Motivating Teens to Appreciate the French Culture and Language


Motivating Teens to Appreciate the French Culture and Language
Twenty Bezanson and Elmsworth Junior High Students enjoy a SEVEC trip to Quebec City.
Motivating Teens to Appreciate the French Culture and Language
February is a perfect time to travel to Quebec City and partake in all the Carnival festivities! Students benefited
from the travel funds available through the Centre and some Grade 9 students will do the DELF A1 exam this
Students from Ivy Macklin school working hard om a tradition French folk dance.
Dance, Culture, History with Francis Mayrand from Les Productions Efemer
It`s true! Francis succeeded in getting even the most reticent teen up and dancing willingly. Our cultural events are
a vital part of a strong French program, bringing to life the French language and culture. Merci, Francis! Hope to
bring you back next year!
La régionale de Grande Prairie
invite tous les enseignants de français et d’immersion française
à un vin-fromage
jeudi 10 mars 2011 de 3h00 à 5h00
dans la salle à manger du personnel au Composite High School
…avec de la musique des Bûcherons!
French Immersion Sessions at Mighty Peace Teachers’ Convention
Don`t miss out on these excellent sessions planned just for you!
Stratégies pour incorporer la culture française dans votre enseignement avec Philippe Le Dorze,
Président de l’ACPI et Conseiller pédagogique au Manitoba
Niveaux : 5 à 8 année Vendredi Session E
Êtes-vous un franco professionnel ? Francophile, francophone ? Faites-vous partie de la francophonie ?
L'enseignant centré sur son rôle de porteur de culture. Rendez l'apprentissage du français plus pertinent dans la
vie de nos élèves. Venez discuter et découvrir des stratégies pour rendre le français et sa culture plus présents
dans notre enseignement. Découvrez des sites, des émissions, des textes, des jeux pour mousser l'intérêt de
l'apprentissage du français et en même temps les compétences de nos apprenants.
Découvrez XpressLab : un logiciel sur Internet qui enrichira votre curriculum et développera les
habiletés orales de vos apprenants ! avec Edith Bovey de Kingston.
Niveaux : Intérêt général (Vendredi Session G)
Grâce à XpressLab, vous pourrez créer toutes sortes d’activités, d’exercices, et même des évaluations orales pour
vos élèves. Cette technologie saura accrocher vos apprenants tout en encourageant la communication orale dans
une atmosphère rassurante. Avec Xpresslab, il sera même possible différentier vos leçons selon les besoins
individuels de vos élèves de français cadre ou d’immersion. Venez découvrir ce logiciel amusant !
L'inclusion en immersion : ressources et stratégies avec Marie-Josée Verret de la Direction de l’éducation
Niveaux : M à 3 (Jeudi Session B )
4e à 6 (Jeudi Double Sessions : C et D)
Les participants auront l'occasion d'approfondir leur connaissance de ce qu'est l'inclusion et de se familiariser avec
les ressources mises à leur disposition afin de planifier des scénarios d'enseignement. Ils repartiront avec des
ressources et des idées concrètes pour leur salle de classe.
4. – Ressources utiles en études sociales avec Keith Millions de la Direction de l’éducation
Niveaux : 7e à 9 Jeudi Session A
10e à 12 Jeudi Session B
Cette session permettra aux participants d’explorer certaines ressources pratiques trouvées sur le site de, dont les « Défis d’analyse critique » qui facilitent l’intégration concrète de la pensée critique dans
la salle de classe. Les participants se familiariseront également avec la fonction « Ma médiathèque » et comment y
sauvegarder les ressources trouvées sur
L'enseignement de la multiplication avec Hélène Gendron de la Direction de l’éducation française
Niveaux : 3 à 9 Immersion française Vendredi Double Session C et D
Le programme d’études révisé de mathématiques prévoit que les élèves démontrent leur compréhension de la
multiplication de manière concrète, imagée et symbolique. Cet atelier propose aux enseignants de la 3e à la 9e
année des outils et des approches pédagogiques facilitant l’exploration du concept de la multiplication en salle de
6. – Ressources utiles en études sociales avec Martine Moore de la Direction de l’éducation
Niveaux : M à 3e (Jeudi Session A)
4e à 6 (Jeudi Session D)
Cette session permettra aux participants d’explorer certaines ressources pratiques trouvées sur le site de, dont les « Défis d’analyse critique » qui facilitent l’intégration concrète de la pensée critique dans
la salle de classe. Les participants se familiariseront également avec la fonction « Ma médiathèque » et comment y
sauvegarder les ressources trouvées sur
French as a Second Language Sessions at Mighty Peace Teachers’ Convention
Don`t miss out on these excellent sessions planned just for you!
1. Supporting FSL the SMART Board Way! with Roxanne Wiebenga from Edmonton Public Schools
Levels: Grades 4 to 6 FSL teachers (Thursday, Double Session C and D)
How does a communicative FSL classroom make effective use of a SMARTBoard? This interactive session will
present examples of premade Notebook activities based on the FSL Program of Studies as well as share ideas on
how to integrate the SMARTBoard.
Discover Xpresslab : an Internet-based software application that will reinforce your curriculum and
develop your students’ oral language skills with Edith Bovey from Kingston.
Levels: For all FSL teachers (Friday, Session E)
With Xpresslab, you will be able to create all kinds of exercises, activities and even oral evaluations for your
students. This motivating technology encourages students to communicate orally with you and with their peers in
a safe and comfortable atmosphere. With Xpresslab, you will be able to differentiate your lessons according to the
individual needs of the learners in your class. Come discover how much fun technology can be!
3. Spoons and French Folk Songs with Les Bûcherons
Levels: Grades 1 to 6 FSL teachers (Friday, Session G)
Learn eight rhythm patterns that fit the beat and melody to 6 classic French Canadian Folk songs. This session
includes the handouts on the rhythm patterns, musical notation and the lyrics.
4. Motivating Interaction through Student-Led Instruction with Edith Bovey from Kingston
Levels: Grades 10 to 12 FSL teachers (Friday, Session F)
A collection of oral communication projects animated by your students! These activities inspire peer to peer
interaction in the target language. Students are motivated to personalize these activities according to their
own interests; classmates are encouraged to learn more about their peers. Everything you need to animate
brilliant activities this Monday morning!
5. Sais to Dancer? Basic circle, line and square dances with Les Bûcherons
Levels : Grade 2 to Grade 8 FSL teachers (Friday, Session H)
Social skills, self esteem and community are sure to develop through dance. French call and response are also
included in the line dance.
Other Sessions of Interest
Strategies to support the ESL, EAL or ELL Learner in our Classroom by Philippe LeDorze (Friday, Session F) How
can we better support our students who are learning English as an additional language? Learn more about
language learners, the steps they go through to acquire English. BICS, CALP, the silent period, the affective filter.
The good news: when we differentiate for our EAL learners we are also supporting many other learners in our
Successful AFA Grant Writing by Ian Porteous (Thursday, Session D) Learn about all the details involved in writing
successful arts touring grants. Who is eligible? What is the process? Review a sample application.
Top Notch New Resources at the Centre
Trousses de lecture préscolaire de Chenelière
FSL resources
Revamped French Language Education Certificate at GPRC
With all courses now offered within two-year span, students and interested teachers can be assured to
receive this valuable certificate. Circulate the attached PDF to your high school students!
Speaking two languages may delay getting Alzhemier`s
Remembering why it’s useful to learn a second language, click on the link below for read an article published on February 19.
French Film for Adults and Adolescents
The next GPLT Movie Series film on Mar 6 " Incendies " is from Quebec (French and Arabic with English subtitles)
has just been just nominated for an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. A very powerful drama that’s definitely
worth seeing! The trailer can be seen at
AIM and the Program of Studies with Elementary/Junior High Students
Are you interested in becoming a trained AIM teacher, but not able to attend the training sessions outside of our
region? The Centre has organised to have a training session with Rhonda Murphy, AIM specialist from Edmonton,
who will be teaching this ever-popular gestural approach on April 7 and 8. Consider taking advantage of attending
this session close to home. Register through
The Accelerative Integrative Methodology (AIM) is not just for young learners – adolescents love it too! In fact, students,
teachers, administrators and parents across the country are excited to see the results of this award-winning method of teaching
French! In this interactive, hands-on workshop, Rhonda Murphy shares how she uses the new program Jeunesse en action ! to
motivate and engage her junior high French as a Second Language (FSL) students. Rhonda will show how teachers can use
gestures, drama, songs, games, questioning techniques and error analysis to introduce and reinforce high-frequency vocabulary
and grammatical structures. Come see for yourself how the Outcomes of the Program of Studies can still be met through using this
methodology to develop high levels of fluency in elementary and secondary French students. This workshop is in English with
French examples and is geared towards elementary and junior high teachers with little to no experience with AIM.
Please bring along your wireless, internet-ready laptop computer.
Is AIM for you? Find out more about the AIM approach at:
Les webinaires offerts en mars par le Consortium francophone
Où en sommes-nous en études sociales? 7e à 9e année – 4 mars 2011
Série Salon virtuel de mathématiques 20 - Ressources de base - 14 mars et 18 avril 2011
Série Salon virtuel de mathématiques 10C – 17 mars, 13 avril et 10 mai 2011
Pour ceux qui s’inscrivent à l’un de ces webinaires et qui ne connaissent pas encore le logiciel Elluminate, une
session d’Introduction à Elluminate est offerte le 10 mars 2011
A Great Database for FSL and for Immersion/Francophone Teachers
Watch for upcoming Elluminate sessions in April exploring the newly developed French database of pre-screened
interactive, curriculum-based activities for: – Immersion/francophone - FSL
Don`t forget that DELF registration wraps up this March 15! Fax all forms or send by
mail to the Centre.
Beginner French On Line Course Starting April 1st for College Students Across Alberta!
FR0110, a beginner’s course equivalent to French 10 in the Alberta high school curriculum, requires no prior
knowledge of French. Students will be introduced to all four language skill areas – listening, speaking, reading and
writing in French. Course objectives include basic vocabulary, common expressions in conversation, simple
sentence structures, including asking and answering questions in the present, future and past.
In this course, the instructor will grade assignments, provide feedback and assistance as required, and ensure that
students, working independently on online modules, complete each module on time. Additionally, instructors will
hold synchronous online sessions using the Elluminate system (Elluminate sessions will run approximately 80
minutes a week).
The cost of the course is $455.95 plus the cost of materials. Contact Marian Logan for more information at:
[email protected]