Banque des Etats de l`Afrique centrale (BEAC) -


Banque des Etats de l`Afrique centrale (BEAC) -
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International Organizations
Banque des Etats de l'Afrique centrale (BEAC)
Bank of the Central African States
SG Gata Ngoulou, Boîte Postal 1917, Yaoundé, Cameroon. T. (237) 223 40 30 - 223
40 60. Fax 223 33 29. E-mail: [email protected]
Alternative address
Paris Delegation 29 rue du Colisée, F-75008 Paris, France. T. (33 1) 42 25 91 49.
Fax 42 25 63 95
22-23 Nov 1972, Brazzaville (Congo Brazzaville), on the setting up of Union monétaire
de l'Afrique centrale and the signature of Conventions between the initial 5 African
founding partners and between them and France. Continues the activities of Banque
centrale des Etats de l'Afrique équatoriale et du Cameroun, formed 4 Apr 1959, and
itself a continuation of Issuing Institute of Equatorial Africa and Cameroon -- Institut
d'émission de l'Afrique équatoriale et du Cameroun, set up 15 July 1955, Paris
(France). Commenced operations 2 Apr 1973, Brazzaville, on signature of Convention
for Monetary Cooperation by the Governments of France and Cameroon, Central
African Republic, Chad, Congo, Gabon. Central Services and General Direction
transferred, 1 Jan 1977, from Paris to Yaoundé (Cameroon). Equatorial Guinea
adhered to BEAC, 1 Jan 1985. Currently a principal organ of Communauté économique
et monétaire d'Afrique centrale, set up 16 Mar 1994
Act as exclusive issuing house for notes and coins for circulation within member states,
devise monetary policy, supervise its execution, monitor compliance by the banks with
the banking and credit regulations and assist the banks and financial establishments of
member states and their governments; contribute to the financing of infrastructure
and communal facilities.
Administrative Council, consisting of President and 20 members (including 7 assistant
members). College of Censors, comprising 3 members, 3 alternates and one observer.
Committee of 5 members (one for Cameroon, 2 for France, 2 for Gabon). Central
Directions (9); National Directions (7). National Monitoring Committee in each member
state. Serves as secretariat for Union économique de l'Afrique centrale.
Common currency throughout the area, the CFA franc, within Communauté financière
africaine. Although, within the framework of the Zone franc, monetary reserves of CFA
countries are normally held in French francs in the French treasury, BOAD may hold up
to 35% of its foreign exchange in other currencies
IGO relations
As one of the regions within the Zone franc, links with: Conférence des ministres des
finances des pays de la Zone franc. Serves as secretariat for: Commission bancaire de
l'Afrique centrale. Partner of: Inter-African Conference on Insurance Markets.
Cooperates with: United Nations Institute for Training and Research. Member of:
Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being. Also links with:
African Development Bank; African Development Fund; Association of African Central
Banks; Bank for International Settlements; Banque centrale des Etats de l'Afrique de
l'Ouest; Banque de développement des Etats de l'Afrique centrale; Central African
Clearing House; Economic Community of Central African States; Institut sous-régional
multisectoriel de technologie appliquée, de planification et d'évaluation de projets;
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; International Development
Association; International Monetary Fund
Links indicated by: Agency for the Safety of Aerial Navigation in Africa and
Madagascar; Commission régionale de contrôle des assurances dans les Etats
africains; Conference of Ministers of Agriculture of West and Central Africa; Comité
monétaire de la Zone franc
NGO relations
Member of: African Centre for Monetary Studies. Links with: Club des dirigeants des
banques et établissements de crédit d'Afrique francophone. Links indicated by: Debt
Relief International
Etudes et statistiques - bulletin (12 a year). Annual report
Governments of 6 states:
Africa: Cameroon, Central African Rep, Chad, Congo Brazzaville, Equatorial Guinea,
Non-member participating in management and supervision:
Europe: France
Type classification: [ browse]
(F) Organizations having a special form, including foundations and funds
(g) Intergovernmental
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Social Action (Structure) > >
Social Action (Context) > Nation
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