JIA 91 (1965) 214-216 - Institute and Faculty of Actuaries


JIA 91 (1965) 214-216 - Institute and Faculty of Actuaries
JIA 91 (1965) 214-216
BY H. L. SEAL, B.Sc., PH.D., F.F.A., A.I.A., A.S.A.,
M.A., F.I.A., F.S.S.,
M.A., F.I.A., F.S.S.
Bulletin Trimestriel de l’lnstitut des ActurairesFrançais, 75, 1964
ARIBAUD, H.Note sur l’emploi e oisamétriques, la prime modeldéeet la personnalisation des risques en assurance automobile, les filtres, pp. 17–24. A mathematical note.
The ‘filter’ arises from the fact that once a claim has been made in motor insurance,
the vehicle passes to the next group of policies exposed to risk.
J. Projet d’assurance retraite à participations financières, pp. 25–32.
A further discussion of the French approach to pensions adjusted to take account of
diminishing purchasing power.
C. and MOREAU,L. Compte rendu du 17eCongrès International d’Actuaries.
pp. 59–63.
RAOULT,J. P. Résultats récents de Savage et Dubins sur les paris, pp. 65–83. A summary
of Savage and Dubins’s forthcoming book How to Gamble if you must.
A. ‘Les politiques de finnancement’(Diverses voies d’ étudeset de
recherches) pp. 103–16. A note on econometrics and investment analysis by the
General Secretary of ‘la Société de documentation et analyse financière (DAFSA)'.
R. Le théorème de la têle unique dans Ies assurances sur plusiers têtes, pp.
117–24. The author explains the research he has conducted in writing his book
La mathématique actuarielle analytique which was made available to members of
the 17th International Congress.
Bulletin de l’Association des Actuaries Diplomés de l’lnstitut de Science
Financière & d’Assurances, 9, 1964
EYRAUD,H. Les grandeurs aléatoires continues, pp. 3–6.
WEBER,A. Coût de production en assurance-vie, pp. 7–14. An attempt to link new business expenses to the volume of new premium income.
J. Réflexions sur la recherche publicitaire, pp. 15–20.
G. Le nouvel indice officiel des prix de détail, pp. 21–8. The new index
is calculated as the weighted mean of 259 items and the base year is 1962.
Actuarial Society of India: Transactions
We welcome this issue of a new actuarial journal.
VORA,V. H. and MARKAN,D. D. ‘Mortality of Indian Assured Lives’, pp. 1–63. The
mortality experience investigated in this paper relates to the year 1961. It covers,
of course, the lives assured in the nationalized Life Insurance Corporation of India
and thus represents the first nationwide mortality experience to be published.
I. R. The Actuary in India, pp. 64–108. The article contains a number of
comparisons between the Indian members of the Institute of Actuaries and the
general body of British actuaries. The general conclusion is that opportunities
outside the traditional fields of the actuary in India are not sufficiently developed
to compensate for the reduction in the scope for a Life Office actuary following
on other Actuarial
Giornale dell’Istituto Italiano degli Attuari, 27, 1964
FRANCKX,E. Les problèmes globaux en assurance vie, pp. 1–11. A study of the total
claims payments from a life assurance fund during each accounting period considered as a random variable. This paper amplifies Franckx’s remarks when he
addressed the Institute. (J.I.A. 89, 50.)
B. Su un particolare ‘cammino a caso’, pp. 12–23. Within a given rectangle,
a succession P0, P1, P2... of points is chosen at random, each choice being independent of previous choices. A point P moves from the first position P0 towards
P1 with a constant velocity V; it then continues with the same velocity towards
P2 and so forth. The article discusses the distribution function of the position of the
point at time t.
PISTOIA,A. Qualche considerazione sull’andamento della produzione vita nelle diverse
ripartizioni territoriali, pp. 24–50.
DE FERRA,C. Considerazioni sulle funzionl di utilità in connessione con la teoria del
rischio, pp. 51–70.
P. Ancora sulla concavità della riserva matematica sfruttando il metodo dei
coefficienti ausiliari, pp. 71–8. Compare the previous article (J.I.A. 90, 245).
PIZZETTI,E. Premio di rischio e premio di risparmio, pp. 79–98. A study of the effect
of lapses on the ceding company and the reassurer respectively.
BOETTI,G. Una rappresentazione grafica per la determinazione del tipo di curva, tra le
curve del sistema di Pearson, corrispondente a dati valori numerici dei momenti
3° e 4° delle distribuzioni, pp. 99–121.
PIZETTI,E. La riassicurazione non proporzionale applicata al ramo vita, pp. 122–39.
Derives numerical results for the stop loss premium for a simplified portfolio of
temporary assurances. The theory rests on the assumption that the ‘true’ mortality
of the group is known.
GHIZZETTI,A. and ROMA,M. S. Calcolo di alcune probabilità relative alla suddivisione
casuale di un segmento in n parti, pp. 140–50.
DE FINETTI,B. Alcune osservazioni in tema di ‘suddivisionecasuale’, pp. 151–73.
BRUNO,A. Sugli eventiparzialmente scambiabili, pp. 174–96. The notion of ‘partial exchangeability’ of events introduced by de Finetti is illustrated by a hypothetical case.
Suppose a drug is tested on a number of patients, and its ‘success' can be recorded;
on the hypotheses that the ‘success’is not associated with age, sex, etc., of the patients, the events (tests) are defined as ‘exchangeable’. If, however, the hypothesis is
that the number of ‘successes’is different according to age and sex, then the events
are ‘partially exchangeable’. The article studies the probability density function
with three and four sub-groups of tests.
A. L. The uses of credibility in property insurance ratemaking, pp. 197–218.
An account of the theory developed by the Casualty Actuarial Society.
DE FINETTI,B. Sulla teoria della credibilità, pp. 219–31. A summary of the theory for
Italian readers.
Instituto dos Actuários Portugueses, Boletim 17–18, 1961–62
E. Nouveaux développements de l’assurance vie aux Etats-Unis, pp. 1–16.
A concise summary of the latest ideas in life assurance in the U.S.A.
E. Quelques principesrégissant l’acceptation des risques aggravés en assurance
vie, pp. 17–30.
Notes on other Actuarial
A. Equações integrais lineares (Continuação) pp. 31–42. See J.I.A. 89,
COSTA,M. A. Cálculo mecanográfico de
reservas matemáticas de vida, pp. 43–54.
Anales del lnstituto de Actuarios Españoles, 4, 1964
El actuariado español en la organización actuarial internacional, pp. 13–36.
P. Las paradojas de la probabilidad, pp. 37–50.
NIETODEALBA,U. Bases técnicas y reservas de riesgos en curso, pp, 51–80.
R. Las aplicaciones de la matemática actuarial analítica, pp. 81–92.
A. Preámbulo a dos artículos del Professor Karl Borch, pp. 93–8.
BORCH,K. La teorla económica y el seguro, pp. 99–112.
BORCH,K. Una teorla económica del seguro, pp. 113–24.
Asamblea general del Instituto de Actuarios, pp. 125–38.
El Seguro Privado y el Desarrollo Económico, pp. 139–56.
La Seguridad Social comofactor de promoción en el desarrollo económico pp. 157–76.
Reuniones sobre racionalización y mecanización administrativas pp. 205–57.
XVII Congreso Internacional de Actuarios pp. 259–84.
I Congreso Internacional de Inversión Mobiliaria, pp. 285–313.