Anglais – Mercredi 9 Mars


Anglais – Mercredi 9 Mars
Anglais – Mercredi 9 Mars
Wednesday, March 9th, 2011
Past perfect
Last night when I arrived, he had already left.
against : contre
crowded : bondé
childhood : enfance
to fight – faught – fought : se battre
The colours are lights, it's a mix of beige grey and brown so that the little black girl stands out. The
painter has chosen not to represent the marshall'shead to emphasize the little girl's size. This picture
expresses fear, anguish and hatred.
1860-1865 : Civil war and abolition of slavery. But segregation particulary in the south of the US.
Vote, job, education, universities, restaurants and public places in general.
1954 : Beginning of the Civil Rights Mouvement. Non violent actions : sit ins , boycotts, marches.
1960 : Desegregation of schools (beginning with Ruby Bridges) :
1963 : March on Washington (August), speech by Martin Luther King « I have a dream »
1964 : Civil rights law voted
Subject :
Vous êtes Ruby Bridges et vous préparez un discours pour des classes de lycéens dans lequel vous
expliquerez ce qui vous est arrivé et les conséquences que clea a eu.
Devoirs :
Pour mercredi 2 mars :
• Vocabulaire à apprendre
• préparer son passage à l'oral

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