Nominee / Candidat(e)


Nominee / Candidat(e)
Nomination Template/Mise en candidature Council
2014-2017/Conseil 2014-2017
To be submitted to the Secretariat no later than 30 June/À compléter et à envoyer
au secrétariat au plus tard le 30 juin.
Nominee / Candidat(e)
Name / Nom
Member association / Association membre
Country / Pays
Postal address (association) /
Adresse postale (association)
Email address / Courriel
Educational background and qualifications /
Éducation et qualifications
Field of work (translation, interpretation,
terminology) / Domaine (traduction,
interpétation, terminologie)
Positions of trust / Postes de confiance
• Current position(s) / Poste(s) actuel(s)
Previous position(s) / Ancien(s) poste(s)
Previous involvement in FIT / Participation
antécédente dans la FIT
Alan Melby
ATA (American Translators Association)
1223 Aspen Avenue
1223 Aspen Avenue, Provo, Utah 84604 USA
PhD in computational linguistics, Brigham
Young University, 1976
Professor of Linguistics, Brigham Young
University (soon to be Professor
Emeritus); chair of the FIT Standards
Member of the ATA board of directors;
chair of the ATA Translation and
Computers committee
chair of the FIT Translation Technology
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FIT – La voix des associations de traducteurs, d’interprètes et de terminologues à travers le monde
FIT – The voice of associations of translators, interpreters and terminologists around the world
Nominee’s statement / Déclaration de la candidate ou du candidat
My motivation to be a member of Council / Ma
raison pour vouloir siéger au Conseil
My vision for FIT in support of FIT’s aims and
objectives / Ma vision de la FIT à l'appui des buts
et des objectifs de la FIT
My key skills / Mes principales aptitudes
Any other supporting information / Tout autre
renseignement à l'appui
to work with other FIT council members
toward increased recognition of
translation as a profession and enhance
the status of translators around the world
promote signing of work where feasible,
and, where not, develop improved validity
and reliability of other signals, such as
certification of translators and translation
quality assessment
based on extensive experience in
machine translation, tools for human
translators, and translation-related
standards, a skill in bringing together
various stakeholders and respecting their
differing perspectives
ATA-certified French-to-English translator;
after shift August 31, 2014, from full-time
professor to professor emeritus, will be
able to devote more time to freelance
translation and volunteer work with FIT
I would be prepared to accept the following positions on the Executive Committee if elected /
J'accepterais volontiers de siéger au Bureau si j'étais élu(e)
perhaps in the future but not as a new member of the Council
President / Président(e)
Vice-president / Vice-président(e)
not yet
Secretary General / Secrétaire général(e)
not yet
Treasurer / Trésorier(ère)
Picture: Insert a head-and-shoulders picture of
the nominee alongside and also attach it as a jpg
(at least 150 KB in size) / Photo : annexez un
portrait en buste de la candidate ou du candidat
de pair avec une version électronique (jpg d'au
moins 150 Ko)
By submitting this form I acknowledge that I have read the document “A commitment to FIT” and undertake
to participate fully in the work of the Council throughout my mandate if elected. /
En soumettant ce formulaire, je confirme avoir lu le document intitulé « Un engagement envers la FIT » et
conviens de participer entièrement au travail du Conseil tout au long de mon mandat si je suis élu(e).
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FIT – La voix des associations de traducteurs, d’interprètes et de terminologues à travers le monde
FIT – The voice of associations of translators, interpreters and terminologists around the world
Nominator / Proposant(e)
Name of member association / Nom de
l'association membre
Why the association wants to nominate the
candidate / Pourquoi l'association désire
nommer ce candidat/cette candidate
Indicate the support (financial, administrative
and others) the association will provide for the
nominee if elected / Indiquer l'appui (financier,
administratif ou autre) qu'offrira l'association à la
candidate si élue ou au candidat si élu
Any other supporting information / Autres
renseignements à l'appui
Name of person submitting the nomination /
Nom du proposant ou de la proposante
Email of person submitting the nomination /
Courriel du proposant ou de la proposante
Position in association / Position dans
Association address / Adresse de l'association
Association email address / Courriel de
Caitilin Walsh
Dr. Melby has been an active member of ATA for over
20 years, an ATA board member for over 12 years. He
is a tireless advocate for translator education and
certification, with extensive knowledge of
translation-related technologies and T&I standards. Dr.
Melby understands issues related not just to American
translators but to other translators around the world.
ATA will continue its administrative
support of its FIT representative and will
decide financial support as policies and
finances dictate.
Dr. Melby has performed any assignment given to
him with zeal and vigour. He takes an active
interest in the topic and completes whatever work
is assigned to him. He expresses his opinion
forcefully when required but is equally open to
arriving at other solutions.
Caitilin Walsh
[email protected]
American Translators Association
225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 590
Alexandria, VA 22314
[email protected]
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FIT – La voix des associations de traducteurs, d’interprètes et de terminologues à travers le monde
FIT – The voice of associations of translators, interpreters and terminologists around the world

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