en SCIENCES? - La classe de Mme Barry


en SCIENCES? - La classe de Mme Barry
Our next unit in science will be on Simple Machines as part of the Structures and
Mechanisms strand. We will be learning more about how movement is a change in the position
of an object and how simple machines such as: levers, inclined planes, pulleys, wheels and
axles, screws and wedges, help make our lives easier because they help us move objects. We
will be learning about different kinds of simple machines, investigating how they work and
where they can be found all around us.
We introduced the unit with the Scientists in the School program in April. It was amazing!
The students loved learning about science through hands-on activities and real life simple
machines. All students were engaged and excited!
During this unit we will be investigating the following big ideas about movement:
Ø Movement is a change in position of an object. Ø Simple machines help objects to move. Ø Mechanisms are made up of one or more simple machines. Ø Simple machines and mechanisms make life easier and/or more enjoyable for humans. What activities could you do at home to support your child?
ü Show/ discuss with your child how simple machines are part of our/their everyday lives
(teeter-totters, bicycles, toys, cars, elevators, ramps, staircases, scissors, etc.),
ü Review the definitions page attached to discuss the purposes of each type of simple
ü Go for a walk in the neighbourhood and make a list of all of the simple machines you
see. Categorize them into their appropriate type of simple machines.
ü Visit the following websites:
Canadian Science Museum – kids zone
• http://www.sciencetech.technomuses.ca/english/schoolzone/machines5.cfm
Simple Machines and Forces – The compound machine
ü One of the important expectations of the Ontario Science and Technology Curriculum
at all levels is for students to “use appropriate vocabulary in describing their
investigations, explorations and observations”. Please encourage your child to use the
words on the following page when communicating her/her knowledge of simple machines
with you.
Here is a list of vocabulary we will be using throughout the unit that you can practice
with your child:
« les mouvements » - different movements:
s’entourer – to turn around something
pousser - push
rouler – roll
tirer - pull
pivoter – pivot
voler - fly
tourner ou tournoyer – turn
équilibre ou balance- balance
rebondir – bounce
glisser - slide
sauter – jump
soulever – lift
ferme – close
ouvrir - open,
les mouvements linière (linear movements) = horizontale, verticale, en pente (slope)
« les directions des mouvement » - different directions that objects can move in:
s’approcher – coming closer or approaching
avancer – advancing
s’éloigner – going further away
reculer – backing up
sous – under
devant – in front of
monter – going up
descendre – going down
sur - on
dans - in
derrière - behind
à coté de - beside
« Les machines simples et leurs parties » - simple machines and their parts :
rampe – ramp
levier – lever
roues – wheel
axes – axle
coins – a wedge
poulies – pulley
point d’appui – pressure point
extrémité – an end
plan incliné – inclined plane
lisse - smooth
rugueuse ou bosselée – rough or bumpy
distance parcourue – the distance the object moved
friction - friction
charge – a weight
une vis – a screw
Have fun making science part of our everyday lives!
The grade 2 teachers J

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