

Numéro 23
6 mai 2002
C'est avec une grande
tristesse que nous avons
appris la mort de M. Weis.
Il était le Secrétaire
Génér al
du Conseil
Supérieur mais surtout il
per sonne
réellement engagée avec
les Ecoles Européennes,
Partisan du dialogue et
non de la confrontation, il
avait compris mieux que
quiconque la nécessité de
mobiliser d'une manière
positive toutes les énergies
des m embres de la
Communauté scolaire pour
ens em bl e
l'éducation de nos enfants.
Les parents d'élèves
perdent avec M. Weis un
interlocuteur de grande
Les Ecoles Européennes
perdent un défenseur
Le Luxembourg perd un
fonctionnaire exemplaire.
L'association des parents
Ixelles participe au deuil de
notre Communauté scolaire
et transmet ses plus
sincères condoléances à sa
famille et à ses proches.
Tous ceux qui ont eu le
plaisir de travailler avec M.
Weis ne l'oublieront pas.
It is with a heavy heart
that we announce the death
of Mr Weis, SecretaryGeneral of the European
School and Representative
to the Board of Governors.
Ernest Weis was someone
genuinely committed to the
European School ideal. He
preferred dialogue to
con fr ontation.
understood better than most
the need to work hand in
hand in order to build our
children's education by
harnessing the energies of
all members of the school
constructive way.
Parents have lost a
valuable interlocutor, the
European Schools a firm
believer in their cause and
Luxembourg a fine civil
The Ixelles Parents'
Association shares the grief
felt by our entire school
community and offers its
sincerest condolences to his
family and loved ones.
Everyone who had the
pleasure of working with
Mr Weis will remember
him fondly.
Georges Vlandas
Président de l’Apeee Bxl -III
Message du Comité Transport Ixelles
Compte tenu des travaux sur le site d’Uccle et de la
cohabitation pendant 3 années sur le site d’Ixelles, les
bureaux des transports respectifs ont aménagé leurs
itinéraires et horaires afin que les enfants ne soient pas
pénalisés par cette situation. Ces mesures étaient provisoires
en attendant la répartition et la réintégration définitives des
élèves sur les 2 écoles.
Face aux légitimes inquiétudes, le Bureau des transports
de BXL III vous propose des informations essentielles afin de
vous aider à prendre une décision sur le futur lieu de
scolarisation de vos enfants. Le Bureau est situé dans le
bâtiment de l’administration de l’école, où une permanence
est assurée tous les jours de 7 h 30 à 17 h 30 et le mercredi
de 7 h 30 à 14 h 00.
Nous vous informons d’ores et déjà que certaines lignes
actuelles vont être restructurées, notamment sur la partie
sud-ouest, à savoir les lignes 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59 et
87 .
Avant de déterminer les nouveaux arrêts, le Bureau des
transports tiendra compte des nouvelles affectations
décidées par les 2 Directions. Les élèves affectés sur le site
Culturelle à Mol
Du 13
Stage Multisport
31 mai
27 juin
Dernier jour
cours secondaire
26 juin
Fin d’année
6 juillet
Inside this issue:
Dans ce numéro:
Apeee response 2
Inspection report /
Périscolaire Texte
text /
Sprinfest Texte
français—English text
Library / extra- 4
activities/ Petites
d'Ixelles contre leur volonté pourront tout de même bénéficier
du transport scolaire adapté, dans la mesure du possible, à
leurs besoins. Il est à noter que seuls les enfants inscrits au
Bureau des transports pourront être admis dans les bus et
les inscriptions doivent se faire annuellement.
Les formulaires d’inscription, ainsi que les itinéraires et
horaires sont à disposition au Bureau des transports et sur le
site web de l’école (www.ee3.org). Les nouvelles listes des
itinéraires pour l’année 2002-2003 seront disponibles à partir
du mois de juin 2002, sur la base des inscriptions reçues à
ce moment.
Le nombre de bus, et donc
des places, étant limité,
nous vous recommandons
d’inscrire vos enfants le plus
rapidement possible . Pour
renseign em ent
complémentaire, n’hésitez
pas à nous contacter au:
Tel: 02-629.47.78
(fax : 02-629.47.77 ).
Apeee Response to 2001 Inspection Report
Extracts were published in
Ixellophone 22 from last year's
management report on our school.
In this issue we summarise our
Association's comments on that
report (N.B. Full text on school
website) :
The European School (ES) in
Ixelles was opened hastily and
forced to operate on a shoestring
budget because of decisions by the
Board of Governors (BoG). One
example of this is the distribution of
administrative and support staff
among schools, which remains
unfair and indicative of poor
management. Ixelles refuses to
remain the “poor relation” and
insists on equal treatment and
commensurate resources.
The APEEE wholeheartedly
agrees with the group's findings and
endorses the recommendations
made. Such reports are always
– providing the
recommendations made are actually
implemented. It therefore requests a
follow-up management inspection in
two years which should include a
qualitative assessment of the
education provided.
Despite repeated requests, no such
assessment has ever been made.
Proposals to study how our
graduates fare in higher education
have been rejected, while previous
recommendations made by other
inspections have often ended up in
some drawer.
Sick Children in Ukraine
The generosity of parents who responded
to our appeal on the newsgroup in
February helped to provide not only
much-needed material help (children's
clothing, medicines and medical
equipment), but also a great deal of hope
for children, parents and medical staff at
the Sara Chana Fischer children's
hospital in Czernowitz. Doctors have
pleaded with us to continue our efforts,
which enable them to save hundreds of
children every year. Please help us to help
Information: E.Teixeira, 02/732 61 84,
[email protected], account n°.: 2100807548-75 / ref. : Uktraine children's
hospital. Many thanks.
Page 2
T he usua l “ peda gogica l”
inspections conducted are those at
the contractual milestones of a
teacher’s career.
These are
conducted by national inspectors
(who usually recommend the
teachers) and during rehearsed
lessons – sometimes in subjects in
which the inspector does not have
the relevant competence. Directors,
who share responsibility for ensuring
the quality of education, never have
sufficient time to perform this task.
Nor do they have the appropriate
competence in all subjects or even
the requisite linguistic knowledge.
On the whole, the APEEE
recognises that the teaching staff
consists of highly qualified,
experienced educators recommended
by their respective ministries of
education. However, little training is
provided in preparation for teaching
in the ES and for the curricula
teachers are required to cover. ES
programmes (especially in the
secondary) seldom match teachers'
experience in national schools. The
complexity of the ES system, from
the language sections to their
administrative procedures, is new to
them. Some adjust better than others.
The harmonisation of subjects
taught in different sections/schools is
not examined. Textbooks are often
non-existent and teachers left to
develop their own materials. This
sink-or-swim approach needs to be
addressed. The first step towards
finding solutions involves first
assessing the current situation, then
benchmarking good practices and
finally adopting more harmonised
courses/textbooks for all subjects, in
all sections and in all ES.
We ther efor e r equ est tha t
competent inspectors/experts enter
our classrooms, examine our
programmes, speak with members of
the school community and report
back to the BoG. Only when we
know what is being taught and how,
can we intelligently evaluate existing
p r o gr a mm es , w h et h er t h eir
objectives are being met and any
need for change.
BoG members frequently admit
that they do not know our schools
well enough, and yet it is they who
govern the ES and decide on
virtually every aspect of their
educational framework. Nor is it
uncommon for inspectors to spend
most of their time in meetings, rather
than "at the chalk-face". We believe
it should be the other way round.
Fina lly, we ar e r egu lar l y
bombarded with criticisms that the
ES are too expensive. This, we feel,
is a simplistic conclusion based
solely on numerical comparisons to
other national systems. Little regard
is given to the concept of “value for
Before making any
pronouncement on their cost, an
evaluation of the quality of
education and the consistency of this
quality must first be made.
Hélène Agathos, V-P Pedagological
“full text on school website, undre APEEE”
Nouvelles du périscolaire
L’école de basket - qui est en plein
essor - lance un appel à tous les parents
des enfants qui font partie des
é qui p es. Ell e s er ait tr è s
reconnaissante envers les
parents s'ils pouvaient conduire
leurs enfants aux matches qui se
déroulent à l’extérieur de
Bruxelles et les ramener après.
Toutes les bonnes volontés
seront les bienvenues! Merci!
Un questionnaire sur les activités du
périscolaire a été envoyé aux parents et
nous ne manquerons pas de vous faire
parvenir les résultats. Toute proposition
sera considérée.
Des aménagements ont été
prévus concernant les activités
du vendredi après-midi pour les
maternelles et les deux
premières primaires qui n’ont
pas cours à ce moment-là.
Pour les retardataires, les
tenues de sport obligatoires (short et Tshirt) sont en vente dans le local du
périscolaire entre 12h 40 et 13h 50.
Message from the Transport Committee
For the last three years, while building
work was going on at Uccle and the two
schools were sharing the Ixelles site, the
BXL I and III Transport Offices have
arranged their itineraries and timetables
in such a way as to ensure that the
children were not adversely affected by
this situation. These measures were
temporary until the children were
allocated their final school place when
Uccle reopened.
In response to legitimate concerns, the
BXL III Transport Office is providing
parents with essential information to help
you decide which school your children
will attend. The office is situated in the
school’s administration building, where
staff are on duty every day from 7.30 am
to 5.30 pm (on Wednesdays from
7.30 am to 2 pm).
We can tell you already that some of
the existing lines are to be restructured, in
particular those in the south west of the
city, i.e. lines 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58,
59 and 87.
Before fixing the new stops, the
Transport Office will take account of the
allocation of places decided by the two Fax:Enfants
malades en Ukraine
Directors. Children allocated to the
Ixelles site against their wishes will
La générosité des parents qui ont
nevertheless enjoy a transport service
répondu à l'appel lancé sur le forum
électronique en février nous a
tailored, as far as possible, to their
permis d'apporter non seulement
needs. Please note that only those
une aide matérielle considérable
children registered with the Transport
(vêtem ents d'enfants, jouets,
Office can be admitted to the buses and
m édi cam ent s et appar ei l s
m ed i c a u x) , m a i s é g a l em en t
registration must be made annually.
beaucoup d'espoir aux enfants, aux
Registration forms as well as
parents et à toute l'équipe médicale
itineraries and timetables are available
de l'hôpital d'enfants Sara Chana
at the Transport Office and on the
Fischer à Czernowitz. Les médecins
nous ont suppliés de poursuivre
school’s website (www.ee3.org). The
notre initative qui leur permet de
new itineraries for the school year
sauver des centaines d'enfants tous
2002-2003 will be available from June
les ans. S'il vous plait, aidez-nous à
2002, on the basis of children registered
les aider!
up to that date.
Renseignements: E. Teixeira,
02/732 61 84, [email protected],
Since the number of buses, and
n° compte: 210-0807548-75 /
therefore places, is limited, we advise
mention: hopital d'enfants Ukraine.
you to register
Un tout grand merci.
your children as
soon as possible.
N’oubliez pas d’aller consulter
For any further
l’agenda pour année scolaire
information, do
not hesitate to
2002 / 2003 qui se trouve sur
contact us on
le site de l’école
Springfest 2002—31st May
We are looking forward to another
great Spring Fest, with many activities
from football through to street
entertainment, although this year the
budget will be modest and the day only
involve the secondary school. It is
largel y being organised by an
enthusiastic student committee under the
direction of Mr McArdle.
Although APEEE is not involved in
the running of things this year, parent
volunteers will be essential as
manpower backup. You will also be
contacted about making cakes and
savouries nearer the time.
If any
enterprising parent would like to offer
regional or other food or drink on the
day, this would be much appreciated
(contact Cecile on [email protected] 02 673 9876).
To volunteer, the parent contact is
Numéro 23
Springfest 31 Mai 2002
Baillie Str on g on
[email protected] or 016/
47 32 22.
General enquiries and offers to
[email protected] or
[email protected]
Preceded by a “Swing and Strings”
concert the night before, and ending with
a party, a good time should be had by all!
Nous nous réjouissons à la perspective
d'une nouvelle grande Spring Fest, avec
de nombreuses activités, du football au
spectacle de rue, même si cette année le
budget sera modeste et si seule l'école
secondaire est impliquée.
Pour l'essentiel, la Spring Fest est
organisée par un comité d'élèves
enthousiastes dirigé par Mr McArdle.
Quoique l’APEEE ne soit pas
impliquée dans la gestion de la fête cette
année, l'apport de parents bénévoles est
essentiel en guise de main d'oeuvre de
soutien. Vous serez également contactés
pour faire des gâteaux et des plats salés
plus près de la date.
Si des parents entreprenants souhaitent
fournir de la nourriture ou des boissons
régionales (ou autres) le jour de la fête,
ce serait fort apprécié (veuillez contacter
Cécile : [email protected] - 02 673 98
Si vous souhaitez vous porter
volontaire, veuillez contacter Patricia
B a i l l i e
S t r o n g
([email protected] - 016 47
32 22).
Les demandes d'information et offres
de services à caractère général sont à
envoyer à [email protected]
ou [email protected].
Page 3
Things are moving in the Library...
The Library was severely criticised
during the management inspection,
chiefly on the grounds that it was
underused and that too many books
remained unclassified. This is now
being taken in hand by a subcommittee
and a newly formed “Library Club”,
with the result that students and parents
have been able to contribute to a
considerable improvement.
The three parents involved have
quickly got on with sorting, arranging
and covering books, and together with
the students in the club have been
making and implementing suggestions
for the smooth running of the library.
There is now a date stamp for the
return of books, and if books are not
returned by the end of the year, parents
will be charged the price of a new
book. Younger pupils have been taken
to the library by teachers to show them
how it works and can also get help
from library club members.
Everyone must be encouraged to
News on extra-curricular activities
A questionnaire on
extra-curricular activities
was sent to parents and we
shall let you know the
results. We welcome any
Basketball - This is going well, but
we would be grateful if parents of
students in teams playing matches
outside Brussels could take them to
these matches and collect them.
Thank you for your cooperation.
make greater use of this resource.
Finally, if you have books to donate
to the library – i.e. recent books in
good condition – they will be most
welcome. You can take them to the
library itself (3rd floor in A building),
or there will be a special stall at Spring
Fest where donated books of all types
(primary and secondary) will be sorted
and given to the library or sold (bring
them on the day or contact Eleonore
Teixeira on 02 732 61 84; elio.
[email protected]).
Arrangements have been made regarding the
Friday afternoon activities of the kindergarten and 1st
and 2nd year primary children who do not have
Sports kit - the new shorts et T-shirts are now
compulsory. If you do not have them yet they are on
sale at the extra-curricular activities office between
12.40 and 13.50.
Petites Annonces Advertisements
Do not forget to look to our database / N’oubliez pas de visiter notre base de données : http://groups.yahoo.com/
Cours de FR : tous niv. Cours d'EN:
débutants. Aussi à domicile.
Nouwkens Tel : 0475/250.995.
Aide pédag. en 3 langues (FR, EN ou
ES) par Ing. Civ. en Math. Phys. Chim.
Private tuition in EN by exp. teacher of Stats, EN, NL, Lat, Geo/hist. Tel :
phys,chem and IT (all levels). Stephen 02/687.26.20
De, En, Fr, cours particuliers donnés
Greenslade Tel: 0496/ 80 60 35.
Clavier : Cours de démo et séance
d’info par vidéo – gratuits. Progrès très
rapides, prix abordables. Contact :, 0475/26.92.22,
e-mail : [email protected]
Une publication de l’Association des
Parents d’Elèves de l’École européenne
de Bruxelles III (Ixelles)
tél secrétariat :
e-mail :
[email protected]
Resp. publ.
Gpe info.
Christine KEEN,
Graham NEQUEST et
Ateliers DG ADMIN.
On-line newsgroup
Pour recevoir de l'info, dialoguer, poser des
questions, réagir ou demander de l'aide, envoyer
un courriel vide à :
For up-to-date information, discussion and general
queries, send an empty e-mail to:
[email protected]
par dame universitaire à domicile
tel :
Private lessons by qual. Science teacher
in Phys, Chem and Maths in Brussels
area. Contact : [email protected]
Babysitter,17, in Schaerbeek, speaks
EN, FR, IT and ES. anna.
[email protected]
Bruxelles III
[email protected]
M. Steiwer
Dir. Adj. (Second.) Mme. Vassilakou
Dir. Adj. (Prim.)
Mme Businaro
Secr. dir.
Mme Ramaekers
C.llère princ. d’éduc. Mme Garrido
M. Boisdainghien
Mme Kant-Schaps
Mme Rivas
M. Zegers
M. Materna
Mme Callens
(Fax. 02/629.4777)
School website (including APEEE pages) : www.ee3org
Bruxelles I sur le site d'Ixelles

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