Summary of the remarks made by Javier SOLANA, EU High


Summary of the remarks made by Javier SOLANA, EU High
Brussels, 17 September 2004
Summary of the remarks made by Javier SOLANA,
EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy,
Noordwijk, 17 September 2004
The European Union needs to fulfil its responsibilities as a global actor. Hence the importance
of covering the remaining shortfalls. A big effort is needed before the Military Capability
Commitment Conference in November.
The Headline Goal 2010 sets our level of ambition in the long term, as derived from the
European Security Strategy. As I have already underlined at our last Meeting in April, we have
to translate the European Security Strategy into concrete military objectives focussing on
interoperability, deployability and sustainability.
The first steps in the Headline Goal 2010 process are the elaboration of Strategic Planning
Assumptions and Illustrative Scenarios. This work is extremely important.
When elaborating the Strategic Planning Assumptions and Illustrative Scenarios, our level of
ambition needs to be duly reflected. As a global actor, we should be able to project our force
wherever needed. We have to match our political decisions with the necessary capabilities.
The Spokesperson of the Secretary General, High Representative for CFSP
+32 (0)2 285 6467 / 8239 / 6217 / 5150 / 5151
+32 (0)2 285 5694
e-mail: [email protected]
- Rapid Response / "Battlegroups"
Lors de notre réunion du mois de juin, nous avons décidé que nous devions avoir une capacité
initiale en matière de "Battlegroups" (groupements tactiques) dès 2005. Cela implique que nous
disposions :
des capacités militaires appropriées et
d'un processus de décision répondant aux objectifs que nous nous sommes fixés.
Ainsi que vous le savez, l'objectif est de pouvoir prendre la décision de lancer une opération
dans les 5 jours qui suivent l'approbation du Concept de gestion de crise. C'est une décision
importante et ambitieuse.
Importante parce qu'il n'y aura pas de réponse rapide s'il n'y a pas de planification et de
décision rapide. Il ne sert à rien d'avoir des troupes déployables en quelques jours s'il nous
faut plusieurs semaines pour prendre la décision de les déployer.
Ambitieuse parce que l'objectif que nous nous fixons est d'aller encore plus vite que lors de
l'opération Artémis.
Vous m'avez demandé de faire rapport sur les implications d'un tel niveau d'ambition, et de vous
faire des propositions pour l'atteindre. Nous allons conduire cette étude mais je voudrais d'ores
et déjà vous faire part de certaines réflexions.
Il est nécessaire de développer et d'améliorer la façon dont nous conduisons la planification
d'avance. Il faut aller aussi loin que possible dans cette planification d'avance pour gagner
du temps.
Il sera indispensable de s'appuyer sur une nation cadre, et il faudra nous préserver la
possibilité d'établir le plus tôt possible les contacts nécessaires avec cette nation cadre pour
avancer autant que faire se peut le travail préparatoire.
Le processus de prise de décision et de planification devra être flexible, tout en maintenant
le contrôle politique des Etats membres sur l'engagement de l'UE.
Un processus rapide de prise de décision au sein de l'UE devra être appuyé par des
processus de prise de décision rapide au sein des Etats membres.
- European Gendarmerie Force
I very much welcome the establishment of the European Gendarmerie Force (EGF) with the
signature today of a Declaration of Intent by France, Spain, Italy, Portugal and the Netherlands.
Happy that the proposal made by (French Defence Minister) Michèle Alliot-Marie a year ago is
coming to fruition so rapidly.
Look forward to this force becoming operational next year. It promises to be a useful tool that
the EU, as well as other relevant organisations, will be able to draw on, in a field - covering
activities such as security and public order missions, monitoring and advice, training as well as
criminal investigations - which experience has shown is a crucial part of crisis management.
The planning for operation Althea is well on track. The Concept of Operation was agreed by the
Council on 13 September. Work on the Operation Plan is underway and Council approval is
foreseen for 11 October. In my contacts with EU Special Representative Lord Ashdown, the
Operation Commander and the Force Commander, Major-General Leakey, I have also been
assured that the preparation in Sarajevo is proceeding according to plan.
Following the Force Generation Conference that took place on 15 September, it is a pleasure to
inform you that the Operation Commander, Admiral Feist, is confident that he will get the
forces needed to accomplish his task. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your
generous contributions. Several non EU countries have also offered forces. Their contributions
and willingness to take part are very welcome. A Committee of Contributors will be set up
The Transfer of Authority is scheduled to take place in December. We will continue to consult
with NATO to secure a seamless transition. The EU-led mission in BiH will be credible and
robust, and it will be directed towards the long-term integration of BiH in the European and
Euro-Atlantic structures.
Delighted to take chair for this inaugural meeting of Steering Board. Very pleased with the
speed with which the Agency is taking shape: we should meet the European Council's target of
achieving operational status by the end of the year.
A key task for the autumn is to settle the three linked issues of budget, staffing and work
We all have great ambitions for this Agency. But it can only do what it is resourced to do.
Must ensure that work programme is developed carefully, with wide consultation over coming
weeks. Must also bear in mind need for flexibility. Look to you now to offer your guidance at
this formative stage.
Discussion of work programme underlines the huge potential of this Agency. But must reiterate
- willing the end is not enough, we must also will the means.
I think we can be satisfied with the start made. I have no doubt on our determination to keep up
the momentum and to preside over an Agency that makes a real difference.

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