Toronto Montessori Schools


Toronto Montessori Schools
Toronto Montessori Schools
Grade 12 French as a Second Language Course Outline
French as a Second Language – FSF4U
Amelia O’Seasnain
[email protected]
Course Description:
Through the overarching themes of identity, communication, and borders, students will deepen their
understanding of the French language by further developing the four linguistic competencies: written and oral
comprehension and expression. Students will expand their knowledge while discussing topics in literature,
culture, and current issues. Upon successful completion of the course, students will have been exposed to a
variety of authentic materials and experiences, and will have made connections with other courses or
experiences. They will have also practiced critical thinking skills, will have employed technology to acquire
information, communicate, and perfect language skills, and will be able to communicate with clarity, ease, and
a sensibility to global perspectives.
Languages and Literature (20 hours)
Topics: Students will study and make links
concurrently with other units. Together, they
will study a novel or a play in addition to other
pieces of literature. They will also study,
independently, another novel or play of their
choice and contribute to discussion in seminar
Types of texts: roman, pièce de théâtre,
Language Structures: le passé simple
Languages and Identity (25 hours)
Topics: 1.0 La francophonie, 1.5 les émotions
Types of texts: colloque, biographie,
représentation graphique, critique
Language Structures: l’infinitif négatif, les
expressions de négation
Languages and Communication (30 hours)
Topics: 1.2 le soi, 1.4 l’insolite
Types of texts: récit, bande dessinée, poème
Language Structures: les expressions
temporelles, le subjonctif passé, les verbes de
perception ou de sensation, la narration au
passé, les pronoms possessifs
Languages and Borders (35 hours)
Topics: 1.1 le vivant, 1.3 la société, 1.6 Le futur
Types of texts: publicité, proposition, débat
argumentatif, dissertation, conversation
téléphonique, brochures
Language Structures: le pronom interrogatif, le
subjonctif présent, le pronom relatif lequel, le
faire causatif, l’infinitif passé, peut-être et
peut-être que, le pronom « on »
Students will be assessed and evaluated on a variety of assessment tasks described below:
Unit of Study
Languages and Identity
Languages and Communication
Languages and Borders
Languages and Literature
Major Assessments
Biographie, Critique, Représentation graphique
Récit, Bande dessinée, Test écrit et écoute
Publicité, Débat, Dissertation, Test écrit
Adaptation, Tâche orale
These tasks will be evaluated using categories and criteria set by the Ontario Ministry of Education.
Ministry of Education
Students will receive a percentage grade for this course based on the criteria prescribed by the
Ontario Ministry of Education; that is:
Achievement Level
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Below 50%
above Ministry expectations
at Ministry expectations
approaching Ministry expectations
below Ministry expectations
unsatisfactory achievement for the course
There will be no “term” weighting. Students will be issued reports indicating their cumulative grade
to date three times during the school year; the last of which indicates the final grade for the course.
The students’ grade will be calculated accordingly:
Mark Breakdown
Term work
Culminating activity*
Final evaluation*
Knowledge and Understanding
Thinking and Inquiry
Equally weighted
Equally weighted
*The culminating activity and evaluation, both forms of summative evaluation, will take place during
the final month of school. They will be weighted in the same proportion as the term work.
This course will be conducted almost exclusively in French. The teacher will use French as the
language of instruction, during all classroom activities and excursions, when providing feedback and
when communicating with students electronically or face-to-face. Equally, students are expected and
encouraged to use French whenever possible.