Easter Bulletin - March 31, 2013


Easter Bulletin - March 31, 2013
Paroisse de la Visitation Parish
5407 Comber Sideroad, P.O. Box 220
Comber, Ontario N0P 1J0
Rev. Robert Champagne, Pastor/curé
Mass — INTENTIONS — Messes
Please pray for...Prions pour…
The deceased...Les défunts et défuntes
Office Closed Easter Monday!
April 1st, 2013
Le bureau sera fermé le lundi de Pâques!
Jean Bénéteau, frère de Madeleine Desmarais
No Masses on Monday - Pas de messe lundi
Yvette Bulley, Rick Campbell,
Pauline Dupuis, Pauline Gagnier, Rita Knapp,
Helen Labonté, Estelle Lebert,
Gérard Mineau, Florence Rivest,
Thérèse Sylvestre, Timothy Trepanier.
mardi/Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013
8:30 am (E)
Linda Marentette
Alphonse Bonneau
Brian Wilkinson
by the choir
by Daniel Bonneau
by his wife Elaine
mercredi/Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013
8:30 am (F)
Luc Comartin
par Matthew Mailloux et Nicole Trepanier
Isabelle Baillargeon
par Agathe Rondot et famille
Jean Bénéteau
par Nil et Madeleine Desmarais
jeudi/Thursday, April 4th, 2013
8:30 am (E)
Dorothy DeBrander (6th ann.)
by Maurice
Intentions of Bernard & Justine Mailloux
Fred Talbot
by Bill & Dorothy Sinasac
vendredi/Friday, April 5th, 2013
Communion to Shut-ins
8:30 am (F)
9 am - 2 pm Adoration
Hector Roy (5e ann.)
par Rita Roy
Marcel Baillargeon
par la famille
En remerciement
par un paroissien
samedi/Saturday, April 6th, 2013
11:30 am Confessions
5:00 pm (E)
For the intentions of the people of God
dimanche/Sunday, April 7th, 2013
9:00 am (F)
Pour les intentions du people de Dieu
11:00am (E)
For the intentions of the people of God
Divine Mercy Celebration
Sunday April 7th, 2013 at 2:00 pm
Hotel-Dieu Grace Hospital Chapel - 1st floor
Confessions 1:00 - 2:00 pm
Mass of Divine Mercy Sunday 2:00 - 3:00 pm
Holy Hour 3:00 - 4:00 pm
Adoration and devotions to the Divine Mercy
Free parking in the parking garage.
For more information call 973-4444 ext. 7811
The sick...Les malades
Retreat: St. Angela Merici is having their annual retreat on Saturday, April 6th from 9 am to 4
pm in the St. Angela Hall, followed by mass at
4:30pm. Fr. Claudio Piccinini is the facilitator. If
you are interested in attending please contact the
parish at 519-254-5542. All are welcome.
Our Collections
March 24, 2013
Envelopes $7,701.01
Diocesan Assessment……..$165.00
Initial Offering……………....$5.00
New Year’s Day Envelope…$30.00
Share Lent………………...$466.00
Building Fund
Visitors Envelopes………...$140.00
Thank you for your continued support!
Merci de votre appui!
Today, we gather to celebrate the resurrection of
Jesus Christ. In reality every Sunday in the Christian Church is a like a little Easter Sunday because
we remember Christ’s resurrection each week.
Each week you share your time, your talents, and
your financial gifts at liturgy, and in the world.
Thank you for your generosity! This enables Visitation Parish to preach the Easter message throughout the year.
Stewardship Office, The Archdiocese of Winnipeg
Réunions...Meetings this week…
Grade 2 Students & Parents..Mandatory
The most wonderful thing that Easter time
brings is knowing that our Lord was crucified for all. The giving of His life, the most
holy sacrifice and He did it just for us, out
of His undying love, then on the third day
He rose from the grave and lives forever
more as our Saviour and Lord.
meeting for First Communion, will be held on April
9th at 7:00 pm in the Church. All students making
their First Communion at Visitation Parish, must attend
with their parents.
Mon. April 1
Première communion:
Les élèves de 2e
année qui feront leur première communion cette année
doivent assister à une réunion avec leurs parents, le 9
avril à 19h dans l’Église.
COR 42...Applications are now available for the upcom-
Happy Easter!
Ytà{xÜ UÉu
Que le soufflé d’espoir renaissant à Pâques
vous aide à trouver une satisfaction en
toutes choses et à renforcer votre foi en
Dieu qui a donné sa vie pour tous ceux
qu’Il aime.
Joyeuses fêtes de Pâques!
c¢Üx eÉuxÜà
Next Sunday’s readings are:
Acts 5.12-16; Revelation 1.9-11, 1213 ,17-19; John 20.19-31.
Les lectures pour dimanche
Actes des Apôtres 5, 12-16; Apocalypse de saint Jean 1, 911a, 12-13, 17-19; Jean 20, 19-31.
Easter Sunday of the
Resurrection of the Lord. He
saw and he believed. They have done the
running for us. These witnesses who followed Christ, rose before dawn, felt fear at
the tomb, ran to get others, ran back, and
probably breathless, peered in and then
walked into the tomb. It is not what they
saw, but what they did not see that gave them great hope;
that makes this day glorious for us.
Jour de Pâques. Dimanche de la Résurrection du Seigneur. Pierre enlevée, Christ vivant!
Le Christ est ressuscité. Un signe en est donné à Marie Madeleine: la lourde pierre qui fermait le tombeau a été enlevée.
L’apôtre Pierre en témoigne en Galilée chez le centurion
Corneille. Paul rappelle ce qui en découle.
ing weekend to be offered at l’Essor High School, from Friday, April 12th to Sunday, April 14th. Applicants MUST BE
16 to 19 years of age. The cost is $50.00 per person. As a
limited number of candidates will be accepted, apply now to
guarantee your place. Applications available from the parish
office or in the sacristy on weekends.
Office Closed ~ bureau fermé
Easter Monday ~ lundi de Pâques
@ 7:00 pm
CWL Exec. - library
Wed. April 3
@ 7:30 pm
Choir Practice
Thu. April 4
@ 7:30 pm
PPC meeting. - library
A sincere thanks to our
Squires...who made a generous
$325 donation towards the purchase of
new processional candles which will
serve the parish for years to come.
COR Food Donations...Once again, we are counting on the generosity of our parishioners to help with food
donations for COR. We are in need of turkeys (cooked and
carved), pies, vegetables (cleaned and cut), fruits, milk, eggs,
etc. Please call the parish office at 519-687-3118 to let us
know what you can donate. Thank you!
The 2012 Parish Financial Report
is now available on the Parish website.
[email protected] under Bulletins.
Most Reverend Ronald Fabbro, C.S.B.
Bishop of London
Invites all married couples to celebrate the
Sacrament of Marriage at the
Wedding Anniversary Mass
Sunday, May 5, 2013, 2:30 pm
with a reception to follow
St. Peter’s Cathedral Basilica-London, Ontario
To register please call your parish office by April 19th.
1-4 year olds ~
1st place - Sophie Pineault
2nd place - Dominique Mailloux
3rd place - Luc Evon
5 -8 year olds ~
1st place - Ava Claridge
2nd place - Emily Daigneau
3rd place - Ashley Mailloux
9-12 year olds ~
1st place - Jeannette Vanier
2nd place - Sara LeBoeuf
3rd place - Sarah Sorrell
Thanks to all the participants for a job well done!
COR - Backup Meeting... will be held in preparation for our next COR, taking place April 12-14th. Meeting
will be held Saturday, April 6th from 2:00 pm to 5:30 pm.
Note: Back-up is open to all who have previously participated in COR. For more details please contact Mom & Dad
Meloche at 519-687-2266.
Coloring Contest Winners
The winners of the Squires Easter Coloring Contest are:
Squirette’s Annual Pasta Dinner
Lenten Card Parties
Immediately following our “Crowning of Mary” Mass on
Saturday, May 4th, 2012
in the Visitation Parish Hall
Cost: $7 for adults & $5 for elementary school aged children
Save the date! Tickets will be available soon.
Your support is always greatly appreciated!
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of the
2013 Lenten Card Parties.
This year’s winners are
1st place ~ LeeAnn Chicquen
2nd place ~ Mary Sauvé
3rd place ~ Pauline Chauvin
Thanks to everyone’s generous support, donations of gifts
for the prizes, sandwiches and desserts everyone had a
chance to win some nice prizes and enjoy a delicious lunch
Catholic Women's Breakfast with Fr. O'Brien
CWL Ladies... please join us Monday, April 15th for
our General meeting beginning with mass at 6:30 pm for the
installation of our new Executive, acknowledgement of new
members and service pin awards. Light refreshments will be
served afterwards followed by our general meeting. Information on the Guest Speaker will be announced shortly.
Remember to wear your CWL pin and be eligible for a special draw. Deadline for donations for the Diocesan Convention is April 21st. Please bring personal hygiene items, new
socks and/or underwear, movies, games or books to the meeting or place in the ‘CWL Box’ found in the foyer.
from Oxley Retreat House - 'A New Day is Dawning'
Saturday April 13, 2013 at 8:30-11:00
Teutonia Club 55 Edinborough Windsor, ON
rsvp: www.CatholicWomensBreakfast.blogspot.ca
or Anne-Marie (519) 776-5334
Bereavement Social: The Bereavement
Committee would like to invite everyone to their
spring social on Sunday, April 7th after the 11 am
mass. Come out and share fellowship and a coffee
with others in our parish family.
Cemetery Clean-up Time!
Please remove all flowers and decorations…
from our parish cemeteries as soon as possible.
Spring weather is just around the corner!!
Le temps de nettoyage!
Veuillez svp enlever toutes les fleurs et
les décorations des cimetières le plus tôt
possible. Le temps de printemps nous
arrivera surement!
Ladies...16 years and older of the
parish. Do you want to be revitalized? Re-energized? Please join
us for a day of fun at our « Catch the
Fire » Workshop, hosted by the Visitation CWL, on Saturday , April 6th
from 9am-4pm. Cost is $6 (lunch provided). Contact Laurie
Lassaline 519-728-2807 or Nancy Sylvestre 519-798-3088 to
register. Deadline to register is Monday, April 1st.