No 12 Telopea Topics 2016


No 12 Telopea Topics 2016
Telopea Topics
Les Nouvelles de Telopea
No12 – Friday 5 August 2016
Report from the
Le Mot Du
High School
Secondary News
Primary News
School Term Dates
Contact Us
Uniform Shop
After School Care
Community News
Finance Office
Important Dates
Term 3 is well under way. The Secondary
Term 3 ‘Assessment calendar’ was
distributed to parents and students early
in Week 2. ManageBac the ‘virtual
learning environment’ (VLE) for secondary
is up and running for students and
parents. All Secondary parents who sent
in their approval and email contact should
have received a ‘Welcome to ManageBac
‘email on 24 June. Secondary parents who
wish to access ManageBac, please send
you email address and your child’s name
to: [email protected]
9 August
Year 7 & 8 Ski Trip - Thredbo
12 August
12U SW Regional Athletics Carnival
16 August
Year 9 & 10 Ski Trip - Thredbo
16 August
Year 8 Challenge English – Sydney Opera House
16 August
ICAS Mathematics Competition
17 August 15.30-16.30
Curriculum Committee Meeting
17 August 17.30-18.30
Year 3-6 Concert – Hall
This week we welcome Ingrid Aubert to our Primary classes. Ingrid will be teaching students in 3.3 and 4.3. Ingrid is the final
teacher to arrive of the ten new French teachers K-12. We wish them all a very warm welcome and look forward to working with
them in our school.
The Brevet
Congratulations to our 40 amazing English French Stream year 9 students for their outstanding results at the Brevet 2016
examination: 100% passed; 95% with merits; 25% with highest distinction 'Très Bien' ; 50% with distinction 'Bien'.
topped Australia with
average of 18.18/20!
Monday 1st August was a time to celebrate at Telopea Park School with our traditional Brevet Certificate Ceremony where both
Proviseur and Principal emphasized that this was a very good start and wished the students well for their very promising future!
Grenoble Exchange
The nine Year 10 Grenoble students left Australia on Tuesday 2 August after their five week exchange in Canberra. They
experienced many exciting events including ‘Australian Business Week’, holidaying with their billeting families and taking part in
classroom activities. Thank you to the families who billeted these students – a wonderful opportunity for everyone involved.
Year 10 students visited the ‘Careers Expo’ at Epic Park on Thursday 4 August. Students were able to explore the possibilities for
future career options and talk to representatives from universities and businesses about the courses and traineeships on offer.
School Satisfaction Survey
Term 3 2016
18 July – 23 September
Term 4 2016
10 October -16 December
Term 1 2017
30 January -7 April
Term 2 2017
26 April – 30 June
The annual ‘School Satisfaction Survey’ will open this year on Tuesday 9 August.
The survey will close on 29 August. All parents, students (Years 5-10) and teachers
are asked to complete the survey. Details about logging into the survey will be sent
home to parents. Students will complete the survey during class time at school. We
urge every parent to take the opportunity to complete the survey. It is one of the
key sources the school uses to identify future directions of the school based on the
feedback from all members of the school community.
Learning Field
This semester secondary students have the
is an online database of student textbooks.
online textbooks incurs an annual fee that
forward to your feedback and welcome your
opportunity to explore ‘Learning field’ across different subject areas. ‘Learning field’
This is a trial that has been offered to the school for free. Normally access to these
parents pay. Please talk to your child about the different texts available. We look
comments about accessing online resources in the future.
NAPLAN online is coming in 2017. Telopea Park School will to trial NAPLAN online. The trial will take place in August. Class
groups of students have been chosen and they will undertake the trial in class time.
Australian Representatives
Two secondary students, Kye A’Hearn Year 9 and Mark Louis Year 10 have been representing Australia in competitions overseas.
Mark is sailing in the 2016 Laser 4.7 Youth World Championships in Kiel, Germany. The Regatta is 30th July – 7th August. The
Team consists of 14 boys and 2 girls from around Australia, Mark is the only Canberran! Kye will compete in one of the largest
mountain bike festivals in the world, called Crankworx. We look forward to their return and hearing about their terrific
Step into the Limelight
The ‘Step into the Limelight’ annual exhibition was opened at the ANU Art Gallery, Thursday 28 July. Ten pieces of art work from
Telopea Park School secondary students are on display along with hundreds of other art works from students across Canberra
from Pre-school to Year 12. If you have the opportunity please visit the ANU Art Gallery. You will be thrilled with the creativity of
our students across the Territory.
Middle Years Programme – Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning
Secondary students have undertaken ‘interdisciplinary units’ of work during Enrichment as part of the curriculum. In Term 1,
Year 9 completed a very successful interdisciplinary unit on ‘Mother Tongue’; students explored their mother tongue, the
language and its culture. In Term 2, Year 8 completed an exciting interdisciplinary unit on orienteering in and around Telopea
Park. In Term 3 Year 10 began an interdisciplinary unit on ‘Road Ready’. This unit covers subjects across several areas: Science,
Mathematics, Legal Studies and Health. In Term 4, Year 7 will undertake an interdisciplinary unit on ‘Song Lines’. Song Lines was
the theme this year for NAIDOC week. This unit will explore the stories across different cultures and students may write their
own song lines.
Middle years programme – Community and service
This Term, Year 8 are undertaking ‘Community and Service’ during Enrichment. Each Year 8 Contact Group decides on an activity
where they can make a difference. It is exciting to observe students discussing their ideas and working out a way to bring these
ideas to a meaningful conclusion. Community and Service is where students learn how to give of themselves and at the same
time build resilience within themselves. Associate Professor, Thomas Nielson (UC) proposes, ‘To give is to fulfil your potential as
a human being—to become the highest, healthiest, and most capable version of yourself ’. (accessed 02/08/16)
Michele McLoughlin
Deputy Principal 7-10
Le troisième trimestre est déjà bien entamé et le calendrier des évaluations du trimestre pour le secondaire a été distribué aux
parents et aux élèves en début de deuxième semaine. L’Espace Numérique de Travail (ENT) pour le Secondaire ManageBac
fonctionne désormais pour les élèves et les parents. Les parents ayant donné leur accord et leur courriel ont dû recevoir un
courriel d’accueil « Bienvenue sur ManageBac » le 24 juin dernier. Les parents du Secondaire souhaitant accéder à ManageBac
sont invités à envoyer leur courriel et le nom de leur enfant à l’adresse suivante : [email protected]
Nous accueillons cette semaine Ingrid Aubert, nouvelle enseignante française du Primaire qui enseignera aux classes de CE2-3 et
CM1-3. Ingrid est la dernière enseignante à arriver sur les dix nouveaux enseignants français (classes de Maternelle à
Terminale). Nous leur souhaitons à tous la bienvenue parmi nous et sommes ravis de travailler avec eux.
Diplôme National du Brevet
Félicitations à nos 40 formidables élèves de Troisième du courant français pour leurs résultats extraordinaires au Diplôme
National du Brevet 2016 : 100% de réussite, 95% de mentions Assez Bien, 50% de mentions Bien et 25% de mentions Très
Des félicitations toutes spéciales à Yvette Marris, meilleure élève d’Australie avec une moyenne de 18,18/20 !
Nous avons fêté cet événement à Telopea Park School le lundi 1er août lors de la traditionnelle remise des certificats du Brevet. A
cette occasion, notre Proviseur et notre Principale ont souligné que c’était un excellent début et ont souhaité aux élèves leurs
meilleurs vœux de réussite pour leur avenir très prometteur !
Voyage d’échange scolaire avec Grenoble
Les neuf élèves de Seconde de Grenoble ont quitté l’Australie le mardi 2 août après leur cinq semaines d’échange scolaire à
Canberra. Ils ont vécu des expériences passionnantes comme l’Australian Business Week, des vacances avec leur correspondant
et sa famille et ont pu participer à des activités de classe. Un grand merci aux familles qui ont accueilli ces élèves, ce fut une très
belle expérience pour tous.
Les élèves de Seconde se sont rendus au Forum des Métiers à Epic Park le jeudi 4 août. Les élèves ont pu découvrir les
différentes options d’études et de carrières, se renseigner auprès des représentants des universités et des entreprises au sujet
des cours et des stages offerts.
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Enquête de satisfaction de l’école
L’enquête annuelle de satisfaction de l’école sera ouverte à partir du mardi 9 août. L’enquête prendra fin le 29 août. Tous les
parents, élèves (de la classe de CM2 à la classe de Seconde) et enseignants sont invités à y participer. Une note détaillant les
modalités de connexion sera bientôt distribuée aux élèves. Les élèves répondront à l’enquête sur les heures de classe lorsqu’ils
seront à l’école. Nous demandons à chaque parent de saisir l’occasion qui leur est donnée pour répondre à l’enquête. Cette
enquête est un des éléments clés que l’école utilise pour identifier les futures orientations de l’école basées sur le retour de tous
les membres de la communauté scolaire.
Learning Field
Au cours de ce semestre, nos élèves du Secondaire ont la possibilité d’explorer ‘Learning Field’ à travers différentes disciplines
scolaires. ‘Learning Field’ est une banque de données de manuels scolaires en ligne. Cet essai a été proposé gratuitement à
l’école. L’accès à ces manuels scolaires en ligne est normalement payant pour les parents. Merci de discuter avec votre enfant
des différents manuels scolaires disponibles. Nous sommes impatients d’avoir vos commentaires sur l’accès de ressources en
NAPLAN disponible en ligne
NAPLAN sera disponible en ligne dès 2017. Telopea Park School a été sélectionnée pour expérimenter NAPLAN en ligne. L’essai
aura lieu les 11 et 12 août. Un groupe classe d’élèves a été choisi et les élèves feront les épreuves tests en ligne pendant les
heures de classe lors de ces deux journées.
Représentants australiens
Deux élèves du Secondaire, Kye A’Hearn (classe de Troisième) et Mark Louis (classe de Seconde) ont représenté l’Australie lors
de compétitions à l’étranger. Mark participe aux Championnats du monde Juniors Laser 4.7 à Kiel en Allemagne. Les régates ont
lieu du 30 juillet au 7 août. L’équipe se compose de 14 garçons et de 2 filles venant de toute l’Australie. Mark est le seul
concurrent de Canberra ! Kye, quant à lui, participera au plus grand festival mondial de VTT – Crankworx. Nous sommes
impatients de les retrouver pour qu’ils nous fassent part de leurs expériences extraordinaires.
Step into the Limelight
L’exposition annuelle ‘Step into the Limelight’ s’est ouverte à la galerie d’art de l’ANU le jeudi 28 juillet. Dix œuvres réalisées par
des élèves du Secondaire de Telopea Park School sont exposées avec des centaines d’autres œuvres d’élèves de Canberra de la
Maternelle à la Terminale. Si vous le pouvez, nous vous invitons à vous rendre à la galerie d’art de l’ANU, vous serez
emmerveillés par la créativité des élèves de l’ACT.
Programme de Premier Cycle secondaire de l’IB – Enseignement et apprentissage interdisciplinaires
Les élèves du Secondaire ont étudié des modules interdisciplinaires de travail pendant les activités d’enrichissement dans le
cadre de leur programme. Au premier trimestre, les élèves de Troisième ont effectué avec brio un module interdisciplinaire sur la
‘Langue maternelle’. Les élèves ont exploré leur langue maternelle, la langue et sa culture. Au deuxième trimestre, les élèves de
Quatrième ont effectué un module interdisciplinaire passionnant sur l’orientation dans Telopea Park et aux alentours. Au
troisième trimestre, les élèves de Seconde commencent un module interdisciplinaire sur le code de la route ‘Road Ready’. Ce
module couvre différents domaines : Sciences, Mathématiques, Droit et Santé. Au quatrième trimestre, les élèves de Cinquième
effectueront un module interdisciplinaire sur ‘Song lines’/’lignes de chant’. Song lines / lignes de chant était le thème de la
semaine NAIDOC cette année. Ce module, qui explore les histoires à travers différentes cultures, pourrait amener les élèves à
écrire leurs propres lignes de chant.
Programme de Premier Cycle secondaire de l’IB – Communauté et service
Au cours de ce trimestre, les élèves de Quatrième effectuent un projet Communauté et Service dans le cadre de leurs activités
d’enrichissement. Dans chaque groupe de contact, les élèves de Quatrième décident dans quelle activité ils peuvent faire
changer les choses. C’est passionnant d’observer les élèves débattre leurs idées et tenter de trouver un moyen d’amener leurs
idées vers une conclusion significative et réaliste. Le projet Communauté et service permet aux élèves d’apprendre à donner
d’eux-mêmes et en même temps à construire leurs capacités de résilience. Le professeur Agrégé Thomas Nelson (UC)
dit : « Donner permet de développer son potentiel en tant qu’être humain – devenir la version la plus haute, la plus saine, la
plus capable de vous-même ».
Michele McLoughlin
Principale-adjointe (classe de Cinquième à Seconde)
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You may have heard that NAPLAN online is being introduced across Australia from 2017, with an aim for all Australian schools
administering NAPLAN online by 2019.
NAPLAN online will provide better assessment, more precise results and faster turnaround of information. Your child’s results will
be returned to you faster, within a couple of weeks rather than a couple of months.
Between 16 and 26 August 2016, our school is participating in a trial of the new NAPLAN Online platform (the computer system
the test will be taken on). This trial isn’t ‘another’ NAPLAN test for 2016, rather, it is a chance for teachers and students to test
the new platform in a real-life classroom environment. A selection of our students will participate in the trial, by undertaking
either one or two online tests that include examples of the new NAPLAN online questions. Each of these tests will take
approximately 45 minutes to complete.
Participating in this trial is important as it will help us make sure we have adequate bandwidth capacity, wireless connectivity,
and whether students have access to a sufficient number of devices for NAPLAN testing. During the trial, we will also have the
opportunity to practice managing the classroom for an online assessment, as well as the new test administration processes.
Feedback from schools participating in the trial will inform transition to the online assessment as well as provide valuable
feedback to shape the final development of the NAPLAN online platform.
Participation in this trial is a key step to ensuring a successful NAPLAN online experience. If you have any questions, please don’t
hesitate to contact Uraj Singh (Secondary) and Maria Magdic (Primary).
The 2016 School Satisfaction Surveys will be conducted this term from 9-29 August 2016.
Parents and carers, school staff and students (in years 5 to 12) will be asked to participate in these important surveys. The
survey results will contribute to the school improvement process, which aims to achieve high standards in student learning,
innovation and best practice in Canberra public schools.
The survey is voluntary and we hope you will want to participate. It won’t take much of your time and it will help us understand
areas where we are doing a good job and areas for further development. A letter or email about the parent survey will be sent to
you. The key ACT results from the 2015 School Satisfaction Surveys have been published on the Education and Training
Directorate website ( and a summary of our school results is provided in our 2015 School Board Report.
Dear Parents and Students,
During weeks 4 and 5, the students of 8.2 are collecting CLEAN first or second-hand sports or soccer shoes in all sizes to donate
to children at Nganmarriyanga (Palumpa) School in the Northern Territory. Unfortunately, many of the students at the school do
not have shoes. We are looking for shoes in all sizes as the students at the school range from 3 years old to 16 years old. Sports
shoes must be clean, unbroken, and with laced tied together.
Students can bring sports shoes into their Contact Group in the morning and place in the plastic bag provided to each Contact
If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Humphries at: [email protected]
We appreciate your generosity!
From the students in 8.2: Sasha, Fatima, Anna, Richu, Tate, Rosie, Jade, Chiza, Joshan, Imogen, James, Julia, Finlay, Elyssa,
Maheen, Angie, Gabriella, Aswida, Alessio.
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Bring Your Own Device
A new phase of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) has commenced at Telopea Park School, which will see personal devices as
essential for student learning. In term 4, 2015 Telopea Park School implemented a soft launch of Bring Your Own Device. This
was the first time students were encouraged to bring their own laptop or chrome book for school use, provided that these
devices met certain specifications (see below). This soft launch was seen as a step in preparing students to work in an ever
increasing digital environment. While students have been encouraged to use BYOD under the supervision of teachers for BYOD
approved activities, it is acknowledged that BYOD has not yet been implemented throughout the whole curriculum.
The introduction of digital textbooks at Telopea Park School in the last week and the cessation of hard book publication by an
ever increasing number of publishing houses now sees BYOD as an essential tool in accessing school curriculum. Students and
parents are advised that BYOD is now an essential part of Telopea’s school kit. Please refer to the relevant article in this week’s
Telopea Topics for more information.
A number of devices will be available for those families who are not in the position to purchase a device for their children.
Arrangements to use a school device can be made through the faculty executive. These devices are specific to each faculty area
and can therefore only be used within each faculty designated classroom. They are not available for general loan.
The school recommended device is a Chromebook (minimum 10" screen) or a device of choice provided it has a minimum 10"
screen, six hour battery charge, easy Wi-Fi connectivity and a touch type keyboard. Students must use the school’s net account
for Wi-Fi connectivity. This will include the student ID number, which would be followed by .
Further information about BYOD implementation guidelines can be found at .
Term 3 Student Engagement Report:
Where has half the year gone? It’s hard to believe that Term 3 is well and truly
underway. I hope that your child is back in the swing of things and is balancing school,
study and leisure. Late last term I had the immense pleasure of travelling to Mongolia
with a group of dynamic and capable Year 10 students on a World Challenge expedition.
On World Challenge, students are responsible for the day to day organisation and
decision making during the trip. Highlights for me included a challenging 11 day horseriding and walking trek, and watching the students interacting with local children during
our stay at an orphanage. Students came home (safely! hooray!) exhausted, happy,
more independent, and with a different perspective on life as they ‘knew’ it.
Back at school, the SRC are paying homage to Rio by hosting their own Mini Olympics. Complete with opening and closing
ceremonies, there will be a week of lunchtime sporting events, with houses competing against each other to win the 2016
Service and Action House Shield.
Our Year 9 Coordinator, Kirsty Hilson is busy organising the first Peer Support Leadership camp for all
Year 9 students. Previously, Peer Support training was run locally. By having a 3-day camp (Week 2
Term 4 at Camp Cooba) students will be able to participate in leadership, initiative and team building
activities as well as train to be peer support leaders. Following this camp, applications will open to all
year 9 students for 2017 leadership positions such as SRC and Peer Support.
The Year 10 cohort is pioneering whole year Road Ready. This semester-long Enrichment Course will
enable all eligible Year 10 students to complete the Road Ready program, as well as participate in an
Inter-Disciplinary unit on road safety, with a focus on Science, Maths, and Humanities.
Organisation for Year 10 end-of-High School events is well underway. A student committee has been
formed to plan formal details, and led by the Year 10 Coordinator John Daniels, a team of dedicated
teachers is organising the Year 10 Concert, celebration and graduation. I’m finding it hard to believe
that we’re at this stage of the year already!
Personal and Social Outline:
Pastoral Care sessions for the term are well underway. Below is a summary of topics that will be covered by year group.
Year 7 students will be doing a unit based around a Brainstorm Productions play about cyber bullying and harassment ‘Verbal
Combat’. This unit makes it clear to students that certain behaviour such as excluding people, spreading rumours and sending
unwanted messages is in fact bullying and will not be tolerated at our school. As well as the play being an entertaining way to
promote discussion, this unit also gives students strategies to avoid being a bully or a target.
Year 8 students are investigating communication. Human communication is complex; there is an almost endless list of means
that we use to convey our ideas and our feelings.
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Good communication is essential for getting along with one another. In this unit students investigate some of the ways in which
we communicate, and what we can do to make our communication more effective.
Year 9 Students will be participating in a program on Respectful Relationships. Over four sessions students will:
explore their rights and responsibilities in relationships
talk about consent and communication
find out what support services are out there
find out how to help their friends
help make their school community a safe and respectful environment
Year 10 Students will be participating in a few sessions on Mindfulness and Self-Care. Semester 2 is an exciting but stressful
time for our students as they prepare to leave our fold. I thought it would be a nice way to end 4 years of Personal and Social at
Telopea with some tips and skills on how to relax and be in the moment, skills that we all need to draw on at times.
Finally, I would like to remind you that the following committees welcome parental input and participation:
The Safe Schools Committee meets every Thursday morning in Week 4. Our next meeting is at 8am on Thursday 11 th August.
The Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Committee meets every Wednesday afternoon in Week 6. Our next meeting is at
3.30pm on Wednesday 24th August.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like further information on any of the above, or if you have any questions
regarding Student Engagement at Telopea Park School.
Mary De Poorter
Executive Teacher Student Engagement
[email protected]
Telopea Topics English News
Classes have been finalised for this semester and students have settled into their study programmes in English. They have
already begun preparing for written assessments and oral presentations. Students are advised to engage in prudent time
management as quite a number of students participate in activities outside of the school which adds to their time constraints.
Meeting deadlines is a life-skill and I urge students to develop strategies to adhere to these when an assessment is due as there
are often times when students negotiate submission of work well after the due date despite timely reminders in class.
Dedicated teachers in the English Faculty are continuing to deliver quality lessons to all students. We have had some changes in
the English Faculty with Ms Julia Gale, Dr Susan Bird and Mr Peter Ringwood joining the staff list from last year. I’d like to
extend my sincere appreciation to Ms Shihoff for teaching English to a year 8 class in Semester 1. She did a wonderful job with
the students.
UNSW Writing and English Competition
UNSW ICAS Writing Competition was held on the 16th of June and we are still awaiting the results. English Competition
payment date closed last term and the testing will take place on the 2nd of August in school. The participating students will be
informed about the time and venue of the test through the daily notices next week. If any student missed out this year, I
strongly suggest that students take a proactive role in finding out about these competitions so that they do not miss out paying
for and participating in the competitions next year.
Bell Shakespeare
The Faculty extends a big thank you to Mr Livermore for organising the Bell Shakespeare workshop for the two top year ten
classes last semester. Participating students thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and gained valuable experiences and knowledge.
About 40 Year 8 Challenge students will be going to watch “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” Bell Shakespeare play at the Opera
Debating News
The two senior debating teams have reached the ACT finals to be held at Telopea Park School this term. We have also had a
year 9 and a Year 10 team represent Telopea at the Interschool Parliamentary Debates in Term 2. All students demonstrated
excellent research and public speaking skills with both teams motions carried in the house. Congratulations to all participating
Uraj Singh
SLC English
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We are now halfway through the school year. New students and new teachers have joined the school. And again we have many
projects showcasing the enthusiastic spirit of our primary school!
New students
End of Term 2 for Telopea Park School matches the end of the year for schools on the Northern hemisphere rhythm. Many new
students, mainly coming from AEFE schools, traditionally join our school at this time of year. Welcome to Adrien, Robert, Finlay,
Yoann, Jonathan, Nolan and Mathilde and to their families.
Wednesday 3 August marked the completion of months of efforts and hard work for Cathy Marot and her troupe of young
dancers. Her 80 dancers took part in Wakakirri competition in Canberra theatre and impressed the audience with their original
choreography. The four elements were used in a choreographed storytelling emphasizing sustainability and nature conservation.
Congratulations to our students, their parents for the time they spent working on costumes, props and stage scenery, and of
course congratulations to Cathy for her wonderful work!
Dr Emmanuel Bernet at Telopea Park school
Emmanuel Bernet, a Doctor in Psychopedagogy and a teacher-trainer-researcher at the Singapore
French school, spent a whole week in our school at the beginning of this term. He provided the
school with diverse pedagogical and technical help: training new teachers, advising and
supporting class projects, sharing his expertise with Ipads,... Emmanuel also delivered a
conference to all school staff on the influence of new technologies on students’ motivation. We
are grateful for the time he spent in our school and for his enthusiasm throughout this training.
Hats on days
From 1st August, students must wear a hat for all outdoor activities. We
invite parents to name and label their children’s hats so that they can easily
find them if lost.
Year 6 trip to Noumea
28 of our Year 6 students accompanied by their teachers Amy Dean, Lisa Granholm Smail, Robin Egerton and Anthony Duncan
will be travelling to New Caledonia from 13th to 23rd September as part of our partnership with Collège Georges Baudoux. This
traditional school trip will enable our students to immerse in both French and Kanak cultures and to discover this wonderful
French territory. Our students will also have the opportunity to visit various museums, as well as the lagoon aquarium, to learn
about Kanak craftsmanship, to feed native animals such as the cagou, and many other things. They will also experience school
life in a French school and thus experience transition towards secondary classes.
School Web Radio
Our web radio, which is also the web radio for French schools of the Asia-Pacific region, gathers the productions
of a dozen or so schools from Beijing and Vanuatu to Sydney, Taipei, Phnom Penh and Hong Kong,... It is a
wonderful tool for oral practice and a wonderful way to communicate with families and students from other
schools. So far, Year 3, Year 5 and Year 6 students are providing programmes to our web radio, together with
our secondary students from Le Petit Journal de Telopea. These programmes are web-streamed 24 hours a day,
and are also available as podcasts. Visit or the Lycée Franco-Australien Facebook page if
you want to listen to our programmes!
Julien Dugas
Conseiller Pédagogique
Ce milieu d’année scolaire amène son lot de nouveautés avec l’arrivée de nouveaux élèves, de nouveaux enseignants, et
toujours autant de projets qui illustrent le dynamisme de notre école primaire!
Nouveaux élèves
Le milieu d’année de notre calendrier rythme sud correspond à la fin d’année des établissements scolaires rythme nord.
Traditionnellement, nous recevons de nombreux nouveaux élèves à ce moment de l’année, dont la plupart viennent du réseau
des établissements français à l’étranger de l’AEFE. Souhaitons donc la bienvenue à Adrien, Robert, Finlay, Yoann, Jonathan,
Nolan et Mathilde, ainsi qu’à leurs familles.
Le mercredi 3 août a vu la consécration de mois d’efforts et de
travail pour Cathy Marot et sa troupe de danseurs et danseuses.
Sur la scène du Canberra Theatre, et à l’occasion de la compétition
de danse Wakakirri, les 80 danseurs ont ébloui le public avec leur
chorégraphie originale. Les quatre éléments ont servi de base à une
narration chorégraphiée faisant résonner les thèmes du
développement durable et de la nécessaire préservation de la
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nature. Un grand bravo à nos élèves, à leurs parents pour les heures passées à confectionner costumes et décors, et bien
entendu à Cathy pour ce travail remarquable !
Visite d’Emmanuel Bernet
Emmanuel Bernet, docteur en psychopédagogie. enseignant-formateur-chercheur au Lycée
Français de Singapour, a passé la deuxième semaine du trimestre au sein de notre
établissement. Son action a été diverse : formation des nouveaux professeurs, aide et soutien
apportée à divers projets de classe, expertise dans la mise en place d’un parc d’iPads, …
Emmanuel a par ailleurs délivré une conférence à l’ensemble des enseignants primairessecondaires sur l’influence des nouvelles technologies sur la motivation des élèves. Nous lui
sommes très reconnaissants du temps qu’il a consacré à notre école et de l’enthousiasme dont il
a fait preuve tout au long de cette formation.
Depuis le 1er août, il est à nouveau impératif de porter un chapeau pour toute activité en extérieur. Veillez à
inscrire le nom de votre enfant à l'intérieur du chapeau pour que l’on retrouve facilement son propriétaire en cas
de perte.
Voyage des 6º à Nouméa
28 élèves de 6º, accompagnés de leurs professeures Amy Dean, Lisa Granholm Smail, ainsi que Robin Egerton et
Anthony Duncan, s’apprêtent à s’envoler pour la Nouvelle Calédonie du 13 au 23 septembre, dans le cadre de l’échange
qui lie notre établissement au Collège Georges Baudoux. Ce voyage, une tradition dans notre école, permettra à nos
élèves de s’immerger dans la culture française et kanak et de découvrir ce magnifique territoire. Ainsi, nos élèves
auront l’occasion de visiter plusieurs musées et l’aquarium des lagons, de s’initier à l’artisanat kanak, de nourrir des
animaux endémiques comme le cagou, et bien d’autres choses encore. Ce sera également l’occasion d’expérimenter la
vie dans un collège français et d’initier ainsi une transition vers le secondaire.
Web radio de l’établissement
Notre web radio, qui est également la web radio des établissements français de la zone AsiePacifique, fédère les productions d’une dizaine d’établissements, de Pékin au Vanuatu, en
passant par Sydney, Taipei, Phnom Penh, Hong-Kong, … C’est un bel outil au service de la
pratique orale et un formidable moyen de communiquer avec les familles et les élèves d’autres
écoles. Pour l’heure, des élèves de CE2, CM2 et 6º alimentent la banque de programmes de
notre web radio, ainsi que les élèves de Seconde du Petit Journal de Telopea. Ces programmes
sont diffusés en continu, 24h sur 24, et sont également disponibles en podcasts. Pour écouter,
connectez-vous sur, ou bien visitez la page Facebook du Lycée Franco-Australien!
Julien Dugas
Conseiller Pédagogique
Parents and Citizens (P&C) news
P&C eNewsletter
The P&C has its own eNewsletter that is used to keep Telopea parents and friends informed and engaged in a variety of school
and community activities and events.
Sign up here to receive our updates!
Do you have the Telopea Skoolbag app on your smartphone?
Don't miss school events or announcements anymore!
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The TPS Skoolbag app features Events, School and Community News, Telopea Topics newsletters, school contacts and push
notification alerts direct from the school. Read about what’s happening at Telopea and add important events directly into your
phone calendar. Available on iOS from the Apple App and iTunes stores and Android through the Google Play store.
The French-Australian Preschool is seeking an experienced community based fundraiser to support our exciting
building project.
For more information about this role, please contact the Preschool on 6295 0621 or [email protected]
Monday – 8.30 - 9.30am
Tuesday – 2.45 - 3.45pm
Thursday – 11.00am – 12.00noon
Order and pay securely on the web:
[email protected]
Place your order over the phone/fax 1300794179 (business hours)
New Enrolments Now Open to Traditional Karate Classes at Telopea School
Learn traditional Karate for effective self defence, build confidence, develop a healthier body & mind. The Canberra school of
traditional Okinawan Karate has relocated to Telopea Park School.
Classes are run by Japanese registered, certified instructors, from 7-9pm Tuesdays & Thursdays. (junior students 7-8pm)
2 WEEKS FREE TRIAL for new students. Student fees are
Junior students (Age 12 - 16yrs)
$30 per month
Senior students (Age 16yrs +)
$60 per month
To arrange your trial phone Sensei Istok on 0402 573 612 OR Michael on 0401 559 850
Class numbers are limited; once the class is full you can ask for your name and contact number to be kept on a wait list until a
space becomes available. For more information visit our website at
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NSW Crescent
Phone: 61423388
[email protected]
Proviseur/Head of French
Kerrie Blain
Emmanuel Texier
Deputy Principal K-10 Peter Clayden
Deputy Principal K-6
Deputy Principal 7-10
Michele McLoughlin
Conseiller Pédagogique Julien Dugas
Business Manager
Mary Ryan
Mary Welsh
Robin Egerton
School Board Members 2016
Board Chair
Jacinda Still
Appointed Member
Staff Member
Cathy Marot
Staff Member
P&C Member
Student Member
Australian Government
French Government
Laura Beacroft
Divij Madan
Louise Hudson
Catherine Hodier
P&C Member
Student Member
French Government
Board Secretary
Katherine Solomko
Hugh Griffin
Timothy Rock
Eric Soulier
Mary Ryan
P&C 2016
Paul Haesler
Vice Presidents
[email protected]
Peter Roberts,
David Pullen
Pauline Cullen
Assistant Secretary
Anita Gardner
Justin Brown
Assistant Treasurer
Phillippe Moncuquet
Public Officer
Before and After School Care
Communication Officer
Lost Property Officer
Initial Fete Coordination Team
Catriona Dove
Andrea Grazziadelli
Emma Perkins
Christine Gustafson
Grants Officer
ACT P&C Delegate
Communication Officer
Returning Officer
Andrew Koc-McDonald
Julie Glasgow
Lisa Wallace
Peter Roberts
Vaishali Goel, Andrew Medlin, Clair Bannerman, Tran Tang, Nicola Smith
and Jacinda Still
The inclusion of advertisements in this publication is in no way to be interpreted as an endorsement of support by the school.
Readers are responsible for forming their own opinions as to the value or reliability of the information contained in such
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