Virginie Dor


Virginie Dor
Virginie Dor
Attorney at Law
T + 32 (0)2 743 69 72
F + 32 (0)2 743 69 01
E [email protected]
Admitted to the Bar in 2003
Languages : French, Dutch, English, Italian
Practice areas
Public Law, Public Procurement & PPP
Other professional activities
Member of ESIMAP Board of Directors (seminars and training programmes in the field of public
University of Louvain, UCL (Law Degree, 2002)
European Institute of Higher International Studies, Nice, France (Master European and
International Studies, 2003)
Why recommended
Virginie joined CMS DeBacker in 2003. Previously she practiced Business Law with Liedekerke,
Wolters, Waelbroeck & Kirkpatrick. She has been assistant to Professor ‘t Kint at the University of
Louvain (UCL).
Since her arrival at CMS DeBacker, Virginie has specialised in public procurement.
In her daily practice (public procurement, concessions, PPP), Virginie assists contracting authorities
and tenderers on the drafting of tenders or the conception and implementation of procurement
procedures. She is a regular author of procurement documents; negotiates complex operations;
undertakes comprehensive analysis of the awarding of tenders and the compliancy of the awarding
procedure, and assists either contracting authorities or tenderers in the context of litigation.
As a specialist in the sector, she regularly gives training sessions and conducts seminars in Englisch,
French and Dutch.
Relevant experience
Counsel of the Belgian National Lottery with regard to the design, organisation, monitoring and
negotiation of the contract for renewal of the entire IT structure of the National Lottery for its gaming
system and its network of points of sale (value of the contract : 200.000.000 €). After intense
negotiations, the contract was awarded without remedy.
Counsel to Zetes for the tender related to the manufacturing and delivery of Belgian passports ; the
contract was awarded to Zetes after an intense phase of various urgent legal disputes.
Publications (books)
‘’Les principes légaux – La Loi du 15 juin 2006’’, in La commande publique, Kluwer, 2014, 305 p.
‘’La motivation, l’information et les recours – la loi du 17 juin 2013’’, in La commande publique,
Kluwer, 2014, 164 p.
‘’Le nouveau droit des marchés publics en Belgique, de l’article à la pratique’’, Y. Cabuy, G. Dereau,
V. Dor, P. Thiel & M. Vastmans, Larcier, 2013, 1.250 p.
‘’Les recours juridiques en matière de marchés publics – La directive 2007/66/CE et l’introduction
d’un Livre II bis dans la loi du 24 décembre 1993’’ (co-author C. De Koninck), Kluwer, 2010, 324 p.
‘’Le nouveau régime des marchés publics - principales innovations introduites par les lois des 15 et
16 juin 2006’’(co-author : P. Thiel), Kluwer, 2007, 231 p.
Other publications (articles, electronic publications and participation in multi-author books)
‘’Le contentieux des marchés publics : quoi de neuf depuis la loi du 17 juin 2013 ?’’, in S. Ben
Messaoud, F. Viseur (dir.), Le droit des marchés publics à l’aune de la réforme du 1er juillet 2013,
Larcier, 2014, pp. 549-579
‘’Le standstill sous les seuils européens – application volontaire ou forcée ?’’, in X, Chronique des
marchés publics 2012-2013, EBP, pp. 761-776
‘’L’intérêt des marchés publics – Examen de l’application des intérêts moratoires, compensatoires
et de l’anatocisme en droit des marchés publics’’, with V. de Francquen in X, Chronique des marchés
publics 2009-2010, EBP, 2010,pp. 463-504
Commentaires des dispositions relatives à la motivation, à l’information et aux recours, Mercatus,
Kluwer, 2011-2013, 211 p.
‘’Les marchés publics écologiques – Possibilités, contraintes, écueils’’, co-authored with V. de
Francquen in X, Chronique des marchés publics 2009, EBP, pp. 713 - 742
‘’Le contentieux en matière d’attribution des marchés publics – Régime actuel et perspectives
ouvertes par la loi du 16 juin 2006’’, in X, Chronique des marchés publics, 2008, EBP, pp. 375-410
‘’L’accord-cadre’’, co-authored with P. Thiel, in Bulletin juridique des contrats publics, hors-série mai
2007, pp. 17-21
‘’Aperçu du futur régime des marchés publics en Belgique’’, co-authored with P. Thiel, in Revue de
droit communal, 2007/1, pp. 2-38
‘’Chronique de jurisprudence belge des marchés publics’’, co-authored with P. Thiel and P. Slegers,
in Bulletin juridique des contrats publics, Paris, 2005, numéro spécial Belgique, pp. 35-61
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