buljun19 11


buljun19 11
Mass — INTENTIONS — Messes
lundi/Monday June 20, 2011
No mass! - Pas de messe!
mardi/Tuesday June 21, 2011
8:30 am (E)
Marie Anne Dagnenais
Thérèse Quenneville
Orell Mailloux (4th ann )
Please pray for...Prions pour…
The deceased...Les défunts et défuntes
Isabelle Cazabon, mère de Pauline Leclair,
Charles Cazabon, Marguerite Guilbeault,
Leo Cazabon, David Cazabon
Stanley Olson, father of Jack
by Armand & Annette Barrette
by Marcel & Carol Barrette
by the family
mercredi/Wednesday June 22, 2011
8:30 am (F)
Ernest et Monique Comartin
par la famille
Isabelle Baillargeon
par Marguerite Faubert et famille
Robert Chauvin, fils (12e ann)
par la famille
jeudi/Thursday June 23, 2011
9:15 am (F) pour l’école St-Paul à l’église
Megan Sylvestre
par tante et mon oncle
Evelyn Blain
par Rita Roy
Pour les intentions des finissants et finissantes
vendredi/Friday June 24, 2011
9:15 am (F) pour l’école St-Ambroise à l’église
Bob Quick
par Denise Mailloux-Pavlakovich
Rachel Chittaro
par Lise Lambkin
Pour les intentions des finissants et finissantes
samedi/Saturday June 25, 2011 11:30 - noon Confessions
1:00 pm Marriage
Dave Belanger & Kristy Ouellette
5:00 pm (E)
For the intentions of the people of God
dimanche/Sunday June 26, 2011
9:00 am (F)
Pour les intentions du peuple de Dieu
11:00 am (E)
For the intentions of the people of God
Lena Tonkin, sister of Edgar Lebert
Brian Wilkinson, husband of Elaine
The sick...Les malades
Al Bellaire, Paul Bornais, Clarence & Rita Knapp,
Donald Kreitzer, Felix Laporte, Norm Long,
Odile Mailloux, Jeannine Oriet, Denise Rivest,
Sherri Roy, Bernadette Trepanier, John Yoworski
members of the St. Joachim StJean Baptiste Club, Monday June 20th at 7pm. Meeting will be held at Rochester Place. Please RSVP to
Pauline at 519-728-1436 or Pat at 519-728-3044.
Notice de réunion...pour
le Club St-Jean Baptiste, StJoachim, le lundi 20 juin à 19h à Rochester Place. Veuillez svp
confirmer votre présence avec Pauline ou Pat.
Immaculate Heart Parish, Windsor (2153
Parkwood Ave.) on Friday, July 1st, 2011, 7pm
Parish Office / Bureau Paroissial
5407 Comber Side Road, P.O. Box 220
Comber, Ontario
N0P 1J0
(519) 687-3118
(519) 687-2076
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.visitation.dol.ca
Office Hours:
9am to 12 noon…...1 pm to 4pm
Summer Hours / Pendant l’été
Closed Fridays...fermé les vendredis
Pastoral Team
Rev. Robert Champagne, Pastor/curé
Jamie Soullière, Pastoral Minister/Agent de pastoral
Peyton Elisabeth Barrette,
child of Joseph & Andrea
Easton Ryder Fillion, child of Christopher & Amy
Weekend Masses
Ava Marie Hawken, Leah Amber Hawken,
children of Lonnie & Elizabeth
Saturday 5pm (E)
dimanche 9h (F)
Sunday 11 am (E)
Nathan Zander Henderson,
child of Robbie & Rebecca
Matthew Edward Alan Johnston,
child of Edward & Kim
Alexandra Leigh Loxton, child of Leigh Anne
Quinn Robert McKinlay, child of Aaron & Nicole
Madeline Merine Morassutti,
child of Robert & Amber
Jolie Elin Sylvestre, child of Steven & Leah
Our Collections
June 12, 2011
Healing Mass...at
Paroisse de la Visitation Parish
Envelopes $5,500.00
+ loose 465.00
Total $5,965.00
Diocesan Assessment $180.00
Building Fund
Pledge payments $130.00
Donations $587.00
Visitors’ Envelopes $112.00
Thank you for your continued support!
Merci de votre appui!
Celebrated once a month
during weekend masses.
Registration in the parish is required.
Preparation is mandatory.
Saturday 11:30 to 12 noon
or by appointment.
At least one party must be a registered
member of the parish.
Minimum 6 months notification.
Mandatory marriage preparation course.
Ministry to the Sick
Communion to shut-ins every first Friday.
Hospital visits upon request.
Sacrament of the Sick upon request.
The Most Holy Trinity
La très sainte Trinité
June 19, 2011
The Holy Trinity:
We celebrate
today, the Holy Trinity, the truth that there
are three persons in one God. However
difficult it may be to explain, we know that
the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one.
The Father gave his only Son because He
loves us; let us show one another such amazing love in our
daily lives.
La Sainte Trinité:
Tu as tant aimé le monde, Père,
que tu nous as donné ton Fils. Aujourd’hui encore, tu nous le
donnes, et tu n’arrêteras jamais de nous le donner. Loué soistu pour ta fidélité. Accorde-nous d’accueillir ton Esprit; ainsi
pourrons-nous répondre à ton amour dans la fidélité même de
Jésus, ton Fils unique, vivant avec toi pour les siècles des siè-
Happy Father’s Day!
We wish all our
‘dads’ a very happy day.
Bonne fête des pères!
Nous souhaitons
à tous nos papas, une très belle journée remplie de
joies et caresses!
St. Joachim Cemetery Sunday...June 26th,
2011. Please join us for mass at 11am as we remember our
deceased loved ones followed by a short service at the cemetery chapel at 1pm.
Nous vous invitons...de participer à la messe du 26
juin à 11h. Il y aura une intention pour les défunts et défuntes
inhumés au cimetière St-Joachim. À 13h cette même journée, nous nous rassemblerons au cimetière pour un service.
Soyez des nôtres.
The Financial Reports
for St. Joachim Cemetery
& Annonciation Cemetery have been completed. Copies
are on the desk in the hall foyer.
Les rapports financiers
du cimetière St-Joachim
ainsi que du cimetière Annonciation sont maintenant disponibles. Des copies se trouvent sur la table dans le foyer de la
Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate
On Friday, June 24, 7:00pm at St. Mary, Blenheim, Brother
Stephen Van Massenhoven O.F.M Cap will be ordained to
the Transitional Diaconate by Bishop John Corriveau O.F.M.
Cap., Bishop of the Diocese of Nelson, British Columbia.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Knights of Columbus...K. of C. members and
wives are reminded of the ‘Pot Luck’ Dinner, followed
by a meeting and guest speaker from ‘The Hospice’,
Tuesday June 21st at 6pm.
dinner at 6pm, Monday June 20th to
celebrate our 5th anniversary, followed by presentation of
bursaries and meeting.
Please note!
The parish office will be
closed the following Fridays: July 15, 22,
29, August 5, 12, 19, 26.
Bulletins will be published July 10 and 24; August 7 & 21.
On August 29th, we will return to regular hours and weekly
bulletins. Please make sure your notices for the bulletin are
submitted early to ensure their inclusion Thank you.
Veuillez s.v.p. noter...que le bureau sera fermé le
15, 22 et 29 juillet et le 5, 12, 19 et 26 août. Les bulletins
seront publiés le 10 et 24 juillet, le 7 et 21 août. Planifiez de
donner vos articles pour le bulletin bien en avance. Merci.
Priesthood Discernment Group:
Men high
school age and older are invited to the monthly Priesthood
Discernment Group meeting taking place Saturday, June 25,
2011 from 10 am to 12 noon at Our Lady of the Atonement
Parish, 2940 Forrest Glade Dr., Windsor.
Graduations! We are quickly approaching the
close of another school year. This week and next, our
elementary Catholic schools will have their year end
masses. Thursday, June 23rd will be celebrated with
the students and staff of St. Paul school, Friday, June
24th with the St. Ambroise school family and Monday, June
27 with Our Lady of the Annunciation school students and
staff. Parishioners are always welcome and encouraged to
attend. All three masses will begin at 9:15am.
We wish a safe and restful vacation to all. Please continue to
practice your faith ‘religiously’ through the summer months!
We extend our sincere best wishes to those who are graduating from elementary or secondary school as well as those
who will move on to the next stage of their lives having completed college or university. May God keep you in His loving arms.
Fin d’année scolaire!
Comme la fin de juin approche, nous nous souvenons que les élèves seront bientôt en
congé. Avant leur départ, les élèves et le personnel de nos
écoles catholiques élémentaires se rendront à l’église pour la
messe de fin d’année. Veuillez nous joindre pour la messe
du jeudi 23 juin célébrée avec l’école St-Paul et le vendredi
24 juin avec l’école St-Ambroise. Les messes seront à 9h15.
Nous souhaitons un été reposant aux élèves ainsi qu’au personnel. Continuez de pratiquer votre foi pendant l’été en
assistant régulièrement à la messe.
Nous félicitons nos gradués à tous les niveaux. Que Dieu
vous garde dans la paume de sa main!
École secondaire de Pain Court:
Remise de
diplômes - le 29 juin 2011 18h30 à l’Église Immaculée
Conception à Pain Court.
Réunions...Meetings this week…
Mon. Jun 20
@ 7:00 pm CWL General Meeting, hall A
Tues. Jun 21
@ 6:00 pm K of C Dinner Mtg/speaker,
hall A/B
Wed. Jun 22
@ 7:00pm
@ 7:30 pm
Squirettes, hall A/B
Pratique de la chorale
Loonie-toonie Sunday!
A member
from the Ste-Thérèse -de-Lisieux Mission Club will
share a short presentation next weekend on the work of
one of the missionaries they help support. Please bring
an extra loonie or two for their collection!
Un membre du Cercle missionnaire Ste-Thérèse -deLisieux fera une courte présentation dimanche prochain sur
le travail d’un de leurs missionnaires. S.v.p. apportez un
loonie ou deux pour leur quête!
Your attention please! Monthly maintenance of the diocesan server takes place June
19th from 2 to 6pm. This may affect our website
and your ability to reach it.
This work regularly takes place on the third Sunday of every
month unless otherwise notified.
Site web: Il se peut que notre site web ne soit pas accessible dimanche de 14h à 18h, pendant que le diocèse fait
l’entretien du serveur. Ce travail est fait habituellement, le
troisième dimanche de chaque mois.
Shrine Youth Day:
The Our Lady of the Rosary
Diocesan Shrine at St. Patrick, Merlin is holding a Shrine
Youth Day on Sunday, July 10, from 1–8 pm. The day will
include an outdoor Mass and reflections, praise & worship
music all day featuring the local band “Servant,” inspirational speakers and a free BBQ supper (please bring your
own chair). Please RSVP to the Shrine at 519-689-7760 or
[email protected].
Merci: J’aimerais remercier les paroissiens, paroissiennes, voisins et amis pour vos prières, visites et encouragement pendant mon récent séjour à l’hôpital.
Thank you to everyone for your many prayers, visits and
words of encouragement during my recent hospital stay. I’m
happy to report that I am getting better each day.
Denis Rivest
Club de l’Âge d’Or - Le Foyer
L’assemblée générale annuelle aura lieu le mercredi 29 juin
2011 à 13h30 au club, 7500 chemin Tecumseh, Pointe-auxRoches.
Business Advertising:
Advertise your
business at our monthly Fundraising breakfasts!
A coloured place mat will be printed and used at
the breakfasts from Sept. to May. It will feature
a picture of the church with space for 20 business
card advertisements. Cost to have your company included
is $125.00. A sample place mat has been placed on the bulletin board. As you will notice, the placement of ads is well
organized. A coloured border surrounds the ads. Money
and business cards must be received at the parish office by
Monday, June 27th, 2011 to allow time for printing. Please
note, only standard size business cards are used (3 1/2’’ x
2’’). If you do not have a business card, have someone who
is handy with a computer design your ad in this size! Contact Bernie Lebert at 519-798-3279 for more information.
Please make your cheque payable to Visitation Parish Building Fund.
Annoncez votre entreprise!
Annoncez votre
entreprise sur des napperons individuels à nos déjeuners
mensuels. Coût d’annonce (carte de commerce d’une grandeur de 3 1/2’’ x 2’’ )125$. Les napperons seront utilisés à
tous les déjeuners du comité de prélèvement de fonds
(septembre à mai, 2011-2012). L’argent et la carte de commerce doivent être au bureau par le 27 juin 2011. Un exemplaire est posté sur le tableau d’affiches dans le foyer de la
salle. Veuillez svp libeller votre chèque Paroisse de la Visitation Fonds de Construction.
Open House...Sunday, June 26th, 2011
from 1 to 4 pm at Holy Name of Jesus Parish
Hall, off Fairview Ave, Essex, honouring Fr.
Larry Brunet, upon his retirement. Questions
can be directed to Holy Name of Jesus Parish
office at 519-776-8483. All are welcome!
Thank you!
We would like to thank Father
Bob, Jamie Soullière and all those who assisted
in the funeral mass for our mother, Isabelle Cazabon. Thank you to John Robinson for the
beautiful music and to Pat & Maurice Janisse for
the parish prayers. A heartfelt thank you to all
those involved in the meal preparation and the cleanup.
To all those who contributed in any way, be it by bringing
meals or desserts, gave flowers or mass offerings, we are
forever grateful.
Merci...au Père Robert, Jamie et tous ceux et celles qui
ont participé à la messe pour notre mère, Isabelle Cazabon.
Merci à John Robinson pour la belle musique et à Pat et
Maurice Janisse pour les prières. Un gros merci aux personnes qui ont préparé le repas.
À ceux et celles qui nous ont appuyé pendant ce temps difficile, merci du fond de nos cœurs.
La famille Cazabon

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