French Language - Bocconi University


French Language - Bocconi University
Class contents and exam
French Language
(first language, second year)
Code 30130, Learning Path 1
Head Teacher: Prof. Bianca Maria SAN PIETRO
pag. 2
pag. 2
Set and recommended textbooks
pag. 3
Exam content and description
pag. 4
Concluding Info
pag. 5
Reference: a.y. 2012/2013/30130/June 2012
Bocconi Language Centre materials are developed solely for self-study and class use.
Copyright© June/2012 Università Bocconi – Author: Bianca Maria San Pietro
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, used in a spreadsheet, or
transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise –
without the permission of Bocconi Centro Linguistico.
French Course - Code 30130
a.y. 2012/2013/30130/June 2012
The course is aimed at students who have chosen French as their first foreign language and runs
over two years. The exit level is set as B2 (post intermediate) at the end of the second year of their
degree course.
The second year course runs over two semesters and ends in an exam which, once passed, gives
the student two credits and which grade forms part of the overall final degree grade average.
Please remind that the class group is run if the minimum number of applicants is reached.
Second year course – Path 1
The syllabus for the second year covers all the units in the set textbook.
In addition to the content of the academic program, there is also a guided self-study component.
The activities are to be carried out in conjunction with attendance in class (up to five hours per
week). This allows the student to constantly learn the language and prepare properly for the exam.
Students who attend at least 70% of the lessons and complete the self-study program will be
awarded two points to be added to their final exam grade (See “Concluding info”, p. 5).
Unité 1
Identité et origines.
Itinéraires de vie
Unité 2
L'amour, le couple,
la famille,
le corps et la santé
Unité 3
La ville et ses
L'habitat rural et
le patrimoine.
Unité 4
L'éducation et la
formation, les
études à l'étranger,
le rôle des sports et
des voyages, les
Unité 5
Le travail (des
jeunes, des
femmes, des
migrants, des
expatriés etc.). Les
relations dans
l'entreprise, les
Retracer un parcours, raconter.
Écrire une lettre de motivation.
Préparer un entretien d'embauche.
Les temps du passé.
Les articulateurs de temps.
Exprimer des sentiments, un point
de vue, un doute, une certitude.
Décrire des symptômes.
Présenter un exposé
L'indicatif et le subjonctif; l'infinitif
présent et passé
Décrire un lieu, des objets.
Exposer un problème d'habitat, de
Débattre sur l'urbanisme.
La qualification par des pronoms
relatifs. Le passif et la forme
passive pronominale.
La cause, la conséquence,
Demander des informations.
Exprimer de l'intérêt, un
souhait, une intention.
Exposer son point de vue par écrit.
Les relatives au subjonctif.
L'expression du but.
Parler des conditions d'emploi et
découvrir les types de contrat.
Adresser une demande ou une
réclamation à son employeur.
Rédiger un compte rendu de
Le conditionnel, la double
pronominalisation et le discours
rapporté au passé
Self-study program*
Pag. 14-15, ex. 1 à 5 - La lettre de motivation
Pag. 16-17 ex. 3-4-5-7-11-13: Les temps du passé,
l'accord du participe passé,
Pag. 21, ex. 7-8: les articulateurs de temps
Pag. 18 : Le parler des jeunes des banlieues
Pag.22-23: Techniques pour rédiger une biographie
Pag. 26: lecture: "2 lettres d'amour"
Pag. 28: ex. 1-2-3 + Pag. 29: "Point Info"
Pag. 30-31 : ex. 4 à 8
Pag.32-33: Lecture "Une vie française" + ex.5-6-7-8
Pag. 34 : Indicatif ou subjonctif? ex. 4-5-6
Pag. 36-37: Techniques pour faire un exposé
Pag. 42-43: "A louer sans commission" + "Point
Info" + Rédiger une lettre pour exposer un problème
lié à une location
Pag. 44-45: ex. 4-5-6-8-9-10
Pag. 48-49: ex. 1-2-3-7-8-9
Pag. 50-51: Techniques pour faire un résumé
Pag. 52-53: Bilan sur les dossiers 1-2-3.
Pag. 58: lettre de demande d'information
Pag. 59: ex. 3-4-5; stratégies pour écrire à un
organisme de formation.
Pag. 60-61: ex. 1-3-4-6-9.
Pag. 62: Points de vue sur Erasmus.
Pag. 64-65: ex. 2 à 6 + ex. 10.
Pag. 66-67: Exposer son point vue: techniques de
Pag. 72: ex. 1 à 4 + Pag. 73: rédiger une lettre
adressée à son employeur
Pag. 74-75: ex. 1-4-6-7-9-10-11
Pag. 76-77: article sur les Français expatriés + ex. 2
Pag. 78-79: ex. 1 à 4 + 6 et 7
Pag. 80: Techniques de rédaction d'un compte
rendu de réunion
French Course - Code 30130
Unité 6
Unité 7
opinions politiques,
principes moraux...
Unité 8
régionaux et
linguistiques de
Les collectivités
L'attachement aux
Unité 9
Les causes et les
effets de la
La disparition
d'objets et de
Les innovations.
Les perspectives
pour le monde de
Donner son avis sur un mets, un
restaurant, un produit, une oeuvre
Faire une fiche de lecture.
L'expression de la condition et de
Métaphores, images et
Synthèse sur les articles (définis,
indéfinis, partitifs...).
Présenter et défendre ses idées,
argumenter et convaincre,
nuancer ses jugements.
Faire une synthèse de documents.
La mise en relief; la place des
Le gérondif, le participe présent et
l'adjectif verbal
Exprimer son désaccord ou son
hostilité et argumenter pour
s'opposer à une décision.
Revendiquer des droits.
Faire un compte rendu écrit
d'informations recueillies
Les pronoms indéfinis.
Synthèse sur l'ensemble des
Les articulateurs logiques.
Comparer des faits et des chiffres,
faire le récit de transformations,
présenter et commenter des
phénomènes de société.
Écrire une lettre au "courrier des
Présenter et argumenter son point
de vue à l'oral.
Exprimer des degrés dans
Les temps et modes verbaux
a.y. 2012/2013/30130/June 2012
Pag. 85: ex. 6, pag. 87: ex: 3 + Le guide Michelin et
Stratégies pour apprécier des mets
Pag. 90-91 : ex. 1 à 3 + ex. 7 et 8
Pag. 92-93: ex. 1 à 5 + ex. 8
Pag. 94-95: Techniques pour faire une fiche de
Pag. 96-97: Bilan sur les dossiers 4-5-6.
Pag. 102 : lecture "À voix hautes"
Pag. 103 : Stratégies pour défendre une cause
Pag. 104-105: ex. 1-2-3-7-9-10
Pag. 106: ex. 1-2-3
Pag. 107: ex. 4 et 5
Pag. 108-109: ex. 1-2-3-5
Pag. 110-111: Techniques pour faire une synthèse
de documents
Pag. 115: L'Europe, espoir des régionalistes
Pag. 116-117 : Droit de réponse + Stratégies pour
Pag. 118-119: ex. 2-3-4-6-7-8
Pag. 121: Le point de vue d'un député européen
Pag. 122-123: ex. 1-4-6-8
Pag. 124-125: Techniques pour rendre compte par
écrit d'informations radio
Pag.129 : "Qu'est-ce que la mondialisation? ex. 5-67 + "Les chiffres-clés du monde"
Pag. 130-131: Lettres au courrier des lecteurs +
"Stratégies pour réagir par écrit sur un fait de
Pag. 132-133: ex. 4-5-7
Pag. 134: Analyse du texte de Jacques Attali
Pag. 136-137 : ex: 1 à 4 + 6-7-8
Pag. 138-139: Techniques pour présenter son point
de vue à l'oral
* Self-study program refers to ALTER EGO (see “set textbooks”).
Students are furthermore advised to do the grammar exercises with relative correction contained in
Grammathèque, Cahier d’exercices (see “set textbooks”) . In particular, they are advised to do at
least one exercise per each grammar topic in every lesson.
Students should also do individually the exercises contained in Cahier d’exercices.
Set textbooks
• C. Dollez e S. Pons, Alter Ego 4, Méthode de français B2 "CD inclus" ed. Hachette - FLE
Recommended textbooks
• M. Grégoire e O. Thiévenaz Grammaire progressive du Français, niveau intermédiaire, ed. CLE
French Course - Code 30130
a.y. 2012/2013/30130/June 2012
Second year exam
Knowledge is assessed by one of the following methods, among which students can choose:
• international certification from among those recognized by the University (see > Language Center > Language Certificates ), or
• Bocconi exam, which corresponds, like international certificates, to the Common European
Framework standards.
Students cannot sit the second year exam unless they have passed the first year one (code
The exam consists of a written paper and an oral exam. Both need to be passed for the grade to
count towards the final average.
In order to take the oral exam, it is necessary to:
• pass the written exam (minimum mark 18/30)
• have a test score that hasn’t expired, i.e. that is still valid (see Written Exam, Validity)
Students can choose to retake the written exam before the taking the oral exam but must
remember that handing in their paper annuls any previous grade given. Students must enrol for all
exams via the Punto Blu.
Written exam
There are two parts in the written exam, listening and reading, the score for each comprises the
total exam grade in thirtieths.
Bilingual and monolingual dictionaries can be used.
Duration of exam: 120 minutes after the listening.
Contents of exam
First part
Listening to one or more passages – monologues and dialogues – containing
data, opinions, descriptions, explanations
Check candidates’ ability to:
- understand a listening passage and make brief notes on the information
contained therein;
- report accurately in a structured written form the information and opinions
expressed, possibly adding also a personal comment.
Writing a memorandum, letter or short report, according to
Second part
Reading comprehension of one or more authentic texts, possibly also containing
graphs, tables, images.
Checking candidates’:
- ability to understand texts;
- ability to write structured texts according to instructions given.
Writing a short report, according to given documents, expressing
personal opinions.
The written exam is valid a limited amount of time:
• if passed by 31st May 2013, it is valid for the 3 subsequent oral exams
• if passed from 1st June 2013, it is valid for the 3 subsequent oral exams, and it is also valid
for the subsequent 12 months but there is a penalty that must be paid (see Oral Exam,
Oral exam
There are two parts to the oral exam: presentation and discussion. The student presents a dossier
of at least three articles (taken from French or Italian press) which relate to each other concerning
one of the topics contained in the course and approved by the teacher during the students
consultation hours prior the exam. The discussion follows this under the examiners’ direction using
ad hoc questions.
French Course - Code 30130
a.y. 2012/2013/30130/June 2012
It is indispensable that the above-mentioned items are prepared thoroughly for the oral exam and
students are advised to prepare themselves well in advance of the date. Details on how to prepare
for the exam are to be found on line in the library for each language (Bocconi e-learning platform)
or at: in Laboratori linguistici > Materiali di autoapprendimento
Duration of exam: 15 minutes.
Description of exam stages
Presentation of the dossier on pre-selected topic
Presentation of the topic chosen by the examiners
Discussion of the topic presented led by the examiners using ad hoc
The oral exam can only be taken once you have passed the written exam (see Written Exam).
Students will be assessed in terms of their practical ability to communicate. During the oral exam
marks can be added to or subtracted from the written exam result in the following way:
• by +3 or -3, if the oral exam is passed within the 3 oral exams subsequent to the written
• by +1 or -3, if the oral exam is passed after the first 3 subsequent oral exams, but still by 12
months subsequent to the written exam (this option is possible only for students who take
the written exam after 1st June 2013).
Concluding info
The assessment of language skills depends both on the result of the final exam and on marks
awarded during the year.
All exam grades on or above the pass mark (minimum 18/30) can be given an extra three points by
the teacher responsible for the course as follows:
• Positive participation in the course and completion of self-study activities.
• Second-year exam passed on the first time it is taken.
Positive participation in the course and self-study program
Following a positive participation in the course, students can be awarded two extra points by the
teacher as follows:
• 1 thirtieth for attending at least 70% of the classroom lessons;
• 1 thirtieth for completing the self-study program.
Any additional points are allocated by the teacher at the end of the course depending on students’
attendance and active participation as determined in class and on line in each language’s Library
on the Bocconi e-learning platform.
These additional points are valid for a limited period only: from June to the following December
after the course has ended, including these months mentioned.
Second-year exam passed on the first time it is taken
In order to reward students who sit for the exam only when really prepared, an extra point will be
added to the final grade if students pass both the written and oral exams the first time they are
taken (minimum 18/30). Please note that the oral part has to be passed on the first date
subsequent to the written exam.