Bulletin November 29, 2015


Bulletin November 29, 2015
Mass — INTENTIONS — Messes
dimanche/Sunday, November 29, 2015
7:00 pm (E) - Mission Talk #1 - Time and Eternity
lundi/Monday, November 30, 2015
10:30 am (E) - Mass of Healing with Anointing
Gary Knapp (43rd ann)
by Clarence and Rita
André Janisse (39th ann)
by the family
Annette Lebert
by Daniel & Pauline Tellier
7:00 pm (E) - Mission Talk #2 - Forgiveness
mardi/Tuesday, December 1, 2015
10:30 am (E/F) - All School Mass
Intentions of Jamie Soullière
by Alice Reaume
Mary Ellen Gaspard
by Sister Dolores Senay
Lena Pinsonneault
by her great-grandchildren
7:00 pm (E) - Mission Talk #3 - The Eucharist
mercredi/Wednesday, December 2, 2015
8:30 am (E)
Martin Zamparo
by Adam, Maria and John Roy
Alphonsine Marchand
by Cécile & Arthur Campeau
Helen Labonté
by Wilfred & Lucille Comartin
7:00 pm (E) - Mission Talk #4 - Mary
jeudi/Thursday, December 3, 2015
8:30 am (E)
Respect for Life
Armand Rivait (1st ann)
Pearl Pinsonneault
The sick…Les malades...
Diane Bellemore
Bill Bulley
Yvette Bulley
Rita Knapp
Jean-Guy Langlois
Estelle Lebert
Jean-Yves Losier
Robert Masse
Cathy Michaud
Charlene Parent
Bill Poisson
Brian Quick
Jeannette Rivest
Lori Steinberg-Belanger
John Tobin
Timothy Trepanier
Elaine Wilkinson
Our Collections
Parish Office / Bureau Paroissial
5407 Comber Sideroad, P.O. Box 220
Comber, Ontario N0P 1J0
(519) 687-3118
(519) 687-2076
Website: www.visitation.dol.ca
Email: [email protected]
Father Bob’s Email: [email protected]
Katherine’s Email: [email protected]
November 22, 2015
by the Visitation CWL
by the family
by Agnes Bonneau & family
Envelopes $4,378.00
+ loose
vendredi/Friday, December 4, 2015
Communion to Shut-Ins
8:30 am (F)
En remerciement
par John et Thérèse Mackay
Rosaire Trepanier (19e ann)
par la famille
Léo (9e ann) et Rena (7e ann) Comartin
par la famille
9:00 am to 2:00 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Diocesan Assessment......................$50.00
St. Joachim Cemetery…………..$100.00
Our Lady of Lourdes Cemetery..$100.00
Annunciation Cemetery……...…..$20.00
samedi/Saturday, December 5, 2015
5:00 pm (E) - Baptisms
For the intentions of the people of God
Memorial Donation……...….........$20.00
Parish Breakfast Profit………....$352.47
Pre-Authorized Debit (Nov)….$1,080.00
No Confessions
dimanche/Sunday, December 6, 2015
9:00 am (F)
Pour les intentions du peuple de Dieu
11:00 am (E) - Baptisms
For the intentions of the people of God
Church ‘Listen System’:
Paroisse de la Visitation Parish
Pray for…Prions pour…
As previously announced, the
parish has two portable devices to help people hear the spoken word
more clearly during mass. These are available from the ushers before
mass on a ‘first come first serve basis’. Several people have found a
big difference when using them and expressed interest in purchasing
their own. If you are interested, the cost for the receiver &
headphones is $170.00 (tax included). Please contact the parish office
before December 7th if you want to purchase one of these units so
that we can have them delivered before Christmas.
Building Fund
Office Hours:
9:30 am to 12:00 noon…...1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Pastoral Team
Rev. Robert Champagne, Pastor/curé
Larry Lamphier, Permanent Deacon/Diacre permanent
Katherine Marsh, Pastoral Minister/Youth Minister/
Agente de pastorale/pastoral-jeunesse
Parish Staff
Marie Tremblay, Financial Secretary
Rachelle Moison, Secretary/Receptionist
Sarah Moison, Caretaker
Randy Barrette, Maintenance
Mariette Comartin, Housekeeper
Kelly Authier, Choir Director
Weekend Masses
Saturday 5 pm (E)
dimanche 9h (F)
Sunday 11 am (E)
Celebrated once a month
during weekend masses.
Registration in the parish is required.
Preparation is mandatory.
Thank you! Merci!
Did you know? The Knights of Columbus
Council #8783 recently made a donation of $2,500
to our Building Fund. Thank you for your
generous gift which will be sent to the diocese to
help pay our outstanding loan interest invoice.
Le saviez-vous que... les Chevaliers de
Colomb de notre paroisse ont fait un don de 2,500
$ au fonds de construction.
Nous sommes
reconnaissant de leur appui financier qui nous
aidera à payer notre facture d’intérêts.
Saturday 11:30 am to 12 noon
or by appointment.
At least one party must be a registered
member of the parish.
Minimum 6 months notification.
Mandatory marriage preparation course.
Ministry to the Sick
Communion to shut-ins every first Friday.
Hospital visits upon request.
Sacrament of the Sick upon request.
Hope of Mercy
Espérance de Miséricorde
1st Sunday of Advent
1er dimanche de l’Avent
November 29, 2015
Visitation Parish Mission
Dear friends, I can’t thank you enough for the all the good
wishes, prayers, cherry jam, quilt, and many, many cards, but
especially for your prayers. I am convinced the reason I am
with you this weekend, is because of the thousand of prayers
that have bombarded heaven for my healing. Let us continue
to pray in thanksgiving to our loving God.
Father Bob
Chers amis, je vous remercie pour toutes les bonnes volontés
et plusieurs cartes de souhaits, mais surtout pour vos prières.
Je suis convaincu que vos prières pour ma guérison sont la
raison pour laquelle je suis avec vous maintenant.
Père Bob
1st Sunday of Advent:
Our daily actions affect
the quality of life in this world and increase the Lord’s
harvest in the world to come. When we reach out in
kindness to our family, friends and foes, we express the
redemptive love of Jesus and experience, through the Holy
Spirit, an increase of the Lord’s love in our hearts. This
allows us to more fully understand his profound mercy.
1er dimanche de l’Avent:
Debout, relevez la
tête! Au cœur des tumultes de notre histoire, Dieu demeure
fidèle à sa promesse de bonheur. En Jésus son Fils, il fait
lever sa Bonne Nouvelle: déjà germent le droit et la justice!
Notre rédemption approche: relevons la tête et restons
éveillés dans une sainteté sans reproche.
The readings...Les lectures:
December 6th
Baruch 5:1-9
Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11
Luke 3:1-6
le 6 décembre
Baruc 5, 1-9
Philippiens 1, 4-6.8-11
Luc 3, 1-6
Christmas blooms:
you like to remember a deceased
loved one in a special way at
Christmas time?
We are trying
something new…we are offering you
the opportunity to make a donation in
memory of someone special by contributing to our Christmas
blooms fund. A list of names will be displayed and these
deceased will be remembered in the prayer intentions at
Christmas masses. We hope to collect enough funds to cover
the cost of flowers to decorate the church. Special green
envelopes are available at the office or on the welcome desk.
Noël en fleur:
Vous pouvez maintenant faire un don
en mémoire de quelqu’un spécial pour nous aider à défrayer
le coût des fleurs qui seront placé autour de l’autel à Noël.
Vous trouverez des enveloppes vertes sur la table d’accueil
dans l’entrée de l’église et au bureau. Les noms seront
affichés et nous prierons d’une façon spéciale pour ces
décédés dans nos intentions de Noël.
Join us for a Parish Mission with our dynamic speaker,
Father Ben Luedtke. Take time out and plan to attend.
Don’t miss this opportunity to prepare your hearts for
Sunday, November 29th
7:00 pm Mission Talk #1 - Time and Eternity
Monday, November 30th
10:30 am Mass of healing with anointing
7:00 pm Mission Talk #2 - Forgiveness
Tuesday, December 1st
10:30 am All School Mass - All are welcome
7:00 pm Mission Talk #3 - The Holy Eucharist
Wednesday, December 2nd
8:30 am Mass
7:00 pm Mission Talk #4 - Blessed Virgin Mary
About Father Ben: Father Ben Luedtke personally knew
Mother Teresa of Calcutta and was often her personal
driver in Rome. Each Missionary of Charity prays for a
special priest; Fr. Leudtke was Mother Teresa’s special
priest. Father currently resides at St. Albert the Great
Parish in Dearborn Heights. Father Ben is a very sought
after speaker, spiritual director and confessor, and is a
missionary priest who was ordained by Pope John Paul II
and has worked on three continents. Formerly working in
the theatrical field, Father credits the Blessed Mother for
his conversion and priesthood.
Malheureusement notre mission se déroulera en anglais
Giving Tree
This year our parish is sponsoring 8
local families and 8 families from Children’s Aid. We are
once again appealing to the generosity of our parishioners for
your support in helping them to ensure that all children will
have gifts to open on Christmas morning. It is our hope that
each and every child and their parents can experience love
and joy in receiving a gift. We encourage everyone to
participate in any way possible. Please follow these easy
~ The list of items needed by each family has been divided
into individual gift ideas. Check the paper ornaments on the
‘giving tree’ in the narthex. On the ornament is the name of
an article or gift that is needed. Please choose from these, an
item that you could buy (new items only please.)
~ Take the ornament home with you so you can remember
what to buy and to make sure we have no duplicates.
~ After you have bought the article,
please attach the paper ornament
securely to the gift and place it under
the giving tree by December 13th.
If you have any questions about the
Giving Tree please contact Marie
Levesque at 519-798-3168.
Christmas & New Year’s Masses
Your help is needed…
Sun. Nov. 29
@ 1:00 pm Ushers-Sunday School Rm
@ 7:00 pm Don’t miss-Parish Mission!
Mon. Nov. 30
@ 7:00 pm Don’t miss-Parish Mission!
Tue. Dec. 1
@ 7:00 pm Don’t miss-Parish Mission!
Wed. Dec. 2
@ 7:00 pm Don’t miss-Parish Mission!
@ 7:30 pm Choir Practice - Hall A
Our Squirettes are hosting a
Readers, Eucharistic Ministers, Greeters…
please call the parish office to offer your assistance with the
holiday masses. There are also sign-up sheets in the sacristy.
Altar servers...please indicate on the sign up sheets when
you are available for Christmas and New Years masses.
Offertory Gift Bearers: Any family can offer to be
Offertory Gift Bearers. You do not have to be mandated.
Please call 519-687-3118 to offer your services!
Messes de Noël et du Jour de l’an
Nous avons besoin de votre aide...
Quarter Auction
Sunday, December 6th in the parish hall.
Preview party starts at 12:30 pm - Auction begins at 1:00 pm
Admission $5 - Light refreshments will be sold
Contact Bev Vanier at 519-798-4495 for more information.
Father Henri Masse Christmas Raffle
The Squires will be selling tickets after all masses from now
until the draw on December 13th or until we are sold out.
Tickets are $2.00 each and all proceeds will go towards our
charity account.
Prize #1 A statue of the three kings
Prize #2 Battery operated candles
Prize #3 Urn with chocolates
Tween Dance—Danse
Students Grades 5 to 8 - Élèves de 5e à 8e années
Friday, December 13th, 7:00 to 10:00 pm.
Visitation Parish Hall
Entry/entrée $5.00
A December Ultreya is being held at Holy
Name of Jesus Parish-Essex, on Friday, December 11th at
7:30 pm. If you’ve made a Cursillo Weekend please come
and share in a faith-filled evening. All Cursillistas welcome!
Cursillo: The next Cursillo weekend is being held at
Holy Name of Jesus Church, Essex. Men’s weekend
is January 28 – 31, and the Women’s weekend is February
18 – 21, 2016. Contact: [email protected], or Yvette
Levesque at 519-728-4019 for more information.
Lecteur/lectrices, ministres eucharistiques,
personnes d’accueil... veuillez svp téléphoner le bureau
pour offrir vos services pour les fêtes.
Les enfants de chœur… sont demandés d’inscrire leur
nom sur la feuille de présence pour les messes aux quelles ils
assisteront pendant les fêtes.
Porteurs d’offrandes...veuillez svp téléphoner le
bureau pour donner votre nom au 519-687-3118. Merci.
Parking lot etiquette: In an effort to promote a
safe parking lot environment, new lines have been painted to
indicate the crosswalk that leads to the main entrance of the
church. This is a friendly reminder to all drivers that you
should not stop or park your vehicle in the crosswalk to pick
up or drop someone off, this should be done at the curb side.
Pedestrians in the crosswalk have the right of way and
everyone should use the crosswalk when walking to avoid
accidents. Be careful out there!
Étiquette du terrain de stationnement:
Tous récemment, nous avons fait peinturer des lignes pour
indiquer le passage pour piétons qui se dirige vers l’entrée
principale de l’église. Un rappel à tous les chauffeurs
d’automobiles qu’il n’est pas permis d’arrêter ou de
stationner un auto dans le passage
pour piétons. Vous devez embarquer
ou débarquer vos passagers au bord
du trottoir seulement. N’oubliez pas
que les personnes qui traversent dans
le passage marqué pour les piétons ont
le droit de passer en sécurité. Il est
important que tout le monde fasse
attention pour prévenir un accident.
Prayer Intentions
The Visitation Intercessors would like to pray for your intentions. Please fill out your intention below and place it in the collection basket during
the offertory. Our prayer team commits to pray daily for the intentions of our Parish.
Intentions de prière
Nous voulons prier pour vos intentions. S'il vous plaît remplir votre intention ci-dessous et la placer dans le panier d'offertoire. Notre équipe de
prière s'engage à prier tous les jours pour les intentions de notre paroisse.

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