Ven conmigo


Ven conmigo
Je m’appelle
Examen intermédiaire FRANÇAIS 8ème 2012 Révision pour la partie de parler
Chapitres 7 et 8
Use Rich and Varied Vocabulary, Grammar and Expressions
Chapitre 7
1. You and a new student in school are talking after class. The new student asks about
people in your class, both students and teachers. You answer his or her questions,
identifying and describing your classmates and teachers. (Use: Qui est-ce? C’est…,
etc. and lots of descriptive adjectives!)
2. An interesting boy or girl arrives at a party. You ask your friend who he or she is.
Your friend introduces you to the interesting boy or girl who is her cousin. You say
that he or she is cute or nice, etc. Your friend introduces him/her to you. (Use: Qui
est-ce? C’est…, Je te présente… etc.)
3. You and your friend have different opinions of music, movie or sports stars. You
have several nice things to say about them. Your friends disagrees and says many
uncomplimentary things about this famous person. (use lots of descriptive
adjectives: annoying, nice, funny, intelligent, etc.)
4. You are looking at your family album with a friend. She or he asks you about people
in your family. You tell who they are and describe them. Mention physical
characteristics and personality traits. Tell their ages and their likes and dislikes.(Use:
Qui est-ce? Voici. Voilà, C’est…)
5. You’re trying to get around your parents’ strict rules. Ask permission to do three
things this weekend with DIFFERENT friends. Your parent refuses the first two
because he/she thinks those friends are annoying, mean, etc., but your parent agrees
to the third thing you want to do with a friend he/she likes. However, you do some
chores first! (Use: Je peux… Je veux… Tu es d’accord? Pas question!
D’accord, si tu…..d’abord….)
6. You have asked your friends to help you with the chores so you can have a big
graduation party at your house. One of your friends has helped you organize the
chores and you’ve made a list of things your friends must do. Share the list with one
another by saying what Sabine must do, what Alice must do, what Ahmed must do,
what you must do and what he/she must do. (ie. Mow the lawn, wash the dishes,
vacuum, wash the clothes, take out the garbage, do the grocery shopping, etc.) USE:
Chapitre 8
1. Your class is going to have a picnic with lots of food and things to drink. You and
your friend have been placed in charge of the food. Decide what you need to buy.
Take turns adding to the shopping list. (Use: Nous devons faire les courses !
Qu’est-ce qu’il nous faut pour le pique-nique? De quoi est-ce que nous avons
besoins ? Nous avons besoins d’une salade. Pour la salade, nous avons besoin
de/d’…. Pour les sandwichs, il nous faut… Comme desserts nous avons besoin
2. You are at a banquet and a server is offering you food and beverages. He/she will
ask: Vous prenez…? Vous voulez….? You will answer with: Yes, I would like
some (USE EN), etc. Finally, you’ve eaten enough and say “No, thank you. I’m not
hungry anymore. Thank you.” See TEXT page 247 for ideas! (Use VOUS in this
3. You are at an open-air market in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. You ask the merchant for
different fruits, vegetables, etc. Ask: Do you have any oranges? Or, Are there
apples today? He/she answers you (USING “EN”). THEN, say that you want or
need a kilo of fish or two bottles of water or a dozen potatoes, etc. (USE: avoir
besoin de, en, and expressions of quantity with the partitif.)
4. Your mom or dad is asking you to do some grocery shopping (faire les courses). You
agree to do 2 of the tasks he/she asks you to do but you make a couple of excuses
why you can’t do the 3rd task. Look at TEXT page 240 for ideas on making requests,
accepting and declining.