training conference London 2005
training conference London 2005
Does guidance really matter in a place like Luxembourg ?! -! Jean-Jacques RUPPERT! London, 22nd June 2005 «Le savoir que l’on ne complète pas chaque jour … diminue tous les jours.»! ! «The knowledge you do not add to each day … diminishes all the time.»! ! «Use it or lose it !!» ! ! ! ! Abbé GREGOIRE (1750-1831)! ! founder of the! Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris! « … according to the Chamber of Commerce of Trades, guidance of young people has been carried out not as a function of their real intellectual or manual abilities but above all as a function of the unrealistic illusions of pupils and their parents, leading all too often to pupils having to repeat a year, or to failure, demotivation, resignation, unemployment and social exclusion.»! ! ! Reflections and suggestions by the Chamber of Commerce of Trades! in favour of revigorating vocational training! ! in ‘Luxemburger Wort’, 08.01.2001 life-long learning! ➲! life-long guidance! ➲! life-long ..…… ? «…on the whole, Huxley’s universe is described as a totalitarian nightmare, the book is being passed off as a virulent denounciation; this is pure and simple hypocrisy. In every aspect – …, ‘Brave New World’ is a paradise to us, it is precisely the world that we have been trying, up to now without success, to attain.»! ! Michel HOULLEBECQ in ‘Les particules élémentaires’ (Atomized), 1998 CEDIES Centre de Documentation et d’Information sur l’Enseignement Supérieur ! ! Centre of Documentation and Information on Higher Education ! of the MINISTRY OF CULTURE, HIGHER EDUCATION AND RESEARCH:! - gives information on higher education to students! ! Service de l’Orientation Professionnelle! ! Vocational Guidance Service of the Employment Administration,! MINISTRY OF LABOUR :! - organises the vocational guidance of young people! - helps young people in their choice of a career or a profession! CPOS & SPOS! Centre de Psychologie et d’Orientation Scolaires &! ! ! ! Services de Psychologie et d’Orientation Scolaires ! ! Centre of Educational Psychology and Guidance and Services of Educational Psychology and Guidance of the MINISTRY OF NATIONAL EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING help young people:! - to acquire methods and knowledge so that they develop abilities to become autonomous and responsible individuals! - to find information on vocational training as well as on further and higher studies! - to manage all the information collected! - to explore and come to know their personal abilities, interests and aspirations! - to develop competences that will allow them to make choices! «And so it is clear that man must learn.» «In order to guarantee a fair selection, the test is the same for everybody:! ! CLIMB UP THAT TREE !!! «Die Welt dreht seit Einführung des Dampfs und elektrischen Funken so rasch, daß oft dem Klügsten der Verstand stille steht. Was hilft denn da ein allzu ängstliches Überlegen von allem Für und Wider, wo das stetig waltende Schicksal geheimnisvoll und unbeirrt seinen Weg geht und unsere Vorsätze jeden Augenblick lahm legen kann !! Endlich kann auch in diesem Stadium des Überganges, in welchem wir uns jetzt befinden, niemand bestimmen, ob ein Geschäft, das heute bequem seinen Mann nährt und auch die Zurücklegung eines Not- und Ehrengroschens recht wohl gestattet, in fünf bis zehn Jahren sich noch im gleichem Maße dankbar erweist.»! ! in ‘Die Berufswahl – Für Eltern, Vormünder, Lehrer und die heranwachsende Jugend’! Leipzig 1910 «Since the invention of steam power and electricity, the world is turning so fast that even the brightest cannot keep up. What good is it then to reflect overanxiously on the pros and cons, when Fate anyway pursues its mysterious and undeviating course and can at any time abruptly thwart our best intentions !! And in these times of change that characterise our existence, nobody can tell for sure if a trade or a business that today feeds its men quite comfortably and even allows for some saving-up for hard times, will in five or ten years’ time, still be equally rewarding.»! ! ! in ‘Die Berufswahl – Für Eltern, Vormünder, Lehrer und die heranwachsende Jugend’! Leipzig 1910! ! ‘The Vocational Choice – For Parents, Tutors, Teachers and Youth’ ”We can't have a situation where young people are kept for longer and longer at school, and at greater public expense, but who end up knowing no more than those in the past who left school younger.! An education system must involve failure. Life involves failure.“! ! ! Chris WOODWARD! former chief inspector of schools in England! ! in TheGuardian, 04.09.2000! «L’école est (aussi) dépassée et paraît prise dans une fuite en avant, dévalorisant les cursus autrefois qualifiants, (comme celui qui mène au BEP,) pour hisser au niveau du bac des personnes dont le diplôme sera demain à son tour dévalorisé, au risque de gripper l’ensemble de la machine scolaire.»! ! «Surtout, il faudrait faire l’inverse de ce que l’on fait en France, où l’on cherche toujours à sauver le pire. On dépense beaucoup d’argent sur des cas à peu près irrécupérables. Il faudrait d’abord consacrer ces sommes à ceux qui sont à la limite et qui n’ont besoin que d’un petit coup de main pour se mettre à niveau : ne pas commencer par le bas, mais tirer ceux qui sont le plus près de la norme socialement adaptée pour aller en entreprise. Il faut être modeste, avoir du discernement et chercher à être efficace et à aider le plus grand nombre, au lieu d’avoir une attitude morale chevaleresque qui ne débouche sur rien.»! ! Michèle TRIBALAT! chercheuse à l’Institut national d’études démographiques! ! in ‘L’Express International’, N° 2577, 23-29 novembre 2000 «School (also) is helpless and seems impelled to flee ahead, thus devaluing formerly reputable courses (i.e. vocational qualifications such as the BEP) in order to haul up to A-level standards those people for whom the qualification will tomorrow, in turn, be devalued, thus risking to seize up the whole of the educational engine.»! ! «Above all, one should do the opposite of what is being done in France, where we always try to save the worst. We spend lots of money on pretty lost causes. We should rather spend this cash on borderline cases who only need a little help to set them straight; not start with the lower end but pull up those closest to the social norms required to enter the labour market. One must be modest and discerning, and try to be efficient … rather than having an attitude of moral crusading that leads nowhere.»! ! Michèle TRIBALAT! researcher at the ‘Institut national d’études démographiques’! ! in ‘L’Express International’, N° 2577, 23-29 November 2000 «The limbs of the human body were upset that they had to work for the stomach which itself was doing nothing but quietly enjoy all it was supplied with.! So, they agreed for the hands no longer to take food to the mouth, for the mouth no longer to accept it and for the teeth no longer to chew it ! But then they had to acknowledge, that the whole body with all its limbs was falling apart, as they intended to subdue the stomach through hunger.! And they understood that even the stomach was not being idle but was, through its work digesting, also nourishing them.»! ! ! Livius II, 32 ! «It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. We address ourselves not to their humanity but their self love, … .»! ! ! Adam SMITH (1723-1790)! in ‘The Wealth of Nations’! ! «No one would remember the Good Samaritan if he’d only had good intentions.! He had money as well.»! ! ! Margaret THATCHER (1925 - …)! in a television interview, 6 January 2000 ! ! «As we all know it is difficult to make a prediction and this the more so when the prediction refers to the future.»! ! the German sociologist Ulrich BECK! ! in ‘DER SPIEGEL’, Nr.7/12.2.01 THANK YOU! FOR YOUR ATTENTION [email protected] Applied Vocational Psychology and Policy! Research Unit, Luxembourg