NewsletterSpring 2007


NewsletterSpring 2007
District 4
Guill Archambault
Jacques Hallé
1st Vice-president/
1er vice-président
Carol Haneberry
2nd Vice-president/
2e vice-présidente
Dave Hodge
Jocelyn McInnis
Terry Martyn
Bob Tyler
Past President/
Président sortant
Peter Niro
Political Action
Action politique
Monique Taylor
Bill Lukan
Ann Dube
Francine Hurtubise
Newsletter Editor/Éditrice
John Kovalchuk
Eve Kendel
Travel /Voyages
Carmaine Hall
Jenny Ross
Unit 2 Representative/
Représentante Unité 2
From the President’s Desk
It has been a privilege to serve you as your District 4 President. I have enjoyed the
support of an extremely hardworking and knowledgeable District Executive Board. Our
District is vibrant and active thanks to all the dedicated volunteers. They are the
individuals who work on all of our committees and projects. They are the heart and
soul of our District.
A new Webmaster has been recruited. Diane Bradley will have the task of continuing to
develop our website, making it appealing and consumer friendly. Peter Niro has
accepted to be our new political action representative. Welcome on board Diane and
Attendees at our February meeting were treated to an excellent learning experience.
We thank Nicole Jensen, a case manager with the North East Community Access
Centre. Her presentation on accessing long term care facility for seniors was very
We have applied for a $4 000 grant under the ‘Project-Service to Others’ program. This
project will add, once a week and for nearly a year, fruit and milk to the menu of the
patrons of the Elgin Street Mission.
Finally, we are again participating in the Relay for Life walk in June. Come spend the
night (or a few hours) with us.
I would like to thank the membership for giving me the opportunity to serve you as
District President for the past two years.
I hope to see you at our next General Meeting on May 10th at the Howard Johnson
Guill Archambault
Message du président
Ce fut un privilège de vous représenter à titre de président du District 4 lors des deux
dernières années. J’ai été choyé de l’appui reçu du conseil exécutif. Ce sont des gens
qui ne comptent pas les heures et qui mettent leurs nombreuses expériences au
service des autres. Notre district est très actif grâce à un groupe d’individus qui
s’impliquent au niveau de nos nombreux comités et projets. Ces personnes sont le
cœur et l’âme de notre District. Un gros merci pour votre dévouement.
Nous venons de recruter une personne responsable du site Web. Diane Bradley aura la
lourde tâche de continuer à développer notre site et de le rendre intéressant et accessible à toutes et tous. D’autre part, Peter Niro a accepté d’être notre nouveau
responsable du comité d’action politique. Merci et bienvenue Diane et Peter.
Lors de notre réunion générale de février, notre invitée, Nicole Jensen, représentante
du Centre d’accès aux soins communautaires du Nord-Est, nous a fait une excellente
présentation au sujet de l’accessibilité des facilités pour soins de longues durées pour
personnes âgées. Elle a réussi à répondre à nos innombrables questions et
Nous avons fait demande pour une subvention de 4 000 $ par l’entremise du programme ‘Projet-au service d’autrui’. Ce projet permettrait de fournir des fruits et du lait
une fois par semaine pour une durée d’un an aux personnes qui fréquentent la Mission
de la rue Elgin.
En terminant, je vous invite à vous joindre à notre équipe lors du Relais pour la vie en
juin. Passez la nuit (ou quelques heures) avec nous. C’est pour une bonne cause et
c’est l’fun!
Je profite de cette occasion pour remercier les membres de m’avoir permis de vous
offrir mes services à titre de président. Deux années vite écoulées…
Au plaisir de vous voir à la réunion générale du 10 mai au Howard Johnson Plaza.
Guill Archambault
Dates to include in your calendar
Executive meeting:
Idylwylde Golf & Country Club at 9:30 a.m.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
General meeting:
Howard Johnson Plaza, Brady Street
Thursday, May 10, 2007
10:45-Meet and Greet
11:15-Business/Guest speakers/Elections etc.
Volunteers are needed for the 2007 Sudbury Regional Historical Fair to judge the work of Sudbury
District students in English or French.
Your support will be greatly appreciated.
Schedule :
Thursday, May 3 4:30 – 5:30 p.m
5:45 – 8:00 p.m.
Friday, May 4
judge training and dinner in the R.D. Parker Building
(Board of Governor’s Room)
judges review projects in the Great Hall and Fraser Auditorium
9:30 – 10 a.m
judge training (if not present on Thurs.) in the
Board of Governor’s Room
10:00 – 10:45 a.m reviewing session in the Great Hall
Safety for students:
One month prior to the Historical Fair, reviewers (judges) are required to have a criminal background
check with the Regional Police. The cost is $11.75 which will be reimbursed. B.Ed. University students’
original check by Laurentian University will be accepted and retired teachers will not need a criminal
background check.
Information :
Steve Fessenden, chair of the Review Committee (693-2110)
[email protected]
RTO/ERO February Meeting
Guest Speaker Nicole Jensen
Executive Members
“What a privilege to be alive in this particular day and age”.
Here in this part of Ontario we definitely were privileged by having a relatively nice winter...very little
snow, no blizzards, some cold days but we do live in the North.
Another RTO/ERO year is coming to an end with close to 1 500 members in District 4.
Welcome to the following Retirees who have joined our ranks and helped to increase our membership.
Michael Barry
Catherine Bottos
Karen Boudreau
Kathleen Brennan
Francis Cassidy
Gérard Dalcourt
Gordon Ewin
Vivian Field
Paul Gawalko
Isabel Gobbo
Melveen Hicks
Pauline Landry
Léo Lefebvre
Lorna LeRoy
Jean-Paul Ouellet
Michèle Robichaud
Bryan Slywchuk
Rodney Stewart
Aurèle Tellier
Rita Thériault
Robert Thériault
Vivian Trenouth
Leondro Volpini
Georges Yang
In April we will be hosting our 3rd Annual Retirement Planning Workshop for teachers who are
planning to retire within the next 3-5 years. Representatives from our Provincial Office and Johnson’s
will be helping to facilitate this workshop. This workshop will be given in both English and French.
Phone Captains are needed. Please call Ann Dube at 524-3146 if you can call our members 4
times a year.
Once again...If you have a change of address or phone number please contact Diane Vezeau at
1-800-361-9888 or by e-mail: [email protected]
I hope to see you at the May 10th meeting.
Ann Dube
Savais-tu que…
nous sommes plus créatifs le matin mais notre mémoire à long terme est à son meilleur tard en
après-midi ou tôt en veillée.
le parfum de la lavande et celui de la camomille peuvent réduire l’anxiété.
l’exercice du matin peut améliorer de 70 % tes chances d’une bonne nuit de sommeil.
le pamplemousse ou le jus de pamplemousse peut provoquer des effets indésirables de plusieurs
médicaments et ce, jusqu’à trois jours après la consommation du pamplemousse.
la lumière agit sur notre énergie et sur nos humeurs. Nous sommes tous plus ou moins touchés par
la diminution des heures de soleil. Nous sécrétons moins de sérotonine en décembre et en janvier.
La sérotonine est un neurotransmetteur impliqué dans la dépression et dans l’anxiété. Parmi les
personnes affectées par cette diminution de luminosité, les femmes sont de trois à quatre fois plus
susceptibles que les hommes d’être atteintes d’un trouble affectif saisonnier.
un sac de plastique met environ 400 ans à se désintégrer.
“There’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical
end.” Scot Adams
“Your kindness and support is much appreciated.’’
This sentiment is felt in the expressions of gratitude the Goodwill/Bienveillance committee receives. As
chair of the committee, I offer my personal thanks to all RTO/ERO members who keep us informed
and support our work.
I especially want to acknowledge the work done by each member of our committee. For many years,
some for more than a decade, these nine women have maintained a caring contact with our colleagues
by writing cards and making personal visits. These acts of kindness remind colleagues that they are
remembered and that they are valued by RTO/ERO District 4.
A few years ago, Jean Eaton recognized a need. She called upon Peggy Venececk to help organize
honour guards for deceased colleagues. Bereaved families are particularly moved by this show of
respect for their loved ones. Thank you for accepting our invitation to form the honour guard at
memorial services.
Nos collègues francophones ont aussi établi un protocole pour la garde d’honneur. Les familles en deuil
expriment souvent leur étonnement, leur appréciation pour cette marque de fraternité et de respect
pour nos collègues. Merci d’accepter notre invitation et faire partie de la garde d’honneur aux
RTO/ERO colleagues mourn the death of loved ones. We hold each of these families in our hearts.
John Rodriguez – mother
Helen Este – mother-in-law
Constance Barbeau – husband Jacques
Henry Smith – wife Catherine
Lily Pharand – husband Victor
Beatrice Lizotte – son Normand
Iloma Johnson – father
Colleen O‘Malley – husband Pat
Lina Lalonde and Toni Petrilli – mother
Lydia Lefebvre – mother
Dorothy Battistoni – mother
Simone Gervais – sister
Diane Bradley – father-in-law
France Lloyd – son Robert
I hope that you will enjoy all the pleasures that spring will bring.
“Idleness is not doing nothing. It is the freedom to do anything.” Floyd Dell
Monique Taylor
Goodwill/Bienveillance chair
Voyages à venir avec le Groupe Voyages Québec :
Îles de la Madeleine et les Provinces maritimes : été 2007
Provence et Côte d’Azur : possiblement automne 2008
Pour plus de renseignements, appeler Denise Bock au 566 4228.
Since our winter Newsletter, the names of ten RTO/ERO colleagues have been added to our
Memoriam. We can find comfort for our loss in the many newspaper articles which acknowledged not
only our deceased colleagues’ role as educators, but also their generous service to our community.
In Memoriam
Rita Akey
Tim Miner
Jacques Barbeau
Gabrielle Nye
Margaret Casas
Rino Ouellette
Charles Cassidy
Ruth Reid
Marcel Robineau
Marie Cook
George Thomson
Ida Gobbo
Gervis Waddell
Frederick Matte
Ronald Watt
Goodwill/Bienveillance Committee Members
Call us
Annette Blais Laforge
Bessie Budge
Jean Eaton
Erna Fex
Josie Girolometto
Helen Laidlaw
Vi McDougall
Pierrette Nadeau
Isobel Patchet
Monique Taylor
RTO/ERO District 4 New Webmaster
I am pleased to introduce Diane Bradley as our new Webmaster. She will continue the work
begun three years ago by Professor Paul Paiement and the students of Collège Boréal.
Diane is a recently retired teacher from Collège Notre Dame. She has taught computer skills
for many years and was Head of Department of the Computer Science program at Collège
Notre Dame. Recently she has attended an RTO/ERO computer workshop in Toronto. Her
bilingual talent will prove to be very useful to all of our members.
Thank you Diane for accepting the position when I asked you.
I also wish to thank our Executive and Collège Boréal’s Paul Paiement and his students for the
support I received when I initiated our Website.
Eve Kendel
Cash Balance
Checking Account
Investments - GIC
Goodwill account
Unit 2
7 803.99
8 896.95
17 171.56
Annual Grant
Bilingual Grant
District Meetings
Interest on GIC
Art Raffle
16 365.42
1 855.53
7 215.00
25 828.32
42 999.88
Good Will
Office Expenses
Web Site
Other Expenses
Art Raffle
Travel Committee
Walk For Life
Communications -Unit 2
Christmas Box - Unit 2
Represented by:
Cash Balance
Checking Account
Investments - GIC
Unit 2
2 308.46
6 483.29
8 383.80
1 161.96
1 766.64
1 343.10
24 899.46
18 100.42
8 100.07
9 203.32
18 100.42
The data from the above report has been reviewed by President Guill and Secretary Terry, submitted to RTO/
ERO as required and received at the February General Meeting.
NOTE: “Consolidated” means that Unit 2 expenditures have been included in their appropriate budget lines
rather than appearing as a one item “Unit Grant”.
Health and Insurance Benefits
A Look at Wellness
At our Christmas luncheon I made a brief reference to a Walk Aerobics DVD. This is a 33 minute
program with a perfect pace for retirees. The DVD is Walk Aerobics with Leslie Sansone.
Fall Prevention
Fall Busters is a volunteer, peer lead home visiting program to help older adults who live independently
in their homes and may be at high risk for falls.
Volunteers will come to your home to provide support and information on how to safeguard your
home. (Information from Sudbury & District Health Unit)
Fall Busters can be contacted at 522-9200
Lifescan Blood Glucose Test Strips (sold in the United States)
Health Canada is warning Canadians that certain Lifescan, Inc. One Touch Brand Test Strips, Basic/
Profile and Ultra sold in the U.S. are counterfeit.
These strips could potentially give incorrect blood glucose values either too high or too low. A patient
may then take too much or too low insulin leading to serious injury or death.
Lot numbers, located on the outer carton and vial of One Touch Basic/Profile test strips are 272894A,
2619932, 26152ll, and 2606340. Lot numbers for the One Touch Ultra test strips are 2691191 and
269126l. These counterfeit test strips are not sold in Canada. Consumers who have the counterfeit test
strips should replace them immediately and contact their health care provider.
Macular Degeneration
This is a group of diseases that affect the retina. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the
leading cause of blindness or severe and irreversible vision loss. The macula is an area within the
retina that is responsible for sharp control vision. In 10% to 15% of the cases, bleeding can occur into
the retina which results in scarring and central vision loss.
Those at risk often have the following characteristics:
people over 50 years of age
family history
ultra-violet exposure
poor diet
lack of particular nutrients
To reduce the risk
visit your optometrist regularly for a comprehensive eye examination
wear sunglasses to protect against ultra-violet rays
follow a good diet which include dark, leafy green vegetables
take special dietary supplements that are recommended to slow the progression
of the disease
don’t smoke
Screening Program for Colorectal Cancer (CRC)
This is the most common cause of cancer deaths in non-smokers in Ontario. CRC is highly treatable if
detected early through screening. All residents of Ontario 50 years of age and over should discuss the
screening program for CRC with their doctor. The screening begins with a fecal occult blood kit which
an individual uses at home and mails to a central laboratory. Those with a positive FOBT result will be
referred for follow up screening such as a colonoscopy.
Free Pharmacist Services
Every Independent Grocer store offers the services of a pharmacist every 3rd week of the month. This
program is delivered by Drugstore Pharmacy.
Information and consultation is available on the following topics.
- high blood pressure
- cholesterol
- heart
- mastering your health B Diabetes
- healthy eating
- measuring body fat
- vitamins and minerals
- weight management
Each monthly event features a specific topic but brochures are available on many other issues.
Bill Lukan
Political Action
I am pleased to be your new chairperson for the Political Action Committee on the RTO/ERO
As we all know, there will be two elections to be fought in the near future, the federal election
as well as the Ontario provincial election. As a group we can lobby our representatives so that
they can enact legislation that could benefit retired teachers.
An interesting thing that came out of the federal budget is the concept of Income Splitting. I
encourage all our members to look into this as it could give some of us some needed tax relief.
As stated earlier, there will be a provincial election in October; if anyone comes across any
article or news of interest to our members please let me know and I will put it into the
Peter Niro
Did you know that…
Almonds are members of the peach family.
The symbol (#) on the “pound” key is called an octothorpe.
The dot over the letter ‘i’ is called a tittle.
An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.
Bob Sproule (1929-2006)
Bob Sproule retired from teaching at A.B. Ellis School in
1987 and enjoyed nineteen great years of retirement.
He remained devoted to his profession by joining RTO/
ERO. He was President of the North Shore Manitoulin
Unit for six years, encouraging teachers to stay
informed and knowledgeable regarding their benefits
and pensions.
Bob had a love for language and literature, constantly
devouring books, magazines and newspapers. His sense
of humour was always in the forefront, followed by his
hearty laugh. He was a gifted violinist who extended his
passion into his teaching; he founded a music program
at his school and consistently conducted choirs to first
place at festivals.
Bob was a gifted actor and accomplished stage and
business manager for the many amateur theatre plays
he was involved with. He composed and played original
music for a number of plays. He received many
nominations and awards locally, regionally and
provincially. He was an inspiration to all.
Many retired teachers were present at the celebration of his rich life, held on January 12th. We will miss
Upcoming Events
District 3, Algoma, is having an RTO/ERO meeting in Elliot Lake, on April 30th at noon at the Legion.
Numbers are needed; so if it is your intent to attend, please call Denyse at 848-7444 by April 25th.
The North Shore/Manitoulin Spring Luncheon will be held on May 17th at the Espanola Elks Club on
Second Avenue. The phone captain in your community will be in touch for confirmation of your
attendance. Mark your calendar.
11:30 – Social
12:00 – Lunch
1:00 – Meeting
Jenny Ross, President
[email protected]
Travel and Leisure
Looking Forward to the Shakespearian Festival
All Seasons Travel, 1102 Kingsway, is preparing a very popular trip to Stratford and St. Jacob’s for
September 25-28, 2007.
Two nights’ lodging will be spent at the Festival Inn in Stratford. The next night will be at the Best
Western in St. Jacob’s.
Register early to see the following four plays: “My One and Only”, “Oklahoma”, “Comedy of Errors” and
“Foursome”. The latter will be followed by a tasty dinner.
Total cost: $699 pp. Deposit: $250 pp.
Call Louise at 560-1225.
Travel Guild arranges trips to any part of the world, for individuals, small groups, family/friends.
Those who have participated in such an adventure have been very pleased and satisfied. Try it. You
will enjoy your trip with Travel Guild.
Call 1-800-268-4284
Walk where Jesus Has Walked
All denominations are welcome, October 14–23, 2007.
This tour is organized by Dr. Robert Schuller of the Crystal Cathedral Ministries.
You will leave from New York or Chicago U.S.A. and land in Tel Aviv. You will see Tiberias and
Ceasarea, enjoy a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, followed by a walk into Old Capernaum, the city of
Jesus. Then you will motor along the Jordan Valley, enter Jerusalem, spend several days visiting
Massada, observe the sea Scrolls, the Dead Sea, have a camel ride, etc.
Next you will visit Ein Karen (the birth place of John the Baptist), Yad Vashem (Israel’s memorial to the
victims of the Holocaust).
For more information and to obtain the full itinerary, contact Dr. Schuller.
The rates are from New York $3 597… from Chicago $3 697… land only $2 346.
Join the trip of a lifetime.
(see Website at or phone 1-714-544-5679)
Upcoming Merit Travel Seminar
April 18th: Golf Ireland…experience the Emerald Isle Merit style.
Special location: Peddlar’s Pub, 62 Cedar St., 6:60 p.m.
The presentation will feature a guest speaker, refreshments and door prizes.
RSVP by calling Merit Travel at 564-9990 or 866 885-8846.
Eve Kendel
BO 1 &
$6,999 pp
includes air from Toronto
February 21, 2008 20 days - 29 meals
$3,799 pp
includes air from Toronto
November 1, 2007 11 days, 15 meals
$5,120 pp
includes air from Sudbury
October 17, 2007 15 days - 38 meals
Merit exclusive Golf Ireland
travel seminar April 18th. RSVP
Based on double occupancy. Includes transfers, taxes and fuel surcharges. Cancellation Waiver not
included in rate. EBB valid on new bookings only. ON-4499356/4499372
Sudbury, 280 Caswell Drive
705.564.9990 1.866.885.8846
A Most Enjoyable Weekend in Toronto
This March, I went to Toronto to visit my children and celebrate their birthdays.
After a fine dinner and ‘photo time’ we headed for the new Opera House to view the National Ballet of
Canada perform “The Taming of the Shrew”. It was a thrill to enter such an impressive building.
Forty-five minutes before the performance, we received an analysis of the background of the ballet
with music and a display of the costumes. Really worthwhile! The ballet itself was different, interesting
and funny.
In November 2007, the presentations will be West Side Story and Merry Widow. For more information
go online at: or phone 1-416-345-9595 or 1-866-345-9595.
The following night we attended “Stomp” at the Elgin Theatre. It is a crowd pleasing and popular
presentation. The Elgin Theatre advertises the following: April 20-21, 2007 “Flamingo Tango” and April
28 to May 5, 2007 “Orpheus & Euridice”.
For more information, phone ticket master in Barrie at 1-705-739-7666.
On Sunday, we attended a German mass at St. Patrick’s Church. Afterwards it was a pleasure to meet
our dear friends: Father O’Brien (now 103 years old!) and Father Farrell. The two priests served at
Holy Redeemer Church in the Minnow Lake area where my family resided for many years. They send
their greetings to all their friends.
Finally, I said good-bye to my dear children, and embarked on the bus heading North. Ten minutes
later, a policeman stopped our bus at an intersection. Because of a bomb threat the St. Patrick’s Day
Parade was re-routed to the street where we were stopped. We, bus riders, had to wait until the
parade was over. We viewed the parade from our special seats! Wasn’t that a splendid week-end?
I wish you as nice a weekend in the near future.
Eve Kendel
The Northern Ontario Council of Teachers of English has completed
the final edition of “Northern Lights poetry selections from young
poets of Northern Ontario 1970-2003”. In order to spread the good
news, I asked the Valley East Today magazine to place the
information online for the Sudbury District people to read. A brief
history of the NOCTE is followed by poem samples.
Hearty, sincere thanks are expressed to all who helped make
Northern Lights a successful enterprise for thirty-three years.
Photos taken at the RTO/ERO 2006 Christmas dinner finalize the
Winners of Sister Maris Stella Awards
To view, go to the Internet:, scroll down several pages until you get to
the blue cover of Northern Lights and click on the arrows at the left of the book cover. Now you have
the complete article.
I would appreciate your comments which I will share with all the people involved in this very
memorable endeavour.
The remaining books will be sold at our May 10th meeting for $15.00/copy.
Send comments to: [email protected]
District Updater… Provincial Office Notes
Members’ Section of the Provincial Website
As our members’ section of the provincial website ( is now two years old and as we
increasingly place items there, it is timely to remind members of its existence and how to register and
access this section.
The members’ section does not contain confidential or private information, but rather information that
has been prepared specifically for our members. The Provincial Office does not want to make this
information available to the general public when it is deemed to be a “member benefit”. The
preparation of items such as Tax Tips, Facts Sheets and resources for webmasters have been produced
and reviewed by staff, committee members and professionals such as lawyers and accountants.
In addition, the members’ section has regular features including the provincial Constitution, resources
from past issues of the popular Renaissance feature, “Computer Ease”, highlights of past Senates and
features such as the report on the provincial membership survey.
On a regular basis, Provincial Office staff receives queries on the process to register and access the
members’ section. We, therefore, are re-producing information from the site itself, to assist members
with the procedures for accessing the site.
Go to and click on “Members only site”.
When the new window opens, click on “Register First”.
In the box that comes up, put in your membership number as it appears on your RTO/ERO
membership card, including hyphens, as your username and always use your number as
the username.
Choose your own password.
You should now be registered and follow the instructions.
Each subsequent time, you do not need to click on “Register First” but simply “Log on”.
Actualités…Notes du bureau provincial
Section réservée aux membres sur le site Web provincial
Étant donné que la section réservée aux membres sur le site Web provincial ( est
disponible depuis deux ans, son contenu augmente sans cesse et il est approprié de rappeler aux
membres son utilité, ainsi que la façon de s’enregistrer pour accéder à cette section.
La section réservée aux membres ne contient pas d’information confidentielle ni privée, mais plutôt
préparée tout spécialement pour nos membres. Le bureau provincial ne tient pas à diffuser cest
informations dans le grand public, surtout quand elles sont jugées d’intérêt particulier pour les
membres. La préparation de documents tels les Conseils fiscaux, les Fiches de renseignements et les
ressources pour les webmestres ont été élaborées et revues par le personnel, les membres des
comités et les professionnels tels des avocats et des comptables.
De plus, la section réservée aux membres offre des chroniques régulières, y compris la Constitution
provinciale, les numéros antérieurs du populaire magazine Renaissance, la chronique « Avec
l’ordinateur, c’est facile », les faits saillants des sénats antérieurs, ainsi que des documents d’intérêt,
tel le rapport sur le sondage provincial auprès des membres.
Le personnel du bureau provincial reçoit régulièrement des demandes d’information sur la façon de
s’enregistrer et d’accéder à la section réservée aux membres. C’est pourquoi nous reproduisons ici
l’information déjà disponible sur le site, afin de fournir aux membres les procédures pour accéder au
Aller sur le site Web et cliquer sur « Site réservé aux membres ».
Lorsque la nouvelle fenêtre s’ouvre, cliquer sur « Veuillez tout d’abord vous enregistrer ».
Dans la case affichée, entrer comme nom d’usager le numéro de membre qui apparaît sur
votre carte de membre RTO/ERO, y compris les traits d’union, et toujours utiliser votre
numéro comme nom d’usager.
Choisir votre mot de passe personnel.
Vous devriez maintenant être enregistré(e); suivez les directives pour accéder au site.
Lors de vos prochaines visites sur le site, vous n’aurez pas à cliquer sur « Veuillez tout
d’abord vous enregistrer » mais seulement sur « Entrez ».
Simon Leibovitz
Simon Leibovitz, Provincial RTO/ERO Information Officer sent
congratulations to the Sudbury District for having received recognition
from the United Nations for its regreening efforts and projects.
A Great Idea
Place your car keys near your bed at night. If you hear a noise as if someone is trying to break into
your house, push the panic button on your car keys. The alarm will sound till you stop it or the car
battery is dead. It’s a fine security alarm and you may not need any other installations.
If the alarm is on for a long time, the criminal will run away because all the neighbours will be looking
from their windows to see what’s happening. The criminal won’t like that! Share this great idea with
family members and friends. (taken from [email protected])
Une bonne idée
Mettez vos clefs de voiture près de votre lit la nuit. Ce n’est pas une plaisanterie...
Si vous entendez un bruit ou que quelqu’un essaie d’entrer dans votre maison, appuyez sur le bouton
de panique de votre voiture. L’alarme sonnera jusqu’à ce que vous l’arrêtiez ou que la pile de votre
voiture meurt. C’est un système de sécurité que vous avez probablement déjà et qui ne nécessite
aucune installation.
Si votre alarme de voiture sonne pendant longtemps, les voisins regarderont par leurs fenêtres pour
voir ce qui se passe et c’est certain que le criminel n’aimera pas cela.
Partagez cette bonne idée avec les membres de votre famille et vos amis.
Eve Kendel
C’est le temps de se préparer…
D’après certains professionnels, nous devrions commencer un entraînement
musculaire au moins trois mois avant la saison de golf. Nos premières sorties
devraient inclure des exercices de réchauffement. Il ne faut pas tenter de
claquer la balle de toutes ses forces. Un panier de balles, des fers (7, 8 ou 9),
des coups plus réservés (demi élan), … voilà ce qu’il te faut lors de tes
premières visites au champ de pratique.
Voici quelques conseils.
Il ne faut jamais serrer le bâton trop fort.
Lentement pour frapper plus loin… garde tes énergies pour ton élan descendant.
Bonne position initiale : - pieds écartés de la largeur des épaules
- genoux détendus
- colonne vertébrale dans un angle droit
- bras détendus en partant des épaules
- menton relevé
Le temps pris pour une ronde de golf ne devrait pas dépasser les quatre heures et 30
Il existe une étiquette au golf, renseigne-toi si tu ne la connais pas.
D’après Mike Weir, pour caler un coup roulé il faut la régularité, la posture, l’élan et la
Enrichis ton vocabulaire de golf
- tee box : tertre de départ
- un putt : un coup roulé
- par : la normale
- hole-in-one (ace) : un trou d’un coup
- double eagle ou albatross : un albatros (3 coups sous la normale)
- an eagle : un aigle (2 coups sous la normale)
- un birdie : un oiselet (un coup sous la normale)
- fairway : l’allée
- sand wedge : le cocheur de sable
- un chip : un coup d’approche coché
- le green : le vert
- golf cart : la voiturette
- le starter : le préposé au départ
- sand trap : la fosse
- le marshall : le surveillant (la surveillante)
- Canadian Open : Omnium canadien
- le petit drapeau : le fanion
Pour les adeptes… BONNE SAISON DE GOLF!
Cécile Archambault
Did you know that…
Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.
Telly Savalas and Louis Armstrong died on their birthdays.
Donald Duck’s middle name is Fauntleroy.
The muzzle of a lion is like a fingerprint - no two lions have the same pattern of whiskers.
A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.
HAPPY SPRING! It is my favourite season – a time of hope, rebirth and tulips!
Our next general meeting will take place on Wednesday May 23, 2007 at the Holiday Inn on Regent
St. As always ALL retired women teachers are welcome! This will also be our annual Election
Meeting. We invite both new members and present members to let your name stand for an executive
position. It is an excellent way to learn about the organization.
We absolutely MUST elect a new treasurer as Jeannine Maurice is retiring after 8 years on the job.
Jeannine has offered to assist the new treasurer to understand the various tasks involved. We thank
Jeannine for her devoted service to RWTO – Sudbury Branch over these many years!
Two of our members will receive the Cora Bailey Award for fantastic service to RWTO at the local
Level. Sherri Stokes, provincial RWTO President will be present.
At this meeting we will also discuss our plans for the 35th Anniversary Celebration of the Sudbury
Branch. We are asking members to make a monetary donation so that we can purchase canned
goods in September. We plan to build a train with these cans which will be donated afterwards to the
Inner City Home.
Our annual convention will be held in Sarnia this year on June 5, 6 , 7. An interesting program is
being offered to the delegates.
A few copies of the excellent book “Chalk, Challenge and Change” are still available. Teachers over 90
years of age dictated the stories to RWTO interviewers. The Sudbury teachers included in the book
are: Glorette Blais, Winnie Durant, Maida Elliott, Isabel Grant, Elsa Israelson, Laurette Raymond and
Fleurette Dault. Unfortunately some of these teachers have died but their stories live on in this book.
A lovely legacy! Contact me if you are interested in ordering a copy. The price is $20 plus $8.00 for
Our motto of “CARING, SHARING AND HAVING FUN” defines our organization. We have fun at our
meetings and urge you to join us. You’ll be glad you did!
For more information contact any of the following:
Erna de Burger – Fex (president) 671-2711
Jeannine Renaud (Area Director) 522-9339
Ann Dube (1st Vice President)
Valma Mongeon (Past President) 675-8994
Erna Fex
Did you know that…
Dueling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors.
A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.
It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds, while dogs only have about ten.
The word “Checkmate” in chess comes from the Persian phrase “Shah Mat,” which means
“the king is dead.”
S.O.S. S.O.S. S.O.S.
WANTED : RTO/ERO members, family and
RECHERCHÉS : membres de RTO/ERO,
famille, amies, amis
WHY: to join our RTO/ERO team at the
Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay for Life
POURQUOI : pour faire partie de l’équipe
RTO/ERO lors du Relais pour la vie de la
Société canadienne du cancer
WHEN: Friday, June 1st 2007
HOW: At the next luncheon, sign up as a
team member, a sponsor or a volunteer cart
driver or register with Guill Archambault
Last year our team of 34 (family, friends and
members) raised $6 160. This year, we are
aiming for $10 000.
Our local RTO/ERO provides us with a huge
tent where we meet, share our lunches, our
stories… Some of us spend the night.
If you can’t walk the circuit, don’t worry.
Some team members do more than their
share of walking for those of us who are
unable to do so.
Ten volunteers (family, friends and RTO/ERO
members) drove golf carts from 4 a.m. to
7 a.m. on Saturday morning. WHY? The golf
carts are loaded with tents, chairs… as the
participants make their way back to their
vehicles. This was a first and was so greatly
appreciated that the organizers of the event
have asked us if we would accept this
responsibility once more. We are hoping that
the response will be as generous as last year.
The 7 o’clock survivors’ circuit and the 10
o’clock luminary ceremony are very touching.
As survivors, Cécile and I, hope to see you at
the tent.
Guill Archambault
Survival Guide
- warm clothes, sandwiches, munchies, water,
lawn chair...
QUAND : le vendredi 1er juin 2007
COMMENT : Lors de notre prochaine
rencontre, inscris-toi comme participant(e),
parrain/marraine ou conducteur(trice) d’une
voiturette ou appelle Guill Archambault
L’an dernier, notre équipe de 34 personnes
(membres, famille, ami(e)s) a recueilli 6 160 $.
Cette année, nous espérons remettre 10 000 $
à la Société du cancer.
RTO/ERO local nous fournit une grande tente
qui nous sert de lieu de rencontre. C’est là que
nous partageons nos goûters, nos ‘grignotines’
et nos histoires. Plusieurs y passent la nuit. Si
tu ne peux pas faire des tours de piste, ne
t’inquiète pas. Plusieurs de nos membres en
feront pour toi.
Les voiturettes servent à aider les gens à
rapporter leurs bagages à leurs véhicules. L’an
dernier dix membres de notre équipe ont
assuré ce service le samedi matin (4 h à 7 h).
C’était une première et tellement un succès
que les organisateurs nous ont demandé
d’offrir ce service encore cette année. Nous
avons accepté; il nous faut 10 âmes
Le vendredi soir il ne faut pas manquer le tour
de piste des survivant(e)s à 19 h ni la
cérémonie des luminaires à 22 h.
Étant des survivants, Cécile et moi, espérons
te voir à la tente de RTO/ERO District 4.
Guill Archambault
Guide de survie
- vêtements chauds, goûter, grignotines, eau,
Quelques bâtisseurs de notre communauté francophone…
¾ Théodore Despatie (1889-1958)
- cultivateur de patates de la région de Hanmer
- gagnant du Patato Growing Championships (1949)
- vend ses produits agricoles au marché de la rue Borgia
¾ Rhéal Bélisle (1919-1992)
- commerçant
- maire de Rayside
- Sénateur
- directeur de l’organisme Sudbury and District Home for the Aged
- gouverneur et président du Bureau des gouverneurs de l’Université Laurentienne
¾ Lorenzo Cadieux, s.j. (1903-1976)
- enseignant au Collège du Sacré-Cœur
- professeur d’histoire à l’Université Laurentienne
- récipiendaire de l’Ordre du Canada
¾ Gaston Demers (1935-2004)
- journaliste (North Bay Nugget)
- membre et ensuite président du Boreau des gouverneurs de l’hôpital Laurentien
- s’implique pour s’assurer la réalisation du Collège Boréal
¾ André Paiement (1950-1978)
- établit le Théâtre du Nouvel-Ontario (TNO) qui ouvre ses portes à la Slague
- membre du groupe musical CANO
¾ Jean-Étienne Fournier (1852-1919)
- premier maître de poste de Sudbury (1884-1897)
- premier maire de Sudbury
- président du premier conseil scolaire de Sudbury connu comme Les écoles séparées de
Sudbury (regroupant francophones et anglophones)
- membre fondateur du Collège du Sacré-Cœur
- membre fondateur du Sudbury Boating Club
- membre d’un comité fondateur d’un hôpital (1891)
¾ Dr J. Raoul Hurtubise (1882-1955)
- le 4 février 1910, il ouvre sa pratique à Sudbury
- élu au gouvernement fédéral en 1930, 1935, 1940
- Sénateur en 1945
- un des fondateurs et président de la Société historique du Nouvel Ontario
- président du Conseil scolaire séparé pendant 15 ans
Cécile Archambault
RTO/ERO Christmas Luncheon and Meeting
Déjeuner de Noël et rencontre, décembre 2006
le jeudi 10 mai, 2007
10 h 45 à 11 h 15
11 h 15 à 12 h15
12 h 15
Retrouvailles - Bar payant
Réunion d’affaires
Déjeuner (16,00 $ la personne)
Rôti de boeuf, escalope de poulet, salades et légumes assortis, petits pains,
assortiment de tartelettes et gâteaux, café et thé
Nom : (imprimez s.v.p.)_______________________________________________________
Montant du chèque : _____________ $ (Aucun chèque postdaté, merci)
Veuillez libeller votre chèque à RTO/ERO District 4 et le faire parvenir avec votre
formulaire d’inscription AVANT le mardi 1er mai à :
Carmaine Hall
574, promenade Camelot
Sudbury ON P3B 3M7
THURSDAY, MAY 10th, 2007
10:45 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
12:15 p.m. -
Meet and Greet - Cash Bar
Business Meeting
Luncheon ($16.00 per person)
Buffet (rolls, relish trays, assorted salads and vegetables, roast beef, chicken cutlets,
platters or cakes and tarts, coffee & tea)
Name: (please print)______________________________________________________
Amount of cheque $ _________________
(Sorry, no post-dated cheques accepted)
Please make cheque payable to RTO/ERO District 4
Send your registration form and cheque to Carmaine Hall
574 Camelot Drive, Sudbury (ON) P3B 3M7
Deadline for registration to reach Carmaine Hall (560-1532) is Tuesday, May 1 , 2007.
If you have a change of address or phone number
please contact DIANE VEZEAU at 1-800- 368-9888
or by e-mail : [email protected]
Editor/éditrice: Francine Hurtubise
2779 Raymond St., Sudbury ON P3B 1W7
[email protected]

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