Issue 7: June 2014 - International College


Issue 7: June 2014 - International College
Commencement 2014
students received their diplomas at this year’s Commencement Exercises.
Mabrouk, graduates and new alumni of International College!n
“SINDBAD”: ART JOINT PROJECT by IC Students and Children from Germany
he Art Department was approached by
Mr. Ata Keilany, IC alumnus, his artist
wife Natalya Ovadkova, Mr. Norbert
Raabe, chair of the NGO Paritätischer
to publish the story of Sindbad in both
languages Arabic and German and illustrated
by IC students and by children in Hameln,
Germany. The main purpose? To link the two
cultures together.
In their Arabic classes, IC students on both
campuses were introduced to the story of
Sindbad as part of their heritage. The Art
Department coordinated the illustration
process. Head of Art Samia Nasr Boulad was
invited to Germany to attend the ceremony
featuring the mayor of Hameln and launching
of the book Sindbad. With oriental music
in the background, a professional class of
dancers, the book was distributed and the
event covered by local newspapers as well as
broadcasted on national radio.
Sindbad ceremonies were held on Ras Beirut
and Ain Aar. Being an interdisciplinary
project, Art teachers and Arabic language
teachers attended the ceremony. Directors
presented the certificates and a copy to each
student whose drawing was selected.n
Issue 7
June 2014
PYP Workshop in Dubai
Preschool and lower Elementary
teachers attended the PYP workshops
on “Sustainability as InternationalMindedness” and “Inquiry” at the
Taaleem School in Dubai. The Ras Beirut
Preschool teachers included Nour Ghusayni,
Asma Dibsi, Line Abou el Khoudoud and Hiba
Jizi. Those from Ain Aar included Lina Melki,
Christelle Gebara, Lina Rahal, and Carine
Salamouni. “Despite the hot and humid weather
in Dubai, the PYP workshops we attended were
very engaging. This professional development
opportunity enabled us to share and reflect on
our teaching practices with other teachers from
around the world. It enriched our learning
journey as teachers who aim to be lifelong
learners. We are thankful for this rich chance
and unforgettable experience,” said one happy participant.n
PYP in School Workshops
Elementary faculty and
directors attended a
two-day PYP workshop
trainers Ghada Maalouf, Nadine
Habre and Lina Mouchantaf. The
teachers looked at their planning,
teaching and learning through the
lens of transdisciplinarity. They
reflected on how to make the units
authentic, engaging and challenging.
Transdisciplinarity challenges us to
connect everything we do to create real
life situations and transfer teaching to
a higher level.n
We can make a difference!
aking action as the result for learning has become a natural
initiative for our young learners. Grade 1 students at Ain
Aar decided to raise awareness against endangered animals
in Lebanon by using media.
They put all their communication skills into practice and produced
brochures encouraging everybody around them to put all their
resources at the service of those animals.
They distributed them at home to neighbors and friends, at school
to other classes, and you could see them on car windshields near to
the school. Without other living things, we are endangered too! n
Nour Karam, lauréate au concours international du Plumier d’or 2014
e concours du Plumier d’or- concours de langue et d’expression
françaises- est organisé par l’association Défense de la langue française
DLF et s’adresse aux élèves des classes de 4ème des collèges de France
ou d’enseignement français à l’étranger. Chaque année plus de vingt
mille candidats se présentent à ce concours. Cette année, Nour Karam, élève
de l’IC Ain Aar, figure sur la liste des 60 lauréats et a obtenu la 18ème place.
Elle a reçu son diplôme durant une cérémonie grandiose organisée le 14 mai
2014 par la Marine nationale française, partenaire de l’association Défense
de la langue française, dans les grands salons de l’Hôtel de la Marine à Paris.
Cette cérémonie a été présidée par monsieur Philippe Beaussant, membre
éminent de l’Académie française et président de cette association. n
Le Plumier d’or – 2014
e qui
ce que nous avons
choisi en obéissant
tout simplement à nos goûts. Le
goût de la langue française est un
garant d’intégrité intellectuelle. »
Jean DUTOURD, de l’Académie
De nouveau l’IC a pu se distinguer
parmi 150 établissements scolaires
francophones du monde entier. Et
c’est grâce à nos deux élèves Tamara
RAAD (campus RB) et Nour KARAM
(campus AA) qu’on a compris que la
langue française, par sa diversité, est
un instrument remarquable pour les
jeunes d’aujourd’hui qui veulent agir
sur le monde.
Cette année toutes les classes de 4ème
des deux écoles complémentaires du
Collège International ont participé
au concours « Plumier d’or » destiné
aux élèves des établissements de
l’AEFE. Les épreuves ont eu lieu
durant un cours de français au mois
de janvier. Le sujet du concours est
rédigé par le Comité des sujets de
l’association Défense de la langue
française et il est divisé en deux
parties, des exercices de langue notés
sur 70 et corrigés par le professeur
de français de la classe et un sujet
d’expression écrite noté sur 30 et
corrigé par le jury de la DLF. Le
sujet de cette année était inspiré des
10 mots proposés par le ministère
de la culture et de la communication
pour être représentatifs du français
d’aujourd’hui : « Hurluberlu, tohubohu, zigzag, charivari, tire-larigot,
faribole ». Chaque année le jury
choisit les 60 plus beaux textes écrits.
Pour la première fois deux élèves ont
représenté le même établissement.
Parmi des milliers de participants,
Nour Karam a été placée au 18ème
rang et Tamara RAAD au 36ème
Ce concours est organisé depuis1996
par l’association Défense de la langue
française et il bénéficie du soutien
de la Marine nationale Francaise.
Ainsi une remise de prix a eu lieu le
mercredi 14 mai à Paris au cours d’une
réception dans les salons d’honneur
de l’Hôtel de la Marine en présence
de la presse et de la télévision. Nos
deux élèves, accompagnées de leurs
parents et professeurs, ont été invitées
pour assister à la cérémonie. Le chef
d’état-major de la Marine a invité
les lauréates et les accompagnateurs
à une visite des salons suivie d’un
déjeuner-buffet. n
An exceptional talent
he IC Ain Aar athlete Carina Moujaes, CM2,
took part in the 5 k running competition,
al-Bayroutiya, for female runners on May 6,
2014. Carina took gold in the category U13, with a
magnificent time 25”34. Congratulations Carina!n
We can be authors too!
uring Reading Week in May, many
authors visited our classes and library
to share their experience and their
journey as writers and illustrators.
“Each one of YOU is a writer!” said one author
to our learners. “You just have to read a lot
and practice writing, and you can tell your
own story.”
Inspired and encouraged by the visiting authors,
each of the preschool and lower elementary
English students at Ain Aar practiced writing
a story about something that he or she loves. National Reading Week has given us many
more books to read from our very own Ain
Aar Preschool and Elementary authors!n
The little Cedar Tree!
he transdisciplinary unit “Where We Are in Place and Time” and “We Can be Authors Week” met together
in the book “The Little Cedar Tree” written by Salpi B. Simitian and illustrated by Michèle Standjofski. Mrs.
Simitian, the author, visited our library in Ain Aar to share her book with the Grade 2 students. Her book
talks about the life of a cedar from seed to tree witnessing the history of Lebanon. The students inquired
about where she gets her
ideas, how she gets
information, how she
knew she had a talent
for writing and why
she wrote about the
cedar tree. The Grade 2
students left the library
with the confidence that
they too, can be writers.
They also realized that
writing a book takes a
lot of research and hard
work, gained the insight
that ideas for a story
can stem from anything
around you, and hoped
that “if we plant more
trees, one day the birds
will return to the cedar
trees and they will be
happy again.” n
Ensemble tout est possible!
urant la semaine de la lecture et
dans le cadre du travail sur le thème
transdisciplinaire « Le partage de la
planète » les élèves de CE1A et de
MSA de Ain Aar ont coopéré pour agir.
Ensemble, ils ont écrit et illustré un livre qui
a été offert à la directrice. Dans ce livre, ils
ont défini et dessiné comment prendre soin
des plantes, quelles sont leurs responsabilités
pour garder les plantes saines et comment
les plantes sont importantes dans la vie des
hommes et des animaux.
Ainsi, les élèves de CE1 A ont mis en
pratique ce qu’ils ont appris en lecture et
en écriture au service des élèves de MS A.
À leur tour, les élèves de MS A ont montré
leurs talents créatifs en dessinant, ils ont
ainsi été les illustrateurs. n
A journey to remember!
ast month CE1 and Grade
2 students at Ain Aar,
armed with their curiosity
and their inquisitive minds,
headed to Byblos. Guided
by their teachers, volunteer parents
as well as a certified guide, they
looked in depth at the features and
characteristics of the ruins diving
into history with reflection and
amazement. Our learners showed
enthusiasm and curiosity while
moving from a place to another,
had a walk in the “ ancient
souk”, then to the wax museum
where they learned more about
the Lebanese culture and people
who have marked our country. n
Ain Aar PE Fun Days!!
rade 3/CE2 students,
parents and teachers
an hour of pure
fun through PE
games and challenges. The
atmosphere was entertaining
and allowed students to share
with their parents what they
have learned in PE: skills in
specific sports, cooperation
in a team, following rules and
reflecting on their actions. Sessions ended with students
and parents writing about this
new experience.n
We Are Problem Solvers!
hey say we are too little,
they say we don’t know
much, but we go and
solve our problems using what
we learned and we prove them
wrong! The KGII at AA students
were faced with the problem
of other classes breaking their
towers in the block corner. They
put their heads together and
came up with the idea of making
signs, using what they learned at
the beginning of the year in the
trans-disciplinary theme “How
We Organize Ourselves”. The
signs were made on cardboard
and shared with Ms. Lina
Mouchantaf, who honored
the students’ concern and took
things to the execution level; she
promised to have the carpenter make them into permanent signs for the whole school to benefit from. n
ESE End of Year Community Service Project “Say NO to Sexual Harassment”
he ESE class organized an
awareness session with HIMAYA
about domestic violence and
sexual harassment as part of their End
of Year Community Service project.
Students financed the project through
a bake sale done in school and donated
money to buy clothes for violence
victims protected by Himaya. The IC
community was interested in supporting
this initiative and mobilizing young
people on the issue of domestic violence.
It was a moving life experience for all
students involved. n
C teachers took an afternoon
off on May 2 to attend In
Service workshops held on
both campuses of the college.
On both the Ras Beirut and Ain
Aar campuses teachers looked at IT
Integration using ISTE Standards
for Students in Arabic, English, and
French facilitated by their school
directors. Teachers and directors
reviewed the standards and
discussed ways to continue further
implementation of the standards
and how they can be used for
teaching, learning and assessment.
During the second session of the
afternoon, teachers on the Ain Aar
campus looked at Media Literacy
presented by Magda Abou Fadel. In
her lecture she used a PowerPoint
Presentation and videos to show
how we can use various media,
programing, iPads and iPhones,
etc., to obtain information for
lesson plans, background research
and activity ideas.
The second session for teachers
on the Ras Beirut campus looked
In Service Afternoon
at Digital Citizenship facilitated by
Dr. Mahmud Shihab. Dr. Shihab
presented the IC Responsible
Digital Citizenship Contract. The
items of the contract were discussed
during the session and teachers
were asked to give their input
to the document. The teachers’
suggestions were incorporated into
the revised version of this contract
which the college will implement
at all levels in the coming academic
In September, teachers will
be looking further into the
integration of the ISTE Standards,
Media Literacy, and Social
Entrepreneurship. n
A visit to the Grand Serail
he Grand Serail opened its doors to thirty
middle students who have a passion to help
the environment. The program was organized
by in collaboration with the ministry of
Environment. The students were accompanied
by three science teachers. Mrs. Salam greeted the
students at the entrance and briefed them about the
The program included an introduction by H.E.
Mohamad Mashnouk, the minister of Environment,
followed by a number of presentations. Our students
impressed the audience with their well thought out
and targeted questions. Activities that day included
reforestation, sorting solid wastes, exhaust gas
emissions, and monitoring AC, as well as smart technologies: solar tree, solar battery charger, solar wind mill.
Other activities included tips for water conservation, such as offering guests half a glass of water instead of throwing
remainders away. n
L’école dans la nature
ans le cadre du thème
« Le
partage de la planète », les
KGII et les GS (RB) ont fait
plusieurs visites dans la nature. Ils
ont observé, en classe, les différentes
étapes pour obtenir un fil de soie, à
partir du vers à soie, du cocon….
Ils ont nourri les chenilles avec des
feuilles de mûriers exclusivement et
ils ont compris que la nature aide la
nature, c’est-à-dire qu’on y trouve
les aliments nécessaires pour les
êtres vivants.
Ensuite, ils ont été visiter le musée
de la soie, qui est toujours un
enchantement pour les yeux: belle
végétation, bâtiments magnifiques,
tout y est bien préservé et ils ont vu,
grandeur nature, comment les vers
à soie évoluent et comment on tisse
la soie.
Autre visite, non moins intéressante,
a été à la sortie dans la forêt de
Baabda. Ils ont pu, là aussi, observer
leur environnement, ils ont utilisé
différents objets (brindilles, pierres,
feuilles…) pour faire de la musique,
de l’art et bien d’autres choses
Cependant ils ont aussi pu voir les
dégâts que provoque le feu, puisque
cet endroit a eu un important
incendie il y a peu. Ils ont vraiment
compris combien il
faut faire
attention à l’environnement. Ils ont
vu des étendus brulés et des arbres
calcinés, ils ont senti une odeur
inhabituelle et ils ont vraiment
compris que nous devons tous faire
Ils ont été enchantés de cette
promenade, ils ont regardé, senti,
manipulé, inventé, joué et ils ont
profité au maximum. Des mamans
tout ce petit monde, nous les en
Nursery/ PS Outing!
he Nursery / PS Ras Beirut classes
went on a field trip to a Creamery
in relation to the transdisciplinary
theme: How the World Works.
The children observed how cupcakes
are made and decorated. Moreover,
they saw how the chef uses variant
ingredients and utensils in the process.n
The Middle School Awards Ceremony
he Awards Night ceremony held in the Irani Auditorium left an unforgettable impression on all present. All
marvelled at the diverse talents of IC students. Mrs. Mourani called on each student by their name and Ms.
Hoss and Ms. AbouLebdeh handed out the awards with genuine pride. IC demonstrates its commitment
to the education of the whole child by valuing all aspects of the student: talents, skill, knowledge, action,
creativity, collaboration and research. To be an award winning student at IC matters and that was apparent on
June 12th! Congratulations to all the award winning students who will, no doubt, be an inspiration to their
Rencontre Club-Math
ans le cadre de notre programme
“Cours Optionnels” de cette
année, en classe de Quatrième,
un Club-Math a été créé et mis
en place à Ain Aar. L’objectif du Club ?
Mettre les élèves sur la piste de recherche
et de découverte mathématiques, en
développant chez eux l’esprit d’initiative,
de recherche et de travail d’équipes.
Labeur et grand défi au Club –Math, pour
sa première année ! Une coordination
étroite avec le GREM (groupe de réflexionmathématiques) de l’Institut Français pour
un défi inter scolaire. De quoi s’agit-il ?
Huit problèmes sont proposés par le
coordonnateur du GREM, pour un travail
d’équipes en Quatrième et Grade Eight
de différents établissements scolaires. Les
nôtres (neuf en tout) ont mis la main à la
pâte, avec leur prof de math ! et vite… choix des problèmes, plan de travail, division des tâches, investigation,
recherche puis … exposés, corrections, discussions de groupe, travail sur Power Point , évaluation collective…
Enfin, à la suite d’une concertation totale (profs et élèves) , le Club a choisi l’équipe qui le représentera devant le
groupe GREM. n
AUB Math, Science and Technology Fair 2014
ear after year, IC students prove that they are
leaders in their community. Whether in terms
of innovation, awareness of pressing issues
in their community, or project execution, IC
students have always asserted their well-roundedness. As
participants in the AUB Math, Science, and Technology
Fair 2014, seven out of nine participating projects from
IC Ras Beirut have won prizes. In the science category
Abdullatif Hassan (Grade 9) won 1st place with his
project about saving electrical energy in Lebanon while
Dana Mneimneh, Tayma Brasioli, Sara Tabbara, and
Nadim Oueidat (5eme) won 2nd place with their project
on environment- friendly energy. In the math category
IC students have established a precedent by having two
projects receiving the first prize: Lea SleimanandTalal
Ammache (4eme) in addition to Nadim Oueidat, Antoine
Samra, Yasmina Malak, and Tala Kadi (5eme). Moreover,
Lynn Sleiman and GhadiSleiman (6eme) also managed to
secure the 3rd prize. Our students worked really hard,
and in the end their efforts paid off. It is our students that
make us proud to be IC teachers. n
leven IB2 students had their Visual Arts exhibit
and exam. The event took place in the Beirut
Souks in two adjacent galleries. The students
proudly cut the green ribbon with their teacher
Mrs. Boulad. Comments written in the “Livre d’or”:
“Very inspirational. Makes me proud to be an
« Beaucoup de talents, je suis fière de
mon collège».
« Your passion shines in all your
“This exhibit allowed me to discover
young student artists, able to express
their feelings and their knowledge
through powerful messages and
exhibited with such exquisite taste”.
“Creativity, elaborate techniques,
anthropology, concern for global
issues, expression of personal and
cultural problems”
“Each year shows new ideas, emotions,
often so mature for their teenage, and
they all express themselves so well, in
writing and in the verbal presentation
of their work! BRAVO!”
What can I say? IC should grant you a medal of
recognition for your astute artistic guidance, and the
orientation you give them once they have selected the
subject delineated by their ‘expressive emotions and
our la deuxième année consécutive,
l’association Ana Ma Bkebb a organisé un
concours de dessin pour une campagne
de propreté qui serait affichée sur des
panneaux publicitaires dans les rues de Beyrouth.
Le nom du gagnant(e) ainsi que l’établissement
scolaire auquel il/ elle appartient sera indiqué
également. Cette campagne est pour sensibiliser les
Libanais au problème des déchets, promouvoir une
responsabilité civique et contribuer à la propreté du
Liban. Les œuvres sélectionnées, au nombre de 120,
ont été affichées lors d’une exposition publique aux
Souks de Beyrouth, à la galerie The Venue le 12
avril 2014. Les 3 gagnants dans chacune des ont été
annoncés le jour de l’ouverture. Bravo Samer Safadi
pour avoir gagné le premier prix dans ta catégorie
d’âge 8-11 ans.n
aud Boksmati, IC Alumnus
‘2000 visited IC. Admission
to top college programs often
gives precedence to a student’s
portfolio rather than his/her grades.
Saud has been studying and working
in Canada and the US for the last 13
years. His “Visual Arts Workshop”,
is offered to students interested in
pursuing careers in Architecture,
Interior Design, Graphic Design,
Fashion Design, Animation and
wo students Sophie Akoury
(IB1) and Aya Fathallah
(5th E2) were preselected
to present their artworks,
a sculpture and a painting
respectively. Accompanied by
Mrs. Samia Nasr Boulad, the two
students displayed their works on
the LAU campus amongst many
other contestants from different
schools. They both won the 1st
prizes in sculpture and painting. n
rs. Samia Nasr Boulad and other
colleagues attended a conference
in Dubai, at the Raffles Academy,
to get trained in the revised IB
Apprendre à s’unir - One Lebanon à l’IC
ania Kassis, présidente
de l’organisation “One
Lebanon”, a rendu visite à
l’IC dans le cadre du projet
de service communautaire de la
classe de terminale scientifique.
organisation néoformée qui a pour
but de créer un sens d’appartenance
chez la jeunesse libanaise à travers
le pouvoir de la musique. “Peace,
love, unity and fun”. Le but de
cette visite était de présenter
l’esprit de cette ONG aux élèves de
Terminale et les inciter à adopter
une attitude plus tolérante envers
tous leurs compatriotes.
Dans sa présentation, Mme
Kassis a fait part des raisons
qui l’ont encouragée à former
«One Lebanon»: la nostalgie des
magnifiques années passées au
Liban qu’elle a éprouvée pendant
ses études en France, et l’attitude
négative commune chez les jeunes
libanais, qui désirent de plus en
plus quitter le pays. Elle a aussi
parlé du processus d’organisation
du concert “One Lebanon-United
for tomorrow”, qui a eu lieu le
1er février au Forum de Beyrouth,
et qui a regroupé de nombreuses
célébrités libanaises, ainsi que des
chorales diverses. Près de trois
mille libanais ont assisté au concert,
qui a été un grand succès pour
l’organisation. Parmi les chansons
jouées, les plus notables étaient
celles des traditions libanaises ainsi
que des chansons de renommée
internationale, dont le fameux
hymne à la paix de John Lennon:
Kassis espère que le concert
marquera un changement dans la
mentalité des jeunes libanais, et les
encouragera à construire un avenir
meilleur pour leur pays, d’où le
slogan “united for tomorrow”.
En outre, Mme Kassis espère que
le concert donnera une meilleure
image du Liban, dont la réputation
a été ternie par la mauvaise
Cette visite a été accompagnée
d’une vente de T-shirts, bracelets
et posters « One Lebanon » que les
jeunes ont pu acheter.n
Annual Middle School Science Fair
ur students never cease to surprise us by their enthusiasm and sportsmanship as they actively seek out
to participate in academic competitions such as this year’s Middle School Science Fair. A total of 92
projects were exhibited and evaluated, allowing our students to practice their public speaking skills, their
argumentation skills, in addition to the science skills and others involved in project execution. Despite it
being a difficult task, the judges managed to select the winners of this year’s exhibition. Among sixth graders and
6eme, the first prize in the French sections went to Hana Noureddine, Omar Shair, Marc Edde, and Sania Dandan
(6eme) while in the English section,
Maya Ezzeddine, Marya Hamawi, Lea
Ibrahim, and Salma Saadiddine secured
it. For all other levels, Rida Mroueh
(2nd) and Yasmina Malak (5eme) won
the first prize. By participating in this
exhibition, students have displayed
their concern for their community and
an attempt at reaching out to try and
address pressing issues they are exposed
to in the world around them.n
Teacher Exchange 2013 – 2014
C enjoyed a very successful
academic year. From February
to May, ten IC teachers
traveled to schools in Europe, the
Middle East and North America
while seven teachers from many of
those schools visited us at IC.
In February, Ain Aar Preschool
teacher Samar Salem visited the
Ahliyyah School for Girls in Jordan
where she was impressed with the
Arabic curriculum at the Preschool
level. Also in February, Patricia Isaac
from Ras Beirut Preschool visited
the International School of Milan
in Italy where she was impressed
with the open-mindedness that the
school encourages in their students
and related it to the PYP profile.
April and May saw eight of our
IC teachers traveling abroad to
visit schools in the US, Canada
and Switzerland. Visiting Choate
Rosemary Hall in the US were
Marina Baltikian and librarian
Mariam Labban where they
enjoyed becoming immersed in
the culture of the school. Marina
was impressed with how they
have integrated IT into their
teaching. Mariam, working with
the librarians, appreciated their
high interest in information
exchange. Ras Beirut Elementary
teacher MayssaBarakat and IT
System Administrator Charbel Risk
visited Ridgefield Public Schools
in Connecticut. Mayssa was
impressed with the broad spectrum
of areas in their PE curriculum;
Charbel noted the IT set-up and
the different way IT approaches
the provision of services to their
school. Ras Beirut Elementary
RanaAnouti traveled to Canada to
visit the Toronto French School
near the end of April. Then Ain
Aar Elementary teacher Carole
Katrib and Ras Beirut Middle
visited the International School of
Geneva, Switzerland. They became
immersed in the school activities
with visits and interviews for the
PYP Exhibition projects and then
role modeled as tourists guided by
a Spanish class.
Italy, the United States, and
Jordan visited IC in exchange.
In February, Josephine Vassallo
from the International School of
Milan, Italy visited classes in the
upper Elementary and Middle
schools on both the Ras Beirut
and Ain Aar campuses. In March,
MajdiMakharmeh and Sanna’
Afifi from the Ahliyyah School for
Girls in Jordan visited IC’s Middle
and High Schools. April brought
HalaHourani and Michael Burnett
from Connecticut’s Ridgefield
Public Schools. In May, we
hosted Estelle Hughes and John
Deighan from the International
School of Geneva, Switzerland.
All the visiting teachers noted
the high level of professionalism,
diversity of instruction and the
degree of engagement displayed
by IC teachers. Our visitors also
commented on the high academic
standards of IC students as well as
their seriousness and commitment
to their education.
“It was a wonderful experience
on both professional and personal
levels,” commented Josephine
Vassallo. “I would recommend this
[teacher] exchange to anyone who
is interested as it has connected me
with a teaching community outside
of the national scope [US] and has
taught me how much more we are
alike than different,” concluded
Hala Hourani.
experienced the essence of IC’s
Teacher Exchange Program. n
Art contest
our moi le lundi 5 mai 2014 a été une journée
différente des autres. J’ai vécu une expérience nouvelle
et enrichissante. Suite au concours de dessin lancé par
la société Makhzoumi, on est venu m’annoncer que
j’avais gagné. Quelle joie ! Quelle fierté !
Le jour de la remise des prix, je me suis retrouvée a l’UNESCO
en compagnie de mes parents. Et, suite au discours de Mme
Makhzoumi qui nous a présenté l’association et ce qu’elle a
fait, cinq juges son tmontés sur l’estrade pour nous remettre
les prix.
Je suis bien contente de moi-même, bien sûr, mais je suis
surtout reconnaissante à mon école qui m’a appris les valeurs,
les principes et les droits de l’enfant.
Mon dessin n’est que le produit de tout l’enseignement civique
et éthique dont j’ai bénéficié grâce a l‘IC et certainement
aussi grâce à mes parents.
Tiffany Saadé 6ème Ain Aarn
Tanya Kassis
s part of the Social Studies curriculum in 2nd Int. /5eme, and to reinforce the co-existence between the
different religions in Lebanon, the social studies department invited Tania Kassis to share her experience
as a Lebanese living in a multi religious country.
Ms. Kassis talked about the idea behind her Islamo - Christian song, which became a symbol of that coexistence and which was sung in the Olympia, Paris. n
Book Fair at IC Ain Aar
he week of May 12-16 was
a special one as it brought
with it the smells, colors,
and sounds associated with
books. Students, parents, faculty,
and staff had the opportunity to
visit the Book Fair, which hosted
many renowned publishing houses.
Seeing people of all ages walk out,
one could tell they had found what
they had been looking for. It’s
good to know books continue to
be a cherished by so many. n
National Reading Week
ational Reading Week, a week which needs to be different especially at a school where stories are read
on daily basis anyway. So, getting out of the box becomes the only possibility. Our dear librarian, Nayla
Ejjeh, kicked the day with a story over the PA system every single morning to enchant our ears and
hearts. We visited 2 public libraries to see how other children can borrow books and enjoy reading;
we hosted the “Bibliobus” for a day and
learned how it travels from village to
village to give children the chance to dig
into the magical world of stories. We
were mesmerized by storytellers Nadine
Touma and SevineAriss who were trying
to find the moon and put it back in the
sky. We listened to authors share their
bright ideas, observed how illustrators tell
stories through drawings and saw how
stories could be told through drama and
mime; and that was not enough: in our
classes, we received administrators and
teachers from the” big” schools who read
stories, we brought our “doudous” and
blankets to hug them while we were freely
flipping the pages of books, we decorated
some of our classroom doors with famous
story characters and we built libraries and
giant books in our block center. National
Reading Week at the Preschool, a must
see and enjoy every year. n
Fun Day
he IC parent’s committee invited
the elementary school students and
their parents to a sports and fun day
on the football field; the day was
organised by Mr. Mousally and the Sports
Elementary school students, their siblings
and parents spent a wonderful time playing
fun games. The day ended with a football
match between the parents and the boys
and girls junior varsity teams.n
Service Communautaire
ans le cadre des activités de service communautaire, les élèves de «6th et 1ères» ont participé le samedi 24
mai 2014 à l’évènement inaugural de « AtayebCheghel El Beit » et « BladiBladak » aux Souks de Beyrouth.
Avec grand enthousiasme, ils se sont portés volontaires pour aider les responsables de L’Organisation
Internationale du Travail (ILO, LEBANON) dévoués à la
protection des droits et intérêts des travailleurs domestiques.
« Samedi nous avons voyagé à travers l’Afrique et l’Asie ! Grâce
à notre conseillère, Mme Neaimi, nous avons été exposés à de
nouvelles cultures et traditions, et nous avons eu la chance de
les transmettre aux visiteurs à travers des activités sympathiques
et ludiques organisées par ILO. Avec grande joie, nous avons
aidé quelques travailleuses domestiques à inviter les passants
à déguster leur cuisine traditionnelle et à leur faire découvrir
un univers qu’ils ignoraient ! Nous avons également encouragé
les enfants à participer à des jeux éducatifs qui les initient à la
culture des travailleuses domestiques qui coexistent avec eux. Le
but : apprendre aux enfants et même aux parents à respecter et
apprécier ces femmes, à leur faire voir qu’il est temps de mettre
fin au « mépris » dont elles sont victimes. >> Tatiana Saade n
Singing the Pancreas…Playing the thyroid gland…
n the 17th of June 2014, the students of the classes 5th A, B, and C took a step forward in the realm of
education, and earned a new perspective on the field of teaching. For their biology course, their teacher
Miss Josephine BouDagher reversed the role
of teacher and student by having the classes
split into groups, and having each explain to the
others a lesson based on their own research and work.
This method proved to be efficient and enlightening,
as the young researchers used original and creative
ideas to explain some concepts by drawing comics,
playing songs, using animations, making models, and
even acting out plays. These presentations took place
in the Multipurpose Room of the Secondary School
where the learners jotted down crucial information all
the while being entertained.
Karim Arabi-5th Cn
la solidarité au service de la forêt de Baabda
ans le numéro précédent
de Inside IC, nous avons
vu que, dans le cadre
du thème « Le partage
de la planète », des élèves (RB)
avaient fait une sortie dans la forêt
de Baabda. Ils avaient vu avec
beaucoup de désappointement
des arbres calcinés et des traces de
l’incendie qui a ravagé cette forêt.
A leur initiative et aidés par leurs
professeurs, les enfants ont voulu
agir pour aider la nature.
Plusieurs groupes se sont formés,
des idées originales ont pris forme
et les enfants (GS, MS, KGII ET
KGI) ont choisi différents moyens
pour gagner de l’argent afin d’aider
à reboiser la forêt.
Certains ont fabriqué des posters
représentant la forêt avant/après,
pour les vendre à leur famille ou
à leurs voisins. D’autres ont fait
des gâteaux, d’autres encore ont
vendu du jus d’orange durant
une présentation de fin de thème,
d’autres aussi ont vendu des fruits
à l’école, aux plus grands, et
certains ont même choisi de faire
du ménage à la maison pour avoir
un peu d’argent ! Une petite fille a
écrit un article pour Inside IC, afin
d’être certaine que tout le monde
soit bien au courant.
On a pu observer une grande
solidarité entre les enfants, chacun
a voulu aider l’autre, la cause
étant commune, les actions se sont
ajoutées les unes aux autres.
Les parents aussi ont participé
à cet effort collectif, ils ont
donné de l’argent à l’école ou
ils ont versé directement leur
don à « Terre Liban » ONG
associée à ce mouvement d’aide à
La recette a été bonne et les enfants
peuvent être fiers d’eux. Ils ont
montré beaucoup de courage et de
Les futurs athlètes
es élèves de la petite section
(RB) ont invité leurs parents
à participer à la journée
sportive pour montrer
comment ils
leur activité physique. En classe,
ils ont représenté leur jeu sportif
préféré soit par un collage, soit par
un dessin. Par groupe, les élèves ont
évolué dans chacun des cinq ateliers
(rouler, lancer, grimper, jouer aux
ballons et sauter).
Les parents ont participé à une
course effrénée,
qui a suscité
l’enthousiasme des élèves. n
détermination, ils ont été volontaires
et créatifs, nous pouvons leur dire
un grand bravo.
Bien sûr, nous aurons des nouvelles
de cette magnifique forêt, qui
en partie grâce à nos « bouts de
choux » de la maternelle, retrouvera
sa beauté. Nous ne manquerons
pas de vous en donner, car vous
aussi, chers lecteurs de ce journal,
vous avez peut-être été associés,
directement ou indirectement,
à ce magnifique mouvement de
solidarité et de détermination
montré par nos enfants.n
Telling stories
GI (RB) used art to
Some drew and presented
their drawings to their
friends, while others created a
puppet show or a play. A number
decided to paint. Others created
songs and danced. Each story
was retold and reflected upon in
so many different ways as KGI
students expressed themselves,
explored and developed their
students from around the world
to creatively contribute to the
international art project” DADDY WORLD
Under the guidance of their teacher, Mrs.
Tania Mouamer Rowel, our young students
participated with colorful works of art
expressing the image they have of their
dads. Drawings were sent to the museum in
Oslo, Norway. The director of the museum
has sent back certificates of achievment to
all the participants thanking them for their
contribution in raising awareness to our global
human values, wellbeing and happiness. n
The Concept of Change through Cooking!
ursery/PS students at
AA embarked on a
cooking journey over
several weeks. One
would think it’s fun and children
enjoy cooking activities. True,
however the purpose is to learn
how materials we use in everyday
life interact and change. Our
young learners also went on a
field trip to a bakery where they
observed and discussed how
bread is made….and left with
some goodies!n
Mikhaël Neaymehet le Choukroub
ans le cadre du programme
de littérature arabe, le
département d’arabe a
organisé une sortie des
classes de Quatrième et Grade Eight
à Baskinta et plus précisément au
Choukhroub, lieu de naissance, de
l’enfance et de la jeunesse du grand
écrivain libanais Mikaël Neaymeh…
Le vrai village libanais, avec la place
,l’église et son clocher, les anciennes
demeures, les arcades des maisons
que le temps a effritées, les petits
sentiers usés …la fontaine d’eau
qui tient à peine…. Reçus par un
neveu de l’écrivain qui a dressé un
aperçu historique de la vie de son
arrière-oncle…les élèves ont posé
des questions, se sont informés, ont
investigué sur tout…Neaymeh était
très attaché à sa terre, aux arbres
et aux rochers, qu’il “chérissait”
tellement qu’il avait choisi dans
le Choukroub, une roche dans
laquelle il reposera après sa mort :
ce fut sa tombe.
Visite puis déjeuner champêtre à
Baskinta, les élèves et leurs profs
ont dégusté des mets libanais, en
pleine nature, dans un cadre serein,
naturel et splendide loin des bruits,
des gratte-ciel et du béton de la
KGI trip to AUB Green Houses
G1 students visited the
AUB Green Houses as a
learning experience related
to their unit “Sharing the
Planet”. On that trip, they asked
a lot of questions related to their
responsibilities towards plants
in their environment. They also
inquired into the different ways
in which plants contribute to life
on earth, and how all living things
depend on them. n
La Decima
a Decima was the
title of this year’s
performing arts.
years of excellence in
music performance. It started
out in 2003/4 and there was 1
boy and 6 girls one of them is
our own music teacher Tina
Yamout. Today our performers
numbered 40 out of which 15
are boys singers, dancers and a
We were very proud to receive
our alumni performing arts
students such as Sarah Khatib,
Lea Kaedbey, Omar Halwani,
Hana Fakhoury etc.. who all
inspite of their various specialties
kept a very close link to music.
The highlight of the evening
were “Belle” performed by 3
Men Rayan Husni Bey, (Garou in person) Nazih Bssat and Stephano Fellaha. Phantom of the Opera,
Habanera, Roxanne and The Rock hit Layla (Eric Clapton). Dances ranged form Hip Hop to contemporary to
expressive. With proper lighting and the sound system, the performance was great!n
Eternal Flames
he Middle School Performing arts club presented “Eternal Flames on the 1st of June” It was a representation
of the best songs from the 60s the 70s and the 80s.
20 students sang, danced and played songs such as Wonderful world, Sacre Charlemagne, You’re the one
that I want, I will survive, Hey Jude, Give me Give me, and Footloose. A fun and nostalgic performance
that kept the crowd asking for more.n
Learning beyond the school walls!
rade 1 students at Ain
Aar were invited to an
open house at IRAP.
Upon their arrival, they
were welcomed by the
teachers and their students. They
visited their classrooms and joined
an art craft activity. Then they
watched a short skit prepared by
the students of IRAP portraying the
way sound travels before it reaches
the brain. Grade 1 students showed
respect and empathy towards those
courageous children. Yes, we are
different, yet we are the same in so
many ways. n
Father’s Day at IC Ain Aar!
hat are the criteria for a
“good” daddy? Children in
MS and KG1 developed a list
to describe their fathers…
and to assess them.
• Il m’appelle quand il est en voyage.
•He likes to travel with us
•Il aide maman quand elle est fatiguée.
•He stops working to play with me
•Il attend le bus avec moi.
•He reads me nice stories
•Il m’appelle de son bureau pour me
dire « je t’aime »….
Proud daddies with child-made ties came
to school on June 21st and celebrated
with their children and mommies
through different learning centers. The
joint daddy-child dance was touching
and endearing. n
Lire…quelle passion!
ire partout, le goût de la lecture, le plaisir de lire…
”nous vantons ces habitudes que nous avons données
à nos élèves avec fierté ! Comment, où, quand … peu
importe ? L’important est de lire. Le matin, l’aprèsmidi…dans le rang, dans une queue d’attente, durant les récrés,
sur la banquette de l’autocar et même à l’infirmerie…en attendant
son tour...
L’infirmière à Ain Aar , Mme Dalida Sayah, a installé des étagères
avec revues et livres… dans le calme de l’endroit, l’élève choisit
son livre, le feuillette et le parcourt …de quoi oublier son panadol
et son petit bobo ! n
A musical end of year!
nce again, Preschool
children at Ain Aar
presented a bouquet
of songs to celebrate the end
of year. Parents, Grandparents,
guests and teachers responded
to their chants with cries of
admiration and applause of
appreciation. “Music can change
the world because it changes
people”, that’s what our children
did through their voices and an
International repertoire of songs
ending with our very popular
“Nassam 3alayna el hawa”.n
Artful Portraits!
e are so much alike and yet so
different! The students of Grade
I/CP at Ain Aar started their art
engagement by looking at each
other’s physical traits and discerning their
similarities as well as differences. They enjoyed
discovering what made them unique and took
their time analyzing their traits and transposing
their self-portraits on paper. This was their first
step towards accepting each other’s differences.
The students then mixed different paint colors
to create their own unique skin tone, hair and
eye color for a final portrait as close to reality
as possible. Their big smiling faces are now a
wonderful sight to see as one walks through the
How we express ourselves!
he mission of International College is to
educate young men and women to be capable
of initiative and critical thinking, who serve
as role models in a global society.” The
Monday morning assembly for Lower Elementary at
Ain Aar is kidnapped…by students!
Our young learners took over the presentations,
speeches and structure of the assembly. Every week,
a group of students, by themselves and on their own,
would express their emotions, ideas, concerns through
songs, dances and speeches.
To share their love for music and to spread happiness,
students presented a dance they created, sand a song
they invented or danced to portray how they solved
their conflicts throughout the year and became very
good friends. Role models indeed!n
Honoring IC Personnel Retirees • Mr. Elie Aoun - Physical Plant Department
• Mr. Nabil Haddad - Ain Aar Middle School
• Mr. Khalil Khoury - Secondary School
• Mr. Milad Khoury - Preschool
• Mrs. Colette Matta - Ain Aar Pre & Lower
• Mr. Elie Mokbel - Secondary School
• Mrs. Nada Samaha- Ain Aar Upper Elementary & Middle
• Mr. Youssef Shaaya - Secondary School
• Dr. Nabil Sharara - Infirmary
• Mr. Tanios Yammine - Ain Aar Physical Plant
35 Years of Service
• Mr. Fadi Abou Abdallah - Ain Aar
• Mrs. Kifah Mashlab Badreddine - Business Office
• Mrs. Eliane Oneyssi - Elementary School 25 Years of Service
• Miss Rima Aoun– AA- Lower Elementary
• Mrs. Ruby Asmar- Ain Aar Upper Elementary
• Mr. Abboud Assio- Ain Aar Lower Elementary
• Mrs. Randa Azkoul- Secondary School
• Mr. Hatem Chalak- Secondary School
• Miss Nouhad Challita – Ain Aar Upper Elementary
• Mrs. Souha Choueiri- Preschool
• Mrs. Suzanne Dakdouki- Middle School
• Mrs. Shafia Farran- Middle School
• Mr. Walid Iskandarani- Middle School
• Mr. Wael Issa- Elementary School
• Mrs. Marcelle Jabre – Ain Aar Preschool
• Mrs. Joumana Jurdi – Ain Aar Preschool
• Mrs. Diana Kaaki- Elementary School
• Mrs. Sana Kaedbey – Preschool
• Miss Rima Khishen- Middle School
• Mr. Khalil Khoury – Secondary School
• Mrs. Jinane Masri- Elementary School
• Miss Gisele Mouawad – Ain Aar
• Mrs. Mona Nashawati – Preschool
• Miss Mirianne Saba – Preschool
• Miss Reem Sardouk – Elementary School
• Mrs. Rola Sarrouh – Business Office
• Mrs. Nayla Serhal – Ain Aar Preschool
• Miss May Skaff – Ain Aar Upper Elementary
•Mr. Adel Yamout – Elementary School
•Edmond Tohme Outstanding Educator Award: Riad Chirazi
•Randa Khoury Innovation in Teaching Award: Colette Matta
•George O. Debbas Staff Awards: Joelle Abdel Ahad – Gisele
Mouawad - Ahmad Shuayto – Ayyoub Wehbe
•Albert Abela Distinguished Teacher Awards: Hind Abou
Rislan, Rana Anouti, Dania Baghdadi, Tatiana Bondarovich,
Hyam Bou Matar, Hyam Chamaa, Mona Chidiac, Dala Sadek
Mounzer, Hussein Said, Carol Saliba n
The Inside I.C. Team: Lara Kasparian, Jocelyne Kobeissi, Hanan Loulou Ouri, Mishka M. Mourani, and contributors from the I.C. family.

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