Executive director - Investment Bank JP Morgan


Executive director - Investment Bank JP Morgan
Global Investment Bank – Securities Services Product Manager
En quoi consiste le métier ? Comment se pratique-t-il?
Global Investment banking covers numerous functions which supports clients investment banking activities,
whether this being through sales, trading, analytics, clearing, settlement and asset servicing. The understanding
of the services offered throughout the organisation combined with market trends, clients strategy, enables us to
identify new product and business opportunities. As a securities services product manager this consist of
assessing external and internal factors which contributes to the development of new services to our clients, as
well as business managemnt, sales development, marketing, legal negotiations, strategy setting, P&L
management, risk management etc.
Quelles sont les différentes tâches réalisées?
This varies, but as a product/business manager this fundamentally means that we ensure the business runs
smoothly on a day to day basis, a healthy P&L, that clients are happy, as well as determining measures required
to further grow the business, along with keeping abreast of market dynamics, regulatory changes, clients
strategy etc.
Qu’aimez-vous dans votre métier, ou qu’appréciez-vous moins ?
It is an area which is subject to constant change, new challenges and opportunities arise all the time. It is a
business overall which offers numerous opportunities for further growth, personal and professional development.
Quel(s) est (sont) le(s) lieu(x) de travail ?
Usually in the office
A quelle place de la hiérarchie de l’entreprise le métier se situe-t-il ? A-t-il des supérieurs ?
Yes, I work for a large institution with more than 250 000 employees
Le métier exige-t-il un travail sédentaire ou mobile (voyages ?...)? Yes
Le métier nécessite-t-il un travail en équipe ou travaille-t-on seul ? Yes
Qualités personnelles nécessaires? par ex esprit analytique…
Take an interest in what is beyond the task you are given, look to develop skills, outgoing, keen, smart !
Compétences ? par ex anglais courant, maitrise de logiciel,...
The company appreciates a diversified workforce, there is no one degree, it is more about the individuals ability
to think beyond their own role, function, knowledge, whilst certainly some roles like financial analysis
requires a certain level of technical understanding, but for the most part, it is learning on the job,
Ce métier permet-il de trouver facilement du travail? Oui
Peut-on espérer facilement une promotion ? Laquelle?
Oui, sur base de merite
Par quel type de poste peut-on passer pour arriver votre poste ?
My own background has gone through operations, buying and seliing global banking services, client relationship