No 7 Telopea Topics - Telopea Park School


No 7 Telopea Topics - Telopea Park School
Telopea Topics
Les Nouvelles de Telopea
No 7 – Friday 13 May 2016
Report from the
Le Mot Du
High School
Secondary News
Primary News
School Term Dates
Contact Us
Uniform Shop
After School Care
Community News
Finance Office
Important Dates
16 May
SW Zone Cross Country – Stromlo Forrest Park
17 May
Secondary Athletics Carnival
19 May 18.00-21.00
Secondary Dance Party
Kindergarten, year 7 or year 11 in
24 May 17.00-19.00
Board Meeting
2017. Online enrolments opened a few
25 May
Primary Athletics Carnival
25 May 15.30-16.00
Curriculum Committee Meeting
27 May
Primary Athletics (800m)
It is the season of open nights and
information sessions for those parents
information evenings and an expo were
held at the school.
As Tom Kobal is leaving the school, next week we will welcome Peter Clayden, the deputy principal of Canberra College, to
Telopea Park School for the rest of this term.
It is Week 3 and for students in years 3, 5, 7 and 9 that means NAPLAN testing. Our students quickly settled to the extended
period of assessment and comments were positive. Our thanks to Uraj Singh and Maria Magdic who coordinated the testing in
the secondary and primary and also to those teachers who supervised. NAPLAN preparation focused on building student
familiarity with the type of testing instruments they might encounter as well as allaying any anxiety students might be feeling,
particularly in years 3 and 7. It should, however be remembered that NAPLAN provides parents and teachers with a snapshot of
a student’s ability during three days in May.
During the week, the Primary School welcomed Frederick Adamiak, the Conseiller Pedagogique for the AEFE Asian Pacific Region
into its classrooms. He also ran a workshop for the K-6 French staff and provided advice on the teaching of Physical Education in
Kindergarten to year 6.
Students in both the secondary and primary are preparing for their respective
Athletics Carnivals on 17 and 25 May.
Term 1 2016
1 February – 8 April
Term 2 2016
26 April – 1 July
Term 3 2016
18 July – 23 September
Term 4 2016
10 October -16 December
Please read the two statements from the Directorate in relation to student InjuryInsurance and Ambulance Transport and Privacy.
Robin Egerton
Deputy Principal K-6
Student Injury
Insurance and Ambulance Transport
The ACT Education and Training Directorate does not provide any insurance cover for injury, disease or illness to students
resulting from school activities or school-organised excursions. Claims for compensation are met where there is a legal liability
to do so. Liability is not automatic and depends on the circumstances in which any injury, disease or illness was sustained.
As there is no automatic insurance cover for personal injury if your child is injured at school or during a school organised
activity/excursion you should therefore consider whether taking out personal insurance cover for your child is warranted.
This insurance might cover contingencies including medical/hospital expenses, ambulance transport outside the ACT, and
cancellation of transport/accommodation or loss of/damage to luggage.
The ACT Ambulance Service provides free ambulance transport for students who are injured or suddenly become ill at school or
during an approved school organised activity within the ACT.
Privacy Notice
School Accidents/Incidents
Telopea Park School collects information about injuries and incidents which occur at school or on school-organised activities, on
behalf of the ACT Education and Training Directorate. Some of the information may be personal information as defined in the
Privacy Act 1988 and the Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act 1997. The information is usually included in a Student
Accident/Incident Report or Notification of a Critical Incident together with any accompanying witness statements.
The purposes for which the information is collected include notifying the Territory’s insurers and legal advisers of injuries and
incidents and ensuring that the school itself has accurate and complete records.
The Directorate usually provides the form and any other information relevant to the accident/incident to the ACT Insurance
Authority and the ACT Government Solicitor. Information may also be provided to WorkSafe ACT in accordance with the ACT
Work Health and Safety Act 2011.
Schools have a duty of care to keep students safe. Where an injury or incident occurs schools have an obligation to determine
what has happened and therefore may question students. Schools may also ask students to make statements in writing and to
sign these statements.
Farewell from Tom Kobal, Deputy Principal
Dear Parents and Students of the Telopea Park School community,
You may have heard or read that I am leaving Telopea Park School. It is with mixed feelings I leave Telopea as for
the last five years I have enjoyed being part of this special community. The unique nature of the school is often
stated but I would like to acknowledge and praise the leadership of Kerrie Blain supported by the professionalism
of the staff at Telopea. Thank you to all students and their families for your enthusiasm, engagement, regular
communications and support of the school and I look forward to working with some of you at Narrabundah College
in the future. Best wishes, Tom Kobal.
C’est actuellement l’époque des Portes Ouvertes et des réunions d’informations pour les parents des élèves entrant en Grande
Section de Maternelle, en classe de Cinquième ou de Première à la rentrée 2017. Les inscriptions en ligne ont débuté il y a
quelques semaines et l’école a organisé deux sessions d’informations ainsi qu’une exposition le 27 avril.
Tom Kobal, qui nous quitte la semaine prochaine, sera remplacé, jusqu’à la fin de ce trimestre, par Peter Clayden, Principal
Adjoint de Canberra College.
Nous sommes en Semaine 3 et pour nos élèves de CE2, CM2, Cinquième et Troisième, cela correspond aux épreuves de NAPLAN.
Nos élèves se sont vite adaptés aux différentes épreuves et les commentaires ont été positifs. Je tiens à remercier Uraj Singh et
Maria Magdic pour avoir coordonné les épreuves au Secondaire et au Primaire, ainsi que tous les enseignants qui ont surveillé les
élèves. Lors de la préparation au NAPLAN, nous avons souhaité familiariser les élèves avec les différents types de sujets
possibles et dédramatiser l’anxiété éventuelle des élèves, en particulier nos élèves de CE2 et de Cinquième. Nous rappelons
toutefois que le test NAPLAN donne aux parents et aux enseignants un bon aperçu des capacités démontrées par les élèves
pendant ces trois jours d’épreuves.
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Nous avons reçu cette semaine la visite de Frédéric Adamiak, Conseiller Pédagogique de la zone Asie Pacifique. Il a animé un
atelier pour les enseignants français des classes de Grande Section de Maternelle à Sixième et les a conseillés sur l’enseignement
de l’Education Physique en classe de Grande Section de Maternelle à Sixième.
Les élèves du Secondaire et du Primaire se préparent activement pour les Olympiades d’Athlétisme qui auront lieu
respectivement les 17 et 25 mai prochains.
Nous vous remercions de bien vouloir lire attentivement les deux informations données par le Département de l’éducation
concernant la couverture d’assurance en cas de blessure des élèves, le transport en ambulance des élèves et les clauses de
Robin Egerton
Principal-adjointe en charge du Primaire
Blessure d’élèves
Assurance et transport en ambulance
Le Département de l’Education de l’ACT ne fournit pas de couverture d’assurance en cas de blessure, de pathologie ou de
maladie pour les élèves résultant d’activités scolaires ou de sorties organisées par l’école. Les demandes d’indemnisation sont
accordées lorsqu’il y a une obligation légale de le faire. L’indemnisation n’est pas automatique et dépend des circonstances selon
lesquelles la blessure, la pathologie ou la maladie ont été contractées.
Comme il n’y a pas de couverture d’assurance systématique lorsque votre enfant est blessé à l’école ou lors d’une activité/sortie
organisée par l’école, vous devez par conséquent déterminer si la souscription à une assurance personnelle pour votre enfant est
Ce contrat d’assurance doit pouvoir inclure des dépenses médicales et hospitalières, des frais de transport en ambulance en
dehors de l’ACT, ainsi que les frais d’annulation de transport/hébergement et les frais occasionnés en cas de bagages
Le service d’ambulance de l’ACT fournit le transport en ambulance gratuit pour les élèves blessés ou qui tombent subitement
malades à l’école ou au cours d’une activité organisée par l’école uniquement dans l’ACT.
Protection de la confidentialité
Accidents/incidents à l’école
Telopea Park School recueille les informations relatives aux blessures et incidents qui se produisent à l’école ou lors d’activités
organisées par l’école, au nom du Département de l’Education de l’ACT. Certains renseignements peuvent être des informations
personnelles tells qu’elles sont définies dans la loi Privacy Act de 1988 et la loi Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act de 1997.
Les informations sont généralement incluses dans un rapport d’accident/incident ou une notification d’incident grave qui contient
les déclarations de témoins.
Les informations recueillies servent à notifier les assureurs et conseillers juridiques du Territoire des blessures et incidents et à
s’assurer que l’école elle-même a des dossiers exacts et complets.
Le Département de lEducation transmet généralement le formulaire et toute autre information utile concernant
l’accident/incident à l’ACT Insurance Authority (assurance-maladie de l’ACT) et à l’Avocat du gouvernement de l’ACT. Les
informations peuvent également être transmises à Worksafe ACT conformément à la loi ACT Work Health and Safety Act de
Les écoles ont une obligation de protection des élèves (Duty of Care). Lorsqu’une blessure ou un incident survient, les écoles ont
l’obligation de déterminer ce qui s’est passé et peuvent par conséquent être amenées à interroger les élèves. Les écoles peuvent
également demander aux élèves de faire une déclaration par écrit et de la signer.
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Monday to Friday
8.30am - 3.30pm
Before School
8.30am – 8.45am
Recess: Monday & Friday
10.55am – 11.25am
11.21am – 11.59am
11.21am – 11.51am
Lunch: Monday, Wednesday & Friday
1.25pm – 2.15pm
1.12pm – 2.02pm
12.56pm – 1.56pm
If office is unattended, please see staff in Reception Area
You should have received an invitation to complete and submit a Google form, which will be used to provide you with access to
ManageBac provides you with information relating to your child’s subjects, including resources and assessment items, and
special programs or groups in which they may participate. You will be able to view and monitor your child’s progress, as well as
communicate with teachers.
Please complete the form and submit by Friday 20 May.
Please contact the Front Office if you have any queries about this matter.
I look forward to working with you to support your child’s learning at Telopea Park School/Lyceé Franco-Australien de Canberra.
Ona Siakimotu
A/g Deputy Principal
Australian Business Week
Dear Parents and Carers,
Each year, Telopea Park School offers all Year 10 students the opportunity to participate in Australian Business Week. This year
ABW will be held between 27 June and 1 July. The ABW Program is a fantastic opportunity for students to work in teams to
develop their own hospitality enterprise, making a series of financial, business, environmental and social decisions.
The successful running of the program requires mentors to work with individual teams throughout ABW. The role of the mentor
is predominantly guidance: to act as a consultant for the group, only helping when asked and offering only limited assistance.
Mentors do not need to have specialty experience in hospitality or hotel management.
We are looking for expressions of interest from parents who would be available to volunteer their time on Monday 27 and
Tuesday 28 June. Ideally, mentors would be at the school between 8:55am and 3:15pm for both days.
If you are available during this time and are interested in mentoring one of the ABW teams, or if you would like any further
information please send me an email at [email protected]
Thanking you in advance for your support,
Hollie Aerts
Telopea Park School Individuals and Societies Teacher and Year 7 Co-ordinator
Email: [email protected] | Phone: 02 6142 3369
Address: Telopea Park School, New South Wales Crescent, Barton, ACT, 2600
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Humanities report
At the end of 2015 we farewelled Mrs Pamela Hill who had been teaching in the Humanities Faculty since 2011. Her knowledge of
the school, passion for History and contribution to the faculty will be greatly missed. At the start of this year we welcomed back
Ms Tess Yvanovich. Tess had undertaken her Masters of Teaching practicum with us in 2014 and we are pleased to have her
working full-time with us at Telopea.
This year sees the final stage of implementation of the Australian Curriculum in Humanities with the introduction of Year 10
Economics and Business and Geography, and the integration of Civics and Citizenship into the History units of study in years 9
and 10. Students have settled well into their Humanities courses and in most classes preparation is underway for the final
assessment task. It is important for the students to manage their time wisely at this point in the semester. As students prepare
for these tasks it also the time to reflect on their learning and read carefully the feedback provided by teachers on class work
and past assessment tasks. Students should note the suggestions and apply these to the next task. The class time allocated to
work on assignments provides a good opportunity for students to discuss areas of concern with their teacher.
Upcoming events for Humanities include the History and Geography competitions. These competitions are based on the
Australian Curriculum and give students the opportunity to test their skills and understanding using a range of sources and
questions. The Geography competition is on Friday 20 May and costs $4 and the History competition is on Wednesday 25 May
and costs $6. Money can be paid for these competitions at the Finance office.
This week a group of year 10 Geography students were invited to participate in the Australian Institute of Architects Ideas
Workshop for City and Gateway Urban Renewal. These students worked with a select group of students from other schools in the
ACT alongside professionals from a range of industries and institutions, including government agencies and professional
organisations like the Australian Institute of Architects, and the ACT Heritage Council. Our students collaborated with
professionals and other students to create innovative ideas of tactical urbanism projects within the Canberra region. Tactical
urbanism refers to ‘grass roots’ initiatives - often temporary, low cost, quick and effective – used to reimagine and animate
underused parts of a city and to test possible uses for the future.
We would like to congratulate Adhitya Bidarkal, Punjaya Wickramasinghe, Emma Sillick, Laura D’Arcy, Josie Biggs, Ciara Honey
for their excellent representation of Telopea Park School. The work of our students was tweeted by David Flannery of the ACT
Heritage Council.
The first assembly of Term 2 commemorates ANZAC Day in the high school. Our focus this year was on the events of 1916,
examining Australia’s involvement in the Somme campaign in the battles of Fromelles and Pozieres, and Indigenous soldiers who
fought in the First World War. It is estimated that around 1000 Indigenous Australians enlisted. They came from a section of
society with few rights, low wages, and poor living conditions. Most Indigenous Australians could not vote and none were
counted in the census. But once in the AIF, they were treated as equals.
The histories of the Indigenous soldiers
presented at the assembly were researched in a joint project between the English
French Stream and Australian Stream History classes in 2015. M. Chalaye’s Year 10 and Mrs McEwin’s Year 9 History classes
worked collaboratively using the service records of the soldiers available at the National Archives, to create an exhibition panel
on each soldier.
Sincere thanks to the band that played beautifully to support the assembly and Sam Parkinson for conducting in the absence of
Mr Clements. Thank you and congratulations to the Year 10 and 8 presenters, Ruben Willams, Rosa Mason, Cassie Craig-Smith,
Ruchira Jinadasa, Gaby Hughes, Sarah Owusu, Sam Parkinson and Jerry Liu who all did a fantastic job.
Natalie Bray
Executive Teacher Humanities
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Primary students are well-engaged with school and enrichment activities. Thank you parents and carers for regular chats with
students, looking at Communication Books, Skoolbag app. and through student bags to help keep up with events and good
communication with teachers and the school.
Shave/Colour for a Cure:
We are very proud of four year 6 students who successfully raised $1500.00 by colouring their hair for this worthy cause. Mielle
Hurrell inspired Zara Ford, Marc-Andre Beauvais and Georgie Barnes to join her in the fund raising which was generously
supported by both year 6 classes.
Rostrum Speeches
The students in years 3-6 have been busy preparing a two-minute speech to present to their class. The topics include: I Need
More Time, Oceans, the Year of the Monkey, Going to Rio and Keeping up with Technology. Teachers helped them to prepare and
present in class first. Each class then nominated one student to present at a year assembly. As students in years 4 and 6 are not
participating in NAPLAN testing, an assembly was held on Monday 6 May. On the 13 th of May, students from years 3 and 5 will
present their speech. One student will then be selected to participate and represent the school in the quarter finals. Thanks go to
Su Mathe for coordinating this activity.
Sydney Dance Theatre Excursion
Last week a permission note was sent home to y4-6 classes, inviting students to attend an excursion to Cacti. Although we work
hard to keep excursions to a minimum in years 3-6, we thought this opportunity was too good to pass up. We hope that the 80
students currently preparing for Wakakirri will attend the excursion.
Payment is due by: Friday 13 May
Dance is a subject within the Australian Curriculum and at Telopea Park School, it is challenging to deliver two languages as well
as the full range of Arts subjects (Visual Art, Media Arts, Music, Drama and Dance). Currently, year 3 students are experiencing
an Arts Rotation (Reader’s Theatre, Drama, Visual Art and Radio) so by the end of the year, they will have experienced all four
offerings. Similarly, in years 5 and 6 those students not participating in Band or Drumming enjoy a semester of either Drama,
Radio or Visual Art.
Please note ICACS Testing schedule for years 3-6:
ICAS Subject
ICAS Sitting Date
Wednesday 01 June
Tuesday 14 June
Thursday 16 June
Tuesday 2 August
Wednesday 17 August
Sporting news
The Primary Athletics carnival will be held on Wednesday 25th May. Staff are preparing students during PE lessons. It is mostly
for Y2-Y6 but we will have the K and Y1 come for a fun running race. A note is coming home with more details. As part of our
continuing focus on healthy eating, fruit and cheese rolls will be available to students in years 2-6 at the Athletics Carnival on
Wednesday 25 May. Due to the initiative of Aminah Kazak, we have again secured sponsorship from Bakers Delight Manuka who
have kindly donated their rolls. The Students Representative Council (SRC) are requesting that every student in years 2-6
donates either an apple or orange in the days leading up to the carnival. Your fruit contribution is much appreciated. The fruit
will be cut up by volunteers and made available throughout the carnival day to both athletes and spectators. A letter of thanks to
Bakers Delight will be penned by SRC representatives.
The Zone Cross-Country with 26 participating schools, was held at Stromlo Forest Park on 3rd May. It was a big effort from
students and parents. Cathy Marot was keenly giving advice on running strategies before groups went to the marshalling area.
We had a squad of 48 TPS students on the day;
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GIRLS: Anastassia Stauffacher, Ella Roberts, Emily Wallace, Sophia Baker, Hanna Hamiti, Sophie Munro, Liesel Freyens, Siena
Freyens, Neva Soulier, Lucie Barberet, Jana Stauffacher, Katy Brown, Mia Harris, Zoe Brown, Kira Tenthorney-Vinuesa, Sara Wallace,
Aurelia Lonchampt, Zoe Hamilton, Loane Cretegny, Iwa Munro, Audrey Suckling, Lelia Villegas, Naomi Binga, Demi De Andrade,
Georgie Barnes
BOYS: Coen Storer, Oliver Griffiths, Leon Thoms, Jasper Noyen, Noah Brown, Xavier Boucher, Stellan Lindrud, Lalo Soulier, Edwin
Roach, Gregoire Bories, Matthieu Gelebart, Charlie Camus,Tian Yu Uksi , Amedee Dewynter, Christopher Ryan, Kalman Thoms,
Gabriel Bories, Teo Wille, Marc-Andre Beauvais, Kami Schmutz, Luc Boucher, Olivier Beauvais, Jude Roach,
(Augustin Leonhardt and Connor Lineen qualified but couldn’t attend)
All students performed their best and eight have qualified for the ACT level of Cross-Country competition; Anastassia
Stauffacher, Sophie Munro, Liesel Freyens, Jana Stauffacher, Audrey Suckling, Coen Storer, Oliver Griffiths, Stellan Lindrud Well done and good luck everyone!
The ACT Swimming Championships will be held at the end of term and the following students have qualified: (though Katy
and Zoe will not be present to attend) Congratulations and best wishes go to: Coen Storer, Katy Brown, Zoe Brown, Isabelle
Reed, James Mitcham, Romane Chevreau.
On individual success, we congratulate Y6 Valentin Chevreau, who has also qualified for the ACT 12&U Soccer Representative
Recently, French schools in the Asia Pacific zone, offered a competition ‘Tableau des Champions’ in mathematics.
participation came from Singapore, Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur. We congratulate Alexander Aumais in Y5, for gaining a bronze
medal in this event.
Hats and Coats: The SunSmart policy recommends that we wear the broad brimmed hats until the end of May. During the
colder months of June and July students may wear warm beanies to school. If you are looking to purchase warmer coats and
jackets, we ask that you please look to keep to colour-code for wearing at school. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Thank you for the support that makes home and school, work as a community for our students’ benefit.
Maria Magdic
Executive Teacher Y3-6
Nos élèves du Primaire s’impliquent activement dans les différentes activités scolaires et parascolaires. Merci aux parents et
tuteurs qui discutent régulièrement avec les élèves, consultent l’application Skoolbag, vérifient les cahiers de communication et
les cartables des élèves. Ce sont de bons moyens pour se tenir au courant des événements de l’école et pour maintenir une
bonne communication entre les enseignants et l’école.
Shave for a cure
Nous sommes très fiers de nos élèves de Sixième qui ont récolté $1500.00 en colorant leurs cheveux pour cette bonne cause.
Zara Ford, Marc-Andre Beauvais et Georgie Barnes se sont inspirés de Mielle Hurrell et l’ont rejointe dans ce projet de collecte de
fonds, projet généreusement soutenu par les deux classes de Sixième.
Concours d’éloquence
Les élèves des classes de CE2 à Sixième ont beaucoup travaillé à la préparation de leur discours de 2 minutes qu’ils devaient
présenter à leur classe. Les thèmes retenus sont les suivants: J’ai besoin de plus de temps, les Océans, l’Année du singe, En
route pour Rio et Comment rester au fait de la technologie. Les enseignants les ont aidés à préparer et présenter leur discours à
la classe. Comme les élèves des classes de CM1 et Sixième ne participent pas aux Evaluations NAPLAN, une assemblée a eu lieu
lundi 6 mai. Le 13 mai, les élèves de CE2 et CM2 présenteront leur discours. Un élève sera alors sélectionné pour participer et
représenter l’école aux quarts de finale. Un grand merci à Su Mathe qui coordonne ce projet.
Sortie Sydney Dance Company
Nous avons remis la semaine dernière une note d’informations aux élèves de CM1 à Sixième au sujet d’une sortie pour assister
au spectacle de danse Cacti. Nous essayons de limiter le nombre de sorties pour les élèves de CE2 à Sixième, mais nous ne
pouvions manquer cette belle occasion. Nous espérons que les 80 élèves qui se préparent en ce moment à Wakakirri
participeront à la sortie.
La date limite de paiement est fixée au vendredi 13 mai.
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La Danse fait partie du Programme National australien et à Telopea Park School, il n’est pas toujours très évident d’offrir à la fois
un enseignement bilingue et de proposer tous les choix d’enseignements en Arts (Arts Visuels, Arts Média, Musique, Théâtre et
Danse). Les élèves de CE2 bénéficient actuellement d’un enseignement des Arts par cycle (Théâtre du lecteur, Théâtre, Arts
Visuels et Radio), ce qui signifie que les élèves auront découvert ces quatre domaines. De même, les élèves de CM2 et Sixième
qui ne font pas partie de l’orchestre ou qui ne font pas de cours de percussion pourront bénéficier d’un semestre de Théâtre, de
Radio ou d’Arts Visuels, au choix.
Veuillez noter les dates de l’examen ICAS pour les classes de CE2 à Sixième:
Dates des épreuves
Mercredi 1er juin
Expression écrite
Mardi 14 juin
Jeudi 16 juin
Mardi 2 août
Mercredi 17 août
Nouvelles sportives
Les Olympiades d’Athlétisme du Primaire se dérouleront le mercredi 25 mai. Les enseignants préparent les élèves aux différentes
épreuves pendant les cours d’EPS. Cela concerne principalement les classes de CE1 à Sixième, même si les élèves de Grande
Section de Maternelle et de CP participeront à une course pour s’amuser. Vous recevrez bientôt une note d’informations vous
donnant plus de détails. Dans le cadre de notre projet pédagogique sur les bonnes habitudes alimentaires, les élèves de CE1 à
Sixième pourront prendre un fruit et un sandwich au fromage le jour des Olympiades d’Athlétisme le mercredi 25 mai. C’est
grâce à l’initiative d’Aminah Kazak que l’enseigne Bakers Delight offrira généreusement à l’école des petits pains. Le conseil des
représentants des élèves (SRC) demande que chaque élève de CE1 à Sixième apporte une pomme ou une orange à l’école les
jours précédant les Olympiades. Votre contribution est grandement appréciée. Les fruits seront coupés par une équipe de
volontaires et distribués aux athlètes et aux spectateurs au cours de la journée. Nos élèves délégués vont écrire une lettre de
remerciement à l’enseigne Bakers Delight.
26 écoles ont participé au Cross de la zone au parc de Stromlo Forest le 3 mai dernier. Quel bel effort de la part des élèves et
des parents. Cathy Marot était présente pour prodiguer quelques derniers conseils stratégiques juste avant le départ. 48 de nos
élèves ont défendu les couleurs de Telopea Park School ce jour-là.
FIILES: Anastassia Stauffacher, Ella Roberts, Emily Wallace, Sophia Baker, Hanna Hamiti, Sophie Munro, Liesel Freyens, Siena
Freyens, Neva Soulier, Lucie Barberet, Jana Stauffacher, Katy Brown, Mia Harris, Zoe Brown, Kira Tenthorney-Vinuesa, Sara Wallace,
Aurelia Lonchampt, Zoe Hamilton, Loane Cretegny, Iwa Munro, Audrey Suckling, Lelia Villegas, Naomi Binga, Demi De Andrade,
Georgie Barnes
GARCONS: Coen Storer, Oliver Griffiths, Leon Thoms, Jasper Noyen, Noah Brown, Xavier Boucher, Stellan Lindrud, Lalo Soulier,
Edwin Roach, Gregoire Bories, Matthieu Gelebart, Charlie Camus,Tian Yu Uksi , Amedee Dewynter, Christopher Ryan, Kalman Thoms,
Gabriel Bories, Teo Wille, Marc-Andre Beauvais, Kami Schmutz, Luc Boucher, Olivier Beauvais, Jude Roach,
(Augustin Leonhardt et Connor Lineen étaient qualifiés mais n’ont pas pu participer)
Tous les élèves ont donné le meilleur d’eux-mêmes et 8 d’entre eux se sont qualifiés pour le Cross Régional de l’ACT. Il s’agit de
Anastassia Stauffacher, Sophie Munro, Liesel Freyens, Jana Stauffacher, Audrey Suckling, Coen Storer, Oliver Griffiths, Stellan
Lindrud. Un très grand bravo à eux et bonne chance à tous!
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Les Championnats de natation de l’ACT se dérouleront à la fin de ce trimestre et les élèves suivants ont été qualifiés: Coen
Storer, Katy Brown, Zoe Brown, Isabelle Reed, James Mitcham, Romane Chevreau (Katy et Zoe ne pourront malheureusement
pas être présentes). Félicitations et tous nos meilleurs vœux de réussite.
Nous félicitons, à titre individuel, Valentin Chevreau, élève de Sixième, qui est sélectionné dans l’équipe de football de l’ACT des
moins de 12 ans.
Les écoles françaises de la zone Asie Pacifique ont pu récemment participer à un concours de Mathématiques intitulé “Tableau
des Champions”. Parmi des concurrents de Singapour, Hong-Kong ou Kuala Lumpur, Alexander Aumais de CM2 a obtenu une
médaille de Bronze et nous le félicitons.
Chapeaux et manteaux: le programme SunSmart recommande le port d’un chapeau à large bords jusqu’à la fin du mois de
mai. Pendant les mois plus frais de juin et juillet, les élèves sont autorisés à porter un bonnet à l’école. Si vous devez acheter un
manteau ou une veste, pensez à choisir un vêtement du code couleur des uniformes de l’école. Nous vous remercions de votre
Merci pour votre soutien qui, nous permettant de travailler en partenariat avec les parents, bénéficie à tous nos élèves.
Maria Magdic
Enseignante-cadre en charge des classes de CE2 à Sixième
Monday – 8.30 - 9.30am
Tuesday – 2.45 - 3.45pm
Thursday – 11.00am – 12.00noon
Order and pay securely on the web:
[email protected]
Place your order over the phone/fax 1300794179 (business hours)
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NSW Crescent
Phone: 61423388
[email protected]
Proviseur/Head of French
Deputy Principal K-10
Deputy Principal K-6
Kerrie Blain
Emmanuel Texier
Tom Kobal
Deputy Principal 7-10
Michele McLoughlin
Conseiller Pédagogique Julien Dugas
Business Manager
Mary Ryan
Mary Welsh
Robin Egerton
School Board Members 2016
Board Chair
Jacinda Still
Appointed Member
Staff Member
Cathy Marot
Staff Member
P&C Member
Student Member
Australian Government
French Government
Laura Beacroft
Divij Madan
Louise Hudson
Catherine Hodier
P&C Member
Student Member
French Government
Board Secretary
Katherine Solomko
Hugh Griffin
Timothy Rock
Eric Soulier
Mary Ryan
P&C 2016
Paul Haesler
Vice Presidents
[email protected]
Peter Roberts,
David Pullen
Pauline Cullen
Assistant Secretary
Anita Gardner
Justin Brown
Assistant Treasurer
Phillippe Moncuquet
Public Officer
Before and After School Care
Communication Officer
Lost Property Officer
Initial Fete Coordination Team
Catriona Dove
Andrea Grazziadelli
Emma Perkins
Christine Gustafson
Grants Officer
ACT P&C Delegate
Communication Officer
Returning Officer
Andrew Koc-McDonald
Julie Glasgow
Lisa Wallace
Peter Roberts
Vaishali Goel, Andrew Medlin, Clair Bannerman, Tran Tang, Nicola Smith
and Jacinda Still
The inclusion of advertisements in this publication is in no way to be interpreted as an endorsement of support by the school.
Readers are responsible for forming their own opinions as to the value or reliability of the information contained in such
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