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Festival della Scienza
11-10-2006, 08:09 PM
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Cosa sono e che impatto hanno sulla nostra
vita quotidiana le nanoscienze e le
nanotecnologie? Quali applicazioni esistono
già e quali si prospettano per il futuro?
Questo campo di ricerca, decisamente “di
frontiera”, apre scenari anche inquietanti, e
tocca ambiti così eterogenei, dal controllo
delle persone all’inquinamento e alla
medicina, da coinvolgere inevitabilmente il
futuro di ognuno di noi. La mostra espone
oggetti realizzati con l’aiuto di materiali
nanotecnologici, come celle solari
organiche, chip nanometrici, schermi a
cristalli liquidi con nanoparticelle, materiali
anti-macchia, lastre con protezione contro
l’ossidazione, materiali a prova di impronte
digitali e impianti medici biocompatibili; allo
stesso tempo tratta gli aspetti etici legati
allo sviluppo di queste discipline. Sarà
possibile quindi partecipare e confrontare le
proprie opinioni sulle nanotecnologie con
quelle espresse da personalità di rilievo
provenienti dal mondo scientifico,
industriale e politico.
La mostra Nanodialogue è stata realizzata
dalla Fondazione IDIS come parte del
progetto omonimo sostenuto della
Commissione Europea.
Ingresso: Biglietti Festival
Prenotazione: obbligatoria per scuole e
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Délégation Alpes
11-10-2006, 08:00 PM
Accueil > Les rendez-vous > archives
Archives des rendez-vous
Septembre 2006
Juillet 2006
Juin 2006
Mai 2006
Avril 2006
Mars 2006
Février 2006
Janvier 2006
"Le développement durable au Canada"
Jeudi 2 mars - de 11h10 à 13h10 - amphi D, Institut d'études politiques, domaine universitaire
Conférence de Stéphane Labranche du laboratoire PACTE dans le cadre du cycle de conférence du Centre
d'études canadiennes.
Lancement européen de l'exposition "Nanodialogue"
jeudi 9 mars 2006 - 17h - Médiathèque, 10 place Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Bourgoin-Jallieu
Exposition du 7 mars au 1er avril
La ville de Bourgoin-Jallieu et 8 sites européens inaugurent simultanément l'exposition Nanodialogue.
Que sont les nanotechnologies ? Quelles sont leurs applications dans la vie quotidienne ? Que vont-elles
changer dans vingt ans ? l'opposition aux nanotechnologies n'est-elle qu'une peur du changement ?
Intranet du CNRS
Site Polygone
sur le site de la délégation
Soutenue par l'Union européenne et motivée par l'implication de la ville dans le projet METIS
(Micronanotechnologies matériaux Electronique Transfert technologies territoire Innovation Isère),
l'exposition Nanodialogue a pour but d'informar, sensibiliser et stimuler le débat autour des
nanotechnologies et de la nanoscience. Cette exposition est une opportunité unique en France pour
découvrir et partager informations scientifiques et opinions.
"La construction de l'urbanisme" et "La culture inuit"
jeudi 9 mars - de 11h10 à 13h10 - amphi D, Institut d'études politiques, domaine universitaire
Conférences données respectivement par Florence Paulhiac du laboratoire PACTE et Cécile Pélaudeix de
l'université Stendhal dans le cadre du cycle de conférence du Centre d'études canadiennes.
Formation d'une identité scientifique européenne du XIIème au XXème siècle
jeudi 9 mars 2006 - 18h30 - Auditorium du Musée, Grenoble
Conférence donnée par Michel Soutif, professeur émérite à l'Université Joseph Fourier, président de
l'Académie delphinale.
Semaine du cerveau
Du 13 au 17 mars - CRDP, avenue général Champon, Grenoble
Dépression, stress, dépendances… les maladies du siècle ?
Morose ou au beau fixe, comme le temps, nos humeurs sont changeantes. Que
sait-on réellement de leur support biologique au sein de notre cerveau ? Voici
globalement le thème de cette 8ème édition de la Semaine Internationale du
Cerveau à Grenoble. La dépression, le stress, la toxicomanie sont gérés, en partie,
par des mécanismes neurobiologiques. Quels processus moléculaires et cellulaires
sont impliqués dans les effets pharmacologiques des antidépresseurs ? Quelle est
la part des facteurs environnementaux et biologiques de la toxicomanie ? En quoi
le stress, maladie du 21ème siècle, est une maladie mentale ? Toutes ces
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Délégation Alpes
11-10-2006, 08:00 PM
questions ont des implications sociales et économiques importantes. La Semaine internationale du Cerveau
à Grenoble est l’occasion de découvrir ce que nous apprennent aujourd’hui, les recherches sur le cerveau.
En savoir plus
Conférence "Père et fils chez Stendhal"
Jeudi 16 mars - 18h - Auditorium du Musée de Grenoble
Conférence donnée par Mona Ozouf, écrivain et historienne, directrice de recherche au CNRS. Cette
conférence est organisée par l'Association Stendhal avec le soutien de la Ville de Grenoble.
Entrée libre dans la limite des places disponibles.
Séminaire Lyon - Grenoble "La mathématisation comme problème"
Ouvert à tous (étudiants, scientifiques, philosophes, etc.) et point de rencontres plurielles autour des
sciences, les séances de ce séminaire sont proposé dans le cadre du cluster 14 - "Enjeux et
représentations de la science, de la technologie et de leurs usages" - ont lieu de 14h à 18 h, alternativement
à Lyon (ENS-LSH, 15 parvis René Descartes, Lyon) et à Grenoble (MSH Alpes, 1221 avenue centrale,
domaine universitaire).
Jeudi 16 mars 2006 - Lyon, ENS-LSH, salle F 113
"Mathématisation avec ou sans mesure ? Ampère, Biot et l'électrodynamique" par Friedrich Steinle
(université de Wuppertal) et "La mathématisation sans mesure : quelques exemples issus de l'histoire de la
physique" par Jérôme Viard (université Lyon I)
Clôture de l'Année Mondiale de la Physique 2005
Lundi 20 mars - 17h - Conseil régional Rhône-Alpes, 78 route de Paris, Charbonnières-les-Bains
A cette occasion, Yves Quéré, physicien, membre de l'académie des sciences, interviendra sur le thème
"Culture scientifique et citoyenneté". Yves Quéré est un physicien de renommée internationale en physique
des matériaux, en particulier la métallurgie du plutonium, et les effets des irradiations dans les solides. Il est
l'auteur de plusieurs ouvrages et d'une centaine d'articles dans les revues scientifiques les plus
prestigieuses du monde. Il a donné des cours et des conférences dans nombre de pays d'Europe,
d'Amérique et d'Asie. Au bureau de l'académie des sciences, il est délégué aux relations internationales.
1er café européen sciences et citoyens "Nanosciences : enjeu européen, enjeu
planétaire ?"
Mardi 21 mars - 20h30 - Tonneau de Diogène, 6, place Notre Dame - Grenoble
Le développement potentiel des nanosciences et des nanotechnologies s'inscrit dans une dynamique
européenne et planétaire dont il nous faut prendre conscience. Parmi les arguments avancés pour s'y
mettre et y investir massivement, il y a l'idée d'une compétition mondiale dont nous risquerions d'être
éjectés. Le débat ne porte donc pas seulement sur le positif ou le négatif de tel ou tel développement
technologique, mais sur le type de dynamique dans laquelle nous nous engageons. Quel nano-monde ?
Le Café Européen des sciences propose de traiter des dynamiques internationales, en particulier
européenne, Europe - Asie, Nord - Sud qui sont à l'oeuvre, ainsi que des questions de la régulation
planétaire des transformations en cours.
En présence de :
Raymond Seltz, Secrétaire général d’Euroscience
Georges Waysand, Responsable de la Section « Ile de France » d’Euroscience
Intervenants :
Roger Maynard, Président de la Société Française de Physique
Dominique Vinck, Directeur de CRISTO (UPMF)
Modérateur : Max Verdone, ancien Directeur du GIE Microélectronique CEA - CNET
Conférence débat "Vivons-nous l'été indien des énergies fossiles ?", du choc des
prix aux pics de production
Mercredi 22 mars - 19h00 - Amphi de la CCI, 1 place André Malraux, Grenoble
par Jean-Marie MARTIN-AMOUROUX, ancien directeur de recherche CNRS, président de l'association
La moitié des ressources pétrolières mondiales a déjà été consommée. Le pic de production pétrolière est
proche, bientôt suivi de celui du gaz naturel. Ce message lancé par les anciens géologues de la Shell et de
Total ne fait pas l'unanimité, mais il mérite d'être examiné attentivement.
D'autant que l'Amérique du Nord découvre qu'elle a épuisé ses énormes ressources gazières et l'Europe sa
dépendance d'une Russie de plus en plus courtisée par une Asie en plein essor économique.
Pagina 2 van 4
nan´o·tech·nol´o·gy n.
Governments invest billions in it and tens of thousands of papers are published on the subject
Most formal definitions of
nanotechnology revolve around the
study and control of phenomena and
materials at length scales below 100 nm,
whereas informal definitions almost
always make a comparison with a human
hair, which is about 80,000 nm wide.
However, nanotechnology can mean
different things to different people,
which is why Nature Nanotechnology
asked a range of researchers,
industrialists and others what
nanotechnology means to them. From
enthusiastic to sceptical, the responses
reflect a variety of perspectives.
For me, nanotechnology is all about
building things. Judging by current
rates of progress in fields as diverse as
protein engineering and nanoelectronics,
the emergence of atomic-precision
manufacturing on an industrial scale is still
some decades away. Nevertheless, it will
happen — because physics and chemistry
allow it, and because the economic
incentives for continued progress are
enormous. Information technology, worth
roughly one trillion dollars per year in
the global economy, already rests on over
a century of progress in miniaturization.
The ability to design and build complex
things on ever-smaller scales is now
transforming established fields such as
medical diagnostics, energy conversion,
and structural materials, and is sparking
new fields such as quantum information
processing and nanobiotechnology. Thus,
the coming decades should be great ones
for scientists as their discoveries both
enable, and are enabled by, the burgeoning
capability to engineer nanoscale structures.
Thomas Theis is director of physical sciences
at the IBM Watson Research Center.
One way of defining nanotechnology is
to talk about length scales. A different
way is to see it as an upcoming economic,
business and social phenomenon. Nanoadvocates argue it will revolutionize the
way we live, work and communicate. If it
every year, but what exactly is nanotechnology?
A carbon nanotube freely supported on four
gold electrodes.
will dramatically affect everyone, shouldn’t
everyone have a say in what developments
take place — with what impacts, under
whose control, and with who benefiting
(and losing)? The promoters of genetically
modified organisms failed to recognize
that widespread adoption of a technology
is a social, as well as a technical process.
Nanotechnologies will have to go through
a similar experience. Western democracies
might deliberate on taxation, public
services and foreign and military policy,
but transformative new technology
may have a bigger effect on people’s
lives. Innovation is going at a speed
uncontrolled by national and international
regulations, meaning that responsibility
will pass to companies, scientists and
developers, with all the uncomfortable
scrutiny by civil society that this implies.
Doug Parr is chief scientist for Greenpeace
in the UK.
There isn’t just one nanotechnology; there
are many nanotechnologies and these are
primarily enabling technologies and not
end products in themselves. It would not
surprise me if the term nanotechnology
disappeared from general use in the next
decade, with the terms nanomaterials
and nanobiotechnology assuming greater
currency. There will be successive (and
overlapping) waves of product development
and introduction over the next 20–30
years. We are currently in the initial wave,
in which most of the products on the
market are nanomaterials in various forms,
many arising from defence and security
applications, or from sporting goods and
consumer convenience items. Within 5–10
years, we can expect sophisticated electronic
devices that use nanoscale circuitry and
memory. After 10–15 years, the introduction
of pharmaceutical products, drug delivery,
and health-monitoring devices will begin.
Beyond the edge of our conception, perhaps
25–30 years ahead, new forms of devices
and processes may emerge.
Peter Binks is chief executive officer of
Nanotechnology Victoria, a consortium of
four research organizations focused on the
commercialization of nanotechnologies
in Australia.
Nanotechnology has only been developed
systematically as an interdisciplinary
field during the past decade. I see
nanotechnology as a toolbox that provides
nanometre-sized building blocks for
the tailoring of new materials, devices
and systems. The nanometre length
scale (that is < 100 nm) offers unique
size-dependent properties in physico–
chemical phenomena. It also presents
unique biomimetic features essential in
the creation of complex structures for
tissue scaffolds and artificial organs/
implants.Over the past 10–15 years,
nanotechnology has evolved by both
bottom-up and top-down approaches.
Tremendous advances have been made
in bionanotechnology, supramolecular
chemistry, nanostructured materials,
self-assembly and nanofabrication. We
now have a great toolbox that enables us
to bridge between molecular sciences,
nanoscience, functional materials, and
micro-electromechanical systems.
Jackie Ying is the executive director
of the Institute of Bioengineering and
Nanotechnology in Singapore, and adjunct
professor of chemical engineering at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
nature nanotechnology | VOL 1 | OCTOBER 2006 |
©2006 Nature Publishing Group
Nanoscience and nanotechnology can
be regarded as areas defined by a chosen
boundary, but I find it more fruitful to
see them as directions united by shared
objectives. Central among these is the
atomistic understanding and control of an
increasing range of physical systems and
phenomena. Of special importance are
combinations of understanding and control
that enable the systematic development of
classes of diverse, complex nanosystems. A
strategic direction for this work will be to
develop nanomachines that are analogous
to ribosomes but able to assemble a
broader range of structures with broader
capabilities. I see this as furthering the
age-old process of using tools to construct
better tools, advancing along paths that
have led us from iron hammers to the
borders of nanotechnology. In areas where
theory can describe what cannot yet be
made, computational modelling points to
paths that can lead far indeed, increasing
capabilities and applications at each step.
document. In every paragraph there is
something outlandish or at least a little
edgy for that time, but nothing that is out
of the ordinary now. It is a testament to the
brilliance of Feynman and, for someone who
was fifteen years old at the time, shocking just
how long ago 1959 was. But even Feynman in
1959 did not seem to see the scanning probe
microscopies coming. For that we have Gerd
Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer to thank, and
that invention is truly the watershed between
nanotechnology and everything really small,
like molecules, which came before but were,
in the main, only accessible collectively.
and technological advances will bring
significant benefits to multiple scientific
disciplines and innovation
to manufacturers.
Chunli Bai is executive vice president of the
Chinese Academy of Sciences, director of
the China National Center for Nanoscience
and Technology, and chief scientist of the
China National Steering Committee for
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
Kary Mullis shared the Nobel Prize for
Chemistry in 1993 for his work on the
polymerase chain reaction technique. He is
currently working on chemical methods to
control and direct immune responses.
Nanoscience is a very handy word for rather
small things with a rather big impact. Why
should we care about such small things?
We may find properties that are useful for
everyday life. For example, nanostructured
surfaces that mimic lotus leaves are already
used in cars, windows and so on, which
means that they can be cleaned by the
next shower of rain. Currently, anything
on the nanoscale is called “nano” — be
it chemical, medical, physical, biological
or any other “cal”. I don’t expect the nano
hype to last very long. It means too much
and expectations are very high. More
information and public discussion would
sharpen the view on the opportunities
and threats of this technology, and would
facilitate a conscious decision about what
research field and what nano products are
appreciated by society.
Elisabeth Schepers is in the department
of museums education at the Deutsches
Museum in Munich, where she has
recently been working for the EU
Nanodialogue project.
Everyone has probably heard about Richard
Feynman’s 1959 comments at the American
Physical Society meeting at Caltech, often
referred to as inspiring the beginnings
of nanotechnology. The transcript of his
talk published soon after, entitled There’s
Plenty of Room at the Bottom, is an amazing
K. Eric Drexler wrote Nanosystems and
Engines of Creation and is chief technical
advisor to Nanorex.
The ‘beads’ in the world’s smallest abacus are
single C60 molecules.
The converging interests of
nanotechnology foresee the precise
control of individual atoms or molecules,
leading to an unprecedented ability to
design material and device capabilities.
One distinctive aspect of nanoscience
is its preferential search for the
systematic behaviour of individual
atoms or molecules, rather than their
ensemble averages. The significance of
the dimension depends on the field,
varying from a few nanometres to observe
electronic or quantum effects to a few tens
of nanometres for delivery properties of
nanoparticles in biological systems. The
parallel pursuit of technological advances
has already generated a range of promising
examples, such as conceptually new
quantum devices, drug-delivery agents and
novel materials. One should be aware that
the viability of nanotechnology depends on
its industrialization and commercialization.
There is no doubt that the scientific
nature nanotechnology | VOL 1 | OCTOBER 2006 |
©2006 Nature Publishing Group
In some sense we are labelling what we
were already doing, except that now we
can actually visualize the outcome of these
actions and develop predictive rules that
can be rigorously tested. An even more
striking development is the ability to direct
the assembly of atoms and molecules into
new materials that were hitherto kinetically
inaccessible, and to test their properties.
But for me, the most fascinating aspects
of nanoscience and nanotechnology are
that properties on this length scale are
exquisitely sensitive to the surrounding
environment. Indeed, one could reasonably
argue that it is meaningless to refer to the
innate properties of nanoscale systems
without due reference to the influence
of environmental factors such as surface
termination, substrate interactions and
electrical and mechanical contacts.
Although this sensitivity is a challenge for
nanoscale materials processing, it brings
with it the potential for unprecedented
levels of control of material and device
John J. Boland is professor of chemistry
and director of the Centre for Research on
Adaptive Nanostructures and Nanodevices
at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
Nanotechnology is concerned with
work at the atomic, molecular and
supramolecular levels in order to
understand and create materials, devices
and systems with fundamentally new
properties and functions because of
their small structure. I expect there will
be many areas that nanotechnology will
have an impact on in the next decade
and beyond. We are examining the
possibility that nanotechnology may
lead to new drug-delivery systems, as
well as new imaging and diagnostic
systems. Particularly in drug delivery,
the ability to create nanoparticles that
can encapsulate drug molecules is very
important, as their small size enables
them to travel through the bloodstream
and be taken up by specific cells where
they can controllably release their cargo.
and laboratories, I do hope that the
poorest of the poor will benefit from the
results of research in nanoscience and
Robert Langer is one of 13 Institute
Professors at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, the recipient of the 2002
Draper Prize and a member of the National
Academies of Sciences and Engineering and
the Institute of Medicine.
C. N. R. Rao is a national research professor
and the honorary president of the Jawaharlal
Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific
Research, Bangalore, India.
Actually, nanotechnology has been around
for over a hundred years. Irving Langmuir
was one of the first to truly develop the
technology in the General Electric labs
in the 1920s and 1930s. Nanoscience
is a label given now to the new work
emerging from the technology we have
developed to manipulate, visualize and
make atomic and molecular structures.
It would have been called surface science
in the 1960s and 1970s. In the immediate
future, we will see incremental changes
in materials for energy generation and
storage, improved and safer cosmetics
and other domestic products, and new
methodologies for healthcare, water
treatment and pollution control. The
field has been evolving steadily, and
the explosion of interest might lead to
radically new applications in areas of
molecular electronics and drug design and
delivery in the next two decades.
Peter Dobson of Oxford University has
recently started two companies that
use nanotechnology: Oxonica and
Oxford Biosensors.
Certainly, I hope that nanoparticles will
be useful in targeting drugs for cancer
treatment and many other diseases in the
years to come.
Carbon nanotube ‘towers’ grown on a silicon
substrate for applications in solar cells.
Nanotechnology has created excitement
amongst the young and a greater interest in
science itself. This alone makes the subject
important. Nanotechnology has created a
kind of revolution in the physical sciences
and engineering, somewhat comparable
to what happened when high-temperature
superconductivity was discovered in
1986. The difference is that this new area
encompasses not only physics, chemistry,
materials science and engineering, but also
biology and medicine. A well-orchestrated
plan in various laboratories and nations
is likely to result in a worthwhile future.
Coming to India, this subject has aroused
great interest in the government and
amongst the public, at a time when science
had become somewhat unattractive. I want
to be sure that the benefits of nanoscience
reach all mankind. Although the research
is being carried out in only a few countries
At the nanoscale there is no difference
between chemistry and physics, engineering,
mathematics, biology or any subset thereof.
An operational definition of nanotechnology
involves three ingredients: (1) nanoscale
sizes in the device or its crucial components;
(2) the man-made nature; and (3) having
properties that only arise because of the
nanoscopic dimensions. In addition, I
typically think that “it ain’t nano if you ain’t
got the math to back it up” — we must be able
to model or explain it. The great promise of
nanotechnology may be the necessary focus
on solving problems, rather than on academic
distinctions and the setting of disciplinary
fences to benefit ivory-tower dwellers. One
of my interests — cancer nanotechnology
— revolves around solving real cancer
problems with really small tools. My bottom
line, however, is that the field should worry
less about self-serving definitions (including
my own!), and more about how to be of true
benefit to humankind.
Mauro Ferrari is professor of molecular
medicine at the University of Texas Health
Science Center, of experimental therapeutics
at the M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, and of
bioengineering at Rice University.
nature nanotechnology | VOL 1 | OCTOBER 2006 |
©2006 Nature Publishing Group
Institute of Nanotechnology :: View topic - EuroNanoForum 2005 - Review
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Joined: 16 Mar 2004
Posts: 114
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 11:35 am
Post subject: EuroNanoForum 2005 - Review
On September 5-9, 2005, the Institute of Nanotechnology held the EuroNanoForum 2005:
Nanotechnology and the Health of the EU Citizen in 2020 at the Edinburgh International Conference
Center (EICC).
The EICC is an incredible facility only rivaled by the Swiss RE compound outside of Zurich. The
Institute of Nanotechnology (ION) was an incredible host and brought together some outstanding
speakers and programs of all sorts.
Unfortunately I missed the Monday workshops but got interviewed by Nanologue during the
conference as part of their expert panels. Monday ended with a public debate on nanotechnology and
healthcare which friends and colleagues reviewed well.
On Tuesday the sessions began and some ran parallel to each other. Most of the day was dedicated
to technical presentations except for a session on commercializing nanomedicine. Before many of the
reforms discussed can have any recognizable impact on European society, the venture capital climate
will need to be improved in the EU. The evening was dedicated to an outstanding poster session that
topped any I've seen in years. Some of the research on health and toxicology going on around the
world was outstanding.
Wednesday involved a morning period of sessions on technical nanomedicine like convergence and its
effects on medicine and health care and another on congenital and degenerative diseases. Both those
were strong according to reports from friends and colleagues. The next set involved the session I
was in and I led the group of four. I discussed two "gap" analyses done by me and others at South
Carolina on toxicology and a second on communication of toxicology to the public. Joyce Tait
discussed stakeholder engagement and we were followed by Volker Turk who covered the Nanologue
project and Jennifer Palumbo who covered NanoDialogue, a fascinating science center initiative.
There were four other sessions against ours. The evening included a reception at the Lord Provost's
Offices at the Edinburgh City Chambers. While went on to hear the Cairngill Ceilidh Band and danced,
I made my way to a pub with friends and we watches Scotland beat Norway and Northern Ireland
beat England in soccer/football.
On Thursday I went to a session on Nanoparticle Risk Assessment. Ken Donaldson gave a primer on
risk assessment, Paul Borm discussed cardiovascular effects of translocation, and Rob Aitken
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Institute of Nanotechnology :: View topic - EuroNanoForum 2005 - Review
11-10-2006, 08:04 PM
risk assessment, Paul Borm discussed cardiovascular effects of translocation, and Rob Aitken
discussed exposure. The second group included Tilman Butz and Gunter Oberdorster discussing
percutaneous uptake and CNS effects from inhalation respectively. The session was strong and
during the post-session discussion Renzo Tomellini mentioned an initiative to pool toxicological
information between the US, the EU, and others. Vicki Stone who was chairing the session mentioned
the ICON database ( I serve on the advisory committee for ICON.
In the afternoon, there was an interesting session involving Emilio Mordini on hopes, dreams and
fairy tales and nano (incredibly entertaining), Donald Bruce from the Church of Scotland (much less
entertaining) and Rogerio Gaspar (even less so). Then, Simone Scholze who was chairing the session
starting talking and went on for 20 minutes. This session was troubling. I expected more the Dr.
Bruce while he droned on in generalities. I expected much more from Dr. Gaspar who insulted the US
NIH initiative as old stuff that had been accomplished in European labs years ago and repeated the
mantra that nothing is new about nano as he banged away on the nationalist drum.
Unfortunately, I had to leave on Friday, but I made great contacts, enjoyed myself, and learned a lot
about what was transpiring in human and health and nanomedicine in Europe.
I am not impressed by much but this conference was worth the travel. I also want to thank ION for
inviting me. I was honored to be one of five Americans selected to participate. I hope to make next
year's but that will depend on how our program is funded next year more than anything else.
I am sure I will address this later but it seems that Washington is more interested in having social
scientists and humanists move nanotechnology out of the lab and into commerce than they are at
research that might conclude nanotechonlogy needs to be re-examined and the public deserves a
legitimate role in policy making.
Applauds to ION.
Finally, if you want to know more about the EU's nanomedicine initiatives, I recommend reading
European Technology Platform on NanoMedicine: Nanotechnology for Health, Vision Paper and Basis
for a Strategic Research Agenda for NanoMedicine, September 2005. It comes from the EU
Publications Office. The URL is:
posted by Prof. D. M. Berube
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Springtime in Tartu 2006
Events in Tartu from March 1 to May 31
Until 9 March
Exhibition of Alfonsas
Vilpišauskas’ works
Museum of Tartu University History
7–31 March
Spring show of the photo group
Hotel Park, 23 Vallikraavi Street
8–26 March
Rain Tamm’s photo exhibition,
“Alone and with somebody”
Estonian National Museum
8 March – 9 April
Exhibition of caricatures by
Juuro Kuusik
Estonian Sports Museum
Juuro Kuusik’s friendly caricatures
depict well-known Estonian sportsmen throughout decades.
9 March – 31 May
“Nanodialogue”, Europe-wide
The interactive exhibition is about
nanotechnology, with the aim to create wider discussion about the field.
Until 12 March
“Growing into the Silent Light”
Prints by Katri Kuusk
Y Gallery
Until 12 March
Exhibition of Artists from Kaunas
Tartu Artists’ House
The exhibition is a sequel to the
2003 exhibition “Latvian Art Invades
Tartu”. To boost relations between
the twin cities, curator Matti Milius
has brought about a similar invasion
between the two countries in 2006.
The exhibition starts right before the
Independence Day of the Republic
of Lithuania and all gallery spaces in
Tartu are involved.
14–26 March
Valli Lember-Bogatkina
“Ideal Show”
Y Gallery
Until 13 March
Artists from Kaunas: Vytautas
Eigirdas’ paintings
Art Museum of Tartu University
Exhibition of paintings by Vytautas
Eigirdas, an artist from Kaunas.
Until 13 March
Photo exhibition
Tampere House
Exhibition by Katri Saukonpää and
Katrin Sefer.
Starting 13 March
Leiu Heapost 70
Tartu University Library
15 March – 9 April
Priit Pangsepp’s paintings
Tartu Artists’ House
The overview exhibition of Pangsepp, a founding member of Kursi
group, showcases the psychologically tense inner world of the coloursensitive artist.
15 March – 9 April
Exhibition of Siim-Tanel Annus’
Tartu Artists’ House
16 March – 10 April
Paintings and a sound
Tampere House
An exhibition of paintings by the
young Finnish artist Tiitus Petäjäniemi.
16 March–16 June
“Antique Fashion”
Art Museum of Tartu University
The exhibition shows how ancient
Greeks and Romans used to dress,
what their hair-dos were like and
what the secret to their beauty was.
Until 17 March
“The Beginning is Forgotten
before the End Comes”
Finnish Institute in Estonia
Exhibition of the works of Mikko
Hallikainen, a Finland-based painter,
sculptor and graphic artist.
Until 17 March
Lajos Kassak’s exhibition
Estonian Literature Society
Exhibition of the works of the avantgarde Hungarian writer and artist.
Nanotechnology Now - News Story: "NanoDialogue project to engage the public"
11-10-2006, 07:48 PM
Home > News > NanoDialogue project to engage the public
June 30th, 2005
NanoDialogue project to engage the public
The development of nanotechnologies and nanosciences (N&N) is still at an early stage,
though the market for nanotechnology-based products is expected to rise to hundreds
of billions of euro by 2010. To foster public debate on the developments of research in
this field, the NanoDialogue project was recently launched under the European Union's
Sixth Framework Programme (FP6).
The NanoDialogue project, or 'Nanodialogue - Enhancing dialogue on Nanotechnologies
and Nanosciences in society at European level One', is being supported with a budget of
850,000 euro.
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11-10-2006, 07:46 PM
7/4/2005 10:58:11 AM
NanoDialogue project to engage the public in a
debate on nanotechnologies and nanosciences
The development of
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nanotechnologies and
nanosciences (N&N) is
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still at an early stage,
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though the market for
Nanotech Report.
products is expected to
rise to hundreds of
billions of euro by 2010.
To foster public debate
on the developments of Incentives for Business
research in this field,
Upshur Co. Economic Dev. Board Incentives and
the NanoDialogue
Buildings Available
project was recently
launched under the
European Union's Sixth
Framework Programme (FP6).
While products using nanotechnologies are already on the market,
and they already have a growing public profile through science fiction,
public awareness of its real economic and social potential is probably
still quite low. Dialogue on the societal and ethical issues raised by
N&N, between researchers, citizens, civil society and business
stakeholders, is becoming indispensable to democratic policy decisions
in this area.
The European Commission is supporting specific actions to
communicate N&N under the FP6 research work-programme in
'Nanotechnologies and nano-sciences, knowledge-based
multifunctional materials and new production processes and devices'
(NMP). The NanoDialogue project, or 'Nanodialogue - Enhancing
dialogue on Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences in society at
European level One', is being supported with a budget of 850,000
Project coordinator and Director of the Naples science centre, the
Città della Scienza, Dr Luigi Amodio, told CORDIS News, 'Science
centres are natural places to work on such topics. The hands-on
model will be a major part of the relationship between science and
society in future, along with science centres and new activities such
as science cafés.'
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The project partners include eight science centres around Europe, as
Roadmap for
well as ECSITE, the European Network of Science Centres and
Nanotech in Food
Museums. In order to include issues of social participation, the project Explained by
consortium also includes the Centre for Studies on Democracy at the Industry Experts
University of Westminster in the UK.
Dr Amodio sets the initiative in the context of the recent Italian
referendum on stem cell research and its poor level of participation.
'Most people can understand cultural, political or religious arguments,
but don't necessarily have the tools to understand scientific aspects,'
Nano and
in the Food and
Exploring the role of
new technology in
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NanoDialogue project to engage the public in a debate on nanote… - The online resource for Nano Technology And Research
he says.
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Science and technology are vital to the European economy, and
increased understanding tends to lead to increased support, according
to Dr Amodio. If people don't understand the role of science and
technology then they will not be able to support the right policies for
the future.
Nano technology For
'People have both a right and a duty to know what is going on in
Cleaning Products and
Coatings the right surface European laboratories so they can make informed decisions on what
work should continue to be supported,' continues Dr Amodio, and he
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says that as the number of sources of information increases, the
emphasis will move toward it becoming a duty.
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newsletter over 3 years.
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The project, launched in March 2005, is currently in the process of
developing a framework of basic channels for communication and
social debate on N&N. The project is based on a two-fold strategy: on
the one hand, it aims to communicate the latest research
developments in the N&N field to the general public, on the other, it
will try to engage researchers, civil society and citizens in a social
dialogue on nanotechnologies and their related sciences. This dialogue
will help the project to identify the main issues and preoccupations of
these groups concerning nanotechnologies.
11-10-2006, 07:46 PM
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AE Information Center:
What is Nanotechnology? NanoDialogue began with a workshop, held in June 2005, based on
- More Events
the 'exhibition game' methodology, to design the content of the
project's communication instruments. These include: seven interactive
exhibition modules including hands-on exhibits; multimedia and
educational products on N&N; and a website for disseminating
information and for collecting feedback.
New nanotechnology that
'We will try to address real-life situations and applications, such as
may reverse aging and
health, new materials and the environment,' says Dr Amodio, 'this will
treat disease
bring the technologies closer to people and their everyday lives.'
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The exhibition modules will be shown in the eight participating
countries over the course of at least six months, starting in February
2006. Simultaneously, a series of locally organised events, science
demonstrations and debates will be organised to further engage
citizens. Once the project is completed, at the end of February 2007,
the exhibition modules will be shown elsewhere in the participating
countries (Belgium, Estonia, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain and
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As was noted at the European Commission's Science in Society Forum
in Brussels in April, there is more and more emphasis on two-way
dialogue in science communication. Dr Amodio addresses this by
explaining, 'we will also discuss how to collect data from the public,
but there are two probable main methods: a combination of
multimedia interaction and direct experience in the museums, and
involving the public in science shows and demonstrations'. These may
be complemented by the use of websites and an experimental card
The project will collect and analyse feedback from the workshop
participants, in the exhibitions and via the website. The feedback will
be used to formulate a series of recommendations to the European
Commission on the 'governance' agenda in the European Research
Area (ERA). The recommendations will be discussed in a final
European conference gathering relevant experts, decision makers and
Information on this and other N&N projects funded under FP6 can be
found at:
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NanoDialogue project to engage the public in a debate on nanote… - The online resource for Nano Technology And Research
11-10-2006, 07:46 PM
For more information on EU support for research into
nanotechnologies, please consult:
More information on nanotechnologies funding under FP6 is available
More Education Headlines ...
- Drexel University to Open High-Tech Nanotechnology Research Center
- Pitt Combines Tiny Science, Tiny Tech in Multidisciplinary NSF-Funded Course
- UI Research VP Announces New Nanotechnology Institute, Director
- NDSU Nanotechnology doctorate approved
- Los Alamos and Sandia dedicate Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies
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L’Articolo - A Città della Scienza parte NanoDialogue
11-10-2006, 08:15 PM
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Università - Ricerca - Si apre a Gennaio e sarà coordinato da Bagnoli
Alla base l’intreccio tra ricerca, cultura e coinvolgimento degli attori
A Città della Scienza parte NanoDialogue
Rassegna Stampa
di Luigi Amodio*
La prima pagina di oggi
11, Ottobre 2006
scelte operative europee.
Un elemento che ha fortemente
caratterizzato l’approccio della
Commissione Europea nella stesura
del Sesto Programma Quadro di
Ricerca è stato quello del rapporto tra scienza e
società, inteso – in primo luogo – come
costruzione di un dialogo e come ascolto delle
istanze, delle aspirazioni e (perché no) delle
paure dei cittadini, in merito ai contenuti della
ricerca scientifica e tecnologica, che sempre più
impattano la vita quotidiana di ognuno, e alle
Questa opzione, di forte significato politico, sostanziatasi in dispositivi ad hoc
come il Programma “Scienza e Società”, attraversa trasversalmente tutti i
programmi di ricerca, che prevedono azioni specifiche destinate alla
costruzione di iniziative e progetti in tal senso.
Quando poi, come nel caso delle nanotecnologie, il campo di ricerca è
decisamente “di frontiera” e le cui potenziali applicazioni aprono scenari
anche inquietanti (si pensi agli aspetti legati al controllo delle libertà
personali o alle implicazioni sul terreno della salute e dell’inquinamento)
costruire da subito terreni di confronto sociale appare addirittura prioritario.
Come ci ricorda il “dilemma” dello studioso inglese David Collingridge,
l’attenzione sociale verso una nuova tecnologia raggiunge di norma il suo
punto più alto proprio quando – in termini di ricerca, sviluppo e applicazioni –
i “giochi” sono fatti e, a quel punto, è a volte troppo tardi per intervenire e
tutto ciò che rimane da fare è, ormai, prendere atto dell’impatto tecnologico.
non sei ancora registrato?
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· GNU Project
· La nostra redazione
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Il progetto NanoDialogue che la Città della Scienza – messa a punto la
definizione tecnica e formale degli ultimi dettagli contrattuali – svolgerà per
conto della DG Ricerca della Commissione, e in particolare della Direzione
“Tecnologie Industriali”, a partire dal gennaio 2005 per due anni, rappresenta
un modello di sicuro interesse a livello europeo, basato come è su un
intreccio originale tra il contributo delle punte più avanzate della ricerca
scientifica, la diffusione della cultura scientifica al grande pubblico, il
coinvolgimento degli attori sociali attraverso procedure partecipative. Questo
modello, in qualche misura, rappresenta un rispecchiamento di quanto a
Bagnoli stiamo sperimentando. E cioè la connessione – si veda anche
Pagina Stampabile
l’esperienza di Campania Start Up – e la provocazione di un cortocircuito tra
Invia questo Articolo ad
soggetti, competenze, mondi, la cui fertilizzazione incrociata ha
un Amico
rappresentato il successo di aree industriali avanzate, divenute ben presto un
modello nel panorama internazionale (da Sophia Antipolis a Nizza alla Silicon
Valley californiana).
Coordinato dalla Città della Scienza, il progetto vede come partner in primo
luogo l’Associazione MQC2, la cui missione è appunto quella di far sì che la
ricerca più avanzata, soprattutto nel campo delle scienze fisiche e della fisica
della materia, ricada in termini positivi sulla società e sul sistema produttivo.
Nell’ambito del progetto, MQC2 ha la leadership del Scientific Advisory Board
internazionale che individuerà i principali contenuti – scientifici, tecnologici e
industriali ma anche etici, sociali e legali – da tradurre in materiali espositivi
per il grande pubblico e in temi di discussione per gruppi selezionati di
leaders d’opinione.
Il secondo gruppo di partner è quello dei science centres e dei musei
europei. Oltre la Città della Scienza, infatti, la rete europea ECSITE e ben sei
science centres dall’Estonia al Portogallo, passando per Monaco (con il
prestigioso Deutsches Museum), il Belgio, la Francia e la Svezia,
Pagina 1 van 2
L’Articolo - A Città della Scienza parte NanoDialogue
11-10-2006, 08:15 PM
garantiranno la partecipazione e il coinvolgimento della cittadinanza nel
dialogo sull’impatto delle nanotecnologie. Una mostra – che verrà prodotta in
sette copie ed esposta nella varie istituzioni sopra citate (a Napoli in
occasione di Futuro Remoto 2005) itinerando successivamente in altre
capitali europee – costituirà lo spunto per informare, e quindi interrogare, il
grande pubblico, raccogliendone la percezione di questa nuova tecnologia. In
contemporanea con la mostra, presso queste stesse istituzioni, verranno
organizzati incontri con leaders d’opinione, rappresentativi del mondo
scientifico, industriale e politico, per saggiare – attraverso l’uso di
metodologie partecipative – le attese e le prospettive dei principali
stakeholders rispetto all’introduzione delle nanotecnologie e al loro impatto
sulla società. Anche il web, naturalmente, giocherà un importante ruolo nel
collazionare, attraverso polls e questionari, suggestioni, commenti, idee,
senza confini di tipo geografico.
I materiali raccolti attraverso questa “consultazione” saranno infine valutati e
tradotti in raccomandazioni per la Commissione Europea da Città della
Scienza con il supporto del Centre for the Study on Democracy
dell’Università di Londra, luogo tra i più avanzati in Europa per lo studio delle
dinamiche della partecipazione politica nelle società del capitalismo maturo.
Questa, in estrema sintesi, l’architettura del progetto, il cui aspetto principale
– lo ripetiamo – è nell’originale sintesi tra dimensione della ricerca scientifica
e industriale, comunicazione al pubblico e ricerca sociale e nel
riconoscimento – di cui va fatto merito alla DG Ricerca della Commissione
Europea – del ruolo che istituzioni come Città della Scienza possono giocare
per attivare uno sviluppo di qualità. Quello, cioè, di cui Napoli e il
Mezzogiorno hanno urgente bisogno.
* Direttore del Science Centre di Città della Scienza e responsabile del
progetto NanoDialogue
Sabato, 09 Ottobre
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11-10-2006, 07:49 PM
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NANODIALOGUE: enhancing dialogue on nanotechnologies and nanosciences in society at the
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In Portugal, there is currently an exhibition at Pavilhão do Conhecimento.
Categories: Science education, Science exhibitions, Science on the web
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Young Germany: What's on in September: Exhibitions
11-10-2006, 07:58 PM
What's on in September: Exhibitions
“Psychoanalysis: Sigmund Freud at 150”
Jewish Musuem in Berlin
until 22 September
A couch, a chair, and language was all that were essential to mental health treatment according to
Sigmund Freud. The life and work of the father of modern psychoanalysis is featured in an extensive
exhibit marking the anniversary of what would have been his 150th birthday
“Rembrandt: Quest of a Genius”
Gemäldegalerie, Berlin
until 5 November
The 400th birthday of Rembrandt is being celebrated with a selection of the master’s varied works on
loan from international galleries. The collection of over 80 exhibits is the largest show of Rembrandt’s
jubilee year.
“Joe Colombo – Inventing the Future”
Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein
until 10 September
Walls that pivot and move, televisions that retract into the ceiling and a retractable mini bar are just some
of the creations of famed Italian designer Joe Colombo more destined for a scene of Star Trek than a flat
in New York, London, or Paris. The designs of Colombo, however, are functional, striking, and cuttingedge and on exhibit at the Vitra Design Museum in cooperation with the Triennale di Milano.
“Guggenheim Collection”
Kunstmuseum Bonn…alendar.98.html+Nanodialogue&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=29&client=safari
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Young Germany: What's on in September: Exhibitions
11-10-2006, 07:58 PM
Until 7 January 2006
Masterworks from the Guggenheim collections in New York, Venice, Berlin, and Bilbao featuring
impressionist, modern, and contemporary works are on display at the Kunstmuseum Bonn. The works
will be complimented by a second exhibition, “The Guggenheim: Architecture.”
Berlin-Tokyo/Tokyo-Berlin – The Art of Two Cities
Natinal Gallery, Berlin
until 3 October
In connection wtih the 2005/2006 German Year in Japan, Berlin’s New National Gallery and Tokyo’s
Mori Art Museum are featuring an exhibition of the art of two cities. The historic bond between the two
nations has influenced the art communities over the past 100 years.
World Events: Masterpieces in reportage photography by Associated Press
Unitl 1 November
Völklinger Hütte, Saarland
The World Heritage Site Völklinger Hütte in Saarland is displaying 70 large journalistic photographs of
major world events occuring over the past 50 years, including many Pulitzer prize-winners of the
Associated Press.
Deutsches Museum, Munich
until 9 September
You could be forgiven for not having noticed it, but nano-technology is slowly but surely creeping into
our lives. With the market for nano-tech products expected to rise to hundreds of billions of dollars by
the end of this decade, the European Union has decided to enlighten us all through the NanoDialogue
project. Powered by the EU, this exhibition is aimed at fostering public debate about the possible
applications of nano-products at 'the European level'. Actually, if you're in any one of eight European
cities from Gothenburg to Naples this summer you can take in the exhibition, such is the EU's
commitment to spreading some big ideas about very little things.
“The Eighth Square: Gender, Life, and Desire in the Arts since 1960”
Museum Ludwig in Cologne
Until 12 November 2006
The title “The Eighth Square” derives from the chess rule that if a pawn makes it to the eighth square it
will transform into a queen. In chess, this switch of gender results in a total transformation of the game.
In the exhibit "The Eighth Square" artists ask questions about the roles of gender and identity in society,
politics, and life.
Schirn Kunsthalle
through October 1
Internet, television, magazines, laptops, media players, bill boards, shopping malls – the list of images…alendar.98.html+Nanodialogue&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=29&client=safari
Pagina 2 van 3
Eesti Geenikeskus
11-10-2006, 08:28 PM
Avaleht » Uudised
Vali allosa
BiotechEstonia, 3/2005
In English
L iitu ig an äd alas e
b iote h n oloog ia u u d is te
m e ililis tig a
Teaduskohvik: nanobioteadus
Kolmapäeval, 23. augustil, algusega kell 17.00 toimub
Tallinnas, Kloostri Aidas, Vene tänav 14 populaarteaduslik
teaduskohvik "Nanobioteadus".
Teaduskohvikus esineb Andrew E. Pelling, HBSc PhD Londoni
Nanotehnoloogia Keskusest. Oma ettekandes räägib ta
nanobioteaduse arengust, täna tehtavatest uuringutest Londoni
Nanotehnoloogia Keskuses ja sellest, kuidas nanotehnoloogia
murrab läbi traditsioonilistest akadeemilistest piiridest nii teaduses
kui ka kunstis.
Biotehnoloogia sektori
ülevaade 2004-2005
Teaduskohvikut modereerib dr. Anne Kahru, Keemilise ja
Bioloogilise Füüsika Instituudi (KBFI) Molekulaargeneetika Labori
juhataja kt, In vitro ja ökotoksikoloogia grupi juht.
G e e n ivar am u m e e d ias
Eesti meedias
Biote h n oloog ia L iit
S c an Balt võr g u s tik
Teaduskohvikut korraldavad Briti Nõukogu ja SA AHHAA
Teaduskohvikusse "Nanobioteadus" on osalema oodatud kõik, kes
soovivad selgust saada, mida nanobioteadus endast kujutab.
Üritus on kõigile huvilistele tasuta.
Allikas: AHHAA Teaduskeskus
Loe edasi »
Veel trükiseid...
EL struktuurifondid
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11-10-2006, 07:54 PM
[buscador avanzado]
Ciencia animada : Revista : Agenda : Enlaces : La investigación en Andalucía
Política y div. científica
Ciencias de la vida
Tec. de la producción
Física, química y matemáticas
Ciencias económicas, sociales y jurídicas
Información y telecom.
Medio ambiente
4 de Julio de 2005
El desarrollo de las nanotecnologías y las nanociencias todavía está en una fase inicial, aunque se espera que, para 2010, el
mercado de los productos basados en las nanotecnologías aumente en cientos de miles de millones de euros. Para suscitar el debate
público sobre los avances de la investigación en este campo, se ha lanzado recientemente el proyecto NanoDialogue del VI
Programa Marco de la Unión Europea.
Cordis Noticias
Aunque ya se encuentran en el mercado productos que utilizan las nanotecnologías, y son cada vez más conocidos por el público a través de la
ciencia ficción, los ciudadanos todavía no son muy conscientes del verdadero potencial económico y social. El dialogo entre investigadores,
ciudadanos, la sociedad civil e interlocutores de la industria sobre los temas sociales y éticos que plantean las nanotecnologías y las
nanociencias, es cada vez más indispensable para tomar decisiones políticas democráticas en esta área.
La Comisión Europea está llevando a cabo en la actualidad acciones específicas para difundir las nanotecnologías y las nanociencias dentro del
programa de trabajo de investigación Nanotecnologías, materiales inteligentes y nuevos procedimientos de producción del VI Programa Marco.
Una de éstas, el proyecto NanoDialogue, (Nanodialogue -Enhancing dialogue on Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences in society at European level
One), ha sido dotado con un presupuesto de 850.000 euros.
El doctor Luigi Amodio, coordinador del proyecto y director del centro científico de Nápoles, Città della Scienza, explicó a Noticias CORDIS que
"los centros científicos son lugares donde precisamente se puede avanzar en estos temas. El modelo práctico constituirá una parte principal de
la relación entre la ciencia y la sociedad en el futuro, junto con los centros científicos y las nuevas actividades como los "cafés científicos".
Entre los socios del proyecto figuran ocho centros científicos de Europa, y ECSITE, la red europea de centros científicos y museos. Con el fin de
dar cabida a las cuestiones relativas a la participación social, se ha incluido también en el consorcio del proyecto el Centre for Studies on
Democracy, de la universidad de Westminster, en Reino Unido.
El doctor Amodio enmarca la iniciativa en el contexto del reciente referéndum italiano sobre la investigación con células madre y su escaso nivel
de participación. "La mayoría de las personas pueden comprender los argumentos culturales, políticos o religiosos, pero no tienen
necesariamente las claves para comprender los aspectos científicos".
La ciencia y la tecnología son vitales para la economía europea y, un mayor entendimiento acerca de éstas suele propiciar un mayor respaldo,
según el doctor Amodio. Si la gente no comprende el papel de la ciencia y la tecnología no será, por lo tanto, capaz de dar su apoyo a las
políticas adecuadas para el futuro.
"Las personas tienen el derecho y el deber de conocer qué es lo que se cuece en los laboratorios europeos, para que puedan tomar decisiones
conscientes sobre las actividades que deberían seguir recibiendo apoyo", declara el doctor Amodio, quien cree que, conforme aumentan las
fuentes de información, se irá cada vez convirtiendo más en un deber.
El proyecto, lanzado en marzo de 2005, se encuentra actualmente en proceso de elaborar un marco de canales básicos para la comunicación y
el debate social sobre nanotecnologías y nanociencias. El proyecto se basa en una estrategia doble: por una parte, tiene el objetivo de
comunicar los últimos avances en investigación en el campo de las nanotecnologías y las nanociencias al público en general y, por otro lado,
intentará involucrar a los investigadores, la sociedad civil y los ciudadanos en un dialogo social sobre nanotecnologías y sus ciencias
relacionadas. El dialogo servirá para que el proyecto identifique las principales cuestiones y preocupaciones de estos grupos en relación con las
El proyecto NanoDialogue comenzó con un seminario, en junio de 2005, basado en la metodología de "juego de exhibición", con el objetivo de
diseñar el contenido de los instrumentos de comunicación del proyecto. Entre estos figuran: siete módulos de exhibición interactiva, que
incluyen exhibiciones prácticas; productos multimedia y educativos sobre nanotecnologías y nanociencias; y un sitio web para difundir la
información y para recoger comentarios.
El doctor Amodio explica que, "intentaremos abordar situaciones y aplicaciones de la vida real, como la salud, los nuevos materiales y el medio
ambiente. Esto acercará más las tecnologías a las personas en sus vidas diarias".
Los módulos de exhibición se expondrán en los ocho países participantes durante al menos seis meses, a partir de febrero de 2006. De forma
paralela, se organizarán una serie de manifestaciones locales, demostraciones científicas y debates con el fin de lograr la participación de los
ciudadanos. Una vez concluido el proyecto, a finales de febrero de 2007, los módulos de exhibición se mostrarán en otros lugares como
Bélgica, Estonia, Francia, Alemania, Portugal, España y Suecia.
Como se constató en el foro de ciencia y sociedad celebrado por la Comisión Europea el pasado abril en Bruselas, cada vez hay un mayor
Pagina 1 van 2
11-10-2006, 07:54 PM
énfasis en el dialogo bidireccional en el ámbito de la comunicación de la ciencia. El doctor Amodio planteó esta cuestión y explicó que
"debatiremos también cómo obtener datos de los ciudadanos, si bien hay dos métodos principales probables: la combinación de interacciones
con herramientas multimedia y la experiencia directa que aportan los museos, y hacer que el público participe en las exposiciones y
demostraciones científicas". A esto podría añadirse el uso de las páginas web y un juego de cartas experimental.
El proyecto recogerá y analizará los comentarios de los participantes en el seminario, las exhibiciones y a través de la página web. Los
comentarios se utilizarán para formular una serie de recomendaciones a la Comisión Europea sobre la agenda para la "gobernanza" del espacio
europeo de investigación. Las recomendaciones se debatirán en una conferencia final europea que reunirá a importantes expertos, responsables
políticos e interlocutores.
Más información:
Consulte este proyecto y otros sobre nanotecnologías y nanociencias financiados por el VIPM
Información sobre el apoyo de la UE a la investigación en nanotecnologías
Más información sobre la financiación de las nanotecnologías dentro del VIPM
Este portal se publica bajo una licencia de Creative Commons.
Diseño web
Quiénes somos : Contáctanos : Suscríbete a nuestro boletín electrónico : Innova Press : Mapa web
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Kultuuriaken: kultuur.teated kirjalist
11-10-2006, 08:31 PM
Sa asud: esileht › kultuur.teated kirjalist › Seminar: Teeme tutvust nanotehnoloogiaga
Seminar: Teeme tutvust nanotehnoloogiaga
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 11:43:59 +0300 (EEST)
From: SA Domus Dorpatensis
MIME-Version: 1.0
User-Agent: IMP/PHP IMAP webmail program 2.2.6
Neljapäeval, 24. augustil, kell 17.00-20.00 toimub Tartus, Domus Dorpatensise
maja seminariruumis Raekoja plats 1/ Ülikooli 7 populaarteaduslik seminar:
„Teeme tutvust nanotehnoloogiaga“.
Seminaril antakse lihtsas keeles ülevaade nanotehnoloogia olemusest ja selle
keeruka tehnoloogia kasutusaladest. Seminaril esinevad Tartu Ülikooli Füüsika
Instituudi vanemteadurid Rünno Lõhmus, Ilmar Kink ja Raivo Jaaniso.
Seminari korraldavad SA Teaduskeskus AHHAA ning Teaduse ja Kultuuri Sihtasutus
Domus Dorpatensis.
17.00 – 17.50
17.50 – 18.10
18.10 – 19.00
19.00 – 19.50
Ülevaade Nanotehnoloogiast - Rünno Lõhmus
Nanotehnoloogia rakendused - Ilmar Kink
Kilest klaasini – Nanotehnoloogilised materjalid - Raivo
modereerib: Aigar Vaigu (Tartu Ülikooli füüsikatudeng)
Seminarile „Teeme tutvust nanotehnoloogiaga“ on osalema oodatud kõik, kes
soovivad selgust saada, mida nanotehnoloogia endast kujutab.
Üritus on kõigile huvilistele tasuta.
Projekti toetab Euroopa Liit.
Lisainfo: või telefonil 53 410 793
Siiri Suursoo
Projektijuhi abi
Teaduse ja Kultuuri Sihtasutus Domus Dorpatensis
[email protected]
-Domus Dorpatensis
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Kultur
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NanoDialogue, soon on the road
While products using nanotechnologies are already on the market (and already have a growing public
profile through science fiction, e.g. Michael Crichton Prey’’), public awareness of its real economic and
social potential is probably still quite low. To foster public debate, the NanoDialogue project was
launched under the European Union's Sixth Framework Programme, with a budget of 850,000 euro.
The project partners include eight science centres around Europe, as well as ECSITE, the European
Network of Science Centres and Museums. The project consortium also includes the Centre for
Studies on Democracy at the University of Westminster in the UK. NanoDialogue began with a
workshop, held in June 2005, based on the 'exhibition game' methodology, to design the content of
the project's communication instruments. The exhibition will be shown in the eight participating
countries over the course of at least six months, starting in February 2006. Simultaneously, a series of
locally organised events, science demonstrations and debates will be organised.
<>Cordis fact sheet <>Washington Post editorial review of ‘’Prey’’
Mis en ligne le 23 août 2005
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24. august 2006, 17:00 Tartumaa, Tartu
11-10-2006, 08:32 PM
Teema: kõik teemad
Teeme tutvust nanotehnoloogiaga
Populaarteaduslik seminar, kus antakse lihtsas keeles ülevaade
nanotehnoloogia olemusest ja selle keeruka tehnoloogia
kasutusaladest. Esinevad Tartu Ülikooli Füüsika Instituudi
vanemteadurid Rünno Lõhmus, Ilmar Kink ja Raivo Jaaniso.
Seminarile on osalema oodatud kõik, kes soovivad selgust saada,
mida nanotehnoloogia endast kujutab.
17.00–17:50 Ülevaade nanotehnoloogiast - Rünno Lõhmus
17:50–18:10 Kohvipaus
18:10–19:00 Nanotehnoloogia rakendused -Ilmar Kink
19:00–19:50 Kilest klaasini – nanotehnoloogilised materjalid - Raivo
Teavita tuttavaid
Arvamused (0)
Asukoht kaardil
Tegijate andmed
Seminari modereerib Tartu Ülikooli füüsikatudeng Aigar Vaigu.
Üritust korraldavad SA Teaduskeskus AHHAA ning Teaduse ja Kultuuri
Sihtasutus Domus Dorpatensis.
Projekti toetab Euroopa Liit.
Üritus on kõigile huvilistele tasuta.
Domus Dorpatensis
Raekoja plats 1 / Ülikooli 7, 51003 Tartu
(+372)7 331 345 [email protected]
http://www.d ...
Domus Dorpatensis
Raekoja plats 1/Ülikooli 7
[email protected]
Eesti Instituut 2002-2005
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The Park
11-10-2006, 08:12 PM
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Enllaços relacionats
Opening of EXPONANO “Smaller than small. Nanotechnology under debate”
EXPONANO “Smaller than small. Nanotechnology under debate” is the title of an exhibition that will be opened
on 3 October at 18.30h in the “Pau Gargallo” Hall of the faculties of Chemistry and Physics of the Universitat de
Barcelona (University of Barcelona) (Av. Diagonal, 647). The exhibition, which will be open daily to the public from
10 to 14 h and from 16 to 20h from 4 October until 15 December seeks to provide information and stimulate
debate about nanotechnology and its application in our everyday lives.
The exhibition forms part of the European project called Nanodialogue,
which involves nine EU countries, namely Italy, France, Estonia,
Belgium, Germany, UK, Sweden, Portugal and Spain, the latter
participating through the Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB, Barcelona
Science Park). These countries have developed EXPONANO which, in
addition to scientific information, presents the opinions of several fields
and addresses the concerns of the public at large. The Catalan version
of the exhibition is funded through a grant from the Ministry of
Education and Science and comprises an action item of the
«Research in Society Programme» of the PCB.
To extend debate on this subject, presentations will be organized for
the general public in order to register the opinions expressed by
distinct sectors of society. The local results obtained will be presented
at the faculties of Chemistry and Physics during December, and results obtained in the diverse participant
countries will be shown in a conference to be held in February 2007 in Brussels.
For further information
contact the Press Office:
[email protected]
Tel. +34 93 403 4662
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Tartu Ülikool
11-10-2006, 08:30 PM
11.10.06 / 21:30
neljapäev, 24. august
17:00 - 20:00 Seminar „Teeme tutvust nanotehnoloogiaga“
Neljapäeval, 24. augustil, kella 17.00-20.00 toimub Tartus, Domus Dorpatensise maja seminariruumis Raekoja plats 1/ Ülikooli
7 populaarteaduslik seminar „Teeme tutvust nanotehnoloogiaga“.
Seminaril antakse lihtsas keeles ülevaade nanotehnoloogia olemusest ja selle keeruka tehnoloogia kasutusaladest. Esinevad
Tartu Ülikooli Füüsika Instituudi vanemteadurid Rünno Lõhmus, Ilmar Kink ja Raivo Jaaniso.
Seminari korraldavad SA Teaduskeskus AHHAA ning Teaduse ja Kultuuri Sihtasutus Domus Dorpatensis.
Osalema on oodatud kõik, kes soovivad selgust saada, mida nanotehnoloogia endast kujutab.
Üritus on kõigile huvilistele tasuta.
Projekti toetab Euroopa Liit.
Rahvusvaheline suvekool „Infektsioonhaigused ja intensiivravi“
24. augustist 1. septembrini toimub Tartus Tartu Ülikooli, Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikumi ja Berliini Charite Ülikoolihaigla koostöös
korraldatav rahvusvaheline suvekool „Infektsioonhaigused ja intensiivravi“.
Suvekooli eesmärk on anda osalejatele igakülgsed teadmised ja praktilised oskused, mis on vajalikud sagedamini esinevate
eluohtlike infektsioonhaiguste diagnoosimiseks ja raviks. Koolitusest võtavad osa arstiteaduse viimase kursuse üliõpilased,
doktorandid ja residendid Eestist, Saksamaalt ja Portugalist. Suvekool on Tartu Ülikooli arstiteaduskonna ja Berliini Charite
Ülikoolihaigla koostööprojekt, mille eesmärk on lisaks noorte arstide koolitamisele ka kahe keskuse vaheliste teadus-, arendusja õpetustegevusalaste koostöösidemete tugevdamine.
Suvekoolis peavad loenguid Berliini juhtivad immunoloogia, mikrobioloogia ja nefroloogia professorid. Programmis on kolm
avatud loengut, millest võivad osa võtta ka suvekooli mitteregistreerunud huvilised. Loengud on inglise keeles ja toimuvad A.
Linkbergi nim. auditooriumis (L. Puusepa 8) alljärgnevalt:
Esmaspäeval, 28. augustil
09.00-11.00 Prof. Hans-Dietrich Volk, Department of Immunology, Charite University Hospital, Berlin - Infection and immune
Teisipäeval, 29. augustil
09.00-11.00 Prof. Ralf Schumann, Department of Microbiology, Charite University Hospital, Berlin - Genetics in sepsis
14.00-16.00 Prof. Petra Reinke, Department of Nephrology, Charite University Hospital, Berlin - Infectious diseases in
immunosuppressed patients
Näitus "200 aastat vana anatoomikumi"
Näitus tutvustab Vana-Anatoomikumi ehituslugu ning seal õpetanud, töötanud ja õppinud kuulsamaid teadlasi, juhtides samas
tähelepanu ka anatoomikumi väga halvale ehituslikule olukorrale.
2005. aastal möödus 200 aastat Tartu ühe sümboli - Vana-Anatoomikumi tegevuse algusest. 1805. aastal valmis VanaAnatoomikumi rotundiosa, mille ehitamist oli alustatud kaks aastat varem. Aja möödudes suurenes vajadus rohkemate ruumide
järele ning hoone lisandusid kahes järgus 1825-1827 ja 1856-1860 ka tiibehitised.
Selles hoones on töötanud palju teadusajaloos kindla koha leidnud kuulsaid arstiteadlasi. Anatoomikumis on töötanud 19.
sajandi esimese veerandi üks suurimaid anatoome Karl Burdach, kes pööras erilist tähelepanu peaaju morfoloogiale, onto- ja
Pagina 1 van 4
European Commission - Research: Industrial technologies - ‘Talking nano’ wins ‘Best forum session’ prize at CER2005
11-10-2006, 07:55 PM
Nanotechnologies and nanosciences, knowledge-based multifunctional
materials & new production processes and devices
17/11/2005 - ‘Talking nano’ wins ‘Best forum session’ prize at CER2005
Presentations of the Nano Dialogue, Nanologue and NanoBioRAISE
projects formed the basis for a workshop on communicating
nanotechnology at the CER2005 conference – which participants voted
the event’s best forum session.
Nanotechnology is already starting to deliver significant benefits in new or
improved consumer products – but there is also widespread concern that it
involves new risks. Public engagement and understanding is essential for
nanotechnology’s acceptance, market potential and political governance.
The workshop, which took place at the Communicating European Research 2005 conference in Brussels, set out to
explore the challenges of communicating nanoscience to the general public. It examined its novelty, its ethical, legal
and social aspects, and the similarities and differences between the debate on nanotechnology and those surrounding
other new technologies such as GMOs.
David Bennett presented NanoBio-RAISE, which is identifying lessons that can be learned from the GMO debate;
Guglielmo Maglio of NanoDialogue described the project’s development of an integrated process for social debate of
issues and expectations; and Nanologue’s Volker Türk outlined the ethical, legal and social questions raised by the new
technology. Introductory presentations by Richard Hayhurst (4bio) and Wolfgang Heckl (Deutsches Museum)
highlighted the importance of communicating nanotechnology from the perspectives of the journalist and the
The presentations were followed by a lively debate moderated by Richard Hayhurst, and conference participants
subsequently voted the session the event’s best forum session, winning the presenters an award presented by
Director-General for Research, Achilleas Mitsos.
The Communicating European Research conference link 1, CER2005
Nanodialogue project website link 2
Nanologue project website link 3
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Euroscience Open Forum 2006, 15 - 19 July, Munich, Germany
11-10-2006, 08:11 PM
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|Registration &
EU Nanotechnology Projects in Action
The European Union’s exhibition area at ESOF2006 features
nanotechnology research as an up-to- date example of how
science and communication can and have to work together.
Visitors will be able to take a closer look at major
achievements from the science of the small, talk to leading
scientists and communicators, participate in the
demonstrations and contribute to the nanodebate.
Two of the projects are of particular interest to young
people. They will be able to play the game developed by
DECIDE to get involved in political decision-making in
nanotechnology, while DOTIK will demonstrate to them a
new training scheme for young science presenters. The
NanoDialogue project that is currently presenting an
exhibition on social aspects of nanotechnology at the
Deutsches Museum will also take part in the
|The Euroscience Open Forum
greeted over 2100 participants
from 58 countries in Munich!
|Click here to view the
ESOF2006 online newsroom!
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|The winners of the Poetry
Competition were announced
during the ESOF2006 Closing
Ceremony. Click here to read the
|The Euroscience Open Forum
2008 will be held 18-22 July in
Two of the projects on show – Cornea Engineering and
Safer- represent nanomedical research and Antistorm
provides one of the first insights into the science of “manmade” weather in Europe. Nanologue will also disseminate
information and NaPa will offer a comprehensive insight into
the creation of nanometer-scale features on solid surfaces,
known as nanopatterning.
ESOF2006 participants will also be able to learn more about
the forthcoming ERAWATCH service, a European web-based
platform which will gather information and data on national
and regional research policies, actors, organisations and
programmes. Data will be accessed on a country as well as
at an aggregate EU level, and users will be able to
customise the way data is presented and downloaded.
The new service will cover the 25 Member States of the
European Union, countries associated to the European
Community's Research Framework Programme, and for
comparative purposes China, Japan and USA.
ERAWATCH is targeted at those interested and active in
research policy making in Europe, for example decision
makers, policy analysts, researchers, NGOs. It is developed
jointly by the European Commission's Directorate-General
for Research and the Joint Research Centre's Institute for
Prospective Technological Studies, in collaboration with
CORDIS, the official online research information service of
the EU's Publications Office. For more information on
ERAWATCH, ESOF2006 participants may visit the partners'
stands, all present at the EU exhibition area.
The EU’s Publications Office will feature on its stand daily
presentations at 3 pm on “How to Benefit from EU Research
Funding”, provided by CORDIS.
For more details, click here.
Written by Virginia Mercouri
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Table of Contents
• Partnerships and Public Participation
CIPAST: Transfer of expertise and
training activities
• NanoDialogue
Project to engage the public in a debate
on nanotechnologies and nanosciences
• Nanologue launched
Europe-wide dialogue launched on
benefits, risks and social, ethical and
legal implications of nanotechnologies
• NanoJury
A democratic tool to influence how new
technologies are developed
• Meeting of Minds
European Citizens’ Deliberation on
Brain Science
• ForSociety
Foresight ERA-Net Newsletter
• See-through Science
Why public engagement needs to
move upstream
weekly e-newsletter on citizen participation around the world
Project partners
La Cité des sciences et de l’ industrie
(Paris, F), Rathenau Institute (Den
Haag, NL), Danish Board of Technology
(Copenhagen, DK), Centre for Studies
of Democracy, University of Westminster
(London, UK), Science-Society Interface, University of Lausanne (CH), Citta
della Scienza (Napels, I), Deutsches
Hygienemuseum (Dresden, D), INSERM
(Paris, F), INRA (Paris, F), ARMINES
(Paris, F), Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (Paris, F) and the Bonn
Science Shop (D).
CIPAST has been awarded financial support by the
European Commission through the contract No. 013518
in the framework of “Coordination Action”; programme
“Structuring the European Research Area”
No.1 - October 2005
have the great pleasure to announce that the CIPAST platform has
been launched. At time of high science and technology issues, it is
essential to include civil society in the debates.
Citizen participation has considerably evolved during the last decade.
Bringing the actors together within the CIPAST platform will provide an
opportunity to foster the emergence of an European culture of participatory democracy in scientific and technological issues.
The CIPAST newsletter provides news, on a three month basis, on the
situation of participatory procedures in Europe, news about the project
and its members and provides links to useful electronic and print resources aimed at strengthening civil society in Europe.
The CIPAST platform is a participation project, any contribution is welcome. Please feel free to criticise but also to contribute, by sending news,
events, short reports or experiences from your special field of work.
Roland Schaer, CIPAST project coordinator
Partnerships and Public Participation
The regulation of scientific-technological innovation becomes more and
more hazardous for decision makers. Taking genetic modified organisms,
nanotechnology or intensive care medicine as examples: Will the political,
economic or social consequences of todays decisions be justified in 10 or
20 years? What if the decisions have been wrong? New governance strategies are based on a principle of partnership between the state, experts,
stake-holder interests and citizens. Partnership brings more different values and knowledge to solve problems.
The CIPAST platform, a three years project, coordinated by Cité des
sciences et de l’industrie, Paris, aims at bringing together different families of experienced actors from organisations with significant experiences
in the use of participatory procedures in scientific and technological issues. Twelve organisations from seven countries cooperate to achieve
and encourage improved knowledge and experience transfer between
European actors and decision-makers involved in participatory initiatives
by structuring a network, disseminating good practices and circulating
relevant information.
Setting up a training program
Experience in public participation has reached a critical mass. Organisational learning, dissemination of good practices across institutions
and countries, as well as critical self-reflection are now to be achieved
among practitioners and users of participatory methods & procedures.
The CIPAST work programme will foster the transfer of expertise through
the implementation of training programmes for the three identified contexts of decision: “upstream”, “regulation” and “social diffusion”. A corpus
of training tools, based on case-studies and tested in training sessions,
will be developed for the pragmatic needs of the potential users.
More about CIPAST at
No.1 - October 2005
Project to engage the public in a debate
on nanotechnologies and nanosciences
The development of nanotechnologies and nanosciences
(N&N) is still at an early stage, but the market for
nanotechnology-based products is expected to rise to
hundreds of billions of euro by 2010. NanoDialogue is a
recently launched project to foster public debate on the
developments of research in this field.
Products using nanotechnologies are already on the
market, and they already have a growing public profile
but public awareness of its real economic and social
potential is probably still quite low. Citizens do have a
right to know what is going on in European laboratories. Science and technology are vital to the European
economy, and increased understanding will finally lead
to increased support. But if citizens don’t understand
the role of science and technology in a modern society
then they will not be able to support the right policies
for the future or to make justified decisions on what
work should be continued or further supported. Dialogue on the societal and ethical issues raised by N&N,
between researchers, citizens, civil society and business
stakeholders, is becoming indispensable to democratic
policy decisions in this area.
The NanoDialogue project, launched in March 2005 under the European Union’s Sixth Framework Programme
(FP6) and coordinated by the Naples science centre,
the Città della Scienza, is currently in the process of
developing a framework of basic channels for communication and social debate on N&N. The project is
based on a two-fold strategy: on the one hand, it aims
to communicate the latest research developments in
the N&N field to the general public, on the other, it will
try to engage researchers, civil society and citizens in
a social dialogue on nanotechnologies and their related
sciences. This dialogue will help the project to identify
the main issues and preoccupations of these groups
concerning nanotechnologies.
The project partners include eight science centres
around Europe, as well as ECSITE, the European Network of Science Centres and Museums. In order to include issues of social participation, the project consortium also includes the Centre for Studies on Democracy at
the University of Westminster in the UK. NanoDialogue
began with a workshop, held in June 2005, based on the
‘exhibition game’ methodology, to design the content of
the project’s communication instruments. These include:
seven interactive exhibition modules including hands-on
exhibits; multimedia and educational products on N&N;
and a website for disseminating information and for collecting feedback.
The exhibition modules will be shown in the eight participating countries over the course of at least six months,
starting in February 2006. Simultaneously, a series of
locally organised events, science demonstrations and debates will be organised to further engage citizens. Once
the project is completed, at the end of February 2007,
the exhibition modules will be shown elsewhere in the
participating countries (Belgium, Estonia, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain and Sweden).
Dr Luigi Amodio, project coordinator and Director of the
Naples science centre, sets the initiative in the context
of the recent Italian referendum on stem cell research
and its poor level of participation. “Most people can understand cultural, political or religious arguments, but
don’t necessarily have the tools to understand scientific
aspects,” he told CORDIS News and went on: “Science
centres are natural places to work on such topics. The
hands-on model will be a major part of the relationship
between science and society in future, along with science
centres and new activities such as science cafés.”
As was noted at the European Commission’s Science in
Society Forum in Brussels in April, there is more and more
emphasis on two-way dialogue in science communication.
The NanoDialogue project therefore will discuss how to collect data from the public, but as Dr. Amodio explains there
are two probable main methods: a combination of multimedia interaction and direct experience in the museums, and
involving the public in science shows and demonstrations.
These may be complemented by the use of websites.
The project will collect and analyse feedback from the
workshop participants, in the exhibitions and via the
website. The feedback will be used to formulate a series
of recommendations to the European Commission on
the ‘governance’ agenda in the European Research Area
(ERA). The recommendations will be discussed in a final
European conference gathering relevant experts, decision
makers and stakeholders.
Information on this and other N&N projects funded
under FP6 can be found at:
- Culture scientifique et technique
11-10-2006, 08:02 PM
Aug 2006
Jul 2006
Jun 2006
May 2006
Apr 2006
Mar 2006
Feb 2006
Jan 2006
Dec 2005
Nov 2005
Oct 2005
Mad Maths au Coleo (Pontcharra)
30/09/06 22:40
vendredi 20 octobre 20h30 , séance scolaire 14h30
Plus d'infos :
Sur le site du coleo…
Télécharger de dossier de présentation…
Lectures de sciences : « L’Homme réparé »
30/09/06 10:39
Pagina 1 van 9
- Culture scientifique et technique
11-10-2006, 08:02 PM
Les 12, 13 et 14 octobre 2006, l’Université Joseph Fourier, l’Université Stendhal et Grenoble
Universités organisent en partenariat avec Lieux-dits et Lire en Fête, des lectures-spectacle sur
le thème de l’Homme réparé.
Depuis toujours, l’interrogation sur le corps et son devenir a été un thème d'écriture et un
carrefour de rencontre des imaginaires. L’Homme réparé se rapproche de ces hommes du futur
imaginés par les scientifiques ou les romanciers et cette perspective pose aux scientifiques,
comme aux citoyens ordinaires bon nombre d’interrogations éthiques et morales. Si nous
pourrons dans un futur proche réparer la mécanique du corps, saurons-nous aussi réparer les
psychés blessées, les souffrances mentales ?
Des textes de Marie Shelley, Antonin Arthaud, Francis Hopstein, Luigi Pirandello, Vincent Gilbert,
et Gisèle Prassimos seront lus par Bruno Riner et Michel Ferber de la compagnie Anagramme.
Ces lectures-spectacles seront complétées par un échange avec :
- Christian Abry, professeur à l'Université Stendhal, les 12 et 14 octobre
- Antoine Depaulis, biologiste, chercheur Inserm en neurosciences, le 13 octobre
- Laurent Vercueil, neurologue, praticien hospitalier au CHU de Grenoble, le 13 octobre.
Ces lectures, organisées dans le cadre du festival Lieux Dits - Lire en Fête et de la Fête de la
science, auront lieu :
- jeudi 12 octobre à 12h30 à la Bibliothèque Universitaire Droit-Lettres
- vendredi 13 octobre à 12h30 au Musée des sciences médicales du CHU de Grenoble
- le Samedi 14 Octobre à 18h30 à la Librairie du Square
L’entrée est libre et gratuite.
Contact : Sylvie Reghezza 04 76 51 45 04
[email protected]
Débats, ateliers, rencontres autour des nanotechnologies
30/09/06 10:30
Pagina 2 van 9
- Culture scientifique et technique
11-10-2006, 08:02 PM
Les nanotechs vont-elles changer les pratiques médicales ?
Débat public du cycle Nanovivu restaurant la Cour des Miracles, Place Paul Vallier à Grenoble
mardi 03 octobre à 18h30
Entrée libre et gratuite
Réservations conseillées à [email protected] _
Diverses innovations nanotechnologiques proposent de mieux cibler les organes malades, de créer
des tissus artificiels, des nano-implants, des puces de diagnostic pour traitements personnalisés…
Cela va t-il changer quelque chose ? Quels sont les espoirs thérapeutiques, les dépenses
engagées ? Qui seront les bénéficiaires, selon quel accès et à quel coût ? Quelles sont les
priorités de ces innovations : réparation ou amélioration des performances ? Quels seront les
changements dans les rapports au corps et à la maladie ?
Tout le programme : sur le site du CCSTI et sur le site de vivagora
Atelier / débat autour des nanotechnologies
jeudi 5 octobre de 12h à 14h :
A l’Espace Vie Etudiante du Campus Universitaire, dans le cadre de « Fête la Rentrée »
Entrée libre et gratuite
Réservations conseillées à [email protected]
Le principe
Dans le cadre d’un projet Européen, le CCSTI Grenoble organise des ateliers de discussion pour
10 participants autour des questions éthiques liées aux avancées des nanotechnologies.
Présenté sous forme de jeu/atelier délibératif, c’est un outil innovant pour permettre aux
participants de s’exprimer sur des questions de société, relatives aux nanotechnologies.
Les questions
Faut-il favoriser l’expansion rapide des nanotechnologies, avec une réglementation minimum afin
de s’assurer que l’on bénéficiera de ses avantages le plus rapidement possible ?
Doit-on permettre la poursuite de la recherche scientifique en nanotechnologies en définissant de
nouvelles réglementations au fur et à mesure qu’apparaissent des développements potentiels ?
Faut-il initier un dialogue public orienté vers la recherche et les applications ?
Faut-il permettre uniquement la recherche et les applications, dont les objectifs spécifiques ont
fait l’objet d’un débat et d’un dialogue public national, suivi et général ?
Tout le programme :
Conférence "Biodiversité et adaptabilité durable de la
29/09/06 00:10
Le muséum d'histoire naturelle de Grenoble et ses partenaires, le rectorat de l'académie de
Grenoble et l'Association des professeurs de biologie et de géologie (association régionale de
l'académie de Grenoble), vous invitent à la conférence de :
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- Culture scientifique et technique
11-10-2006, 08:02 PM
chargé de mission par la D.A.A.C. auprés du C.C.S.T.I. de Grenoble.
Propositions 2007/2008 de l'Arche des métiers
01/09/06 18:44
L’Arche des Métiers a pour vocation de faire découvrir et de rendre accessible à tous, la culture
scientifique, technique et industrielle en Ardèche. L’Arche des métiers a trois modes
d’intervention. Une fonction d’accueil via son espace permanent d’accueil tous publics ; une
fonction de pôle de diffusion et enfin une fonction de centre de ressources des acteurs
En tant que pôle de diffusion, elle propose aux scolaires du département (tous niveaux) des
animations :
- à l’Arche à travers l’espace muséographique permanent qui met en scène le génie industriel des
Boutières, image des industries ardéchoises et à travers l’accueil d’expositions temporaires.
carnet de propositions année scolaire 2006/2007 en cours d’élaboration et de validation.
- hors les murs (c'est-à-dire en classe)
carnet de propositions prévu pour l’année scolaire 2007/2008
Plus d'infos…
Exposition Nanodialogue
01/09/06 17:05
Exposition Nanodialogue, module d’information sur les nanotechnologies du 24 avril au 1er
Développer le dialogue autour des nanotechnologies dans la société européenne, telle est
l’ambition du module d’exposition Nanodialogue, présenté en Isère par le CCSTI Grenoble.
Accessible à tous, l’exposition a pour objectif de recueillir des données sur les opinions des
citoyens européens. Ce module est traduit et dupliqué en 8 exemplaires présentés en parallèle
dans 8 pays européens. Après un mois à la médiathèque de Bourgoin-Jallieu, retrouvez
l’exposition à l’Espace Minatec de Grenoble et au Musée EDF Hydrelec à Vaujany.
Où voir l’expo en Isère ?
à l'Espace Minatec, Maison des Micro et Nanotechnologies du 24 avril au 20 mai 2006.
au Musée EDF Hydrelec à Vaujany, du 1er juin au 1er octobre 2006
Téléchargez le communiqué de presse
Plus d'infos…
© 2005-2006 DAAC, FM écrivez moi
Pagina 9 van 9
« Développer le dialogue sur les nanosciences et les nanotechnologies dans la société
européenne », telle est l’ambition du module d’exposition Nanodialogue, qui sera
présenté en Isère par le CCSTI Grenoble dès mars 2006.
Les nanotechnologies aujourd’hui
Portées par une dynamique issue des sciences appliquées et sciences de l’ingénieur,
fortement soutenue par les politiques publiques de recherche, les « nanotechnologies » et
« nanosciences » font aujourd’hui figure de nouvelles « nouvelles technologies ». Pourtant,
sans beaucoup d’application à ce jour, sans avoir encore crée emploi, ni entreprise
spécialisée, sans beaucoup d’information diffusée par les média généralistes, ces
nanotechnologies soulèvent déjà suspicion, oppositions et craintes.
mémo : à l’échelle des nanos
1 nanomètre = 10-9 mètre,
Si l’on considère que 1 nanomètre équivaut à 1 cm, un cheveu serait alors approximativement de la
taille des Champs Elysées.
""" $
Instaurer un dialogue social autour des nanotechnologies
Le module d’exposition itinérant « Nanodialogue » vise à diffuser des informations et
favoriser la prise de conscience du grand public sur les derniers développements
scientifiques, technologiques et industriels dans le domaine des nanotechnologies.
L’objectif est d’instaurer un dialogue social entre la communauté des chercheurs, les
citoyens et d'autres acteurs sociaux, afin d'identifier leurs principales attentes et leurs
espoirs. Parmi les résultats prévus, il y a la diffusion à la Commission Européenne et aux
experts de recommandations, illustrant les principales préoccupations sociales concernant
les nanotechnologies et les nanosciences.
Communiqué de presse _ Exposition Nanodialogue _ 2006
Un dialogue européen
Le projet s’articule autour de la production d’un module d'exposition, accessible à tous dès
la 4ème, comprenant des outils spécifiques pour recueillir des données sur les opinions des
citoyens européens. Ce module sera traduit et dupliqué en 8 exemplaires, qui seront
présentés en parallèle dans 8 pays européens : l’Allemagne, la Belgique, l’Espagne,
l’Estonie, la France, l’Italie, le Portugal et la Suède, pendant 6 mois. Ces modules pourront
être présentés seuls, ou enrichis avec d’autres éléments d’exposition produits
indépendamment par chaque pays.
La présentation des 8 modules identiques sera accompagnée de conférences publiques,
rencontres citoyennes, conférence de consensus pour les pays Nordiques, ce qui donnera
la possibilité de faire « remonter » des recommandations finales des citoyens d’Europe à la
Commission européenne. Celles-ci seront présentées et discutées dans une grande
conférence européenne destinée aux experts, aux décideurs et aux représentants
associatifs (consommateurs, patients, environnement, etc.), fin 2007.
Les institutions partenaires
Ce projet est piloté par la Citta’Della Scienza de Naples (
Les 7 autres structures de culture scientifique sont les suivantes :
Allemagne : Deutsches Museum, Munich,
Belgique : Technopolis, Mechelen,
Estonie : AHHAA Science Centre, Tallin,
Espagne : Parc Scientifique de Barcelone,
France : CCSTI Grenoble,
Portugal : Pavilhão do Conhecimento, Lisbonne,
Suède : Universeum, Göteborg,
Nanodialogue : les contenus
L’exposition se découpe en 7 sections apportant chacune un regard particulier et
complémentaire sur la thématique.
Imaginaire et réalité :
Le visiteur est introduit dans le nanomonde par l’intermédiaire d’images familières
présentes dans les films, les bandes dessinées et les nouvelles de Sciences Fictions.
Communiqué de presse _ Exposition Nanodialogue _ 2006
Chacune de ces images est reliée à une application, réelle afin de connecter le fantasme à
l’actualité de la recherche. Par exemple au coté de l’image dépeignant un nanorobot
nettoyant une artère, le public trouvera une image des nanocapsules pour médicament
dans leur présentation actuelle et future.
L’histoire contée :
Un personnage de roman va raconter l’histoire des nanotechnologies à travers notamment
des photographies des scientifiques y ayant contribué ainsi que les images des objets
symboliques tels que les nanotubes de carbone…
Dans le nanomonde :
Dans cette partie, il sera présenté au public les notions d’échelles ainsi que les règles
propres au monde nanoscopique. Nous verrons également une présentation des propriétés
nanoscopiques (magnétique, optique…..) qui nous permettent de concevoir des
nanomatériaux étonnants.
Tranches de vie :
Une succession de commentaires, remarques et notes, de personnalités ou d’anonymes
présenteront les influences qu’ont eues les nanotechnologies dans leur vie quotidienne.
Applications :
Le module présentera ici diverses applications, dans les champs les plus variés.
Présentation vidéo :
Un film de 10 min présentera la recherche scientifique dans les nanotechnologies.
Votre opinion :
Cette partie se concentre sur la perception et les points de vue du public européen. Une
borne multimédia reliée au site web Nanodialogue, permettra au public d’émettre une
opinion, consulter les commentaires précédents et accéder à des compléments
Communiqué de presse _ Exposition Nanodialogue _ 2006
11-10-2006, 08:53 PM
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NanoDiálogo - Um megadiálogo sobre a
O Pavilhão do Conhecimento - Ciência Viva, abre hoje a
exposição NanoDiálogo, com a participação de investigadores
No melhor pano já não cai a nódoa... É que a indústria
têxtil está a produzir novos tecidos, tratados com
partículas um milhão de vezes mais pequenas que o
milímetro, que repelem a sujidade, mantêm as bactérias
à distância ou que permanecem perfumados após
múltiplas lavagens.
Como irá a Nanotecnologia mudar as nossas vidas?
Qual a participação portuguesa nesta área em
NanoDiálogo é o tema desta exposição que abre hoje,
pelas 16 horas e conta com a participação de
investigadores portugueses. A exposição, que tem por
MIT Opencourseware
objectivo divulgar e lançar o debate sobre esta
temática, aborda os novos materiais e as aplicações que estão já a ser produzidas em todo o mundo.
Primus Inter Pares
Pessoal não docente
Arquivo de
Fármacos mais eficazes, materiais para próteses bem toleradas pelo nosso organismo, biosensores para a
medicina e a monitorização do ambiente, telecomunicações e electrónica são algumas das aplicações em que a
Nanotecnologia promete vir a mudar as nossas vidas.
Estão programados encontros com investigadores portugueses na exposição ao sábado à tarde, para que o
público possa conhecer de perto os protótipos que estão a desenvolver e debater as perspectivas que esta área
traz para o nosso dia-a-dia. Poderá também ver na exposição tecidos impregnados com nanopartículas e vidros
que permanecem sempre limpos, produzidos no nosso país. Estas sessões terão lugar às 16 horas nos dias:
25 de Março
8 de Abril
22 de Abril
6 de Maio
20 de Maio
3 de Junho
A exposição resulta de um projecto europeu apoiado no âmbito do 6º Programa Quadro em que a Ciência Viva
participa e tem como objectivo divulgar e estabelecer o debate na sociedade sobre esta área científica. Para além
Pagina 1 van 2
11-10-2006, 08:53 PM
participa e tem como objectivo divulgar e estabelecer o debate na sociedade sobre esta área científica. Para além
do Pavilhão do Conhecimento - Ciência Viva, a exposição está patente ao público em 7 outros centros de ciência
. Città della Scienza, Itália
. Centre de Culture Scientifique, Technique et Industrielle de Grenoble, França
. Flanders Technology International Foundation, Bélgica
. Deutsches Museum, Alemanha
. Universeum AB, Suécia
. Ahhaa Science Centre, Estónia
. Fundaciò Parc Cientìfic de Barcelona, Espanha
Mais informações sobre o projecto NanoDialogue em
Para mais informações:
Pavilhão do Conhecimento - Ciência Viva
Tel. 218 917 100
Email: [email protected]
Todas as notícias
Organizadas pelas
diferentes áreas, aqui tens
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universidades [Diário Económico ]
» Filmes do Fantasportono «Galitos
Caffé» [+]
» "Colocar um MBA nos 100 melhores é possível"
[Diário Económico ]
» III Jornadas Ambientais de Castro [+]
investigação, cultura,
» Governo assina hoje acordo com o MIT [Público ]
» Colóquio Interdisciplinar de
Psicossomática no ISPA [+]
emprego e mais. [+]
» Cavaco Silva visita hoje a escola mais multicultural
do país [Público ]
» II Jornadas Internacionais de
Jornalismo [+]
Arquivo de Imprensa
as últimas novidades sobre
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EU Nanotechnology Projects in Action in Munich at ESOF2006
11-10-2006, 07:51 PM
Public release date: 12-Jul-2006
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Contact: Virginia Mercouri
[email protected]
EU Nanotechnology Projects in Action in Munich at
The European Union's exhibition area at ESOF2006 features nanotechnology research as an upto- date example of how science and communication can and have to work together. Visitors will
be able to take a closer look at major achievements from the science of the small, talk to leading
scientists and communicators, participate in the demonstrations and contribute to the
Two of the projects are of particular interest to young people. They will be able to play the game
developed by DECIDE to get involved in political decision-making in nanotechnology, while DOTIK
will demonstrate to them a new training scheme for young science presenters. Nanologue will
disseminate information and the related NanoDialogue project that is currently presenting an
exhibition on social aspects of nanotechnology at the Deutsches Museum will also take part in the
Two other projects on show – Cornea Engineering and Safer - represent nanomedical research
and Antistorm provides one of the first insights into the science of "man-made" weather in
Journalists attending ESOF2006 are invited for a press reception with the project demonstrators
on Tuesday, 18 July at 12:00 at the Publications Office stand No 25.
These projects on show are funded by three different funding programmes within the 6th
Framework Programme for Research and Technical Development:
Nanotechnologies, Materials and Production Technologies (NMP): Cornea Engineering,
Nanologue and NanoDialogue
Science and Society : Decide and Dotik
New and Emerging Science and Technologies (NEST) : Antistorm and Safer
For further information on nanotechnology in European research, please visit the European
Commission's nanotechnology website:
The schedule for the presentations is published on CORDIS at:
Monday, 17 July, From 14:00 to 16:00
Communicating Nano
NANODIALOGUE - developing channels for communication and debate Insights from Elisabeth
Schepers, Deutsches Museum
DECIDE - a game model to involve the public in political decision-making
Come and play cards on political decision-making in nanotechnology. Compare results to others
from around Europe! Elisabeth Schepers from Deutsches Museum will introduce the game
DOTIK - a new training scheme for young animators, set to establish a school for
science animation
Matteo Merzagora, science journalist teaching museum studies, will show the techniques being
Pagina 1 van 2
EU Nanotechnology Projects in Action in Munich at ESOF2006
11-10-2006, 07:51 PM
From 16:00 to 18:00
New and Emerging Science and Technologies
SAFER - low-cost, non-invasive intelligent prenatal and cancer diagnostic system, using
a nanomolecular approach
Ciara O'Sullivan, project co-ordinator, will show how it is being developed
ANTISTORM - one of the first insights into the science of "man-made" weather in Europe Meinrat
O. Andreae from the Biogeochemistry Department of Max Planck Institute for Chemistry will give
the details
Tuesday, 18 July
From 10:00 to 12:00 - Another chance to see the demonstrations of NANODIALOGUE, DECIDE,
From 12:00 to 13:00 - Meet the press
From 13:00 to 14:00
CORNEA Engineering - transforming eye surgery and reducing animal testing
The project will be presented - among others - by a video from Euronews
From 15:00 to 16:00 – CORDIS presentation on "How to benefit from EU research funding"
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