The Taft School Faculty Home


The Taft School Faculty Home
Etu d e d e ca s : Th e Ta ft S ch o o l Fa cu l ty Ho m e
S i te We b : h ttp :// n s tr u cti o n 2 1 .o r g /fr a n ce /
The Taft School Faculty Home
Type de pro jet : Co nstructio n Neuve
Type de bâtiment : Maiso n individuelle
iso lée o u jumelée
Année de co nstructio n : 20 14
Zo ne climatique : [Dfb] Co ntinental
Humide, hiver rigo ureux, été tempéré, pas de
saiso n sèche.
Surface nette : 36 1 m 2 SHON
Co ût de co nstructio n : 59 7 554 €
No mbre d'unités fo nctio nnelles : 1
Lo gement
Co ût/m² : 1 6 55 €/m 2
Co ût/Lo gement : 59 7 554 €/Lo gement
, 0 6 79 5 Waterto wn, USA
// Description
This ho me is an excellent example o f design and co nstructio n fo r temperate climates and energy co nservatio n. The Taft
Scho o l faculty ho me serves as a high perfo rmance residence and learning lab fo r students. In US climate zo ne 5, it achieved a
HERS 33 excluding PV and with the 13.1 kW the HERS index is -14. Lo cated o n a quiet street adjacent to campus the existing,
histo ric ho me was deco nstructed and salvageable materials were do nated o r reused. Challenged to find high efficiency
windo ws that were histo ric co mmissio n acceptable, the team installed Klearwall awnings o r casements o ver fixed glass (to
mimic do uble hungs) with simulated divided lites (u-values as lo w as 0 .13). A high so lar heat gain co efficient (0 .58 ) facilitates
the passive so lar gain fo r winter mo nths, while well designed o verhangs and pergo la shade summer sun. Do uble stud walls
have 2¼” clo sed cell fo am plus 8 ½” dense pack cellulo se fo r a R-49 cavity. The exterio r sheathing is R-6 .6 Zip Wall System
with taped seams to create the co ntinuo us air barrier. Inside the so lid co ncrete fo undatio n is 3” clo sed cell fo am behind 2x4
stud walls and R-32 cellulo se in the cavity. Prefabricated TJI jo ists frame the attic flo o r, an insulated “ro o m” ho uses the heat
reco very ventilato r and ductwo rk, and blo wn in cellulo se blankets it all in R-8 6 . The ho use tested 0 .6 ACH50 pro ving the
effectiveness o f its air-tight envelo pe and attentio n to air sealing. Heating and co o ling is pro vided by efficient air so urce heat
pumps (9 .2 HSPF, 16 .5 SEER) and delivered by sho rt duct runs which tested extremely tight. A heat pump water heater
pro vides do mestic ho t water and an o n-demand switch, with an o ccupancy senso r at each bath, ensures ho t water is delivered
fast and efficiently. Lo w flo w fixtures are WaterSense certified, appliances are Energy Star labeled, and all LED lighting. A
Zehnder No vus 30 0 (9 3.3% efficient) HRV supplies 112 cfm o f co ntinuo us fresh air ventilatio n; using o nly 32 watts o f po wer
and runs quietly. The ho meo wners co ntro l the mechanical ventilatio n thro ugh the intuitive wall-mo unted co ntro l pad to shut o ff
o r increase the ventilatio n. Chemicals and co ntaminants were reduced by using lo w VOC and GreenGuard certified sealants,
adhesives, primers, and paints. A walk-o ff matt at the side entry and hardwo o d flo o rs help co ntro l dirt and dust. Sto rm water
runo ff fro m the ro o f, patio , and driveway is managed by the rain garden and native landscaping is lo w maintenance. Taft
Scho o l Directo r o f Enviro nmental Stewardship, Carly Bo rken has used the design and co nstructio n pro cess as a teaching to o l
fo r her science classes. With access to the ho me mo nito ring system they can virtually access the ho mes co nsumptio n. After
12 mo nths o f utility bills the ho me has pro duced 9 ,8 6 8 kW mo re than it’s used.
Fiabilit é de s do nné e s :
Certifié tierce partie
// Intervenants
No m : The Taft Scho o l
Gil Tho rnfeldt, GilTho rnfeldt@taftscho o l.o rg
Site Web : http://www.Taftscho o l.o rg
Mo de co nt ract ue l :
Co ntractant général
Dé m arche dé ve lo ppe m e nt durable du m aît re d'o uvrage : Taft is educating to mo rro w's leaders, and we kno w that as
an educatio nal institutio n we are ro le mo dels fo r so cial change. Our sustainability challenges are similar to what many
o rganizatio ns face: impro ving energy efficiency thro ugh the physical plant, but also in the habits and minds o f o ur co mmunity.
Thro ugh a variety o f initiatives by faculty and staff and thro ugh student interest and activism, the Big Red is making serio us
strides in go ing green.
Here are so me o f the ways Taft is wo rking to reduce its impact o n the enviro nment: https://www.taftscho o l.o rg/no n/enviro .aspx
De script io n archit e ct urale : Mo re than a century has passed since Mr. Taft fo unded o ur scho o l. While the wo rld and the
scho o l have changed dramatically, his fundamental values endure: wo rk hard, witho ut regard fo r public acclaim; develo p all
yo ur talents: academic, artistic, and athletic; and mo st impo rtantly, give o f yo urself to o thers.
Ho race Taft cho se o ur scho o l mo tto : No n ut sibi ministretur sed ut ministret—No t to be served but to serve. To day, Taft’s 124
faculty members educate 58 9 bo ys and girls fro m 33 states and 47 co untries. Our beautiful 226 -acre campus features
facilities that rival tho se o f many small co lleges, including a library with 56 ,0 0 0 vo lumes, a 45,0 0 0 square fo o t science and
mathematics building, student do rms, and faculty ho using in the New England aesthetic o f brick buildings with slate ro o fs.
Et si c'é t ait à re f aire ? : The attic air sealing and insulatio n wo uld have been implemented differently. Spray fo am was
avo ided so the thermal barrier at the attic flo o r made duct runs and air sealing mo re difficult.
Opinio n de s o ccupant s :
https://www.yo m/watch?v=YGlG2LmvEl4
// Energie
Consommation énergétique
Be so in e n é ne rgie prim aire :
44,30 kWh PE/m 2 /year
Be so in e n é ne rgie prim aire bât im e nt st andard :
Mé t ho de de calcul : Autre
CEEB : 0 ,0 0 kWh PE / €
76 ,0 0 kWh PE/m 2 /year
Co nso m m at io n d'é ne rgie f inale : -17,20 kWh FE/m 2 /year
Ré part it io n de la co nso m m at io n é ne rgé t ique : Abo ve values are in MMBtu/yr
Heating 5.9 MMBtu/yr,
Co o ling 4.9 MMBtu/yr,
Water Heating 3.5 MMBtu/yr,
Lights & Appliances 27.1 MMBtu/yr,
Pho to vo ltaics -58 .6 MMBtu/yr
Performance énergétique de l'enveloppe
UBat de l\'e nve lo ppe : 0 ,10 W.m -2 .K-1
Plus d'inf o rm at io n sur l'e nve lo ppe : Abo ve Grade Walls U=0 .0 17, Windo ws U=0 .175, Attic U= 0 .0 11
Co e f f icie nt de co m pacit é du bât im e nt : 0 ,12
Indicat e ur : I4 (I4) m 3 /H.m 2 n50 (Vo l/H) Q4
Et anché it é à l'air : 0 ,44
Opinio n de s ut ilisat e urs sur le s syst è m e s do m o t ique s : Site Sage Mo nito ring System
Pro vides up to 24 electrical circuits to be mo nito red with web interface; 12 Lutro n Radio Ra2 lighting circuits with 2 hybrid
keypads; iPad Mini, and in wall do cking statio n. Will act as a central co ntro l and mo nito ring lo catio n; Pro vides temperature
and humidly mo nito ring o f HVAC System.
Zehnder No vus 30 0 is o ver ridden at central co ntro l pad.
Co nso m m at io n ré e lle (é ne rgie f inale ) /m 2:
0 (20 15)
// EnR & systèmes
Chauf f age :
Po mpe à chaleur
Po mpe à chaleur
Raf raîchisse m e nt :
Système VRV
Ve nt ilat io n :
Do uble flux avec échangeur thermique
Ene rgie s re no uve lable s :
So laire pho to vo ltaïque
Pro duct io n d'é ne rgie re no uve lable :
142,0 0 %
Bâtiment intelligent
GT C : Since this is a single family residence there is o nly remo te access and mo nito ring co ntro ls thro ugh Site Sage and
// Environnement
Emissions de GES
Em issio ns de GES e n phase d'usage : -1,20 KgCO 2 /m 2 /year
Mé t ho do lo gie : REM/Rate Mo deling So ftware CO2 -1.2 to ns/yr, SO2 -1.7 lbs/yr, NOx -1.6 lbs/yr
Eau et qualité de l'air intérieur, santé et confort
Qualit é de l'air int é rie ur :
Indo o r airPlus Certified
// Produits
Klear Wall Windows
Fabricant : Klearwall Industries
Co nt act f abricant : 20 3-6 8 9 -540 4
Sit e Int e rne t f abricant : m/newsite/
Cat é go rie de pro duit : Seco nd œuvre / Menuiseries extérieures
De script io n:
All o ur pro ducts are engineered with precisio n and crafted with care to ensure o ur custo mers
get a superio r quality pro duct. Bo th o f the do mestic and co mmercial pro duct ranges are suitable
fo r passive ho use co nstructio n and have been certified by the Passivhaus Institut in Darmstadt,
Co m m e nt aire s:
Co mbining fixed windo ws with awnings o r casements enabled the team to mimic a do uble hung and get appro val by the lo cal
histo ric co mmissio n. nstructio n21.o rg/france/data/so urces/user (...)
ZIPS Insulated Sheathing
Fabricant : Huber Engineered Wo o ds
Co nt act f abricant : [email protected] m
Sit e Int e rne t f abricant : http://www.huberwo o m/co ntact-us
Cat é go rie de pro duit : Gro s œuvre / Structure, maço nnerie, façade
De script io n:
Fo r installatio n co nvenience and exceptio nal, lo ng-term perfo rmance, the all-in-o ne ZIP
System® R-Sheathing panel pro vides a new appro ach to sealing and insulating the building
envelo pe. One panel delivers thermal, air and mo isture resistance, while pro viding excellent
strength and durability.
Co m m e nt aire s:
Do uble s2x4 studs with 3 1/2" gap already reduced thermal bridging fo r abo ve grade walls but ZIPS insulated sheathing was
cho sen fo r added thermal break plus the lo ng term perfo rmance o f the sheathing.
// Coûts
Co ût de co nstructio n : 59 7 554 €
Coûts de construction & exploitation
Co ût de s syst è m e s d'é ne rgie s re no uve lable s :
Co ût t o t al : 59 7 554,0 0 €
Aide s f inanciè re s : 7 9 13,0 0 €
50 116 ,0 0 €
Facture énergétique
Fact ure é ne rgé t ique pré visio nne lle / an :
20 3,0 0 €
co ût é ne rgé t ique ré e l / m ² : 0 ,56 € / m 2
Co ût é ne rgé t ique ré e l : 20 3,0 0 €/Lo gement
// Environnement urbain
Enviro nne m e nt urbain :
in to wn.
Surf ace du t e rrain :
Lo cated o n an existing educatio nal pro perty clo se to co mmunity reso urces bo th o n campus and
1440 m 2
Surf ace au so l co nst ruit e :
10 0 %
// Qualité environnementale du bâti
Qualit é e nviro nne m e nt ale du bât i :
Santé, qualité air intérieur
efficacité énergétique, gestio n de l\'énergie
énergies reno uvelables
gestio n du bâtiment, maintenance
pro cédés de co nstructio n
pro duits et matériaux de co nstructio n
// Concours
This ho me is an excellent example o f design and co nstructio n fo r temperate climates and energy co nservatio n. The Taft
Scho o l faculty ho me serves as a high perfo rmance residence and learning lab fo r students. In US climate zo ne 5, it achieved a
HERS 33 excluding PV and with the 13.1 kW the HERS index is -14.