Zeta System - MONDO


Zeta System - MONDO
Zeta System
Revêtement en bois spécifique pour activités sportives homologuées FIBA NIVEAU 1 est composé
d’une couche unique de contreplaqué phénolique coupée en lames sur lesquelles est fixé le sol
préfini (finition au choix hêtre, chêne ou érable). L’ensemble sera amorti par un matelas en
polyuréthane expansé flexible. Ce système garantit une parfaite uniformité de réponse élastique
dans chaque point de la surface finale.
Le système Zeta System est conforme à la norme UNI EN 14904, à la norme DIN 18032-2 et aux
prescriptions des fédérations sportives internationales.
FIBA Certificate of Approval for Wooden Flooring Category, Level 1, 2 and 3
Installations sportives indoor
La riproduzione totale o parziale di questo documento, inclusa la diffusione di dati specificati nello stesso, deve essere autorizzata per iscritto e in anticipo da Mondo.
Mondo si riserva il diritto di modificare le specifiche e i prodotti in qualunque momento, senza alcuna notifica. Questo documento non ha valenza legale.
REV. 00 April 2011
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European Youth Olympic Festival 2015
Georgia - Tiblisi 2015
Produits: Mondoelastic | Zeta System
Applications: Multisport pour compétition
Palazzetto dello Sport di Cameri
Italy - Novara 2009
Produits: Zeta System
Applications: Basket-ball intérieur
Palazzetto dello Sport
Italy - Polistena 2007
Produits: Zeta System
Applications: Basket-ball intérieur
Warwick University
United Kingdom - Warwick 2007
Produits: Zeta System |
Applications: Entraînement | Pistes extérieures | Basket-ball intérieur
La riproduzione totale o parziale di questo documento, inclusa la diffusione di dati specificati nello stesso, deve essere autorizzata per iscritto e in anticipo da Mondo.
Mondo si riserva il diritto di modificare le specifiche e i prodotti in qualunque momento, senza alcuna notifica. Questo documento non ha valenza legale.
REV. 00 April 2011
Page 2 of 3
41 mm
14,2 kg/m²
Conditions Générales de vente
Pour toutes les commendes dematériel en rouleau, Mondo se réserve la possibilité de livrer un maximum de 10% relatif à cette commande en
rouleaux avec des longueurs inférieures à celles standards et/ou au moins un rouleau.
Pour les coloris spéciaux, le minimum de commande sera de 1000 m² avec l'obligation de retirer tout l'excédent de production et toutes les
sous-mesures, avec majoration du prix de 20%.
Indoor sport wood flooring system is a natural product that is completely installed on site. Therefore installation conditions are important factors
to achieve the best final results. Before starting the installation, the facility must be completely closed (windows and doors already installed) and
perfectly dry. The environmental temperature during installation (day and night) must be over 15º C and relative humidity must be between
45% and 60%.
To properly maintain the sport wooden flooring system, the building must have an adequate air circulation and / or a ventilation system. Large
windows, with direct sunlight over the wooden floor, must be covered. The same conditions as per installation apply. The environmental
temperature (day and night) must be over 15º C at all times and relative humidity must be between 45% and 60%. The owner is responsible for
ensuring these conditions by use of an environmental thermometer and a hygrometer for direct detection. The required conditions are
indicated not only as desirable but as mandatory to be considered within the official warranty guidelines.
For regular and special cleaning and maintenance of MONDO wooden systems it must exclude the use of scrubbers, single disc-machines,
water jet, vacuum with a revolving brush and / or so-called liquid solutions.
La riproduzione totale o parziale di questo documento, inclusa la diffusione di dati specificati nello stesso, deve essere autorizzata per iscritto e in anticipo da Mondo.
Mondo si riserva il diritto di modificare le specifiche e i prodotti in qualunque momento, senza alcuna notifica. Questo documento non ha valenza legale.
REV. 00 April 2011
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