N of N N`s N NN


N of N N`s N NN
Les constructions à deux noms
N1 of N2 / N2’s N1 / N2 N1
1.2. N1 of N2 versus N2’s N1
cas où N1 of N2 est difficilement acceptable :
A. La possession stricto sensu : Mary’s car
B. Les emplois méronymique (parties constituantes) : The cat’s paw
C. La parenté ou le lien social : Mary’s sister
(lecture conseillée : Huart R. & Larreya P., 2007, Pour en finir avec… les constructions Nom + Nom, Ophrys)
N1 of N2
N2 – déterminé / -thématisé.
Relation N1 et N2 – préconstruite.
Notionnellement et énonciativement analytique.
N2’s N1
N2 + déterminé / +thématisé.
Relation N1 et N2 + préconstruite.
Notionnellement Analytique mais énonciativement synthétique.
N2 N1
N2 degré détermination /thématisation : non pertinent.
Relation N1 entre N2 préconstruite notionnellement.
Notionnellement et énonciativement synthétique.
1. N1 of N2 versus N2’s N1
1.1. N1 of N2 versus N2’s N1
possibles tous les 2 avec des sens proches:
A. relation entre agent et procès :
Ghandi’s assassination ≈ the assassination of Ghandi
Cependant une tendance ressort dans les cas d’ambiguïté :
- N1 of N2
N2 = patient
- N2’s N1
N2 = agent
The invasion of Germany = plutôt Germany was invaded.
Germany’s invasion = plutôt Germany was the invader.
Mais NB :
It suddenly occurred to Lynette her label was about to change yet again. And for the next
few years, she would be known as the mother of the boys who painted Tiffany Axelrod blue.
Pourquoi pas le génitif ? La relative, qui semblerait se rapporter à mother.
But the Bible says that Rehekah, the mother of the boys,
boys loved Jacob more than Esau.
Pourquoi pas génitif ? The mother of the boys désambiguïse l’ambiguité phonologique : The
boys’/the boy’s mother.
D. Parties constituantes d’une représentation (méronymique) : A policeman’s helmet
E. Localisation par rapport à un repère temporel : yesterday’s paper
F. La source d’un résultat : Shakespeare’s plays ; John’s idea
Ainsi on ne peut pas avoir The idea of John mais on pourra avoir That clever idea of John’s
Cf. :
A portrait of Van Gogh
Van Gogh = thème
A portrait of Van Gogh’s
Van Gogh = agent ≈ A portrait by Van Gogh
Van Gogh’s portrait
Van Gogh = thème / Van Gogh = agent / Van Gogh = propriétaire ?
A Van Gogh portrait
style Van Gogh
1.3. N1 of N2 versus N2’s N1
cas où N2’s N1 est difficilement acceptable :
A. Délimitation QNT opérée sur notion/classe :
A blade of grass, a loaf of bread, a burst of anger, a stack of books…
B. relation entre entité et un de ses éléments constitutifs :
The cover of a book / a book’s cover
The captain of the team / the team’s captain
The job of a policeman / a policeman’s job
B. Délimitation QLT de la notion :
A variety of tobacco, this kind of behaviour, some sort of apology …
Sur quoi repose alors le choix ?
En fonction de la thématisation
- N1 of N2
N2 = N2 - thématisé
- N2’s N1
N2 + thématisé
2.1. N1 of N2 versus N2 N1
contenant - contenu :
Seule la structure N1 of N2 possible pour une délimitation d’occurrence (voir 1.3).
A great deal of construction and renovation has gone on in Strasbourg, but in the eye of the public, this
city is still not the capital of Europe/?Europe’s capital.
C’est de Strasbourg qu’on parle pas de
Pour la même raison :
She is the wife of a wealthy dairy farmer in Shropshire.
Le développement du nom et le déterminant A = GN sans valeur référentielle suffisamment stable pour
être le point de départ.
2. N1 of N2 versus N2 N1
A cup of coffee
mise en relation de 2 occurrences de notion (analycité)
A coffee cup
une seule occurrence de notion complexe (synthèse)
He was drinking tea from a coffee cup.
A matchbox Æ a box of matches/ An album of stamps Æ a stamp album / A cup of tea Æ a
teacup / A jug of milk Æ a milk jug / A vase of flowers Æ a flower vase
Pourtant dans certains cas, la construction N2 N1 est également possible :
A raindrop ≈ a drop of rain
Breadcrumbs ≈ crumbs of bread
A snowflake ≈ a flake of snow
Les constructions à deux noms
Explication de Huart & Larreya : Dans le cas de N1 of N2 on a affaire à un véritable prélèvement
expression d’une petite QNT :
We had a few drops of rain this morning : construction dÊune QNT de pluie.
En revanche, avec la structure N2 N1 la construction d’une QNT n’est plus le problème c’est le type de
notion qui importe :
Is that a raindrop that I see on the windowpane? (Is it raining?)
Dans d’autres cas, la construction N2 N1 est même la seule possible :
A blood clot (i.e. caillot de sang)/ ???a clot of blood
Clot ≠ prélèvement
dénaturation de la QLT d’origine
A heartache / *the ache of a heart
Ache ≠ prélèvement
état QLT relatif à heart
A teardrop / ???a drop of tear
Tear = dénombrable ; on pourrait dire « a tear », ce qui rend a drop of tear inutile et improbable (sauf
effet stylistique appuyé). En revanche, teardrop peut apparaître comme une redondance notionnelle (cf.
to sing a song, to dream a dream)
2.1. N1 of N2 versus N2 N1
partie - tout :
A hillside / the side of the barn
N1 Of N2 donne une appréhension analytique : implique une subdivision de la grange en côtés ≠
N2 N1 donne une appréhension synthétique : n’implique pas une subdivision de la colline en côtés ≠
C’est la notion à part entière de hillside qui importe
A dune of sand (rare)
rapport analytique : faite de sable par opposition à autre constituant
A sand dune (cas normal)
notion synthétique.
A dune of sand usually accumulates to its mass fifty to one-hundred fifty feet each year.
3. N2’s N1 versus N2 N1
Dans certains cas l’alternance semble relativement libre et difficile à expliquer par des règles strictes :
All the leaves are brown And the sky is grey I've been for a walk On a winter's day
How to Have Outdoor Fun on a Winter Day.
Dans d’autres cas on peut néanmoins commenter l’alternance de formes.
3.1. N2’s N1 versus N2 N1
relation origine – production :
Beethoven’s symphonies vs. Beethoven symphonies
The government’s decision vs. a government decision
Le choix N2’s N1 dépend essentiellement de l’orientation thème’S rhème évoquée plus haut.
Le choix N2 N1 renvoie à un type de symphonie Le N2 Beethoven est une spécification notionnelle de
3.2. N2’s N1 versus N2 N1
relation tout – partie (Méronyme/Synécdoque) :
The car’s trunk vs. the car-trunk
La construction attendue dans ce cas est N1 N2
window pane, the car keys, an ear-ring…
mot composé pour une notion synthétique : a
On trouvera éventuellement the car’s trunk, the table’s leg… si le N2’s est thématisé en discours : i.e.
s’il est suffisamment déterminé pour servir de repère (≠ N1 OF N2 qui est énonciativement analytique et
qui ne permet pas de former une relation préconstruite) et néanmoins notionnellement indépendant du
N2 puisqu’il est en soi construit comme objet du discours (≠ N2 N1 qui est notionnellement synthétique)
The car then pulled away from the shop. Shortly thereafter, the officers stopped the car,
asked its occupants to get out, patted them down for weapons and, finding none, asked
the driver to open the car's trunk.
3.3. N2’s N1 versus N2 N1
relation mesure temporelle – état :
She skimmed the keyboard with her fingertips (ce avec quoi elle les touche, sans
Three weeks’ holiday vs. a three-week holiday
focalisation particulière : notion à part entière).
She skimmed the keyboard with the tips of her finger. (LÊanalycité permet dÊinsister sur le
N2’s N1
Ce qu’on appelle le génitif de mesure. Le N1 a le statut d’un indénombrable = procès.
fait quÊelle ne fait que les effleurer)
Pour désigner des phases temporelles on trouve N1 OF N2 :
The end of the tunnel / The beginning of the novel / The origins of cubism
phases temporelles impliquent une découpe analytique (QNT) de la notion.
En revanche, s’il ne s’agit pas de phases mais de parties notionnellement constitutives, on aura N2 N1 :
Mountaintop, fingertip, ocean floor, sea coast…
Il s’agit de notions à part entière : mountain top = une partie de la montagne avec des propriétés
notionnelles (partie la plus élevée, peut-être enneigée, qui surplombe la vallée…)
Ou, plus rarement, N2’s N1:
The earth’s surface, the land’s end, the river’s edge.
Le N2 s’interprète alors comme un point limite/fermeture et non comme une notion à part entière.
N2 N1
le N1 a le statut d’un dénombrable et peut être accompagné du déterminant A. Le N2 est
invariable puisqu’il a le statut d’un adjectif.
A few days’ rest * A few-day rest
A porte sur few : impossible de construire un GN sans génitif puisqu’il n’aurait pas de déterminant. :
*A a-few-day rest
Ainsi N2 N1
+ une notion statique : a 10-year imprisonment = + type de peine
N2’s N1
+ une notion processuelle : 10-year’s imprisonment = + durée (ressentie).
* * *
Les constructions à deux noms
Génitif déterminatif : rappel des propriétés.
1.1. Génitif ÿ déterminatif à
valeur spécifique. Ÿ
1.2. Génitif ÿ déterminatif à
valeur générique. Ÿ
2.1. Génitif adjectival
ÿ générique Ÿ.
strict Ÿ.
A birdÊs fragile legs.
A hard dayÊs night.
ÿ générique
3. Génitif de mesure.
My sisterÊs new car.
A red womanÊs bicycle.
A new old peopleÊs home.
A few daysÊ rest.
- Le déterminant porte sur le N2.
- Les adjectifs qualifient le nom
immédiatement à leur droite.
- Le syntagme a une valeur référentielle
- Le bloc ÿ dét. + Nom +
Ês Ÿ est
substituable par un autre déterminant :
My sisterÊs / Her new car.
1. Authorities later discovered the body of a woman, believed to be Williams'
estranged wife, in the burned home.
- Le déterminant porte sur le N2.
- Les adjectifs qualifient le nom
immédiatement à leur droite.
- Le syntagme a une valeur référentielle
- Le bloc ÿ dét. + Nom +
Ês Ÿ est
substituable par un autre déterminant :
A birdÊs / Its
ts fragile legs.
4. I wish I still had my Jaime Sommers doll and that kid down the street's Steve
Austin doll. They were a really hot couple (the dolls, not me and the kid down
the street).
- Le déterminant porte sur le N1.
- Les adjectifs sont placés avant le N2
mais qualifient le N1.
- Le syntagme a une valeur référentielle
- Chaque nom reçoit un accent tonique.
- Le bloc ÿ dét. + Nom + Ês Ÿ NÊest PAS
substituable par un autre déterminant.
Génitif déterminatif vs génitif adjectival
- Le déterminant porte sur le N1.
- Les adjectifs sont placés avant le N2
mais qualifient le N1.
- Le syntagme a une valeur référentielle
- Seul le premier nom (N2) reçoit un
accent tonique.
- Le bloc ÿ dét. + Nom + Ês Ÿ NÊest PAS
substituable par un autre déterminant.
11. Why does a married woman's bicycle have a main support bar that dips?
- Le déterminant porte sur le N2.
- Le premier GN (N2) ne donne quÊune
détermination qualitative du deuxième nom
au sens où il en précise la durée, la
distance, etc. Il ne permet pas de localiser
une occurrence dans le temps ou dans
- Le N1 renvoie à un processus et est de
fonctionnement continu (indénombrable).
Cf : After a two hour show [C] par
opposition After two hoursÊ program [U].
Cf : After a two hour trip [C] par opposition
After two hoursÊ travel [U].
2. With only two minutes before she was to meet Donny, she hurried to open the
car's trunk, directing the clerk to place the bags inside.
3. Because while she starts out looking like the very attractive girl next door, she
always ends up more like the girl next door's older sister, the one her father
really worries about when dusk turns into night.
5. After all, we're not the ones who are hiding in caves. A friend of mine's son is
in the Air Force.
6. Sue Markstein, 4400 West 109 th , Crown Point, a friend of hers’ son passed
away and she would like to get permission to put a bench at Prairie West Park.
7. His lovely wife’s smile ≠ His wife’s lovely smile.
8. I need these women’s magazines / I need that women’s magazine.
9. "Who would go to the trouble of stealing a rusty woman's bicycle?"
10. When Bill Ives pushed a young woman's bicycle home for her on the way
12. "Please, she looks sick. Let her sit down." The woman was speaking again, but
the killer contemptuously turned his back on her, shoving his victim further into
the corner and moving his body to obscure the blade that pricked at her chest,
and the woman's voice wavered with uncertainty.
13. 'He came in here,' said the man below.
'Nay,' the figure in the doorway had a woman's voice, 'He did not.'
14. There is nothing like a deep woman's voice--especially when they are singing
Celtic music.
15. “Oh hell,” she said as she tipped her head back in an attempt to slow down
gravity as she fished in her jeans hip pocket for the bandana she knew was
Just then she felt a firm hand on her shoulder and a woman's deep voice from
behind offered, “Here, let me.”
16. A deep woman’s voice = 137 / a woman’s deep voice = 44
17. It's been 25 years of spreading infection. Somehow we're not affected. So my
mom, she brushes her hair and my dad starts growing Bob Dylan's beard.
Les constructions à deux noms
18. The combined episodes were built along the following plotline: A rich woman's
husband dies...she discovers to her surprise that her husband was actually
near bankruptcy
19. It’s been a hard day’s night, and I’ve been working like a dog.
Le génitif pléonastique (souvent à valeur partitive)
20. Apparently, a friend of Peter's also had a car around the same time.
21. I always thought how damn cute she was, with that strawberry blonde hair and
those freckles, and that cute little upturned nose of hers.
22. That wife of Arkan's is quite a honey...no wonder they show her on the news
so much.
La portée du génitif
23. Two previously unknown witnesses came forward with testimony that totally
contradicted both Martin's and Collins's prior testimony at trial.
24. I met a gentleman in the stands who happened to be Peter's uncle. I learned
that both Peter's parents are deceased.
25. I've been having a recurring dream involving me and a tornado, and sitting in my
car in a house that's a combination of both my parents' houses.
26. He is pretty sure about his personal plans: renovate one of his parents' two
houses, get married to a "dougla girl" at 26, and have two children.
27. Particularly because both my sisters’ first pregnancies were unplanned and
there I was still trying for a baby after 3 years.
28. Today's Marys and Marthas still seem to be like that.
29. This web site is designed for people to keep up to date on the progress and
development of Lis and Mark's new born baby.
30. For this picture, I placed the camera on my car and set the timer to take Paul's
and my picture.
Le génitif de mesure
31. The crash happened less than 10 miles, or four hours' walk, from Long Bawan,
but of course Bangau had no idea of this.
37. MINUTE’S SILENCE : One minute's silence is observed in memory of the Queen
Mother before the game.
38. Tony Blair, will tomorrow fly off for a three-day trip to Africa.
---------------------------------------39. The College of New Jersey’s women's tennis team hosted the Ospreys of
Richard Stockton College in a New Jersey Athletic Conference match on
The Impact of Social Security on Today's Children
Within a few decades, close to one-third of the adult population
will be receiving Social Security benefits. Add to those numbers the
unemployed or unemployable, or those on other assistance programs,
and a substantial portion of the adult population will be largely—in
many cases, primarily—dependent upon the children of today to
support them through their tax dollars. Of course, our children will
need to support their own families, as well, but the share of the
budget available to meet the educational, environmental, health
research, urban, justice and other needs of our children and
grandchildren would be drastically reduced.
Compared to children 25 years ago, today's children exhibit new
illnesses in alarming numbers, yet there is another side to the
picture if one wants to understand the children and youth of today.
* * *
It is fitting that the children of the Holocaust who survived--about
forty thousand are still alive--have the self-imposed duty of
telling their stories and the stories of their families to the
children of today. Their lectures, speeches, and articles allow
today's children to see the Holocaust through the eyes of those who
had the misfortune of experiencing it firsthand. They tell of the
pain they endured in the camps.
* * *
Children's writers today struggle to identify with their readers
because the children for whom they are writing are far more mature
than their 1950s counterparts, where a sense of wonder was a
prerequisite, something that has sadly disappeared from our natural
psyche. Today's children (kids) have seen everything, they're quite
blasé about almost everything that we would have found quite
stupendous. They are rather like grasshoppers, latching onto each
and every fad that comes along.
32. "It is only six hours' walk from here." Alas, we don't have the time.
33. Remembrance Sunday is marked by one minute's silence; VE Day was marked
by two minutes' silence;
34. No respectable gathering is complete these days without a two-minute silence.
35. The opening game of the county season had begun with a sombre two
minutes' silence in Hollioake's memory
36. On Wednesday morning, we held a one-minute silence in the staff room before
holding separate assemblies for those at key stages 3 and 4.
It is small wonder that people my age yearn for a better, gentler
time, like the one we used to know. Authority is seen as something
of a joke, whereas we went in awe of policemen, and respected our
teachers even if some of them did not deserve our respect. In
analysing everything that's wrong with the children of today, one
could do worse than to look at Enid Blyton to see how the children
of yesteryear went about their various businesses.