April 2015 - Prairie South Schools


April 2015 - Prairie South Schools
École Élémentaire GRAVELBOURG Elementary School
P.O. Box 930
Gravelbourg, SK
S0H 1X0
Principal – Mr. Jody Lehmann
V.P./ Directrice Adjointe– Mme Gingell Munteanu
Phone: 648-3277 Fax : 648-2269
May/mai 2015
Coming Events
à venir…
May 14—Hot Lunch
May 15—No School
May 18—Victoria Day—
No School
May 21—Track Meet—Lafleche
May 22—No School
May 25—Early Dismissal
June 1– alternate track day
June 5—No School
June 8—Early Dismissal
June 12—Wednesday
June 18—6/7A Class Trip
June 19—Thursday
June 26— Awards Ceremony
—-Last Day of Classes
for Students
—Report Cards
Track and Field Day
Save the date, the Kindergarten to grade 6 track meet is
being held in Lafleche on May 21st. The alternate track date
is June 1st, with a backup alternate date of June 10th. The
track meet provides our students with the opportunity to
meet new friends from Lafleche, Kincaid, Mankota and
Glentworth. Order forms have been sent for students wishing to purchase a lunch for track day. Students will be bused
to and from Lafleche for track. Please contact the school asap if you are planning on driving
your child to or from track so that we can ensure the correct number of bus spots and avoid
a delayed departure.
Swimming Schedule
Trips to the pool will begin in June. Parent volunteers are required for students in Kindergarten to grade two. Please contact your child’s teacher if you or an adult member of your family is able to help supervise at the pool during your child’s swim time. Modest swimwear is
required for school trips to the pool. The pool schedule is at the back of the newsletter.
Le Violon Dingue
The one man musical show, Violon Dingue dropped by GES on April 27th. Musician, Pierre
Lessard took the students on a musical journery as he donned costumes and played instruments from around the globe. It was a high energy musical history lesson.
GES Choir
Twin Day
May 14th
Dress like someone else and be
their twin!
The GES Chorus is made up of students from grades 3 to 7
and is led by Mrs. Goepen-Bourgeois and Ms. Dzbinski. The
GES Chorus met each Wednesday throughout the school
year to build their skills and prepare for performances. The
GES Chorus season ended on a high note at the end of April
when they performed two selections at the Gravelbourg
and District Bilingual Music Festival. Their fresh and natural
tone and high energy secured them a high festival mark.
During the Festival Grammy Ceremonies, the GES Chorus
performed I love this Country and received the Festival School Chorus
Award. Congratulations to the Chorus members and leaders!
Mme Gingell
April Hot Lunch
Thank-you to Mrs. Baedke, Mrs. Malbeuf and the team of volunteers that prepared our sausage and peirogie meal. It was appreciated by all. Our School Community Council plays a
very important role in our monthly meal. Thank you! Hot lunch forms have gone home for
the May lunch.
C’est définitivement le printemps…donc un véritable plaisir d’aller jouer dehors, sans manteau, grosses
bottes, mitaines, etc…! S’habiller ne prend donc pas beaucoup de temps! Avril était bien-sûr consacré
aux activités reliées avec le thème de Pâques et du printemps. Début mai est consacré aux activités
reliées avec la fête des mères. Les élèves ont planté de petites graines dans un pot qu’ils ont eux-mêmes
décoré. Les premières petites feuilles sont déjà apparues, au grand plaisir des élèves lorsqu’ils offrent
leur chef d’oeuvre à leur maman!
Nous avons accueilli les mamans dans la classe pour une petite présentation de chansons et pour une
dégustation de thés, de biscuits, de crêpes et de friandises.
Elles se sont fait servir par leur enfant! Elles le méritent bien, n’est-ce-pas?
Spring is definitely here! It’s a real pleasure to play outside, without wearing a coat, boots, mitts, etc..! Getting
dressed doesn’t take much time! April activities were based around Easter and Spring themes. The beginning of
May was about Mother’s Day. The students planted little seeds in a plant pot that they decorated themselves. The
first little leaves popped out, and the children were excited to give their Masterpiece to their mom!
We welcomed the moms in the classroom for a presentation of songs and for a Tea time with cookies and crepes.
Their child served them! The moms deserve it, don’t they?
Mme Boisvert
En mathématiques, nous avons passé la fin d’avril à finaliser l’unité sur les formes et l’espace. Ce fut amusant
de construire des répliques de nos maisons! Nous commençons tout juste la nouvelle unité sur la mesure.
Nous aimons beaucoup jouer avec les sons et les mots durant les périodes d’éveil phonologique. Nous avons
eu des discussions au sujet du Jour de la Terre et nous avons fait notre part afin de protéger la
planète, en ramassant les déchets à l’avant de l’école. Nous faisons une expérience afin de savoir quels déchets se décomposent dans le sol car nous avons appris qu’il est important de recycler, réduire et réutiliser!
Nous avons aussi discuté de l’intimidation et de comment nous devons tous la stopper!
Maintenant, nous observons les signes du retour du printemps autour de nous. Nous observerons nos graines de légumes et nos bulbes de fleurs pousser et espérons pouvoir les mettre en
terre bientôt!
Our class completed the Math unit on Space and Shape this month. It was a lot of fun to build replicas of our houses! We have just started working on the new unit about measuring. Everyone enjoys working with sounds and words during Phonological Awareness activities.
We had discussions about Earth Day and we did our part by cleaning the front yard of the school. We are conducting an experiment to find
out which garbage items will break down and mix into the sol to create compost. We now know that it is important to recycle, reduce and
We also had discussions about bullying and racism and how we should all make it stop.
Now we are busy observing signs of spring
all around us. We are watching our vegetable seeds and our flower bulbs grow. Can’t wait to plant them in the ground!
Mme Basel Bedford
Grade 1B
Nos thèmes pendant le mois d’avril étaient les cinq sens, Pâques et la Terre. En mathématiques, nous étudions les nombres jusqu’à
100 et l’addition et la soustraction jusqu’à 20. Pour le jour de la Terre nous avons parlé des trois R…réduire, réutiliser et recycler.
Our themes during the month of April were Our Five Senses, Easter and the Earth. For Earth day we talked about the three Rs…reduce, reuse, and recycle. We also discussed the little things that we can do to make our ecological footprint smaller. In math, we continue to
work on the numbers up to 100 and addition and subtraction up to 20.
Mme Bonneau Chevrier
Grade 2B
Ce mois-ci, nous avons le plaisir d’atteindre plusieurs indicateurs du programme d’étude intégré, à travers de l’unité des contes de
fées. Nous parlons des monstres, des vilains, des personnages principaux et secondaires, imaginaire vs le réel, des éléments d’une
histoire à l’écrit et à l’oral, bon vs mauvais, l’art dramatique, le questionnement et la recherche. En mathématiques, en plus de la révision de plusieurs concepts appris durant l’année, nous avons ajouté le problème du jour et la pratique quotidienne des additions et des
We have been working on a Fairy tale unit which includes monsters, villains, main and secondary characters, imaginary vs real, elements of
a story, good vs evil, dramatic play, story writing, effective questioning and researching. It has been a fun and creative way to incorporate
many outcomes of the integrated curriculum. In Math, we have started to add a written problem of the day plus a healthy dose of practicing their addition and subtraction facts on top of their review of many concepts taught throughout the year.
Mme Natalie
Grade 3B
3B math: Nous avons complété notre unité sur le temps avec succès. Nous allons maintenant nous aventurer dans les mesures. Durant les prochaines semaines, nous allons apprendre comment mesurer différents objets en utilisant différentes unités de mesure.
3B Math: We have successfully gotten through our time unit and now venturing into measurements. Over the next few weeks, we will
learn how to measure different objects, using different measuring units and tools.
3B français: Nous travaillons toujours sur notre roman d’étude ‘’Charlie et la chocolaterie’’ et nos habileté à comprendre ce que nous
lisons. Nous travaillons aussi sur nos habiletés d’écriture. Les élèves doivent écrire strictement en lettre attachées/cursives depuis le
retour des vacances. Encouragez vos enfants à écrire en cursive quand ils écrivent à la maison!
3B French: We are still reading our novel study ‘’ Charlie and the chocolate factory’’ and working on our comprehension skills. We are
also working on our writing skills. The students are to only write in cursive letters as of after the Easter break until the end of the year.
Please encourage them to practice at home whenever they are writing!
6A/B ELA: We have successfully completed our book report. The students have done some amazing projects; everything looks so great!!!
Until the end of the year, we will be working more so on specific grammar skills as well as learning about biographies and creating our own
Mlle Lécuyer
Grade 4/5B
Déjà la fin avril! J`espère que tous ont eu des vacances relaxantes et reposantes! En math., la 4 e année fait la multiplication de
nombres naturels. La 5e année vient juste de terminer son unité de nombres décimaux. En français, les élèves ont appris l`impératif
des verbes .En sc. hum. la 5e année étudie la découverte de la Nouvelle- France et en sciences, le thème étudié est l`appareil respiratoire. Nous jouons au badminton pour l`éducation physique!
Already the end of April! I hope all had relaxing and restful Easter holidays with friends and family. In math, the grade 4 class is practicing
long multiplication. Keep practicing those mult. flashcards! During French class, students have been studying verbs. We are learning about
the discovery of New-France in soc. st. and in science the theme being studied is the respiratory system. We are enjoying bad minton during phys. ed!
Mme Pouteaux
Grades 6/7B
Un autre mois plein d’apprentissages. En mathématiques nous étudions le système métrique. Nous venons d’apprendre comment convertir les livres en kg ainsi que les miles en km. Le faible cours du pétrole figure parmi nos discussions en sciences humaines. Notre
unité au sujet des ressources s’achève. En français nous avons appris à identifier le subjonctif et le passé simple. Nous étudions les homophones en ce moment. La saison de badminton était trop courte! Nous nous pratiquons pour la journée d’athlétisme le 21 mai, à
Laflèche. Nous discutons de « conseils pour rendre heureux » lors d’éducation chrétienne. Que l’année passe
April has come and gone much too quickly. Students have been busy learning new concepts. In math, students
are able to identify units of measure that are from the Imperial and Metric systems. Today’s students still tend
to use miles and pounds, therefore, we have spent some time learning to convert between the two. Many
current event topics have been discussed during Social Studies. We have spent a few classes discussing the
impact of the low gas prices. We also “played” a farming game that revealed some of the difficulties Saskatchewan farmers faced in the 20s when it came time to market their grain. Our unit about resources is almost
over. Our focus during French has been learning to identify verbs that are in the subjonctif and passé simple
verb tenses. These verbs are often difficult to identify as they do not “follow” the patterns of other verb
tenses. Sadly, badminton season has ended. We have started training for the May 21 st Track Meet in Lafleche. Mr. Lehmann led the
class in a high jump workshop early this week. Grade 7 students will have regular classes on May 21st. Time is flying by as the end of the
school year approaches.
Mme Gingell
Grades K—2A
The month of April was a busy month! The Kindergarten students explored light and heat and the Grade 1 and 2 students built different structures. In math we worked on measuring and comparing different things. We put up a timeline in our classroom and are starting to place significant events on our timeline from the past and present. We had lots of fun with badminton and also played some
games with the parachute. We continue to enjoy our centers and some of the new games that Mrs. G.-B. has in our class!
Mrs. Goepen-Bourgeois
Grades 6/7A
In Math the grade 7s have been working on fractions and the grade 6s have been working on division.
In Health the students are learning about nutrition.
The grade 7 class has started a novel study for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
In Phys Ed the students have been playing badminton.
In Science we are completing a unit on Heat and Temperature.
Mrs. Podevin
On Sat. Mar. 28, Breanna and Ben W. (GHS) teamed up to make a mixed doubles team for the Assiniboia tournament. This team made
it all the way to the playoff round. Way to go! Several grade 6 and 7 students had the opportunity to participate in the Bantam badminton playoffs on Sat. Apr. 18 to represent our school. Those players were Brady and Ben W.(GHS)(boys doubles ), Carson (boys singles) Zachery (boys singles), Breanne and Breanna (girls doubles), Vincent and Sydney (mixed doubles) , Julien and Courtney (mixed
doubles), Jolie (girls singles) as well as Zoee (girls singles). Many of these young teams won games and competed against players as
old as grade 9. Well done! This experience will make them stronger athletes for the years to come. I hope they all enjoyed their season. Thank you to all the parents who brought soup, baking and chili.
Mme Pouteaux
Hidden Tyndall
Last week, as part of their activities to mark Earth Day, The Maternelle class headed outside to clean the school’s
front yard. Everyone was hard at it when Mme Basel Bedford noticed a small block at the base of the
wrought iron fence. Volunteers retrieved the object from inside the hedge. It was placed in the basket,
along with all the other treasures to be brought back to class to have a closer look at later on. The end of
the day came and no one had a spare minute to check out the treasures in the basket before
going home.
When Madame finally got to the pile on her desk, she noticed the stone block and started reading the
inscription on it. It said that the stone had been placed there in 2012, as part of a project to celebrate the
100th year of the Legislative building! 99 other such stones were placed throughout Saskatchewan. You
can find out more about the project by going to HiddenTyndall.com
Mme Basel Bedford
Safety Patrol
Two of our Safety Patrollers had the privilege of going to the Annual Safety Patrollers Jamboree in Regina at the end of
the month. Courtney and Anthony had lots of fun visiting Government House , Royal Saskatchewan Museum, The Science Centre, RCMP Heritage Centre and Bowling! They had a very busy schedule but had fun meeting with other deserving patrollers from all over the province!
You too can have the chance to earn the privilege of going on such a fun week-end next year! Just see Mrs. Basel Bedford to sign up as a Safety Patroller for next school year!
Learning Improvement Teams
Three early dismissals remain for teachers to meet to review reading data and plan learning activities that will address the reading
needs of our students.
Pre-school students are working on position concepts such as beside, on, under and above. They are also working on their fine motor
skills in order to be able to draw a circle, a square and a triangle. ·
The grade one French Immersion group hadbeen working on representing the details in a story. They are currently working on the
sounds (on, ou, ch.. etc.)
Students in grades 1A– 5A, 2B and 3B have been focusing on identifying story elements, such as the main/secondary characters, setting,
problem/conflict and solution. Students in grades 4B– 7B and 6/7A have been using concept maps and graphic organizers to organize
and represent their understanding of what they are reading.
Our next Early Dismissal Day will be May 11.
Early Dismissal Days allow teachers to collaborate to meet this year's Learning Goals:
Learning Goals
By June 2015: 80% of all students in grades 1 to 7 at GES will comprehend at grade level what they read in English as measured by Fountas and Pinnell
(grades 1-4), and the Basic Reading Inventory (grades 5-7)
-80% of French Immersion students in grades 1 to 7 at GES will comprehend at grade level what they read in French as measured by
Mme Gingell Munteanu
Canadian Red Cross
The Canadian Red Cross is be offering ONE DAY Babysitting Courses for youth 11 years and older. The cost is $
35.00 and is available on the following dates (choose one) April 25, May 18, May 30, June 6 and June 20, 2015.
The class is completed in one day, from 9:30 am-3:00 pm. Location to be determined depending on number of participants.
Our goal is to provide education to people age 11 and up who want to babysit.
To register, complete the registration / permission slip below. Payment must be received at the address below to
secure your spot. If paying by check, please make it payable to The Canadian Red Cross. Space is limited! Thank
you in advance for your support.
Registration forms and payments will only be accepted at:
854 Connaught Avenue
Moose Jaw, SK S6H 4B3
Telephone (306) 693-2466
Remember to bring:
A doll or teddy bear that can be used for diapering and infant care
A nut-free bag lunch; snack and drink if desired
Be prepared to learn and have fun!
Carolyn Korte, Volunteer Instructor
Canadian Red Cross
[email protected]
Phone 693-2466
My son/daughter ____________________________________has my permission to attend the
CANADIAN RED CROSS babysitting course on (circle one)
Apr 25, May 18, May 30, June 6, or June 20.
Telephone #: ___________________________ Email ________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
New Requests for Bussing Due By June 22nd
At the beginning of each school year the Transportation Department
receives over two hundred requests or changes for bus service. There are
also over two hundred additional trips to administer in September!
Combined with schools being closed over the summer, bus drivers not
working during July and August, and the regular daily operations, our manpower resources are overextended and strained during the month of September.
We would like to remind parents that:
Any new requests for bus service received after June 30 will be processed within a four week period, or
longer, after the start of the school year in September. This will allow the transportation department
sufficient time to accommodate all requests and provide the least amount of disruption while adding new
bus stops on a route.
A parent/guardian will be responsible for arranging alternate transportation until they receive confirmation
for services directly from their school.
If further information is required, please contact your local Transportation Office:
Assiniboia – 306-642-4112
Transportation Highlights
Sitting in your seat will keep you safe – here is why:
Occupant crash protection in school buses is provided through a concept called compartmentalization. Compartmentalized buses are designed to protect passengers in the same way that a carton protects the eggs inside. The seats
on a school bus are designed with padded, flexible, shock-absorbent backs which are tall enough to stop children from
flying out of the compartment. These seats are made in accordance with strict federal guidelines, which regulate everything from the force they must withstand to the floor that they are attached to. For this compartment to protect students,
the students must be completely seated fully in the seat and facing forward.
Rules for getting on the bus safely:
Please be at your pick-up stop five minutes prior to the arrival of their school bus. The buses are on a schedule and
cannot wait for late students. Never run to or from the bus.
Wait at the designated stop in a safe place well back from the side of the road.
Prior to crossing a street at an intersection: students should be alert. Look both ways. Look twice. Listen. If you think
you hear a car, stop. Wait, listen, and look. Look again and then cross the street when you absolutely know it’s
In Rural Areas: In a situation where the flashing red stop lights are activated, students may cross in front of the bus.
Students should cross in front of the bus at least five metres (15 feet) so that the driver can see them at all times.
Students should await the driver’s signal indicating it is safe before crossing. Before crossing, students should look
both ways before stepping onto the roadway and continue to watch for traffic. Never cross behind the bus. Remember that other motorists don’t always stop for a stopped school bus – use extreme caution whenever getting
on or off the bus.
Always keep a safe distance around the school bus. The danger zone is the area where the driver cannot see or has
limited vision. This danger zone includes a minimum of three meters all the way around the bus. If you can touch the bus
while standing outside, you are way too close. Move away from the bus where the driver can see you.
Hold the hand rail as you get on the bus. Don’t push or shove.
Go directly to your seat. Remain seated.
Swimming Schedule
Wednesday, June 3
12:30 - 1:33
2:30 - 3:30
2B, 5/6/7A
Tuesday, June 9
12:40 - 1:33
Thursday, June 11
2:00 - 3:15
Tuesday, June 16
12:40 - 1:33
2:00 - 3:15
K -4
Wednesday, June 17
12:40 - 1:332B
2:30 -3:30
Tuesday, June 23
12:40 -1:33
Wednesday, June 24
12:40 - 1:33
2:30 -3:30
2B, 5/6/7A
Thursday, June 25
2:00 - 3:15
Friday, June 26
12:35- 2pm
K/1/2A, 1B, 2B, 3B
3/4/5/6/7A, 4/5/6/7b
Transportation News
Transport Canada has reported that school bus travel is the safest mode of transportation to and from schools.
It’s important for everyone in our communities to help make sure our roads are the safest they can be. Motorists are required by
law to stop for a stopped school bus with its upper red lights flashing.
When approaching a school bus, begin to slow down as soon as the flashing red stop lights come on, so the bus driver can see
that you are going to stop. If you are behind the bus you may not pass once the flashing lights are activated. If you are approaching the bus from the opposite direction and you are too close to stop, you may pass the bus if you do so before the arm is
The single greatest threat to the safety of children who ride school buses is motorists who pass the bus when children are
loading or unloading.
When approaching a bus that has its stop arm out and its flashing lights activated, as a driver:
-You must stop no closer than 5 m (15 ft.) from the front or back of the bus.
-You must not advance your vehicle until the bus driver turns off the flashing stop lights and deactivates the stop arm.
-Before moving, check to see that all children have safely crossed the roadway.
-Red means stop! The penalty for passing a school bus with flashing lights activated is a minimum fine of $335.
-Watch for school buses loading and unloading children, even if the lights aren’t flashing.
You do not have to stop for a school bus if you are travelling in the opposite direction on a divided highway. Some cities,
towns and villages may have a bylaw prohibiting the use of flashing red stop lights and stop arms on school buses. In those
communities you are allowed to pass the bus. Drivers are not required to stop for buses displaying four-way hazard lamps;
however, use caution, go slowly and always watch for children crossing.

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