n pellet wo o d bo ilers o f which the co st beco mes affo rdable
fro m 20 units.
Opinio n de s o ccupant s : Occupants are delighted, it co sts no thing and the feeling abo ut interio r co mfo rt related to wo o d
is very pleasant. The no ise level is high perfo rmance (it is lo cated 150 m fro m Beauvais Airpo rt and we hear no no ise).
The air quality is truly different thanks to the do uble flo w.
Interio r no ise are greatly reduced with thick walls o f 15cm at screeds o n each level
Occupants are all satisfied in every po int.
// Energie
Consommation énergétique
Be so in e n é ne rgie prim aire :
38 ,0 0 kWh EP/m 2 /an
Be so in e n é ne rgie prim aire bât im e nt st andard : 70 ,0 0 kWh EP/m 2 /an
Mé t ho de de calcul :
CEEB : 0 ,0 0 kWh PE / €
Co nso m m at io n d'é ne rgie f inale : 43,8 0 kWh EF/m 2 /an
Ré part it io n de la co nso m m at io n é ne rgé t ique : Heating: 11.3 ECS: 18 .4 Lighting 4.1 Ventilatio n: 10 lo cal electricity
pro ductio n: 8 5.8
Plus d'inf o rm at io n sur la co nso m m at io n ré e lle e t le s pe rf o rm ance s : all info rmatio n is
http://www.o bservato irebbc.o rg sheet: MI6 0 N-6 FHHE
Performance énergétique de l'enveloppe
UBat de l\'e nve lo ppe : 0 ,11 W.m -2 .K-1
Plus d'inf o rm at io n sur l'e nve lo ppe : Our walls are made o f a wo o den frame o f 18 0 mm co ated o n each side with a
Fermacell plate. On the o uter wall, we add a high-density insulatio n in mineral wo o l co vered with a film and a grip co ating fo r
receiving the plaster. Inside the Fermacell plate is co vered with the vapo r barrier film, a technical bulkhead o f 50 mm filled
with new mineral wo o l and a BA13 plaster plate to directly receive the finishing paint. Perfo rmance (Ue) o f o ur walls and o ur
flo o rs is 0 .10 53 W / m2. ° C.
Indicat e ur : DIN EN 138 29 - q50 » (en m3/h.m3) (I4) m 3 /H.m 2 n50 (Vo l/H) Q4
Et anché it é à l'air : 0 ,25
// EnR & systèmes
Chauf f age :
Wo o d bo iler
Po mpe à chaleur
Raf raîchisse m e nt :
Aucun système de climatisatio n
Ve nt ilat io n :
Do uble flux avec échangeur thermique
Ene rgie s re no uve lable s :
So laire pho to vo ltaïque
Chaudière-po ele bo is
Pro duct io n d'é ne rgie re no uve lable : 150 ,0 0 %
ECS: Ball thermo dynamics - PAC air / water - Insulatio n o f inlet and o utlet with 5 cm o f glass wo o l and aluminum fo il
Heating: pellet sto ve sealed with ro o m senso r - No minal po wer: 6 .1 kilo watts
Area: 38 ,11m² - Peak po wer: 5,48 kWc - Pro ductio n: Injected 10 0 % o n the netwo rk
// Environnement
Emissions de GES
Em issio ns de GES e n phase d'usage : 1,0 0 KgCO 2 /m 2 /an
Duré e de vie du bât im e nt (anné e ) : 8 0 ,0 0 an(s)
Analyse du Cycle de Vie :
Plus d'inf o rm at io n sur le diagram m e ACV : The so ftware used fo r this study is ELODIE V2 CSTB, the fo undatio n fo r
analyzes o f pro ducts o n the website o f the INIES sheets and enviro nmental and health data suppliers.
Eau et qualité de l'air intérieur, santé et confort
Co nf o rt & sant é :
Objective summer co mfo rt Tic Pro ject: 26 ° C - Tic Reference: 30 .7 ° C ° C
// Produits
Fabricant : Eco lo co st
Co nt act f abricant : +33 6 43 78 25 43 - mxb@eco lo co m
Sit e Int e rne t f abricant : lo co m/
Cat é go rie de pro duit : Gro s œuvre / Structure, maço nnerie, façade
De script io n:
Our techno lo gy is based o n the principles o f passive ho use (Psi = -0 .0 53). The insulatio n o f
the slab is achieved with panels o f extruded po lystyrene (XPS). The qualities o f this insulatio n
are: - Very high mechanical resistance - Ro t-pro o f and unaffected by water - No impairment o f
thermal and mechanical perfo rmance o ver time Perfo rmance (Ue) fo undatio ns o f 0 .1110 W /
m2. ° C. It also allo ws us to use o nly a small amo unt o f co ncrete (less than 10 m3 per ho use)
po ured inside the fo rmwo rk XPS. The advantage o f this metho d is to have a perfectly insulated
slab that can be easily recycled during demo litio n leaving no po llutio n o n the gro und (no dust
o r rubble mixed with so il). To impro ve insulatio n o f the flo o r, we inco rpo rate 5cm insulatio n co vered with a 35 mm cap and a
tile o f 15 mm. This metho d also has the advantage o f facilitating the applicatio n o f accessibility regulatio ns (PMR standards Disability Access). During installatio n, the wall is embedded accurately into the sill attached to the slab and the jo int o f the XPS
insulatio n walls. Our walls are made o f a wo o den frame o f 18 0 mm co ated o n each side with a Fermacell plate. On the o uter
wall, we add a high-density insulatio n in mineral wo o l co vered with a film and a grip co ating fo r receiving the plaster. Inside the
Fermacell plate is co vered with the vapo r barrier film, a technical bulkhead o f 50 mm filled with new mineral wo o l and a BA13
plaster plate to directly receive the finishing paint. Perfo rmance (Ue) o f o ur walls and o ur flo o rs is 0 .10 53 W / m2. ° C.
Co m m e nt aire s:
// Coûts
Co ût de co nstructio n : 115 0 0 0 €
Coûts de construction & exploitation
Co ût de s syst è m e s d'é ne rgie s re no uve lable s :
Co ût t o t al : 139 ,0 0 €
Aide s f inanciè re s : 0 €
15 0 0 0 ,0 0 €
Facture énergétique
Fact ure é ne rgé t ique pré visio nne lle / an :
co ût é ne rgé t ique ré e l / m ² : 0 € / m 2
Co ût é ne rgé t ique ré e l : 0 €/Lo gement
// Environnement urbain
Enviro nne m e nt urbain : The direct enviro nment o f this mo del ho me is very special because the ho use is lo cated less
than 20 0 m fro m the slo pes o f Beauvais-Tille Airpo rt. This nuisance was interesting to check the aco ustic co mfo rt o f the ho me.
This set apart, the idea was also to successfully integrate in a classic suburban urban BEPOS a ho use witho ut this o ne do es
co me to break with the rest o f the ho uses. This ho use is visually similar to o ther elms so lar panels integrated into the ro o f.
Espace s ve rt s co m m uns :
// Qualité environnementale du bâti
Qualit é e nviro nne m e nt ale du bât i :
aco ustique
// Concours
Economic: This ho me is achievable in exceptio nally sho rt time thanks to the « dry chain », mo bilizing teams o nly fo r a limited
time : transpo rtatio n takes o ne day and co nstructio n times are reduced (between 6 and 12 weeks ) = less energy and waste.
Quality: Because co nstructio n savings do es no t necessarily means sacrificing quality, equipment and finishes o f the Alistair
ho use guarantee co mfo rt with high -end technical equipment to save energy needs.
Accessible: The Alistair ho use was designed to be mass-pro duced o n a large scale in individual o r gro uped ho using, private
o r public.That is why Eco lo co st is able to o ffer a quality / price ratio , thanks to pro cess inspired by the requirement o f quality
and inno vatio n in the auto mo tive industry by mo bilizing less energy to pro duce it.
Alist air o r Andre w ho use s, t urnke y 80 m 2: € 115 ,0 0 0 e xcludingt axe s (RT 20 12 co m pliant ), o pt io nal so lar pane ls
- wo o d st o ve : € 15 e xcluding t axe s.