Curriculum Vitae - Center for Basque Studies


Curriculum Vitae - Center for Basque Studies
Sarah Fishman
Current Position
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Professor, Department of History, University of Houston
Harvard University
Ph.D., History
A.M., History
University of Southern California
A.M., International Relations
Oberlin College
A.B., History
June 1987
November 1981
January 1981
May 1979
University of Houston Research Excellence Award, 1993.
University of Houston Teaching Excellence Award, 2006.
France and its Empire since 1870, co-authors Robert Zaretsky and Alice Conklin. Oxford
University Press, March 2010.
La Bataille de l’Enfance, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2008.
La France sous Vichy: Autour de Robert Paxton, co-edited, Editions Complexe, 2004.
The Battle for Children: World War II, Youth Crime and Juvenile Justice in TwentiethCentury France. Harvard University Press, 2002.
France at War: Vichy and the Historians, co-edited with Laura L. Downs, Ioannis
Sinanaglou, Leonard V. Smith, Robert Zaretsky, Berg Publishers, 2000.
Femmes de Prisonniers 1940-1945, L’Harmattan, 1996.
We Will Wait: Wives of French Prisoners of War, 1940-1945, Yale University Press,
Selected Recent Articles
“Gender, Vie de Famille et Retour des Prisonniers: Une réévaluation,” in Guillaume
Piketty and Bruno Cabanes, eds., Retour à l’intime au sortir de la guerre,
Tallandier, 2009.
‘Vichy et la délinquance juvenile. Changements législatifs et institutionnels,” in Ludevine
Bantigny and Ivan Jablonka, eds., Jeunesse oblige: Histoire des jeunes en France
XIXe –XXIe siècle, Presses Universitaires de France, 2008.
Current Project: A Revolution in Everyday Life: Family, Sex and Marriage in France
My project considers the impact of the broad economic changes France experienced after
World War II on ordinary people’s lives. Popular cultural sources, magazines and
advertising, will be contrasted to peoples’ lives documented in a variety of sources, such
as juvenile court records, whose case studies vividly detail living conditions of people at
the bottom of the economic ladder, workplace arbitration hearing records, a window onto
the world of work. Multi-generation interviews will delve into the impact of rapid
material changes on expectations, values, and outlook.