

Mass — INTENTIONS — Messes
May 9, 2011
May 10, 2011
May 11, 2011
Please pray for...Prions pour…
The deceased...Les défunts et défuntes
No masses!
Michel Bicrel, époux de Jeannette
The sick...Les malades
Pas de messe!
jeudi/Thursday May 12, 2011
8:30 am (E)
Marieanne Dagenais
Maurice (Moe) Tessier
Ken McConnell (4th ann)
Paul Bornais, Yvette Bulley, Tracy Charron,
Clarence & Rita Knapp, Donald Kreitzer,
Ronald Kuhn, Jeannine Oriet, Denis Rivest,
Denise Rivest, Sherri Roy,
Brian Wilkinson, John Yoworski
by Mary Helen Dupuis
by the family
by Jo-Anne & family
9:00 am (F) May 15, 2011
Pour les intentions du peuple de Dieu
Office Hours:
9am to 12 noon
1 pm to 4pm
Pastoral Team
Rev. Robert Champagne, Pastor/curé
Jamie Soullière, Pastoral Minister/Agent de pastoral
Bereavement & Personal counselling: There are times in everyone’s life when loss
or personal struggles seem insurmountable. Sister
Pat Hogan, CSJ has had wide experience both in
personal and grief counselling. If you feel you
would like a companion with whom to journey you
can contact Sister Pat at 519-945-6450.
Weekend Masses
Our Collections
11:00 am (E)
For the intentions of the people of God
Saturday 5pm (E)
dimanche 9h (F)
Sunday 11 am (E)
May 1, 2011
Healing Mass:
Ste. Anne Parish, Tecumseh, is hosting a Healing Mass on Friday, May 27th starting at 7:30 pm. Our celebrant will
be Fr. Eugene Roy and there will be time for personal prayer with
prayer teams after the mass.
Benefit Concert:
Envelopes $6,485.25
+ loose 240.50
Total $6,725.75
A concert to benefit St. Vincent de Paul
Society will be held on Sunday, May 29, 2011 at Ste. Anne’s Parish,
Tecumseh. Many talented entertainers will be present. No tickets
will be sold. Cash donations will be collected during the concert.
Diocesan Assessment
The Bereavement Ministry...of St. Simon & St. Jude
Building Fund
Pledge payments $120.00
Donations $2,600.06
Visitors’ Envelopes $69.00
Parish, Belle River, is sponsoring a gathering of people grieving the
loss of a loved one, recently or long ago. Small room, parish hall,
Monday, May 16th at 7:30 pm. Guest speaker will be Susan Taupe,
licensed funeral director, working with Melady/Marcotte Funeral
Homes. Fellowship and light refreshments. Everyone is welcome.
Attention all who have made a Cursillo Weekend: come
out and meet up with some old friends at an ‘Ultreya’, Friday, May
13th at 7:30 pm (note new time), at Most Precious Blood Church,
Windsor. (1947 Meldrum Rd., just off Tecumseh Rd. E., between
Drouillard Rd & Central Ave.)
14 from8 to 3 pm.
(519) 687-3118
(519) 687-2076
Email: [email protected]
No mass - Pas de messe
Samedi/Saturday May 14, 2011
No Confessions
5:00 pm (E)
For the intentions of the people of God
Parish Office / Bureau Paroissial
5407 Comber Side Road, P.O. Box 220
Comber, Ontario
N0P 1J0
vendredi/Friday May 13, 2011
Charity Garage Sale:
Paroisse de la Visitation Parish
Ste. Anne’s Parish - Saturday, May
Celebrated once a month
during weekend masses.
Registration in the parish is required.
Preparation is mandatory.
Easter Envelopes
Thank you! Merci!
The disciples on the road to Emmaus walked and
talked with Jesus all day long, but it was not until
He blessed and broke bread with them that they
recognized Him. What if they had not invited Him
to stay with them? In offering their time and hospitality they were given the opportunity to see that
Jesus was with them. Our simple acts of generosity
towards others are opportunities to reveal the presence of Christ in our midst.
Stewardship Office, The Archdiocese of Winnipeg
Saturday 11:30 to 12 noon
or by appointment.
At least one party must be a registered
member of the parish.
Minimum 6 months notification.
Mandatory marriage preparation course.
Third Sunday of Easter
3e dimanche de Pâques
Ministry to the Sick
Communion to shut-ins every first Friday.
Hospital visits upon request.
Sacrament of the Sick upon request.
May 8, 2011
3rd Sunday of Easter:
Lord, Jesus, sometimes our
lives are filled with sadness and hurt. When our hearts are
gripped with pain, when we lose our perspective and faith,
when we lose confidence, be our companion. When what we
live seems senseless and oppressive, be the voice that resounds in our hearts.
3e dimanche de Pâques:
Seigneur Jésus, les événements que nous vivons sont parfois chargés de tristesse et
de peine. Quand une profonde douleur nous serre le cœur et
nous bouleverse, quand nous perdons nos illusions et que fuit
notre espoir, quand la déception nous empêche d’avancer et
que la confiance n’y est plus, sois notre compagnon de route.
Seigneur Jésus, les événements que nous vivons semblent
parfois n’avoir aucun sens. Quand nos repères disparaissent,
quand nos valeurs ne parviennent plus à baliser nos vies,
quand nos échecs assombrissent l’avenir, sois la Parole qui
éclaire et réchauffe nos cœurs.
Pastoral Study Days:
The priests & pastoral teams
of the Diocese will be meeting in London this week. Please
keep us in your prayers.
Journées d’étude...auront lieu à
London cette semaine. Veuillez svp nous garder dans vos prières.
I will be leaving on Friday for a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Please pray for me and all the pilgrims, that we may truly experience the sacredness of Jesus’
home land and enjoy a safe journey.
During my absence, please contact Thérèse for emergencies.
Call the office at 519-687-3118 during work hours; after
hours calls may be directed to her home at 519-687-2195 or
to her cell (519-890-2195). Thank you.
Je partirai vendredi en pèlerinage à la Terre
Sainte. Veuillez svp prier pour tous les pèlerins, que le
voyage nous soit une expérience profonde et que nous revenions tous sain et sauf.
Pendant mon absence, les urgences peuvent être dirigées à
Thérèse au bureau pendant les heures de travail ou chez-elle
après le travail. Merci.
Parish Breakfast
next Sunday after both
masses. Come and enjoy yourself with neighbours
and friends. Cost: $5
dimanche prochain après les messes. Venez
jaser avec vos amis et voisins tout en dégustant un bon déjeuner! Coût 5$
St. Peter’s Seminary Parish Appeal:
every year, St. Peter’s Seminary makes an appeal to the parishioners of the Diocese of London. It was parishioners
who made the Seminary a reality nearly a century ago, in
1912. Since then, generations of parishioners have supported
the Seminary through prayer and financial donations. The
Seminary continues its important mission, and needs our
This year’s St. Peter’s Seminary Parish Appeal will take
place on the weekend of May 14/15 to coincide with the
World Day of Prayer for Vocations. In the weeks ahead,
please reflect on the importance of St. Peter’s Seminary as a
source of formation and education for priests, Permanent
Deacons, lay ministers and others.
On the weekend of May 14/15, you will find an appeal brochure and donation envelope in the bulletin. Please open
your heart to its messages and give as generously as you can.
Whether or not you can give financially, we encourage you
to pray for vocations.
L’appel de fonds...pour le séminaire Saint-Peter.
Une fois l’an, le séminaire Saint-Peter lance un appel aux
paroissiens et paroissiennes du diocèse de London. Ce sont
les paroissiens et paroissiennes qui ont rendu le séminaire
possible en 1912, et, depuis, des générations de paroissiens et
paroissiennes ont soutenu le séminaire de leurs prières et de
leurs dons. Cette année, plus que jamais, le séminaire a besoin que nous entendions son appel à l’aide.
Cette année, l’appel de fonds annuel au paroisses en faveur
du séminaire Saint-Peter aura lieu la fin de semaine du 14/15
mai, Journée mondiale de prières pour les vocations. Au
cours des semaines à venir, veuillez réfléchir à l’importance
du séminaire Saint-Peter en tant que source de formation et
d’éducation pour les prêtres, les diacres permanents, les laïques engagés dans la pastorale, et l’ensemble du personnel
de la paroisse.
La fin de semaine du 14/15 mai, vous trouverez une brochure
et une enveloppe dans le bulletin paroissial. Veuillez ouvrir
votre cœur à ces messages et donner aussi généreusement
que vous pouvez. Que vous puissiez ou non donne financièrement, nous vous encourageons à prier pour les vocations.
Lottery Tickets:
Please return all SOLD tickets to
the parish office A.S.A.P. Only 3 weeks to the big draw!
Veuillez svp...retourner
vos billets de loterie vendus
au bureau paroissial, le plutôt possible. Il reste seulement
trois semaines avant le tirage!
Web site Update:
I have been working on
the website this past week. You will see the ‘new
look’ if you search . I will
be able to ‘copy’ most of the work that was previously done,
so it should not take too long to build it up. Although all the
headings are in English, I am attempting to add the French
information on each page. At least the bulletin is back on
line! Thanks for your patience.
Réunions...Meetings this week…
Mon. May 9
@ 7:00 pm O.L.L. Cemetery Bd., library
Tues. May 10
@ 7:30 pm
K. of C. Exec., Hall A
Wed. May 11
@ 7:30 pm
@ 7:30 pm
Pratique de la chorale
Squirettes Mtg., Hall A
Thurs. May 12 @ 6:30 pm
Confirmation Class, Hall A
Annual Parish Mass & BBQ:
year, a parish mass will be celebrated on Friday,
June 3rd at 6pm followed by our annual BBQ,
sponsored by the PPC. Tickets will be on sale
soon! Mark your calendar now! A great way to
celebrate as family!
Messe paroissiale et BBQ:
Venez nous joindre
pour la messe le vendredi 3 juin à 18h suivi d’un BBQ parrainé par le conseil pastoral paroissial. Les billets seront en
vente sous peu. C’est un évènement pour toute la famille!
An invitation to all parishioners:
The Visitation C.W.L. Council invites everyone to attend an interesting
and moving presentation about Project Rachel. Monday,
May 16th, Meredith McKinley and Sister Connie will be
guest speakers, beginning at 7pm SHARP. The talk will be
45 minutes long. ALL ARE WELCOME!
Catholic Women’s League Members: The
General Membership meeting takes place Monday, May 16,
2011. The evening will begin at 6:45 pm. The guest speakers will begin promptly at 7pm. Refreshments will follow
the speakers. The business part of the meeting will then be
held. Please consider attending this very interesting evening.
A the Autumn Fest Bazaar Committee
members: Meeting takes place on Wednesday, May 18th at
1:30 pm in the parish library.
Blood Donor Clinic
Tuesday, May 31st, 2011
5 to 8pm
Call 1-888-2DONATE
to make your appointment.
Clinique de prise de sang…
le mardi 31 mai de 17h00 à 21h00
à la paroisse de la Visitation.
Pour faire votre rendez-vous,
téléphonez 1-888-2 DONATE
The Visitation C.W.L. Council offers 4 bursaries now.
Two bursaries to graduating High School students ($250.00 each) going on to postsecondary studies in the Fall of 2011.
One bursary for a mature student, returning to college/
university studies (Fall 2011) after less than 5 years from
High School graduation ($250.00).
New bursary, beginning this year: The Father Dwayne Adam
Music Bursary ($100.00) is also for a graduating High
School student going on to post-secondary studies in the Fall
of 2011.
Copies of the Applications & Criteria are available on the
desk in the foyer.
Please pay attention to the deadlines on these bursaries...Monday, June 6, 2011, no later than 2 pm.
Members of your family need not be members of the
Catholic Women’s League.
For more information please call Jordy at 519-798-3583.
Please remember in prayer… the
students who are preparing to receive the sacraments of 1st Communion and Confirmation. First
Communion takes place the weekend of June
4th/5th at the 5pm & 9am masses. Confirmation will take
place on Tuesday, June 7th at 7pm.
Vos prières...sont demandées pour les jeunes qui se
préparent pour recevoir les sacrements de Première Communion le 4 et 5 juin et pour ceux et celles qui célèbreront le
sacrement de Confirmation le 7 juin.
Windsor-Essex Right to Life Silent Vigil
and Walk...Mother’s Day, May 8th, 2011 from 2:30 to
4pm. Meet at Immaculate Heart/St. Michaels Parish Church
parking lot, 2153 Parkwood/Tecumseh Rd. E. at 2:30 pm.
Silent walk to Metropolitan Hospital to lay a wreath in memory of all unborn babies killed by abortion. Return to the
church for refreshments and social time. All are welcome to
Catholic Central High 25th Reunion!
Friday, May 20th join us at the Caboto Club for a Dinner/
Dance with a live band and cash bar. Then on Saturday,
May 21st, relive the memories at an open house and barbeque at Catholic Central.
Please go to our website for further
information or call the school at 519-256-3171.

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