Christmas Day Menu 2010 - £48


Christmas Day Menu 2010 - £48
Christmas Day Menu 2012-£55.90 per person
Amouse Bouche
An amusement of ze mouth
Gratin Lyonnais
Classic French Onion Soup with Gruyere cheese toasts
Escallop de Foie Gras au figues Roti
Pan Fried Goose liver with Roasted Figs on Toasted Sour Dough
Biegnetts de Crevettes
King Prawns Deep Fried in a Light Batter with herbs and Lemon Mayonaise
Tarte au Fromage de Chèvre et Betterave
Roast beetroot and goats cheese tart with hazelnut and herb crumb
Dindonneau Roti ala Normande
Roast Turkey, Chestnut Seasoning ,Cranberry Sauce ,Crispy Bacon, Smoked French Sausage,Bread Sauce, Cider Gravy
Carre d Agneau aux herbs Fine
Roast Rack of Lamb with Herb Crust Redcurrant and Mint Sauce
L` assiste de Fruit de Mer ala Nantua
Lemon Sole and langoustine Mousse Poached Salmon Griddled Scallops on a shellfish broth
Menage aux Trois
Leek and Roquefort Tart, Goats Cheese in Strudel Leaves, Avocado Salsa and Corriander Spring Roll
Cote du Bouef au Poivre Vert
Pepper Crusted Rib of Beef with Cream, Soft Green Peppercorns and Cognac
or Traditional with Yorkshire pudding, Fresh Horseradish and Red wine Gravy
Pommes Persiallde
Choux Flour Mornay
Haricot Vert et Lardon
Purre de Carrot
Bûche de Noël Mettre le Feu à ch ala Molly P
Homemade Christmas Pudding with Rum Sauce Set on Fire by Molly at the table
Fondant au Chocolate
Warm Chocolate Sponge with Orange Marmalade ice cream and Vanilla Custard
Parfiat au Nougat
Iced Parfait with Candied Fruits and Apricots
Crème Brûlée
Vanilla Custard with Burnt Sugar
Les Fromage
Morbier, Delice de bourgogne, Roquefort
Les Café
Coffee with Mince pies and Chocolate Rum Bon Bons
Kendells Bistro
3 St Peter Square Leeds
Tel: 0113 2436553
Email: [email protected]