Saint Joseph and Precious Blood Parishes Paroisses Saint


Saint Joseph and Precious Blood Parishes Paroisses Saint
Saint Joseph and Precious Blood Parishes
Paroisses Saint-Joseph et Précieux-Sang
Rev. Jacques Labelle – pastor / curé
Rev. Mr. Rick Jarvis – deacon / diacre
18318 County Rd 2,
Cornwall, ON. K6H 5R5
Tel: 613.931.1424 - Fax: 613.931.2428
Tuesday to Thursday
9am to 4pm
Web site:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Sacrament of Baptism
Kindly advise the pastor at least two
months before the date of the
Sacrament of Marriage
The pastor would be please to meet
those preparing for marriage one year
before the marriage date. You must be
registered and members of the parish.
Sacrament of Penance
Before the Eucharistic celebrations or
by appointment at the rectory.
Our Sick
We are always pleased to bring Holy
Communion to the sick, to the elderly
unable to come to church. Contact the
pastor or the deacon.
Sacrement du baptême
S’adresser au presbytère au moins 2
mois avant la date de la célébration.
Sacrement du mariage
Le curé sera heureux de rencontrer les
futurs mariés 1 an avant leur mariage.
Vous devez être enregistré et membre
de la paroisse.
Sacrement de pénitence
Avant les célébrations eucharistiques
ou sur rendez-vous au presbytère.
Nos malades
Nous sommes toujours heureux
d’apporter la Sainte Communion aux
malades ou aux vieillards retenus à la
maison. Adressez-vous au curé ou le
third Sunday of lent
troisiÈme dimanche du carÊme
SATURDAY, March 22 nd
16h00 (Lancaster) Richard Houle par M. & Mme Guillaume Godard
17h30 (Glen Walter) Pro Populo
Everyone is welcome to join us for a
the K of C Roundtable of Precious
Blood, an evening of fun and
games…. on Saturday, March 29th,
2014 starting at 7:00pm in the parish
hall. All money raised will be going
for our “new furnace”.
SUNDAY, March 23rd
9h00 (Glen Walter) Aline Poirier by Steve Poirier and Family
11h00 (Lancaster) Fr. Gary Ostler by Fr. Jacques Labelle
MONDAY, March 24th
9h00 (Lancaster) Adoration and Confessions
9h30 (Lancaster) Âmes du Purgatoire par Marie Bowen
WEDNESDAY, March 26th
9h00 (Lancaster) Âmes du Purgatoire par Marie-Rose & Guillaume Godard
THURSDAY, March 27th
9h00 (Glen Walter) Saint Antoine pour faveur obtenue par Florian & Irene Lalonde
SATURDAY, March 29nd
16h00 (Lancaster) Pro Populo
17h30 (Glen Walter) Murray Marcino by J. Petry
SUNDAY, March 30th
9h00 (Glen Walter) In Thanksgiving by Sharon Murray
11h00 (Lancaster) Bobby Prewer by Lorraine Prewer
19h00 (Lancaster) PARISH MISSION
Precious Blood Parish in Glen
Walter - BINGO!
Our next bingo will be on
Wednesday, March 26th, 2014
in the church hall starting at
7:00 pm. Tell your family and
friends. Hope to see you
AT 6:20pm!
SAINT JOSEPH PARISH, in Lancaster is hosting a Lenten Mission from March 30th to April 2nd, 2014.
GUEST SPEAKER: FR. TIMOTHY NELLIGAN. Fr. Tim is a Chaplain in the Military Ordinate of Canada
and has comforted many of our soldiers. He has ministered on many Canadian Bases and has even aided on
several Canadian Missions. Please join him as he brings all these gifts and more!
Sunday, March 30th
Monday, March 31st
Tuesday, April 1st
Wednesday, April 2nd
Noah - Hope in the Face of Adversity.
Job - Hope and the Struggle of Perseverance.
Peter & Judas - Hope and the Power of Reconciliation.
Failure and the Power of Remorse.
Blessed Virgin Mary - Hope and the Mystery of God’s Grace.
Les Chevaliers de Colomb et les Cursillistes de la paroisse Ste-Thérèse-de-Lisieux située au 1304,
rue Lisieux vous invitent à leur Souper au Spaghetti, le samedi, 29 mars, entre 17h00 et 19h30 dans
leur salle paroissiale. Coût : 10,00$ par personne, 5,00$ pour enfants de 5 à 12 ans ou 25,00$ par
famille. Bienvenue à tous !!!
Ecumenical Lenten Service will be held at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church on South Lancaster on
each Wednesday during Lent. Everyone is welcome to attend!
Preacher responsible
Preacher responsible
Rev. Ian MacMillan
Rev. Mr. Rick Jarvis
March 26
April 9
Rev. Andrea Harrison
Rev. Jacqueline Frioud
April 2nd
April 16th
There will be a Free Will Offering / If School buses are not running, the service is cancelled.
Chicken Dinner Fundraiser for Patrons of St. Columban Foundation
for the restoration of our historic St. Columban’s Church
hosted by the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 297
415 Second St. West, Cornwall
Sunday April 6, 2014 - 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.,
Tickets $10 are available at St. Columban’s rectory during office hours,
from Foundation members, by calling Brian at 613-933-8353
and at the Legion. Everyone welcome.
Le P. Éric Robichaud et les membres de la paroisse Notre-Dame-du-Rosaire vous invitent à leur Dîner
des sucres le dimanche 30 mars, de 10h30 à 13h00 au Centre communautaire de Crysler. Au menu :
œufs, bacon, saucisses, fèves au lard, tire sur neige ($1.00), crêpes et sirop d’érable. Musique par Pierre et
Éloïse Laflèche. Admission : adultes et ados : $12.00; enfants de 5 à 11 ans : $5.00; enfants de moins de 5
ans : gratuit. Venez vous sucrer le bec avec nous!
Father Éric Robichaud and the members of Our Lady of the Rosary Parish invite you to their Sugar
Bush Brunch on Sunday, March 30th , from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm at the Crysler Community Centre. Menu:
eggs, bacon, sausages, baked beans, taffy on snow ($1.00), pancakes and maple syrup. Music by Pierre &
Éloïse Laflèche. Admission: Adults & Teens: $12.00; Children from 5 to 11: $5.00; Children under 5: free.
Everyone Welcome!
Knights of Columbus Council 9780 cordially invites everyone to their breakfast, on Sunday, March 23rd from 9:00 am to 12 noon
at St. Anthony’s Hall, Apple Hill. Proceeds will go towards the Stephanie Grady “NUT GIVIN’ UP” fundraising campaign.
La Paroisse Nativité organise un “Bingo Mini-Monstre”, le samedi, 29 mars. Les portes ouvrent à 16h00 et le bingo débute à
19h00. Paquet de 12 cartes au coût de 21,00$ incluant les spéciaux. Le Bonanza extra, 0.50 cents. « Early Bird » à 18h00 – 5 parties
dont les prix seront de 50% des ventes à un maximum de 100,00$ par partie.
Precious Blood Parish
Saint Joseph Parish
Bishop Pix Movie Series – Pope John Paul 11
On April 27th, Pope Francis will preside at the canonization of Blessed John Paul 11 and Blessed John XX111. To commemorate this
historic event, we are screening Pope John Paul 11. This movie, starring Oscar winner John Voigt and Oscar nominee James
Cromwell, brings the amazing story of Karol Wojtyla up close and personal, from his struggles in Nazi-occupied Poland to his
dealings with Russians, to his election, at the age of 58, as the first non-Italian pope in 455 years.
The movie will be screened from April 4th to 10th at the Port Theatre beginning at 7:15 each evening with a special Monday m
atinée on April 7th. Bishop Marcel will introduce the movie on opening night, beginning at 7:00 pm and Father Kevin Maloney, who
will be leading a pilgrimage to Rome for the canonization, will introduce the Matinée.
Série de films au choix de l’Évêque – Pope John Paul 11
Le 27 avril prochain, le Pape François canonisera le Bienheureux Pape Jean-Paul 11 et le bienheureux Pape Jean XX11. Pour
souligner cet évènement, nous visionnerons le film « Pope John Paul 11 ». Ce film rend bien vivante l’histoire de Karol Wojtyla, y
compris ses lutes personnelles durant l’occupation de la Pologne par les Nazis. Il traite aussi de ses relations avec les Russes, de
son élection comme pape à l’âge de 59 ans.
Le film sera projeté à partir du 4 avril au 10 avril au Théâtre Port à partir de 19h15 chaque soir. Il y aura une matinée, le lundi,
7 avril à 14h00. Mgr Marcel Damphousse présentera le film le soir d’ouverture, à partir de 19h00.
RETRAITE CARÊME 2014 à la paroisse Saint-Félix-de-Valois le 30 mars au 2 avril, 2014 avec Sr. Lorraine Caza, CND.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GLEN WALTER FIRE STATION is hosting a “Pancake Breakfast, Annual Greet & Meet” on Sunday, March 30th, with an 8:00 am
start at Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School (corner Boundary Rd & Tyotown Rd). FREE WILL Donation !!!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LES CHEVALIERS de COLOMB, Quatrième degré, Assemblée Monseigneur Brodeur auront un « Gros déjeuner ». Une cueillette
de fonds pour la paroisse Blessed Sacrament, le dimanche, 30 mars, de 8h30 – 12h30 dans la salle paroissiale. Coût : la bonne
volonté de don… Tous sont les bienvenus!
Bishop Brodeur Assembly, Fourth Degree KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS is hosting a “Big Breakfast”, on Sunday, March 30th, from
8:30 am to 12:30 pm at Blessed Sacrament Parish Hall. Breakfast will consist of fruits, bacon, sausage, home fries, eggs, pancakes,
toasts, coffee, orange juice and baked beans. Good Will Donation. All proceeds to Blessed Sacrament Parish.
Spreading the Word
We are not like the Samaritan woman when she arrived at the well. We already know Christ. We have experienced his love
and grace. We have tasted the water that springs up to eternal life - the Holy Spirit who has "been poured out into our
hearts," as St Paul puts it in the Second Reading. Even so, we still have periods in our life when, like the Israelites in the
desert, we struggle, we cry out, we get thirsty, and we need God to remind us of his power and his love. But we know where
to turn in those moments. We "have been justified by faith," as St Paul says, and so "we have peace with God through our
Lord Jesus Christ." Today we should thank God for that precious gift, of faith - the "gift of God" that never runs dry. So we
are not like the Samaritan woman when she arrived at the well. Rather, we are like the Samaritan woman after her
conversation with Christ. In today's secularized world, we are the privileged ones, the countercultural ones who have met the
Savior. We know that no matter what the advertisers say, horizontal stuff will never satisfy the human heart's vertical thirst.
But so many of those around us don't know that, and so they are frustrated in life, and they don't know why. It is up to us to
tell them. All the Holy Spirit needs from us is a decent effort to spread the good news, and he will use our clumsy words to
bring faith into thirsty hearts - just as he used the Samaritan woman's words to convert an entire town. Jesus is the new
Moses, and each one of us is a wooden staff in his hands, and he wants to use us to touch the stony hearts of our thirsting
neighbors, so he can open within them a flowing fountain of his saving grace. This week, let's give him the chance.