The St-Joseph Parish Supper will be held on Sunday, Sept. 9th, 2012


The St-Joseph Parish Supper will be held on Sunday, Sept. 9th, 2012
Saturday / samedi
August 18
Rona Parisienne by Bruce Jackie Larin
Sunday / dimanche
August 19 août
Aline Poirier by The Robertsons
Therese Viau by Michele Dumas
Wednesday / mercredi
August 22 août
Thursday / jeudi
August 23 août
Emilienne & Lucien Beauregard par La famille Legault
Friday / vendredi
August 24
En action de grâces des jubilés des S.S.C.J. par Sœur Georgette & Sœur Jeannine
Saturday / samedi
August 25
Robert Glaude par Wilfred & Therese Major
Sunday / dimanche
August 26 août
Laurent Bissonnette par Nicole & Family
Barbara Cuggy by David Cuggy
Parish web site…. and
La célébration au cimetière Saint-Alexandre de Lochiel aura lieu le dimanche 26 août
2012 à 14h00. Cette messe sera suivie du Tirage 50/50 organisé par la paroisse. Les billets
sont maintenant en vente!
The celebration at St. Alexander’s Cemetery in Lochiel will be on Sunday, August 26th,
2012, at 2:00pm. This mass will be followed by the 50/50 Draw. Tickets are now on sale!
Annual Cemetery Service will be held on Sunday, September 16th, 2012:
Nativity Cemetery will be at 1:00 pm
Notre-Dame Cemetery at 2:00 pm
St. Columban’s Cemetery 3:00 pm.
St-Joseph Parish Supper - We will be having a scheduled meeting to
prepare this great event. The dates are JULY 19th, and AUGUST 23rd at
7:00pm… If you are interested in helping out in a small way please call Sr.
Jeannine Bissonnette at 613-347-1589 or Deacon Rick Jarvis at 613-347-1754.
The St-Joseph Parish Supper will be held on
Sunday, Sept. 9th, 2012
Women’s Bible Study – Starting Sept 5th and running every two weeks for 20 weeks there
will be a study of the book of ACTS, held in St. Columban’s Hall at the Agape Centre from
7-9 pm. The cost is $40 (non-refundable) and may be made in installments. Make cheques
payable to Fidelis. For more information: Heidi 613-347-7561 or Marilynn 613-537-2021
or Carole 613-938-3465. Money can be given to any one of us or brought at Carole’s at 645
Champlain St, Cornwall.
Le Centre d’information catholique, 146 rue Chevrier, Cornwall
(613-933-5099) vous offre 15% de rabais: Août – articles religieux (statues, CD,
chapelets, crucifix). Un rappel que nous avons des articles religieux et des
cartes pour les baptêmes, les mariages, etc…
À noter : Nous serons fermés les samedis pour le mois d’août.
Catholic Bookstore Summer Sale : Are you in need of some reading material,
bibles, prayer cards, greeting cards? We are offering15% off during the month
of August: religious articles (statues, CD, beads, crucifix). A reminder we have
religious articles and cards for baptisms, marriages, etc… Drop in to see us at
the Centre, 146 Chevrier Ave. (933-5099).
Please note that we will be closed on Saturdays for the month of August.
Pilgrimage to Medjugorje with Father Cameron–Oct. 22 to Nov 2/12: Leaving Montreal to Split and returning from Dubrovnik to Montreal. Limited seats available. For more information, please contact Ann Germain‐MacMillan at 613‐534‐8366. World Youth Day 2013: The Alexandria-Cornwall Diocese is organizing
a delegation for World Youth Day. The dates are from July 17 to 30th,
2013 in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Two full weeks in Brazil, including a
Missionary Week and large gatherings and activities in Rio with the Pope.
The cost of the package is presently estimated between $2,500 and
$2,800 (including flight, insurance, registration, most meals, lodging with
families or school settings). Monthly preparatory meetings and fundraisers
will begin in August. If you are between 17 (you must be 18 at the
moment of departure for W.Y.D.) and 35, communicate a.s.a.p. with Sr.
[email protected].
Precious Blood Parish in Glen Walter will be holding
regular BINGO nights starting in September. Our next
bingo will be on Wednesday, September 5th, 2012 in
the church hall starting at 7:00p.m. Tell your family and
friends. Hope to see you there!
La Paroisse Précieux-Sang, de Glen Walter, planifie
des soirées de BINGO qui débute au mois de septembre. La prochaine soirée
aura lieu le mercredi 5 septembre, 2012 à 19h00. Dites-le à vos parents et
amis. Nous espérons vous voir des nôtres.
Saint Joseph Parish has some pews for sale. They are left over from the
renovations of the parish anyone who is interested in purchasing a bench
please call Fr. Jacques at the parish office to reserve one. We do not have
many left… first come first serve. The cost for each bench is $150.00.
La paroisse Nativité organise un « Bingo Mini Monstre » le samedi 25 août, 2012. Les
portes ouvrent à 16h et le bingo débute à 19h. Paquet de 12 cartes au coût de 21.00$ les
spéciales sont inclus. Le Bonanza extra, .50 chacun. Les profits iront à la paroisse
Nativity Parish is organizing a « Mini Monster Bingo », on Saturday, August 25, 2012.
Doors open at 4:00 pm and bingo starts at 7:00 pm. Package of 12 cards for $21.00
specials are included. Bonanza extra at .50 cents each. Profits go to Nativity Parish.
Do you know someone who wants to become a Catholic…? The Rite of Christian Initiation for
Adults is a journey of faith into the Roman Catholic Church. Anyone interested in joining the Church
please call Sr. Jeannine at 347-1589 or Fr. Jacques at 931-1424.
The parishioners of Saint
Joseph and Precious Blood
Parishes who have children in
grade 2 who are attending the
public school system. If your
child is ready to receive the Sacraments of
Confession, Confirmation, and
Communion, you are asked to register them at
the parish office before September 30th, 2012.
Please remember there is a COMMITMENT
that is taken on behalf of the child and the
Les paroissiens des Paroisses
Saint-Joseph et
Précieux-Sang, dont les
enfants de 2ième année
fréquentent l’école publique ou
qui ont un enfant qui est prêt à recevoir les
sacrements du Pardon, de Confirmation et de
l’Eucharistie doivent contacter la paroisse et
inscrire leur enfant avant le 30 septembre 2012.
C’est une
DÉMARCHE prise par les
parents et l’enfant.
The spiritual direction group will re-convene for the 1st of 12 sessions on Friday September 28th,
2012 at 10am at St. Joseph Church, Lancaster, Ontario. We will meet every other Friday until
Easter. All are welcome as we focus our attention on Humility: A Spirituality of Relationships.
Please contact: Cathie Jarvis at 613-347-1754.
Come and join us every Monday evening at 7:30pm, beginning October 1st, 2012 at St. Joseph
Church, Lancaster, Ontario for a meditation hour with the World Community of Christian Meditation.
We listen and discuss the teachings of Fr. John Main, a Benedictine monk and silently meditate for
20 minutes. For more information please call the facilitator, Cathie Jarvis at 613-347-1754.
Prière à Notre Dame du sacerdoce
Vierge Marie, Mère du Christ Prêtre Mère des prêtres du monde entier, vous aimez tout particulièrement les
prêtres, parce qu'ils sont les images vivantes de votre Fils Unique. Vous avez aidé Jésus par toute votre vie
terrestre, et vous l'aidez encore dans le ciel. Nous vous en supplions, priez pour les prêtres! "Priez le père des
Cieux pour qu'il envoie des ouvriers à sa moisson". Priez pour que nous ayons toujours des prêtres qui nous
donnent les Sacrements, nous expliquent l'Evangile du Christ, et nous enseignent à devenir de vrais enfants de
Dieu. Vierge Marie, demandez Vous-même à Dieu le Père les prêtres dont nous avons tant besoin; et puisque
votre Cœur a tout pouvoir sur lui, obtenez-nous, ô Marie, des prêtres qui soient des saints.
The Protestant Deviation
This is one of the main distinctions between the different branches of Christianity. +
Catholic Christians and Eastern Orthodox Christians have maintained the ancient faith in the
real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. + But during the Protestant Reformation, which took
place in northern Europe in the fifteen and sixteen hundreds, the different Protestant groups
stopped believing in the real presence. + Martin Luther, John Calvin, Thomas Cranmer, John
Knox - these and other reformers started their own churches, breaking away from the Catholic
Church. + It was during this period that the many different Protestant denominations began to
appear: Lutherans, Presbyterians, Baptists... + The Puritans who arrived on the shores of
Massachusetts in the 1600s, the ones Americans call "the pilgrims," were a spinoff of
these reformed churches. All of these new Christian groups continued to celebrate
some kind of communion service in their Sunday worship, at least once or twice a year.
But none of them believed firmly and clearly that Jesus was truly present in the
Eucharist. They all taught that Jesus was only speaking symbolically when he said, as
we heard in today's Gospel, "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal
life." + But if Jesus had been speaking of a mere symbol, and not a real sacrament, would he
have referred to eating and drinking his flesh and blood seven times? + Would he have made
such an effort to explain that his flesh is "real food" and his blood "real drink" (verse 55)? +
Would he have used two different verbs to make sure he was understood: "phago" (verses 50
and 51), which means to consume a meal, and then, after his listeners expressed shock and
doubt, "trago" (verses 53-58), which means to gnaw, crunch, or chew, as when we eat raw
vegetables, or when cattle graze on grass? No, Jesus meant exactly what he said: he is
truly present in the Eucharist, because he loves us too much to abandon us.

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