Whitney Houston dies at 48


Whitney Houston dies at 48
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Whitney Houston dies at 48
(MSNBC, 2012)
Whitney Houston was known for her powerful and pristine voice. Débuting to platinum success in 1985,
the cousin of pop icon Dionne Warwick and goddaughter of Aretha Franklin, Houston quickly followed
in their footsteps.
She soared to iconic status. Her success led her to win six Grammies and twenty-two American music
awards, as well as numerous other honors.
You figure no one can get by you here, hah?
She even gave acting a try in 1992’s the Bodyguard, returning to the big screen for other roles.
But alongside those successes, Houston faced several lows in her personal life. Her 1992-marriage to
singer Bobby Brown turned tumultuous. With Brown arrested several times on charges ranging from
DUI, to domestic abuse.
The couple divorced in 2007 and in interviews, Houston blamed her growing substance abuse on her
rocky marriage.
She admitted her addiction problem had become a daily way of life.
After two stints in rehab, the singer tried for a comeback in 2009, but cancelled a world tour, raising
concerns of a relapse.
At the time of her death, Whitney Houston was reportedly gearing up for a comeback to the big screen in
an upcoming musical drama.
Houston was 48 years old.
Francis Co, NBC News.
1. pristine voice
2. débuting to Platinum success
followed in their footsteps
she soared to
led her to win
you figure no one can get by you here, hah ?
8. gave acting a try
9. big screen
10. alongside
11. several lows
12. turned tumultuous
13. on charges
parfaite, pure
démarrant sa carière en gagant une
récompense de Platine
a marché sur les pas de
elle s’éleva à
(infinitive lead) l’a mené à gagner
vous pensez que personne ne peut pénétrer ici,
n’est-ce pas ? (avec vous montant la garde)
elle s’essaya au cinéma
(grand écran) = cinéma
en même temps que
(low = bas) moments difficiles
est devenu tumultueux
sur des chefs d’accusation / inculpé pour
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14. ranging from… to …
15. DUI
16. domestic abuse
17. blamed
18. growing substance abuse
19. rocky marriage
20. stints in rehab
21. raising concerns of a relapse
22. gearing up
23. upcoming
allant de … à …
= driving under (the) influence (of alcohol)
conduite en état d’ivresse
violence conjugale
a mis la faute de
son abus de substances toxiques croissant
mariage houleux
passages en cure de désintoxication
soulevant des inquiétudes de rechute
se préparait à
prochain, imminent