Exercising Outdoors


Exercising Outdoors
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Exercise in Green Space ‘improves Health’
(BBC News, May 2010)
For those who say they have too little time to exercise, this report may make them think again. It
says just five minutes of outdoor activity, regardless of what it is, walking, gardening, fishing, or farming,
in any green space, a field, an urban park or a town garden, can give a huge boost to people’s self-esteem
and mood.
This research, based on studies of more than twelve hundred people, found the young and the mentally ill
gain the most from being outdoors. But that all of us, regardless of age, gender or background, benefit
from exercising for just a few minutes in a natural space, especially if it’s near a stretch of water.
The report urges policymakers and urban planners to do more to ensure that what it calls ‘green exercise’
becomes an inevitable way of life for us. This it says can do a lot to reduce health care costs as well as
benefiting individuals and communities.
1. may make them think again
les faire réfléchir, changer d’avis
2. outdoor activity
activité de plein air
3. regardless
quel que soit / peu importe ce que c’est
4. to give a huge boost
améliorer énormément
5. mood
6. to gain from
bénéficier de
7. gender
8. background
9. a stretch of water
une étendue d’eau
10. to urge
pousser, recommander vivement
11. policymakers
les responsables politiques
12. urban planners
les urbanistes
13. health care
les services de santé

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