Les Ottomans et le temps


Les Ottomans et le temps
Les Ottomans et le temps
Edited by François Georgeon and Frédéric Hitzel
•December 2011
•ISBN 978 90 04 21132 2
•Hardback (approx. 424 pp.)
•List price EUR 143.- / US$ 196.•The Ottoman Empire and its Heritage, 49
In recent years, there has been an increased interest in the study of the concept of time
in the Ottoman Empire. Many existing studies focused on the technical aspects, e.g. the
measure of time, and the instruments to do this (like clepsydras, water clocks, hourglasses,
and sundials found on the facades of mosques and medreses). Other aspects were
neglected, like the various Ottoman experiments with time and the Ottomans’ conceptions
of time. This collective volume addresses several of these forgotten aspects of the political,
social and cultural modalities of time in the Ottoman Empire.
Historians in general, and specialists of Social History and the History of Science.
François Georgeon, Historian of Ottoman and Turkish History, is Directeur de
recherche émérite at CNRS. He has published Abdulhamid II. Le sultan calife (Fayard, 2003)
and Sous le signe des réformes. État et société de l’Empire ottoman à la Turquie kémaliste (17891939) (Isis Press, 2009).
Frédéric Hitzel, Historian of Ottoman History, is Chargé de recherche at CNRS. He has
published Artisans et commerçants du Grand Turc (Belles-Lettres, 2007).
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Edited by François Georgeon and Frédéric Hitzel
• December 2011
• ISBN 978 90 04 21132 2
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• Hardback (approx. 424 pp.)
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• List price EUR 143.- / US$ 196.• The Ottoman Empire and its Heritage, 49
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