Title Lesson - omlta / aoplv


Title Lesson - omlta / aoplv
Financial Literacy Resource
French As a Second Language: Core French – Grade 8
Connections to Financial Literacy
Although none of the expectations in the French As a Second Language (FSL) curriculum explicitly
addresses financial literacy, in each of the strands in the various courses the development of financial
literacy can be fostered through both the learning context (e.g., a topic, a lesson, a thematic unit, or an
issue related to financial literacy) and materials (e.g., books, websites, media). Students could address
issues related to personal finances or economics from different points of view in a debate, panel
discussion, role play, speech, listening, speaking, reading and/or writing activities.
The goal of this resource is to help students to understand the following financial literacy connections:
 planning personal finances such as budgeting, saving
 preparing for future expenses
 understanding the costs and profits of fundraising
FSL Core French Grade 8
Curriculum Expectations
Learning Goals
Oral Communication
After completing the learning
experiences below, students will know,
understand and/or be able to:
 talk about landmarks and their
location around the world
 calculate the costs associated in a
class trip
 create a plan to prepare for the
costs of a class trip
 prepare for a fundraiser
listen to and talk about simple oral texts in structured
and open-ended situations
use compound and complex sentences in conversations
and discussions
respond to oral texts (e.g., answer questions, role-play)
use language appropriately in a variety of rehearsed,
routine, and open-ended situations (e.g., an interview)
- write in a variety of forms, adjusting language to suit the
- produce pieces of writing in a variety of simple forms
(e.g., lists, dialogues, illustrated stories), following and
making adaptations to a model
- proofread and correct final drafts, focusing on grammar,
punctuation, and spelling
- use and spell the vocabulary appropriate for this grade
Financial Literacy Resource 2011 - French as a Second Language - Created by OMLTA/AOPLV
Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association - Association ontarienne des professeurs de langues vivantes
Core French – Grade 8
Instructional Components and Context
This includes what they need to know and be
able to do in order to
money and spending vocabulary in French
preposition + town, province, city
question words & how to ask questions
un voyage
fin de l’année
la collecte de fonds / collecter de fonds
les dépenses
les frais
une proposition / proposer
un point de repère
le continent
le pays
la ville
la compréhension d’écoute
la remise des diplômes
un droit d’entrée
le transport
l’argent de poche
le logement
un endroit
en style télégraphique
le salaire minimum
 BLMs for the continents and their countries
 YouTube clip
 BLM “Mes voyages scolaires”
 student generated anchor chart of useful
 BLM “MA PROPOSITION La fiche de contrôle”
 access to computers and internet, if possible
 materials depending on what they choose it, it
could be chart paper, computers, for the
students final presentation
 BLM “Collecte des fonds”
 spreadsheet computer program (optional
 dictionaries
Minds On
 Establishing a positive learning environment
 Connecting to prior learning and/or experiences
 Setting the context for learning
Explicitly label:
Assessment for learning
Assessment as learning
Assessment of learning
Explicitly identify planned
differentiation of content, process, or
product based on readiness, interest, or
Students will be shown famous landmarks around the world and will find
out where they are located on a map.
1. Photocopy the “LES POINTS DE REPÈRE” and prepare individual
cards by cutting the table into rows. Then fold the row in half
horizontally along the dashed black line and glue or tape so the image
will be on one side and the words will be on the other.
Financial Literacy Resource 2011 - French as a Second Language - Created by OMLTA/AOPLV
Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association - Association ontarienne des professeurs de langues vivantes
Core French – Grade 8
2. Give each student an individual card from the attached list.
3. Have students participate in “Questionner, Questionner, Échanger”.
4. Model how the activity will run using two volunteers; include how
students will meet and greet each other, decide who will go first, show
each other their cards in turn and guess the location. If the student
does not know the location, s/he will try to guess the country.
C’est quand est ton
Le 25 août.
Voici le point de repère.
Qu’est-ce que c’est?
Peux-tu deviner le pays ou le
C’est la cloche Big Ben (Gros
Benjamin) à Londres en
Maintenant, c’est ton tour.
C’est la tour Eiffel à Paris en
C’est le 2 juin et toi?
Ton anniversaire est plus
proche de la date d’aujourd’hui
alors tu commences.
Je ne sais pas.
Peut-être l’Europe, peut-être
Voici le point de repère.
Qu’est-ce que c’est?
C’est correct. Maintenant il
faut échanger les cartes et
trouve un autre partenaire. Au
revoir, merci.
5. Give students 15 minutes to circulate around the room questioning
each other and then trading cards.
6. Post the attached continent pages around the room while circulating
around the room listening and supporting students in using French.
7. Signal the end of the activity and review the grammar point of
preposition à + town, and en (f), au (m), aux (pl) + province or country.
8. Draw students’ attention to the continent maps posted in the room.
9. Ask students to look at the card they now have and go to the continent
where it is located. Tell them if they are not sure, they will need to
reference the map and the alphabetically listed countries.
10. Encourage students to help each other find the correct continent.
11. Have students show the landmark then name it and say where it is
located and this can be done by continent. Use a world map to locate
all of the landmarks so the students can visually see where they are all
located. Once all students from a specific continent have presented
then they can return to their seats so they can listen to the rest of the
landmarks by continent being presented.
12. Form partnerships or groups of 3 and have students discuss the best
place to visit.
Teacher Prompt: Comment fais-tu le choix d’une ville dans le monde
pour visiter? Pourquoi cette ville est spéciale? Discute ton choix avec
un partenaire. Exemple : Je veux visiter l’Australie pour voir les
kangourous et l’opéra de Sydney.
- some students may need to
work in partners with a card
-some students may need to
have personal scripts with them
when they circulate around the
-provide individual maps to
students who need them
-students may need sentence
starters and a few examples
posted in the room so they can
follow the pattern when
discussing where they would like
to visit
Financial Literacy Resource 2011 - French as a Second Language - Created by OMLTA/AOPLV
Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association - Association ontarienne des professeurs de langues vivantes
Core French – Grade 8
 Introducing new learning or extending/reinforcing prior learning
 Providing opportunities for practice and application of learning (guided > independent)
Assessment for learning
Having allowed students to explore places around the world, they will
listen to a group of students talking about their class trip, then think about
class trips that they have had over the years and finally brainstorm the
expenses that need to be incurred.
In order to get students thinking about school trips, show the YouTube of
francophone students talking about their trip.
1. Show the YouTube video for the class and explain that the speakers
are francophone so they will not understand everything but they will
need to try and pick out vocabulary and expressions that they know.
2. Discuss orally what the students were able to understand the first time.
3. Explain that it is normal and necessary for people learning a second
language to have to ask native speakers to repeat themselves so that
they understand and that is why we listen to oral excerpts multiple
times. It is necessary to improve listening comprehension skills.
4. Brainstorm a list of questions that students will need to answer after
listening to the YouTube again.
Questions could include the following:
 De quoi est-ce qu’elles parlent dans la vidéo?
 Qu’est-ce qu’elles ont visité?
 Qu’est-ce qu’elles ont aimé?
 Qu’est-ce qu’elles n’ont pas aimé?
 Où ont-elles mangé?
 Qu’est-ce qu’elles ont mangé?
 Qu’est-ce qu’elles ont fait avec le repas?
5. Turn to an elbow partner and see how many of the questions can be
6. Share answers orally as a class, listening to specific parts of the
YouTube if necessary. Emphasize that everything does not need to be
understood, just the key ideas.
7. Have each student establish one specific goal in order to improve
French listening comprehension.
8. Distribute the BLM “Mes voyages scolaires” to each student.
9. Instruct students to think about class trips they have had over the
years and then ask them to complete the chart writing where they went
and then an image to illustrate what was the trip’s best event and
approximately how much they paid.
10. Put students into groups of four and let them share their memories of
class trips with each other. “En première année, on a visité XXXX et
j’ai aimé parce que … Je n’ai pas aimé parce que… ”
11. Have students think about all the costs related to the trip and create a
list in their assigned group that they will share with the class.
12. Create an anchor share of French vocabulary for trip expenses that
must be considered by asking each group to share one idea at a time
and rotating through the groups until no one has anything new to add.
-give the link to students so they
can log in at home if they want
to practice their listening skills
and build an ear for the
-challenge students to find other
videos posted in French about
class trips
-have the questions posted
during viewing
-assign specific questions to
students who have weaker
listening skills
Assessment as learning
-connect to students’ personal
experiences so it may be family
vacations instead of class trips
-some students may want to get
images from photographs and/or
the internet
-students may need dictionaries
Financial Literacy Resource 2011 - French as a Second Language - Created by OMLTA/AOPLV
Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association - Association ontarienne des professeurs de langues vivantes
Core French – Grade 8
 Providing opportunities for consolidation and reflection
 Helping students demonstrate what they have learned
With the knowledge and French vocabulary acquired during the discussion
of former class trips and associated costs, students will put together a
proposal to the classroom teacher to convince him/her of the perfect year
1. Explain to students that they will be submitting a proposal for an end of
year trip and they can work with a partner.
2. Allow students to choose the type of presentation based on their
preference. It could be a poster, webpage, computer presentation,
booklet, etc. Their choice must be approved by the teacher.
3. Distribute BLM “MA PROPOSITION La fiche de contrôle” to each
student and make sure that students understand what needs to be
4. Ensure that students understand that their choice needs to be
appropriate for Grade 8 and affordable.
5. Have students present their proposals to the class and encourage
students to ask questions and use the tracking sheet to check off if the
presenters did everything asked of them.
6. Ask students to imagine that their parents are not able to pay for any of
the trip’s expenses.
7. Group students with their presentation partner and have them discuss
their options.
Possible questions:
 Comment pouvez-vous gagner de l’argent?
 Est-ce qu’il y a des dépenses que vous pouvez réduire?
 Est-ce qu’il y a des activités que vous pouvez éliminer de
 Quel travail pouvez-vous faire?
 Si vous gagnez le salaire minimum, combien d’heures devrezvous travailler? Si vous travaillez 7 heures par jour, combien de
jour/mois devrez-vous travailler?
 Après avoir complété ces activités et bien calculé le coût de
l'excursion, comment apprécierez-vous vos parents
8. Ask students to prepare for a fundraising event to help offset the cost
of their chosen trip. Remind students that they must consider the
costs involved in running these types of events.
9. Give students the BLM “Collecte de fonds” that will help them to
organize their thoughts/ideas for their chosen activity.
Teacher Prompt : Vous allez faire une collecte de fonds pour aider à
payer les frais du voyage. Discutez les idées possibles avec votre
partenaire et n’oubliez pas qu’il y aura des dépenses pour ses
activités. Dressez-les, ainsi que les tâches.
10. Talk about the importance of planning for the future since you never
know what is going to happen and how that sometimes financial
circumstances change your plans.
-if time allows and there is
access to computers, teach
students how to create and use
a spreadsheet to track expenses
-some groups may want to
videotape their oral
-teachers may want to have
students vote on the most
effective presentation and best
idea for the year end trip
Assessment as learning
Financial Literacy Resource 2011 - French as a Second Language - Created by OMLTA/AOPLV
Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association - Association ontarienne des professeurs de langues vivantes
Core French – Grade 8
L`Arc de Triomphe
à Paris
en France
La Tour de Pise
à Pise
en Italie
Le pont de Golden Gate
à San Francisco
en Californie
aux États-Unis
La cloche Big Ben (le Gros Benjamin)
à Londres
en Angleterre
Financial Literacy Resource 2011 - French as a Second Language - Created by OMLTA/AOPLV
Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association - Association ontarienne des professeurs de langues vivantes
Core French – Grade 8
Les Pyramides de Gizeh
à Gizeh
en Égypte
La statue de Liberté
à New York
aux États-Unis
La tour CN
à Toronto en Ontario
au Canada
Les chutes de Victoria
à Livingstone en Zambie
à Victoria Falls au Zimbabwe
Financial Literacy Resource 2011 - French as a Second Language - Created by OMLTA/AOPLV
Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association - Association ontarienne des professeurs de langues vivantes
Core French – Grade 8
L’opéra de Sydney
à Sydney
en Australie
Le Château Frontenac
à Québec au Québec
au Canada
Le Colisée
à Rome
en Italie
La Grande Muraille de Chine
en Chine
Financial Literacy Resource 2011 - French as a Second Language - Created by OMLTA/AOPLV
Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association - Association ontarienne des professeurs de langues vivantes
Core French – Grade 8
Le centre mondial bahá’í
à Haïfa
en Israël
Le Machu Picchu
à la région Cuscu
au Pérou
Le Taj Mahal
à Agra
en Inde
La gondole
à Vénice
en Italie
Financial Literacy Resource 2011 - French as a Second Language - Created by OMLTA/AOPLV
Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association - Association ontarienne des professeurs de langues vivantes
Core French – Grade 8
La tour Eiffel
à Paris
en France
Le Torre De Oro
à Séville
en Espagne
Le Brandenburg Portail
à Berlin
en Allemagne
Le Palais Royal
à Brussels
en Belgique
Financial Literacy Resource 2011 - French as a Second Language - Created by OMLTA/AOPLV
Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association - Association ontarienne des professeurs de langues vivantes
Core French – Grade 8
Le Louvre
à Paris
en France
La Grèce Acropole
à Athènes
en Grèce
Le Château Dublin
à Dublin
en Irlande
Les canaux
à Amsterdam
en Hollande
Financial Literacy Resource 2011 - French as a Second Language - Created by OMLTA/AOPLV
Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association - Association ontarienne des professeurs de langues vivantes
Core French – Grade 8
Les fjords
à Oslo
en Norvège
Le Torre de Belém
à Lisbonne
au Portugal
La Cathédrale Saint Basil
à Moscow
en Russie
Le Stortorget
à Stockholm
en Suède
Financial Literacy Resource 2011 - French as a Second Language - Created by OMLTA/AOPLV
Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association - Association ontarienne des professeurs de langues vivantes
Core French – Grade 8
Le musée national de la Suisse
à Zurich
en Suisse
La Mosquée Bleue
à Istanbul
en Turquie
Le lieu de naissance de Shakespeare
à Stratford-upon-Avon
en Angleterre
La Basilique de St. Peter
à Vatican City
en Italie
Financial Literacy Resource 2011 - French as a Second Language - Created by OMLTA/AOPLV
Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association - Association ontarienne des professeurs de langues vivantes
Core French – Grade 8
Le mémorial de paix
à Hiroshima
au Japon
Les Tours d'Émirats
à Dubaï
aux Émirats Arabes Unis
Les chutes d'Angel
à Auyantepui
au Venezuela
Les Ruines
à Timgad
en Algérie
Financial Literacy Resource 2011 - French as a Second Language - Created by OMLTA/AOPLV
Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association - Association ontarienne des professeurs de langues vivantes
Core French – Grade 8
> Albanie
> Allemagne
> Andorre
> Arménie
> Autriche
> Baléares
> Belgique
> Biélorussie
> Bosnie
> Bulgarie
> Chypre
> Crimée
> Croatie
> Danemark
> Espagne
> Estonie
> Féroé
> Finlande
> France
> Georgie
> Gibraltar
> Grèce
> Hongrie
> Irlande
> Islande
> Italie
> Lettonie
> Liechtenstein
> Lituanie
> Luxembourg
> Macédoine
> Malte
> Moldavie
> Monaco
> Montenegro
> Norvège
> Pays-bas
> Pologne
> Portugal
> République
> Roumanie
> Royaume-uni
> Russie
> Saint-Marin
> Serbie
> Slovaquie
> Slovénie
> Suède
> Suisse
> Turquie
> Ukraine
> Vatican
Financial Literacy Resource 2011 - French as a Second Language - Created by OMLTA/AOPLV
Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association - Association ontarienne des professeurs de langues vivantes
Core French – Grade 8
> Afghanistan
> Arabie saoudite
> Bahreïn
> Bangladesh
> Bhoutan
> Birmanie
> Brunei
> Cambodge
> Chine
> Corée du Nord
> Corée du Sud
> Émirats arabes
> Hong Kong
> Inde
> Indonésie
> Irak
> Iran
> Israël
> Japon
> Jordanie
> Kazakhstan
> Kirghizistan
> Koweït
> Laos
> Liban
> Macao
> Malaisie
> Maldives
> Mongolie
> Népal
> Oman
> Ouzbékistan
> Pakistan
> Palestine
> Philippines
> Qatar
> Singapour
> Sri Lanka
> Syrie
> Tadjikistan
> Taiwan
> Thaïlande
> Turkménistan
> Viêt Nam
> Yémen
Financial Literacy Resource 2011 - French as a Second Language - Created by OMLTA/AOPLV
Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association - Association ontarienne des professeurs de langues vivantes
Core French – Grade 8
> Australie
> Christmas (île)
> Coco (îles)
> Fidji (îles)
> Guam
> Hawaï
> Kiribati
> Marianne (îles)
> Marshall (îles)
> Micronésie
> Nauru
> Niue
> Norfolk
> NouvelleCalédonie
> NouvelleZélande
> Palau
> PapouasieNouvelle-Guinée
> Pâques (îles)
> Pitcairn (îles)
> Polynésie
> Salomon (îles)
> Samoa (îles)
> Samoa
américaines (îles)
> Tonga
> Tuvalu
> Vanuatu
> Wallis et Futuna
Financial Literacy Resource 2011 - French as a Second Language - Created by OMLTA/AOPLV
Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association - Association ontarienne des professeurs de langues vivantes
Core French – Grade 8
> Afrique du Sud
> Algérie
> Angola
> Bénin
> Botswana
> Burkina Faso
> Burundi
> Cameroun
> Cap-Vert
> Comores
> Côte d'Ivoire
> Djibouti
> Egypte
> Ethiopie
> Kenya
> Lesotho
> Libéria
> Lybie
> Madagascar
> Malawi
> Gabon
> Gambie
> Ghana
> Guinée
> Guinée-Bissau
> GuinéeEquatoriale
> Maroc
> Maurice
> Mauritanie
> Mozambique
> Namibie
> Niger
> Nigeria
> Sao Tomé-etPrincipe
> Sénégal
> Seychelles
> Ouganda
> République
Dém. du Congo
> République du
> Rwanda
> Sierra Leone
> Somalie
> Soudan
> Swaziland
> Tanzanie
> Tchad
> Togo
> Tunisie
> Zimbabwe
Financial Literacy Resource 2011 - French as a Second Language - Created by OMLTA/AOPLV
Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association - Association ontarienne des professeurs de langues vivantes
Core French – Grade 8
> Alaska
> Anguilla
> Antigua-etBarbuda
> Antilles
> Argentine
> Aruba
> Bahamas
> Barbade
> Belize
> Bermudes
> Bolivie
> Brésil
> Caïmans
> Canada
> Chili
> Colombie
> Costa Rica
> Cuba
> Dominique
> Équateur
> États-Unis
> Iles Sandwich
> Grenade
> Groenland
> Guadeloupe
> Guatemala
> Guyana
> Guyane
> Haïti
> Honduras
> Jamaïque
> Malouines
> Martinique
> Mexique
> Montserrat
> Nicaragua
> Panama
> Pâques île de
> Paraguay
> Pérou
> Porto Rico
> République
> SaintBarthélemy
> SaintChristophe et
> Sainte-Lucie
> Saint-Martin (fr)
> Saint-Martin
> Saint-Pierre et
> Saint-Vincent et
les Grenadines
> Salvador
> Suriname
> Trinité-etTobago
> Turques-etCaïques
> Uruguay
> Venezuela
> Vierges
> Vierges
Financial Literacy Resource 2011 - French as a Second Language - Created by OMLTA/AOPLV
Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association - Association ontarienne des professeurs de langues vivantes
Core French – Grade 8
(image seulement)
Financial Literacy Resource 2011 - French as a Second Language - Created by OMLTA/AOPLV
Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association - Association ontarienne des professeurs de langues vivantes
Core French – Grade 8
La fiche de contrôle
 un titre
 une brève introduction à l’idée en style télégraphique
 un itinéraire chronologique avec les détailles spécifiques en
style télégraphique et les images
 une estimation légitime de toutes les dépenses et le total
 une conclusion en style télégraphique qui explique pourquoi
c’est raisonnable, faisable et le meilleur voyage avant la remise
des diplômes
 J’ai seulement utilisé le français
 J’ai vérifié les tableaux de référence
 J’ai utilisé les images visuelles efficaces
 J’ai considéré la mise en page
 J’ai écrit mes idées en style télégraphique
 J’ai utilisé les étiquettes
 J’ai pensé à l’intérêt de l’auditoire
 J’ai inclus le tableau avec toutes les dépenses et le total
 J’ai inclus assez de détails
 J’ai fait de mon mieux
 J’ai seulement utilisé le français
 J’ai expliqué en français les termes inconnus
 J’ai montré les images
 J’ai présenté d’une manière logique
 J’ai pratiqué ce que j’ai voulu dire
 J’ai utilisé la bonne prononciation, le bon débit et un volume
 J’ai regardé l’auditoire
 J’ai utilisé l’expression corporelle (les gestes, les actions)
 J’ai répondu aux questions
 J’ai fait de mon mieux
Financial Literacy Resource 2011 - French as a Second Language - Created by OMLTA/AOPLV
Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association - Association ontarienne des professeurs de langues vivantes
Core French – Grade 8
Collecte de fonds
Organiser une activité
Questions importantes
1. Comment collecte-t-on de fonds?
2. Comment planifie-t-on les budgets?
Quelle est l'activité que je veux organiser?
Qui participera à l'activité?
Quelles sont les ressources disponibles?
(argent, salles, équipement...) Combien en
Y aura-t-il des gens qui accepteront de
s'impliquer dans le comité organisateur?
Je fais une description sommaire de
Quel est le public cible?
Pour impliquer d'autres personnes, il faut les
réunir et les informer. Où? Quand?
C'est le moment de tout prévoir dans les moindres détails. Il s'agit enfin de mettre nos
idées sur papier afin d'éviter de brûler des étapes, d'oublier des éléments ou de commettre
des erreurs de parcours.
À faire
 Revoir les objectifs.
 On élabore un plan d'action. Il faut répondre aux questions de base suivantes : Quand?
Où? Comment? Combien ça coute?
 On établit un budget provisoire.
 Le projet est présenté aux personnes concernées (ex : direction)
connaître les objectifs et s'entende
décider: une date, un lieu et des grandes lignes.
identifier et prioriser ce qu'il y a à faire
dresser une liste de dépenses prévues et savoir quels sont les revenus
être économique et écologique dans les choix
Célébrons nos efforts et nos succès!
Financial Literacy Resource 2011 - French as a Second Language - Created by OMLTA/AOPLV
Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association - Association ontarienne des professeurs de langues vivantes
Core French – Grade 8