Bulletin September 29, 2013


Bulletin September 29, 2013
Mass — INTENTIONS — Messes
The deceased...Les défunts et défuntes
lundi/Monday, Sept. 30, 2013
No mass! - Pas de messe!
mardi/Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2013
8:30 am (E)
Anna Soullière
Karen LeBlanc-Small
Maurice Chevalier
Please pray for…Prions pour…
Lawrence Laporte, father of Bernadette Mullen
Edgar Paré, époux de Gertrude
by Kris & Maria Moauro
by Richard & Donna Trudelle
by Madonna Rombach
mercredi/Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2013
8:30 am (F)
Marie Mae Chevalier
par Sylvain et MaryAnn Gagnier
Richard Pinsonneault
par Béatrice Roy
Edgar Paré
par son épouse
jeudi/Thursday, Oct. 3, 2013
9:15 am (F) - messe à l’école St. Ambroise
Arnold O’Malley (4th ann.)
by Lynn & Peter Hillier
Justin Sylvestre
by Maurice & Pat Janisse
Carolyn Daudlin
by Barbara Marentette
vendredi/Friday, Oct. 4, 2013
Adoration 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
8:30 am (F)
Louis VanDenDriessche ( 5th ann.)
Omer & Clara Mailloux
Lawrence Laporte
Lorette Sylvestre, mother of Sue St.Pierre
The sick...Les malades
Bill Bulley, Yvette Bulley,
Joseph Baillargeon, Norm Comartin,
Nil Desmarais, Pauline Dupuis,
Rita Knapp, Alphonse Labonté,
Helen Labonté, Estelle Lebert,
Gerard Mineau, Ron Sturba,
Thérèse Sylvestre,
Wendy Teremchuk-Hazard,
Timothy Trepanier
Parish Office / Bureau Paroissial
5407 Comber Sideroad, P.O. Box 220
Comber, Ontario
N0P 1J0
(519) 687-3118
(519) 687-2076
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.visitation.dol.ca
Communion to Shut-Ins
Office Hours:
9am to 12 noon…...1 pm to 4pm
Pastoral Team
Rev. Robert Champagne, Pastor/curé
Larry Lamphier, Permanent Deacon/Diacre permanent
Lynn Hillier, Pastoral Minister/Agente de pastorale
Angela Soullière, Pastoral Worker/Travailleuse pastorale
Parish Staff
Marie Tremblay, Financial Secretary
Rachelle Moison, Secretary/Receptionist
Debbie Rubin, Caretaker
Randy Barrette, Maintenance
Mariette Comartin, Housekeeper
Kelly Authier, Choir Director
Weekend Masses
by Mike & Bern Mullins
par Bernard et famille
par Joe et Jeanne Parent
samedi/Saturday, Oct. 5, 2013
11:30 am Confessions
2:00 pm - Marriage
Sébastien Gougeon & Nikki Glasier
5:00 pm (E)
For the intentions of Gérard & Angéline Lacharité
(50th wedding anniversary)
dimanche/Sunday, Oct. 6, 2013
9:00 am (F)
Pour les intentions du peuple de Dieu
11:00 am (E)
For the intentions of the people of God
Our Collections
September 22, 2013
+ loose
Diocesan Assessment…………..…$95.00
Our Lady of Lourdes Cemetery..$100.00
Building Fund
Visitors’ Envelopes………….……$69.00
Thank you! Merci!
Mass for the Deceased
in Resurrection Mausoleum,
Heavenly Rest Cemetery. Tuesday, October 1st @ 4:30pm. Presider:
Fr. Chris Pietraszko. For information: 519-969-4836.
Healing Mass:
Father Fernando Suarez is back to do a
Healing Mass on Thursday October 3rd at 7:00 pm at Immaculée
Conception Church in Pain Court. Come to experience the healing
touch and deep love of Jesus through Father’s hands who is worldrenowned for his gift of miracles. For more info call (519)352-6913.
Healing Mass
Paroisse de la Visitation Parish
at St. Anne’s Church in Tecumseh on Friday
October 18th at 7:00 pm. Fr. Eugene Roy will be the presider.
All are welcome!
Again this week we hear of our responsibility to the
poor in terms of how we steward our wealth. If you
do not think you are wealthy just consider for a
moment that more than 3 ½ billion people in this
world live on less than $60 a month. Canada is a
wealthy nation and millions around the world are
simply getting the crumbs from our table – Canada
currently gives just less than half of 1% of GDP in
foreign aid. (Source: OECD, The World Bank, Development
Assistance Committee) Please pray that our political
leaders will be motivated to make a greater
commitment to authentic generosity.
The Archdiocese of Winnipeg
Saturday 5pm (E)
dimanche 9h (F)
Sunday 11 am (E)
Celebrated once a month
during weekend masses.
Registration in the parish is required.
Preparation is mandatory.
Saturday 11:30 to 12 noon
or by appointment.
At least one party must be a registered
member of the parish.
Minimum 6 months notification.
Mandatory marriage preparation course.
Ministry to the Sick
Communion to shut-ins every first Friday.
Hospital visits upon request.
Sacrament of the Sick upon request.
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
26e dimanche du temps ordinaire
September 29, 2013
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time:
Like the
rich man, many of us have opportunities for good works
right outside our door. And, also
like the rich man, we can ignore
their very presence. As Christians,
we are called to be good stewards
of God’s gifts to us. We are not to
overlook those less fortunate, but
rather, we are to welcome and care
for all God’s children.
26e dimanche du temps ordinaire:
À ceux
et celles qui s’ouvrent à sa parole, Dieu donne l’audace de la
foi qui pousse au souci des pauvres en tous genres, à la
compassion et au partage. À nous d’accueillir cette parole et
d’en vivre dès aujourd’hui afin de produire des semences
Next Sunday’s
readings are:
Habakkuk 1:2-3; 2:2-4
2 Timothy 1:6-8, 13-14
Luke 17:5-10
Les lectures pour
dimanche prochain:
Habacuc 1, 2-3; 2, 2-4
2 Timothée 1, 6-8.13-14
Luc 17, 5-10
COR 43
Applications are now available for the
upcoming COR weekend to be offered at l’Essor High
School, Friday November 22nd to Sunday November 24th.
Applicants must be 16 to 19 years of age. The cost is $50.00
per person. As a limited number of candidates will be
accepted, apply now to guarantee your place. Applications
available from the parish office Monday to Thursday,
in the sacristy on weekends and now also available on our
website, [email protected] under “Youth” tab.
Preparations are underway for
the next COR weekend. Anyone who has made a COR
weekend is encouraged to come out and help on back-up.
Meetings will take place on Sunday, October 27th and
Sunday, November 10th at Mom & Dad Robertson’s house
located at 12400 County Rd. 42. Both meetings will begin at
1:00 pm, following 11:00 am mass. Any questions please
call Mom & Dad Robertson at 519-687-2667.
R.C.I.A. 2013-14
Preparations for the Journey of Faith which will
begin in the fall are underway. Anyone interested in
participating in the study of the Catholic Faith is
encouraged to contact Father Bob at the parish
office (519-687-3118). Non-baptized, those baptized
in another faith, and baptized Catholics who have
not completed the reception of the sacraments are
most welcome to share in this wonderful experience
called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation:
The grade 2 students attending
English schools in our parish will be
making their first confession on
Wednesday, November 27th, 2013.
The program will be taught in the
classroom for those attending our
Catholic Elementary Schools. For
those attending Public schools, the
program will be taught in the parish as a 5 week evening
course. It will be offered to grade 2 students as well as those
who may have missed making the sacrament. More
information will be available at the preparation meeting.
Tue. Oct. 1
@ 7:00 pm Sacrament Preparation
Meeting -Hall A
Wed. Oct. 2
@ 7:30 pm Choir Practice
Thu. Oct. 3
@ 7:00 pm Baptism Preparation
- library
Preparation meeting… will be held on Tuesday
October 1st, 2013 at 7:00 pm in the Church for all parents
and grade 2 students from English and French schools (both
Separate and Public).
Première Réconciliation:
Gerry and Maurice
Réunion de préparation… aura lieu le mardi 1
octobre 2013 à 19h dans l’Église pour les parents et les
élèves en 2e année de nos écoles de langue française et
anglaise (séparé ainsi que publique).
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
the first Friday of the month, parishioners are invited to
spend some quiet time in prayer before Jesus in the Blessed
Sacrament. Adoration will take place following morning
mass in the Day Chapel, beginning at 9am until 2pm on
October 4th. A sign-up sheet will ensure that someone will
always be in prayer before the Lord.
Adoration du Très Saint Sacrement:
St. Michael’s Parish Community in Leamington
cordially invite you to celebrate this
“Year of Faith 2013”
with the Our Lady of Fatima Festival.
Fundraising Committee Announces their
2nd Annual Soup Competition
to be held on Sunday, October 27th, 2013 from Noon to 2:30
p.m. in the Parish Hall. ALL YOU CAN EAT SOUP.
Admission Fee is $10.00 per adult (Tea or Coffee) included
and $5.00 for children 10 years and under. There will also
be hot dogs, chips and water/pop combo for $5. Cupcakes
for $1 each. There will also be a
50/50 Draw.
All proceeds to
support the Building Fund. Come
out and join us for some fantastic
homemade soup.
Last year’s
winners were Jeff Ruskin 1st place,
Pierre Masse 2nd place and Mike
Authier 3rd place.
The Lady, the children and
the message
1st performance: “The Lady, the children and the message.”
Friday, October 4th at 7:00 pm at Cardinal Carter Secondary
School Auditorium, 120 Ellison Ave. Leamington.
Candlelight procession to follow.
2nd performance: “The Lady, the children and the message.”
Saturday, October 5th at 7:00 pm. At Cardinal Carter
Secondary School Auditorium, 120 Ellison Ave.
Leamington. Candlelight procession to follow.
Sunday, October 6th Multi-lingual
Mass at 12:00 p.m. St. Joseph’s Church (310 Sherk St.)
Procession after Mass followed by a reception at the
Portuguese Club. Admission: canned good.
Feast day celebration:
Join Leamington Life Chain
on Sunday,
October 6th, 2013 from 2:30 to 3:30pm. All you have to do
is hold a sign that reads “Abortion Kills Children” along the
sidewalks of Erie & Talbot in Leamington. Stand for One
Hour to Show Your Support for Life! Sponsored by Right to
Life 519-325-0929 or 519-969-7555.
premier vendredi du mois, nous aurons
l’adoration du Saint Sacrement dans la
chapelle de jour entre 9h et 14h. Nous
invitons tous nos paroissien(ne)s de venir
passer du temps en prière ce vendredi le 4
octobre. Une feuille de présence sera en
place, afin de nous assurer qu’il y a toujours
quelqu’un de présent avec Jésus.
Communion to the Shut-ins:
Those who
are unable to attend mass are invited to receive Holy
Communion on the first Friday of each month. Deacon Larry
and/or one of the parish Eucharistic Ministers will gladly
visit the homes of our shut-ins. If you are not receiving this
monthly service and would like to have a visit, please contact
the parish office.
La communion...est
has begun. Registrations are still
being accepted. Teachers and helpers (aged 13 and up) are
always needed. See the Sunday School Room Teacher for
more information.
Presenting the live theatre production of:
Thank you to all the honorary knights, knights
and wives who so graciously gave up their time to help at our
men and women's steak barbecue
elimination draw dinner. A special thank
you to all the volunteers, parishioners and
friends who attended the dinner to make it
a success.
Les élèves de la 2e
année de nos écoles élémentaires de langue française feront
leur première confession jeudi, le 28 novembre, 2013.
L’enseignement se déroulera en salle de classe.
Sunday School
portée aux personnes qui ne
peuvent pas assister à la messe. Si vous connaissez
quelqu’un qui aimerait avoir leur nom ajouté à notre liste,
demandez la permission de nous téléphoner au bureau.
Le Conseil scolaire catholique Providence reconnaît
officiellement la journée du 5 octobre 2013 comme étant la
« Journée mondiale
des enseignantes et des enseignants ».
Shrines of Italy Tour:
Travel Merchant Tours
presents ‘Shrines of Italy’ personally escorted by Father
Gary Goyeau and Father Robert Champagne. The tour
will take place from May 23rd to June 1st, 2014. For a
brochure please contact the parish office at 519-687-3118.
’Tween Dances are Back!
Students grades 5 to 8-Élèves de 5e à 8e années
Friday, October 11th, 2013
7 to 10 pm
Visitation Parish Hall
Entry/entrée $5.00
Forty Days for Life will begin on September 25th
and end on November 1st. It takes place from 7 am-8 pm
Monday to Friday, in front of Metropolitan Hospital. Please
come and pray for a change of heart for all those involved in
the killing of the unborn. Call 519-734-8031 to register the
time you choose if possible; or come whenever you can.
Upcoming Project Rachel Retreats
October 4-6:
Project Rachel College/University
Retreat for Women and Men.
November 29-December 1: Project Rachel Autumn
Retreat for Women
May 30-June 1: Project Rachel Spring 2014
Retreat for Women
For more information or to register, call Project Rachel at
1-888-355-1110 or 519-646-2950 (private and confidential).