Term1 profess.dev - Curriculum Support


Term1 profess.dev - Curriculum Support
your link to the future…
The Division of Humanities is introducing
two new, exciting programs:
Diploma in Languages
Certificate in Languages
Living up to its “Innovative University” trade mark, Macquarie is the first tertiary institution in
Australia to offer a Diploma in Languages (DipLang) and a Certificate in Languages (CertLang)
as undergraduate, HECS funded awards.
European Languages offered: Croatian, French, German, Italian, Macedonian, Modern
Greek, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian.
By adding a DipLang or a CertLang in any European language to the degree of your
choice you could substantially enhance your career prospects in various areas, including
Business Administration, Commerce, Economics, Law or Media.
Alternatively you may wish to build on language skills acquired years ago.
You may always have wanted to learn a language other than English, and obtain formal
qualifications without having been able to commit yourself to a full degree program.
You may be studying a language at present, and would like to formalise your studies. Or
you may wish to start studying as a beginner.
The Diploma in Languages is a three-year part-time program that is equivalent to a major in a
language (24 credit points). It is open to anyone who qualifies for admission to a degree program
at Macquarie University or an approved tertiary institution. It can be completed together with a
degree or as a stand-alone program. Applications from prospective students should be made
directly to the University.
The Certificate in Languages is a two-year part-time program (12 credit points), and no admission
criteria are specified. It can be completed together with a degree or as a stand-alone program.
Applications from prospective students should be made directly to the University.
Studies for the Diploma and Certificate can be started at either beginners’ or post-HSC (or equivalent)
level. A number of units are offered in the evening and many units can be taken by
Collèges et lycées
L’objet insolite
Connaissez-vous www.aubahut.net ?
Aubahut recense et fait communiquer les 14 700
établissements scolaires francophones du second
degré. Tous les collèges et lycées où la langue
française est parlée ou enseignée. Aubahut est
un espace pour découvrir les établissements
scolaires des 4 coins de la planète! Un point de
rendez-vous unique pour la communauté scolaire
francophone, puisque tous les membres peuvent
s'y présenter, y discuter en direct, partager des
idées, trouver des correspondants, monter des
projets pédagogiques, ou même y déposer des
annonces. Les établissements répertoriés dans
l'annuaire aubahut, disposent d'une page de
présentation personnalisable. Le responsable
d'un établissement peut y ajouter des
informations, en insérant une photo, un texte de
présentation, des informations pratiques,
contacts, accès, le nombre d'élèves, ou indiquer
l'adresse du site créé par les élèves...
Aubahut est ainsi un répertoire complet,
exhaustif, en constante évolution et un moyen
sûr de visibilité et d'échange pour les
établissements francophones.
Egalement lieu d'expression et de prise de parole,
Aubahut propose des outils d'expression et
d'information en ligne, d'utilisation simple, pour
créer des webzines (journaux internet) ou des
albums photos.
Enseignants, parents et élèves peuvent publier
sans programmation des articles, dans le cadre
de projets pédagogiques, de voyages scolaires,
d'un journal, ou tout simplement de leurs loisirs...
Vous aussi, participez au premier carrefour
d'expression et de rencontre des collèges et
lycées francophones sur internet!
A bientôt sur Aubahut!
Chaque semaine, un enfant de 10 ans dévoile
peu à peu, sur le site de l'école Saint-JeanGenappe les détails de l'objet insolite qu'il a fait
découvrir à la classe la semaine précédente. Il
répond au jour le jour à vos questions afin
d'éclaircir vos idées.Vous êtes invités, ainsi que
vos élèves, à tenter de le découvrir en posant
des questions aussi larges que possible. C'est
l'occasion de permettre à vos élèves de prendre
contact avec l'outil informatique et de développer
des compétences en matière de communication,
d'utilisation de la langue maternelle, de l'esprit
de déduction, de la démarche scientifique et
surtout de prendre un peu de plaisir à l'école.
5 à 8 ans
http://www.crocobill.com pour découvrir un
site complètement gratuit, destiné aux enfants
de 5 à 8 ans. Il propose: une histoire par jour
pendant la semaine, des jeux, des coloriages, des
recettes faciles de cuisine, une rubrique théatre
destiné aux écoles. Vous avez aussi la possibilité
de vous abonner gratuitement pour recevoir par
mèl l'histoire du jour.
Un site qui devrait plaire !
Claude et ses amis
Site educatif pour enfants.
Web-based activities
Copyright-free photos
Throughout this well-constructed web site,
students will find a wealth of enjoyable activities
in French and also some valuable resources. With
few exceptions, all activities are led in French,
limiting its use to senior students. The possibility
of logging directly onto French related sites
within a particular activity, for instance, visiting
a French restaurant whilst working on La
gastronomie, adds a new dimension and an
entertaining way to learning the language.
General instruction offers a complete grammar
course with exercises and answers to help
complete activities. There are also several online
dictionaries including Dicovox, a vocal
dictionary. This is a valuable site for students in
search for extra activities in French.
K. Le Bourdonnec
Vous aimez cette photo!Allez en chercher
d’autres libres de droits (200 au total sur tous
les aspects de la France).
Model of the future Airbus A380 super-carrier
Sites are listed alphabetically by title. Those
reviews which note links to other sites, especially
as a major part of the site, will require additional
exploration time by teachers to verify specific
curriculum applications relevant to their classes.
The USER LEVEL descriptor, Professional, is a
pertinent reminder of such issues. Please note
that changes happen daily on the Internet. Sites
come and go. We cannot guarantee that the
following sites are permanent or are structured
as they were when they were reviewed. Teachers
interested in reviewing French sites should
contact Colleen Foley on (02) 9886 7478.
learning zone, this well organised web site
provides a full language course for absolute
beginners. Each topic is divided into different
sections: a short video sequence; an audio player;
and several entertaining activities. At the end of
each lesson an emphasis is put on Key words
and Key language. Explanations are clear and
given in English, with transcriptions in French.
Free guidelines for tutors are available online
for those who want to use this valuable resource
in their class. As a complement, a course book
and cassettes are available. K. Le Bourdonnec
Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Professional
About French culture
BBC Education: the travel hour
A treasure trove of French culture, this is the
perfect guide to the people of France, their
traditions and heritage. This outstanding site
provides a comprehensive index to all major
subjects with an extensive network of internal
links, from Art to Weather. One may decide to
enter the world of French History and explore
the events that shaped France; or perhaps find a
French school in search of pen pals. There is a
wonderful collection of cultural trivia, customs,
and French trends grouped in this easy to
navigate site. It proves to be an essential
reference framework for students and teachers.
K. Le Bourdonnec
USER LEVEL: Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
SYLLABUS:French 7-10; French Stage 6:
Beginners, Continuers, Extension.
BBC Education - Talk French
Based on the English television series, BBC
A chance to explore the various regions of
France, with useful items on travel, culture, food
and drink, and essential survival language, is
provided here. The site is in English. It can
enhance Beginners course students’ ability to
reflect on their own culture through the study of
French culture, as specified in the French
Beginners: Stage 6 syllabus (approved 1999)
amendments. Regional flavours takes a look at
most highlights, region by region, while Crucial
phrases proves to be an essential language
toolkit for any successful trip to France. A whole
page is also dedicated to gastronomy, with recipe
tips and typical French drinks. For those in need
of further information, there is an Essential links
page to several French tourism guides, though
exploration time is required to verify curriculum
relevance of these. Similar sites, dedicated to
Italy and Spain, are also available.
K. Le Bourdonnec
USER LEVEL: Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
French language exercises
Cultural explorer - Say it in French
Part of a larger site, these pages cover a variety
of useful French teaching resources. This section
contains self-correcting exercises relevant to the
topics of The individual and The world of work
(within The changing world) of the French
Continuers: Stage 6 syllabus (approved 1999).
The pages also offer an array of topics suitable
to the French Beginners: Stage 6 syllabus
(approved 1999). Users need to select Everyday
activities to access the wide range of exercises
available. Teachers may also find it useful to print
out exercises for class purposes. Easily
accessible, and usually explained in English, this
excellent site is worthwhile to visit for both
teachers and students. K. Le Bourdonnec
USER LEVEL: Stage 5 Stage 6 Professional
The French Embassy in Canada has developed
this outstanding, interactive simulation for
students of French. The visitor lands in RoissyCharles-De-Gaulle airport and has six hours to
reach the Eiffel tower in central Paris, where
Monsieur Langlois has fixed a meeting. With an
hourglass at the bottom of the screen, visitors
have to make their way through the many
linguistic and cultural barriers, such as going
through customs and buying a phone card.
Incorrect answers withdraw time. The Toolvox
plugin allows the virtual traveller to hear
questions spoken in French, although
instructions are given in English. A handy
English-French dictionary is also available. After
completing this activity, a trip to Paris may not
seem perilous. Macintosh users would have
difficulty using this site; according to the
publishers it cannot be used on a Macintosh. K.
Le Bourdonnec
USER LEVEL: Stage 5 Stage 6
Choix langues (Tourism in France)
If planning a trip to France, wishing to practise
reading French, or just wanting to know more
about the French capital and its surrounding
regions, this bilingual site might be a useful tool.
A large section is devoted to Paris, with colourful
photographs and brief details concerning the
social and cultural life of the city. Vie pratique
provides information on hotels, wine and public
transport with links to relevant web sites, though
exploration time is required to verify curriculum
relevance of these. Historical and geographical
information on other cities in France is also
provided. K. Le Bourdonnec
USER LEVEL:Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
La France
Information on all aspects of France is available
in English on this attractive, well organised site.
Regions accesses the twenty-two regions of
France, with explicit maps, and local information
on cities, the environment, and cultural
trademarks. Listen and speak French for free
provides basic, but essential language tuition.
There are also many cultural and practical
pointers. Whether a teacher or student of French,
or simply a dedicated Francophile, this site has
something for everyone. A visit to this great site
will turn into a rewarding cultural adventure.
K. Le Bourdonnec
French lesson
An intermediate guide to French.
Designed for students with some knowledge of
the French language, this easily navigated site
focuses on French web sites & CD-ROM reviews
of grammar. It covers most of the grammatical
structures prescribed in the Stage 5 and Stage 6
French syllabuses. In addition to tutorials, there
are many interactive exercises to facilitate the
difficult internalisation process that is part of
learning a language. Teachers could encourage
students to Login to the site, to make use of the
potential to review progress and work on
problem areas with specific exercises, where this
is relevant to their teaching and learning
program. Access to French web conjugue,
Hachette dictionnaire en ligne, and Le Monde,
is also available, making it a more than valuable
site for French practice. K. Le Bourdonnec
USER LEVEL: Stage 5 Stage 6
Giverny – Vernon
In the heart of Impressionism
Although aimed at providing tourist information
for the Giverny area of France, this site also has
broad information related to Claude Monet.
Included are a location map and history of the
area with photographs. Local area history is
covered under Museums, Castles, Mills and
Archeological sites. The Gardens section covers
various aspects of local gardens with an emphasis
on details of Monet’s garden. Included are: an
aerial view; map; description of the house;
photographs of scenes; specific details; and
seasonal changes. A direct link is provided to
the site Welcome to Claude Monet’s, with
biographical details and exhibitions of his
paintings. The French version of the entire site
is available, and offers some excellent
comprehension material within an authentic
cultural context for students of French in Years
7 to 12. In particular, it could be useful for the
Arts and entertainment topic in the Stage 6
French Continuers course. A. Whyte
USER LEVEL: Stage5 Stage 6 Professional
Languages – BBC
Make French your business – Index
For those who need to communicate in French
in a business environment, this online resource
covers six topics offering audio and interactive
practice, with immediate feedback. Each topic
provides a selection of audio clips, key phrases
for the topic, key vocabulary, and practice
activities to test comprehension. Greetings,
Introducing yourself, Telephone et rendez-vous,
and Getting around, are directly related to topics
in the French Beginners: Stage 6 syllabus
amendments (approved 1999). Self-check allows
the user to check language skill levels in
particular topics. Transcripts and translations are
also provided to support the audio files. This
well-constructed web site also hosts handy
cultural notes giving out essential information
on French customs and cultural trademarks.
K. Le Bourdonnec
USER LEVEL: Stage 6 Professional
L’univers du Français No 86
L’univers du Français No 86
Une invitation à participer à une activité de
collaboration entre classes, avec des classes du
Québec, Canada, et des classes d'ailleurs. Nous
sommes à la recherche de classes partenaires
pour collaborer à la réalisation de 3 projets
utilisant les ressources d'Internet. Ces projets sont
offerts par le site Prof-Inet (Québec, Canada) à
compter de la fin janvier 2001. La période
d'inscription est ouverte cependant. Ces projets
ont déjà été mis à l'essai et l'évaluation des
enseignants est fort positive. Mentionnons en
terminant qu'un animateur offre une assistance,
en cours de réalisation du projet, aux enseignants
qui inscrivent leur classe. Il nous ferait plaisir
d'accueillir une ou des classes de votre école ou
de votre région.
Sommaire de chacun des projets
Projet 1: “Les fêtes en tête”
Pour les 7-10 ans. Une collaboration entre 5
classes du Québec (Canada) et 5 classes
francophones d'ailleurs, ce projet invite vos
élèves à explorer le concept de la fête mais aussi
à découvrir et présenter l'origine, la raison d'être
et le déroulement de fêtes de chez-vous et
d'ailleurs. Une présentation réciproque de fêtes
qui permettra aux élèves de confronter perception
et réalité.
Description détaillée et formulaire d'insciption
en ligne:
Projet 2: “Ton toit...mon toit”
Pour les 8-10 ans. D'un pays à l'autre et d'une
latitude à l'autre, les maisons sont différentes...
Dans ce projet, nous invitons les élèves du
primaire à situer et découvrir leur milieu de vie
et celui des autres, dans un esprit de partage et
d'étroite collaboration (5 classes du Québec
(Canada) et 5 classes francophones d'ailleurs).
Description détaillée et formulaire d'inscription
en ligne:
Projet 3:“Les jeux des cours d’écoles”
Pour les 8-12 ans. Des classes de divers pays,
prêtes à participer à l'élaboration d'un recueil de
jeux joués dans les cours d'écoles primaires.Les
classes participantes auront à:
- Écrire et envoyer les règlements d'un jeu
typique des cours d'écoles de leur région ou pays.
- Participer à la validation et l'appréciation des
jeux envoyés par les autres classes participantes.
- Collaborer à l'élaboration du recueil de jeux
C'est une activité de rétroaction qui amène les
classes à échanger des messages dans le but de
clarifier les règlements.
Description détaillée et formulaire d’inscription
en ligne:
Chers collègues,
J'ai le plaisir de vous annoncer l'ouverture de
notre site pédagogique:
Nous avons souhaité proposer aux apprenants
de français des moyens de s'exercer à la pratique
de la langue à travers des jeux linguistiques et
des exercices élaborés par l'équipe pédagogique
de ACCORD mais aussi à travers une multitude
de ressources qui représentent pour les
professeurs de français une source inépuisable
de documents et d'activités pour la classe. Nous
proposerons bientôt des fiches pédagogiques
pour l'utilisation d'internet qui sera l'une des
thématiques privilégiées lors des stages pour
professeurs de français. Ces stages se déroulent
cette année du 12 au 23 février et du 2 juillet au
24 août 2001. Durant l'été nous proposons
chaque semaine un choix de deux thématiques
de vingt heures et de cinq options de façon à
permettre aux professeurs de construire leur
itinéraire de formation en fonction de leurs
besoins. Vous trouverez toutes les informations
relatives à ce stage sur notre site:
Outre les stages que nous organisons en France,
à la demande des services culturels français, des
associations de professeurs ou de l'Alliance
Française, nous avons élaboré et animé de
nombreux stages à l'étranger. Accord école de
langues accueille également dans le cadre de la
convention qui la lie avec le Département de
Linguistique de l'Université de Paris 7 de futurs
professeurs de français. N'hésitez pas à me
consulter pour tout programme que vous
souhaiteriez mettre en place, je serai heureuse
de vous présenter les propositions de notre
équipe. Je profite de l'occasion pour vous
présenter, avec mes meilleures salutations, tous
mes voeux pour 2001.
Christine Mestre
Directrice Pédagogique
TEL 01 55 33 52 35
Normandy bridge
Register on-line for
a French inservice
Step 1- Go to:
Step.2 - Click on Languages
Step.3 - Click on Specific languages
Step.4 - Click on French-français
Step.5 - Click on Formations-Inservices
Step.6 - Click on French calendar of events
Step.7 - Click on the desired month to obtain the
workshop details
Step.8 - Fill in the application and click send.
A confirmation of your application will be
e-mailed back to you within the next few days.
That’s it! You are in for our next workshop!
Please take the time to help us meet your needs and fax the completed survey form by Thursday 12
April 2001 to:
Hilary Hughes
Languages Consultant, Technology
Fax (02) 9886 7160
Phone (02) 9886 7590
[email protected]
Name ___________________________________________________________
Email address ____________________________________________________
School: _________________________________School code:______________
Languages you teach: ______________________________________________
Please circle your answer. Some questions might require you to circle more than one item.
(Feel free to answer in more detail on a separate sheet of paper if the space provided is insufficient
for your needs.)
My current usage of computers could best be described as:
I can use:
Apple Mac
For class activities I have access to:
Mac computer lab
PC computer lab
Classroom computers
Other area (please specify):__________________________________________
I use the following:
Commercially produced Languages CD-ROMS
Curriculum Support Directorate CD-ROM resources
The Internet:
I refer to the following:
“Computer based technologies in the Languages KLA” manual
I conduct computer activities with my students:
These activities include such things as:
I use other technologies:
I use the following:
Hardware (eg. scanner, digital camera, concept keyboard, data projector)
Software (eg. Kidpix, PowerPoint etc)
I would like to incorporate more technology into my teaching:
I would like the following assistance for integrating technology into the languages
In-service courses
CD-ROM demonstrations
Peer support networks
Suggestions for activities
Software reviews
Other (please specify) __________________________________________________
Programme pédagogique
1er et 2ème trimestre 2001
Inservice program
Term 1 & 2, 2001
9/10 Mars
30/31 Mars
18 Avril
26 Avril
11/12 Mai
Please note the following information for application forms
to an inservice or a workshop
Send back ASAP by mail your application form with your payment (made to Department of
Education and Training - French Consultants).
The sooner you decide to come, the sooner we are able to organise the workshop (a minimum of
participants is required according to the type of activity).
One application per teacher, please!
Write all the details as clearly as possible.
If you have to cancel at the last moment, please let us know by fax or by phone.
Transport costs will be reimbursed for participants using car, bus or train.
If air travel is necessary, teachers should complete the application for air travel and fax this to the
French Consultants on (02) 9886 7514 as soon as possible. You should provide flight details and
non-discounted fare information. Under new regulations, Director’s approval is now necessary for
air travel, so teachers must apply well in advance (2 months). If approval is granted, the ticket will
be purchased by Curriculum Support Directorate, for collection at your airport.
No exceptions will be made!
Target districts: Armidale, Tamworth, Moree
For primary and secondary teachers of French. Enjoy a day and a half with the French Consultants
developing professional skills while practising French. Participants do not need to speak French
fluently. Please rank the following activities in order of priority.
❑ Programming for Years 5-8
❑ Games and songs for the classroom
❑ Strategies for Years 11-12
❑ French culture today
❑ Teaching and learning technologies
❑ Update on resources
❑ Exploiting text types in French
❑ Others: ……………………………
Cheques should be made payable to the Department of Education and Training and sent together
with the application form below to:
The French Language Consultants, Private Bag 3, Ryde NSW 2112by Monday 26 February.
Please register on-line (see how to do this on page 47) or send your application by facsimile
(9886 7514) a.s.a.p. to facilitate the organisation of the event.
Twin share accommodation can be provided for government school participants where there is no
return transport available on the same evening. Teachers requiring accommodation should apply
separately in writing, stating their reasons for needing accommodation.
Cost: (meals included):
Friday 9 and Saturday 10 March 2001
Armidale Regency Function Centre
4.30pm (Friday) to 4.00pm (Saturday)
$55 (GST inc.) Government schools
$82.50 (GST inc.) Non-government schools
Rendez-vous à Armidale
Registration form/Tax invoice
ABN 40-300-173-822
First name: ……………………………………. Surname: ……………………………………
School code: (Government schools): __ __ __ __
School name:(Non-government schools): ……………………………………………………...
School phone: ………………………………… School fax: …………………………………..
Accommodation required:
yes __ (separate application attached)
Signature of Principal: ……………………………………
no __
Target districts: Orange, Dubbo, Bathurst, Broken Hill
For primary and secondary teachers of French. Enjoy a day and a half with the French Consultants
developing professional skills while practising French. Participants do not need to speak French
fluently. Please rank the following activities in order of priority:
❑ Programming for Years 5-8
❑ Games and songs for the classroom
❑ Strategies for Years 11-12
❑ French culture today
❑ Teaching and learning technologies
❑ Update on resources
❑ Exploiting text types in French
❑ Others: ……………………………
Cheques should be made payable to the Department of Education &Training and preferably sent
together with the application form below to:
The French Language Consultants, Private bag 3, Ryde NSW 2112, by Monday 19 March.
Please register on-line (see how to do this on page 47) or send your application by facsimile
(9886 7514) a.s.a.p. to facilitate the organisation of the event.
Twin share accommodation can be provided for government school non-metropolitan participants,
where there is no return transport available on the same evening. Teachers requesting accommodation
should apply separately in writing, stating their reasons for needing accommodation.
Cost: (includes all meals)
Friday 30 and Saturday 31 March 2001
Central Caleula Motor Lodge
4.30 pm (Friday) to 4.00 pm (Saturday)
$55 (inc. GST) Government schools
$82.50 (inc. GST) Non-government schools
Rendez-vous à Orange
Registration form/Tax invoice
First name: ............................................................ Surname: ..........................................................
School code (Government schools):
School address (Non-government schools): .....................................................................................
School phone: ........................................................ Fax: ................................................................
Accommodation required:
Signature of Principal: ……………………………………
Target districts: Albury, Batemans Bay, Wagga Wagga, Queanbeyan
For primary and secondary teachers of French. Enjoy a day and a half with the French Consultants
developing professional skills while practising French. Participants do not need to speak French
fluently. Please rank the following activities in order of priority:
❑ Programming for Years 5-8
❑ Games and songs for the classroom
❑ Strategies for Years 11-12
❑ French culture today
❑ Teaching and learning technologies
❑ Update on resources
❑ Exploiting text types in French
❑ Others: ……………………………
Cheques should be made payable to the Department of Education &Training and preferably sent
together with the application form below to:
The French Language Consultants, Private bag 3, Ryde NSW 2112, by Monday 30 April.
Please register on-line (see how to do this on page 47) or send your application by facsimile
(9886 7514) a.s.a.p. to facilitate the organisation of the event.
Twin share accommodation can be provided for government school non-metropolitan participants,
where there is no return transport available on the same evening. Teachers requesting accommodation
should apply separately in writing, stating their reasons for needing accommodation.
Cost: (includes all meals)
Friday 11 and Saturday 12 May 2001
Hovel Tree Inn
4.30 pm (Friday) to 4.00 pm (Saturday)
$55 (inc. GST) Government schools
$82.50 (inc. GST) Non-government schools
Rendez-vous à Albury
Registration form/Tax invoice
First name: ............................................................ Surname: ..........................................................
School code (Government schools):
School address (Non-government schools): .....................................................................................
School phone: ........................................................ Fax: ................................................................
Accommodation required:
Signature of Principal: ……………………………………
This workshop will be designed according to the response to the ‘needs’ list forwarded by teachers
of Years 11 and 12 for both the Beginners and the Continuers courses. Notice that this course will
take place during the school holidays. By the last week of March a final program will be sent to
teachers who have responded in order to confirm attendance.
Please indicate the areas on which you would like to focus in order of priority.
Deadline for needs response only: Friday 16 March 2001.
Class(es) taught (please indicate)
Year 11 Beginners Course ___
Year 11 Continuers Course ___
Year 12 Beginners Course
Year 12 Continuers Course ___
1 ---------------------------------2 ---------------------------------3 ---------------------------------4 ---------------------------------5 ----------------------------------
1 -------------------------------2 -------------------------------3 -------------------------------4 -------------------------------5 --------------------------------
Cheques should be made payable to the Department of Education &Training and preferably sent
together with the application form below to:
The French Language Consultants, Private bag 3, Ryde NSW 2112, by Monday 2 April.
Please register on-line (see how to do this on page 47) or send your application by facsimile
(9886 7514) a.s.a.p. to facilitate the organisation of the event.
Twin share accommodation can be provided for government school non-metropolitan participants,
where there is no return transport available on the same evening. Teachers requesting accommodation
should apply separately in writing, stating their reasons for needing accommodation.
Cost:(lunch included)
Thursday 26 April
9 am - 4 pm
$25 (inc. GST) Government schools
$37.50 (inc. GST) Non-government schools
Workshop: Focus on Years 11-12
Registration form/Tax invoice
First name: ............................................................ Surname: ..........................................................
School code (Government schools):
School address (Non-government schools): .....................................................................................
School phone: ........................................................ Fax: ................................................................
Accommodation required:
Signature of Principal: ……………………………………
This workshop will focus on the use of the I.C.T. (Information and Communication Technologies)
in the French classroom for the Years 5-8. Teachers will be invited to create their own Powerpoint
presentation. We will surf the Internet to collect information, samples of exercises and resources
you may need daily.
Cheques should be made payable to the Department of Education & Training and preferably sent
together with the application form below to:
The French Language Consultants, Private bag 3, Ryde NSW 2112, by Friday 6 April.
Please register on-line (see how to do this on page 47) or send your application by facsimile
(9886 7514) a.s.a.p. to facilitate the organisation of the event.
Twin share accommodation can be provided for government school non-metropolitan participants,
where there is no return transport available on the same evening. Teachers requesting accommodation
should apply separately in writing, stating their reasons for needing accommodation.
Cost: (lunch included)
Wednesday 18 April 2001
Japanese Centre-Kirrawee
9 am-4 pm
$25 (inc. GST) Government schools
$37.50 (inc. GST) Non-government schools
Workshop: Focus on Years 5 -8
Registration form/Tax invoice
First name: ............................................................ Surname: ..........................................................
School code (Government schools):
School address (Non-government schools): .....................................................................................
School phone: ........................................................ Fax: .................................................................
Accommodation required:
Signature of Principal: ……………………………………
distance education, often through online facilities.
Transfer between Certificate and Diploma as well as between Diploma and Degree is possible
for qualified candidates before completion of the program. Diploma students may be granted
credit of up to 12 credit points for relevant units completed at a tertiary institution and not part of
a completed award.
Overseas study
Overseas study is strongly encouraged for Diploma students, and candidates have the option of
studying at a tertiary institution in Europe. The Macquarie Study Abroad program is one of the
most developed in Australia and has proved most successful with students. Exchange agreements
are in place with universities all over Europe and the students’ overseas studies are credited
towards their Macquarie award. There are two types of overseas study units:
Residential Short Units are offered at beginners’, intermediate and advanced levels in Croatian,
French, German, Italian, Modern Greek and Russian. Students attend a short, intensive language
course at a European university during the mid-year break or the long vacation.
In-Country Study Units are offered over one or two semesters. Students undertake an approved
program of study at a European university, usually one with which Macquarie has an exchange
agreement. Macquarie University offers travel scholarships on a competitive basis for students
undertaking overseas study as part of their award. A number of those grants are set aside for
language students.
For further information, please contact:
Macquarie University
Department of European Languages
Telephone No: …………………….. (02) 9850.7005
Fax No: …………………………… (02) 9850.6057
Website: ……………………………. http://www.eurolang.mq.edu.au
Email address: ……………………. [email protected]
Le D.E.L.F. (Diplôme d’Etude de Langue
Française) est le seul diplôme en Français
Langue Etrangère qui soit reconnu dans le monde
entier. Il est délivré par le Ministère de
l’Education Nationale français et comporte 6
niveaux de compétences (de A1 à A6).
Les deux premières unités, A1 et A2, sont
particulièrement adaptées aux élèves des années
11 et 12 ainsi qu’aux professeurs débutants.
Les inscriptions seront ouvertes à l’Alliance
Française de Sydney du 1er mai au 15 juin 2001.
Pour tout renseignement: Tél:(02) 9267 1755
Samedi 28 et Dimanche 29 Avril 2001
Professeurs de français, venez rejoindre l’équipe
de l’Alliance pour un week-end en français avec
des ateliers pour tous les niveaux de compétence,
des jeux, etc…
Une occasion de passer 2 journées dans un
contexte francophone authentique.
Lieu: Hunter Valley
Renseignements à l’Alliance Française de
Tél: (02) 9267 1755
Teachers of French who need more confidence
with their linguistic skills are welcome to attend
classes at Macarthur Girls High School every
Monday from 5pm to 7pm.
Please ring Alain Lecouls for further information.
Tel: (02) 9886 7640
The brochure on "France-Australia Bilateral
Exchanges And Study Programs 2001" is now
It includes 19 project offers and can be found on
the French Embassy web site.
Proceed with the following steps:
1/ Go to http://www.france.net.au/language
2/ Click on France-Australia Bilateral Exchanges
and Study Programs
3/ Select the relevant information from the 19
project offers
4/ Download your information
5/ Fill out and return your application form.
Be quick, some applications have to be returned
as early as March! Don’t miss the deadlines!
If you need help, do not hesitate to contact Alain
Lecouls at 9886 7640 or the Language Section
of the French Embassy. Ph: (02) 6216 0137.
Teachers in government schools interested in
applying for the French Government Scholarships
to the Stage de Nouméa or Stage de Paris-Toulon/
La Garde should consult the Personnel Bulletins
in term 2, 2001. Be aware that the deadlines are
close to the publication of the offer. See last
year’s advertisement (Personnel Bulletin Vol 11
n.13) and start drafting your submission now to
avoid the rush!
The work of Lucien Henry
4 April to 14 october 2001
The French-Australian artist Lucien Henry
(1850-96) was one of the earliest artists to
propose a school of Australian public art,
architecture and design. Discover Henry’s
extraordinary life, work and vision in the
Powerhouse major exhibition commemorating
the centenary of Federation.
Term 2 - Saturday 19 May
10.00 am-12.30 pm
The seminar will provide teachers with an
understanding of the exhibition, its links to the
education curriculum, online material and how
it can be best used to develop students’
understanding and appreciation of the
development of Australia’s culture and identity.
Cost: $15 includes morning tea and resource
material. Bookings essential.
Free teachers’ previews
Term 1-Tuesday 10 April
Teachers previews are free, include an
information kit, and are an opportunity to
preview new exhibitions, meet our education
staff and discuss education programs and
Powerhouse information contact:
Tel: (02) 9217 0222
Fax: (02) 9217 0441
Je lance un appel à tous les professeurs intéressés
à participer à l'atelier que je propose dans mon
lycée le samedi 24 mars 2001 de 9h à 15 h.
Les participants sont priés d'apporter avec eux
des ressources afin de créer un bac blanc pour
les niveaux Continuers et Extension.
Lieu: St Catherine’s School
Horaire: 9 h à 15 h
Adresse: 24 Albion St, Waverley 2024
Fax:(02) 9369 2470 Tél: (02) 9389 9922
Mèl: [email protected]
Pause café + déjeuner: $10
Jacquie Hilmer
Registration: Please send your name, school,
phone/fax and details of course you wish to
Cecilia Waites at AIS : Fax (02) 9248 3688
L'exploitation du ouebe pour la composition
de documents de lecture: HSC continuers/
Extension course
Wednesday 28th February, 4.00pm - 7.30pm
Roseville College
27 Bancroft Avenue Roseville
Cost :
Independent schools $45.00
Le Primaire à L'Alliance Française: What
really works !
Thursday 15th March 9.00am - 3.30pm
Alliance Française de Sydney, 257 Clarence
Street - Sydney
Cost :
Independent Schools $50.00
Non independent
HSC Continuers Syllabus workshop
Thursday 22nd March, 9.00am - 3.30pm
Workshop: Reading and Responding Part A
(participants will be expected to contribute two
sample reading texts with questions)
Burwood RSL Conference rooms
96 Shaftesbury Road, Burwood
Cost :
Independent schools $50.00
Une Journée d'immersion à l’Alliance
Wednesday 16th May
Alliance Française de Sydney
257 Clarence Street, Sydney
Cost :
Independent Schools $70.00
Non independent
Victoire pour PARIS
Paris is one of the five cities bidding for the honour to host the Olympic Games in 2008. The five
cities are working hard right now to compete for the selection.
Pour battre le fer pendant qu’il est chaud, we would like to encourage students of French to look at
Paris in the light of its potential as the best venue for this international event.
This activity will run parallel to the ‘real’ one and some excitement among the participating students
is to be expected when the announcement of the “winner” is made on July 16, 2001.
While it targets students of French, this activity will involve skills across the curriculum.
Ideally the project should be presented to the class / handed in by the end of June 2001. It can be
done by individuals or in groups. Instructions should be adapted to the targeted class(es).
Teachers can choose to judge projects according to the following criteria:
-accuracy of language (expectations should vary according to Stage)
-value as a ‘convincing’ resource
This page can be downloaded from: www.curriculumsupport.nsw.edu.au
1 - Click on Languages
2 - Click on Specific Languages
3 - Click on French
4 - Click on Liaisons
5 - Click on Term 1, 2001
You have been commissioned to produce a kit in French to help the French National Olympic
Committee convince the International Olympic Committee that Paris is the best venue for the
Olympic Games in 2008.
Create any THREE of the following items to produce a kit:
∑ a poster
∑ a Powerpoint or Kidpix presentation (10 slides)
∑ an Olympic mascot and a description of its personality, background etc.
∑ a web site
∑ a resource kit
∑ an advertisement
∑ a video/dramatic presentation
∑ slogans
∑ designs for stamps/T-shirts/caps/pins etc.
∑ a calendar
∑ a brochure
The following web site will help you with information and ideas: www.paris2008.fr
A play for Years 7-10
Theatre LOTE Fantastique! is pleased to enhance your French program in 2001.
Continuing with our theme of entertaining, educational language shows, we present L’amour est
Bizarre! a streetwise love story which crosses from Sydney to Paris. The play has been tailored for
Year 7 to 10 French students, combining a bilingual script with original French rock songs.
Sylvie and Christophe are buddies, only Christophe wants more. Sylvie is enamoured with a French
rock star named Etienne, and with Christophe’s help manages to win a ticket to his concert at the
Paris Bercy. A lost wallet, a stolen scientific invention, and a motor bike escapade help Sylvie to
find out what she really values.
Pre-show resource pack includes:
• Cassette of songs from the show
• Support material (worksheet, poem, lyrics to the songs)
Language themes:
We have incorporated the following topics in our script:
Personal Identification – physical characteristics.
Travel – asking directions, transport, the city of Paris.
General conversation – routines, feelings.
Terms 2 & 3, 2001
50 Minutes
Cost per student:
Minimum fee:
Resource pack:
$22 (GST included in all prices)
Trouble with numbers? Combine your students with French students from nearby schools!
Feel free to contact Louise on Ph/Fax: 02 9569 3182, or 0412 109 035 with any enquiries or to
discuss your school’s particular needs.
Booking form
ABN: 162 382 505 11
YES! We would like to book L’Amour est Bizarre! to visit our school in Term 2 or 3, 2001.
Contact Teacher: _______________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________ Fax_____________________
Number of students: __________________ Year level:_______________
Number of shows: ____________________ Preferred Date:___________
Please send form with $50 deposit plus $22 for Resource Pack ie. $72 made out to:
“Theatre LOTE Fantastique!” Mail to: Theatre LOTE Fantastique, 72 Corunna Rd, Stanmore
Ideas collected from
“Stage Paris-Toulon 2000”
Je m’appelle
Students sit in circle-first child says:
-Je m’appelle (name) et je fais (mime action).
Next student says the same, then adds what the
previous student said.
Elle s’appelle...et elle fait....
With younger children, recommence after every
third or fourth student.
Name game
1) From a list of nouns (professions, animals)
select one which starts with the first letter of
student’s surname.
2) From a list of adjectives, select one which
commences with the final letter of student
Form a descriptive sentence:
Example: Je m’appelle Paul. Je suis un pompier
Un dialogue muet
Work in pairs. Describe something in mime.
Example: your pets, hobbies, favourite food...
Partner transfers mime into sentences.
Developing questioning skills
Teacher mimes a short scene.
Example: Elderly person carries a heavy suitcase
up the stairs to apartment, has difficulty finding
key, opens door, tries to open suitcase...
Teacher asks who what, where, when questions
to class.
Example: Comment est cette personne?
This can be done orally or children can complete
a grid.
Students ask clarifying questions to teacher
Example: Quel âge as-tu? Qu’est ce qu’il y a
dans ta valise?
In pairs, students recreate the scene, adding an
Vocabulary building
Class compiles a list of adjectives commencing
with the same letter. Work with partner to
complete the following sentences:
Ex: Le chat du curé est ----- et -----.
Memory game
Students are given a sheet of paper with pictures
of objects taken from a catalogue or hand drawn.
They have a minute to memorize three or four
Turn sheet over and report to class what they
memorized. Advanced students can describe how
they would use the object.
Comment ça va?
Students observe a sheet of facial expressions
and matching adjectives.
Example: triste, furieux, déçu...
Students mime and class guesses.
In pairs, students create a dialogue.
Advanced stage: each person in the pair selects
opposing sentiments
Example:.heureux/malheureux - Calme/énervé
A descriptive seating arrangement is given to the
students who must draw up a plan in order to
find where a given person is sitting.
Example: Paul est à gauche de Flore. Devant
Claire, il y a Jean...
Comic strip
Some speech bubbles are blanked out. Students
create their own dialogue.
Consider who, what, where, when.
Picture talk
Observe a picture. Students describe what they
see. Answer who? what? where? why? questions.
Guess who?
Teacher provides each student with a list of
questions. Students work in pairs and ask partner
any five of the questions. Students write down
brief answers.
Students write a description of their partner
without using his or her name. All descriptions
are placed in a box. Teacher reads each one and
class guesses whom it describes.
Compiled by Annette Allaburton
(Cambridge Gardens P.S.)
Chers Collègues,
Nous sommes heureux de vous informer que nous tenons à votre disposition un kit constitué de
quatre vidéos et de leurs brochures pédagogiques intitulé Des clips pour apprendre.
Produit par le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères français avec le concours du MCM et du CAVILAM,
ce kit est constitué uniquement de clips vidéos récents et présente une grande variété de chanteurs
regroupés thématiquement (Rock et Pop français, Ragga Rap, spécial Francis Cabrel...) Grâce aux
exercices pédagogiques variés, ces vidéos peuvent être utilisées à tous les niveaux du secondaire.
Pour vous donner un aperçu du kit, consultez le site internet de TV5:
www.tv5.org, rubrique Des clips pour apprendre.
1 kit = 4 vidéos + 4 livrets pédagogiques
Prix: $30 (GST incluse)
Pour tous renseignements, contactez: Alain ou Ghislaine au (02) 9886 7640.
Bon de commande
Registration form/Tax invoice
Please send me ---- French vidéo kit(s) at $30 per kit.
Please find enclosed a cheque for the sum of $ -----(Cheques are to be made payable to the Department of Education and Training)
Name of French teacher: -------------------------------------------------------Name of School: -----------------------------------------------------------------School phone: -------------------------- Fax: -----------------------------------Street: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Suburb: -------------------------------------------- School code:
Post code:
Order form for NSW GOVERNMENT schools
Fax this order form to the French Language Consultants: 9886 7514
Curriculum Support Directorate and Learning Materials Production have produced a CD-ROM
resource to support the teaching of the prescribed text and issues. The CD-ROM contains print
materials including teaching notes and activities for the film “Marius et Jeannette” and the prescribed
issues. It also contains audio files of listening items based on the issues.
This CD-ROM is available free of charge to NSW government schools currently implementing the
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please send our school the French Stage 6 Extension Course CD-ROM resource. The number of
senior students studying French at our school is as follows:
2001 Year 11 Continuers .......................
2001 Year 12 Continuers .......................
2001 Year 12 Extension ........................
We are using the following text book(s): ..........................................................................................
School: .............................................................................................................................................
Address: .............................................................................. Post code:
Telephone: ..................................................... Fax: ..............................................
French teacher: ............................................................................................................(please print)
Principal’s name: .........................................................................................................(please print)
Principal’s signature: .............................................................. Date: ........ / ........ / ........
Order form for NSW NON-GOVERNMENT schools
Fax this order to Direct Mail Sales, OTEN-DE: (02) 9715 8222
Product No
No of copies
French-CD Support
Material-stage 6 extension
Unit price
Postage and handling: $6 for 1 item, $11 for 2 or more items.
Courier items at cost. All prices quoted in this catalogue are GST inclusive.
Contact name:————————————–
Position: ——————————————–
School: ——————————————––
Address: ——————————————–
Charge my:
Bankcard O Visa O Mastercard OAmexO
Card expiry date:—————————–––
Card number:
State: ———————Post code: ———–––
Card holder’s name:——————————
Card holder’s name:——————————
My method of payment is:
Mail to:
I enclose cheque/money order for $——
made payable to:
O Please invoice my organisation.
Official order form attached.
Direct Mail Sales:
Locked bag 2014, Strathfield
NSW 2135
Fax your order on:
Contact a marketing
officer on:
(02) 9715 8174
(02) 9715 8222
The Chouette! CD-ROM is an initative of the Curriculum Support Directorate of the NSW
Department of Education and Training. It has been jointly developed by Curriculum Support
Directorate and Curriculum Corporation. Chouette! is an interactive multimedia resource
supporting the K-6 Generic syllabus, and may also be suitable for lower secondary learners of
French. It runs on both Macintosh and Windows platforms.
NSW government primary schools offering courses in French may order a free copy of the
Chouette! CD-ROM by returning the form below. NSW government secondary schools can
purchase Chouette! by returning the form to the French consultants with a cheque for $20
(including G.S.T.).
Non-government schools can purchase individual CDs ($54.45) or a network licence from the
Curriculum Corporation (fax: 03 9639 1616) or booksellers.
Chouette! combines audio, text, still and animated graphics and video footage in interactive
self-paced learning activities. Each topic is divided into three sequential levels of difficulty and
has both learn and test activities. Teachers can track and evaluate student progress.
Chouette! emphasises listening and responding to French in a fun and engaging way. It is based
on sound language learning methodology and supports students’ literacy development.
To: The French Language Consultants
Fax 9886 7514
I would like to order a copy of the Chouette! CD-ROM for my school.
Please note: Free to NSW government primary and $20 (including G.S.T.) to NSW government
secondary schools offering a French program.
School ____________________________ School code __ __ __ __
Name(s) of teacher(s) of French: ______________________________________________
Number of students/hours per week
Number of students/hours per week
K ________________________________
7 __________________________
1 ________________________________
8 __________________________
2 ________________________________
9 __________________________
3 ________________________________
10 __________________________
4 ________________________________
11 __________________________
5 ________________________________
12 __________________________
Principal’s signature___________________________ Date:___/___/___
The following compilation represents resources that have proven popular for practising teachers of
French or that have become available in the last few weeks.
Code explanation
B = suitable for the Beginners Course
C = suitable for the Continuers Course
E = suitable for the Extension Course
Aural / oral skills
C. Boucquey: Les Mains dans les poches, Boombana Publications. 100 imaginative activities
to stimulate meaningful oral exchange in the French classroom. B, C
J. Rolin-Ianziti: French in context, Boombana Publications. The six dossiers (relating to the
topics of Leisure and interest, Personal identity, The world of work, Travel and tourism) contain
authentic audio texts, the transcript of interviews, a wide range of comprehension exercises and
meaningful speaking and writing activities. C, E
Audio recording of the 2001 HSC Specimen Paper transcript. Recorded under ordinary
conditions (ie not in a studio), this is available upon request to teachers who send a labelled*
brand new cassette tape in a self-addressed padded envelope to:
The French language consultants, Private Bag 3, Ryde NSW 2112. C
Hours of recent French television programs. Send in a labelled* video-cassette in a selfaddressed padded envelope to the French language consultants to receive randomly recorded
programs from the satellite channel, TV5. Programs may contain news report, game shows,
serials, video clips etc. but there are no commercials. Dommage! B, C, E
T. Neather et al: Réalisations, MGP International. The listening exercises in this course fit in
well with the content and format of the Continuers course requirements. C, E
* The video/audio tape should be marked with relevant information eg school name and required
Reading / Writing skills
E. Armstrong et al: Au Point, Nelson. This is the 2000 edition, a more up-to-date and colourful
magazine-style version of the 1994 publication. It provides many documents relevant to the
syllabus topics (from Il faut vivre sa vie! to Demain déjà?) and caters for independent learning
with the self-study cassette and booklet. C (for stronger students) E
T. Neather et al: Réalisations, MGP International. This course covers a large number of syllabus
topics such as Ville et campagne, Inégalité et exclusion, Loi et société, Éducation, Les
technologies de demain, Environnement. C, E
Phosphore, Bayard Presse. Targets a readership of 15 to 25 years old. Each
magazine contains around 100 pages dealing with culture, leisure, news items,
study and future prospects. Check its valuable web site: www.phosphore.com
Contact the Bayard Presse representative on (02) 9315 5560
or fax: (02) 9344 3442. C, E
Label France, magazine trimestriel d’information du ministère des Affaires
étrangères. Available free of charge from the Service de Presse, French
Embassy, 6 Perth Avenue, Yarralumla, ACT 2600. This quarterly is published
in two versions, French and English, and occasionally contains articles
relevant to the Stage 6 syllabuses. The January 2001 issue, for example,
contained several interesting interviews on the world of work, immigration,
anti-racism and globalisation. You can consult Label France according to
publication reference or theme on www.france.diplomatie.gouv.fr/
label_france. Its articles are free of copyright as long as the name Label
France and the name of the author feature on the document. C, E (French
version) and B (English version)
De gauche à droite: Marine Simplot (Maitland Grossman H.S.), Fanny Planeix (Blakehurst H.S.), Raphaël Trantoul
(Southern Cross K-12 School), Tony Dugast (Albury H.S.), Stéphanie Fourquet (Tomaree H.S.).
Do you teach in government school? Will you have senior French classes in 2002? Then check the advertisement
in the Personnel Bulletin from August 2001 to see how you can apply for a French assistant. Note that teachers
are not required to provide accommodation.
Who was there? Adelong PS, Bongongo PS,
Brungle PS, Gundagai PS, Nangus PS, Wee
Jasper PS, Gundagai HS. All led by a team of
very enthusiastic teachers of French and
supported by Amanda Davis (Languages
Consultant, Continuity) and Ghislaine Barbe.
Event: A day of activities to cater for students
of French from K-8. All were formed into groups
(vert, jaune, rouge, violet, orange, bleu) and spent
half an hour on each activity: aerobics, cooking,
side-show alley, friendship wall, la crosse,
boules, interactive poetry.
Outcome: It confirmed to the students that
French is accessible, fun and useful and that
many others like themselves are learning it. Some
children who live in isolated areas were in awe
of the huge number of people and the sheer size
of Gundagai! By the end of the day, all had
something exciting to show and tell at home. The
local media coverage (radio, television and
newspaper) was extensive and gave a much
higher profile to the French language and culture
in the local community.
Well done, everybody!
Paris-Story is a unique multi-visual and musical
45 minute show in which the 2000 years history
of Paris unrolls chronologically.
Book your French class in on your next visit to
Check www.paris-story.com for more
Education: Vol.81 No 13 November 20, 2000
N’hésitez pas à nous faire parvenir des articles sur des professeurs ou bien des élèves qui méritent
d’être au tableau d’honneur!
North Shore Times December 8, 2000
Sydney Morning Herald December 20, 2000
Manly Daily February 2001
Weiner: Papilio et autres genres
Harry, un ami qui vous veut du bien
20 février – 10 mars, vernissage: mardi 20 février
à 18h30.
Jean Weiner reproduit à la fois la beauté des
papillons et l’histoire associée à leur étude
scientifique dans une nouvelle série abstraite de
peintures à l’huile, d’aquarelles réalistes, et de
montages de spécimens.
L’œuvre de Jean Weiner nous rappelle que la
nature est, dans ses plus infimes détails,
extraordinaire. Conservateur à l’Australian
Museum, Jean Weiner s’occupe des papillons
étrangers et connaît, de ce fait, parfaitement son
A partir du 1er février, Cinéma Chauvel et Dendy
Opera Quays
France, 2000, 117 minutes – Sélection Festival
de Cannes 2000.
Peter Lorincz: à partir du 12 mars
Cathédrale (Alliance Française) / Goya
Parliament House / Gravures Allemandes
(Goethe Institute).
Peter Lörincz est né en 1938 à Berlin. Après ses
études d’art à l’Université de Mayence, il se
consacre à l’enseignement des arts plastiques,
puis du dessin, enfin du graphisme.
Il est aujourd’hui professeur à l’Université
J. Gutemberg (Mayence). Parallèlement à son
activité universitaire, Peter Lörincz expose à
travers le monde.
Il porte sur l’architecture un regard très acéré,
décelant un sens dans la superposition des
époques, et télescopant Goya et Coca-Cola. Ou,
à l’inverse, choisit-il de réinventer la source des
volumes et des formes dans une inspiration
surréaliste (telle la Cathédrale Saint Fulcran de
Lodève rendue à un état d’artichaut ou traversée
par un banc de crevettes!).
Michel (Laurent Lucas) et Claire (Mathilde
Seigner, Venus Beauté Institut) sont sur la route
des vacances. Canicule et enfants grincheux.
Michel rencontre un ancien camarade de classe,
Harry Sergi Lopez, une Liaison Pornographique.
La rencontre se prolonge, Harry et son amie
(Sophie Guillemin, L’Ennui), imposent leurs
envahissantes attentions. L’histoire d’un
glissement imperceptible de l’improbable vers
l’absurde contrôlé. De services exagérés en
meurtres libératoires, cette quête de la simplicité
devient effrayante. Rien d’impossible dans cette
comédie de Dominique Moll. Un film qui fait
sourire et dérange. Un excellent moment en
21 MARS – 1ER AVRIL 2001
Aux cinémas Palace Academy de Paddington et
Palace Norton Street à Leichhardt. Une sélection
de 12 films français très récents, en version
originale sous-titrée. Les billets seront en vente
à partir du 1er mars.

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French T4 colour - Curriculum Support

French T4 colour - Curriculum Support support the implementation of the new syllabuses. Support for Years 7–10 on ICT and assessment will be conducted in Terms 1 and 2 2005. Check the web site for details (see address at the bottom of ...

Plus en détail