Vocabulary List - Les CONVERSATIONS mises à jour


Vocabulary List - Les CONVERSATIONS mises à jour
Vocabulary List : L’amitié
1. Les bons amis
faire semblant de
to pretend
attn: prétendre = to claim
to claim
se quereller
to want
importer « qui nous importe peu »
to forge, to make up
to be important, to matter (to someone)
2. Portrait physique et moral
soupe au lait (adj.)
hot-headed, quick-tempered
3. Souvenirs du passé
a défaut de
in the absence of
ramener (quelqu’un à un endroit)
to bring someone back
style vestimentaire (m)
way of dressing
4. Premières impressions
organisation (f)
planning, way of doing things
5. L'avenir
lien (m) – créer un lien
connection, bond
il n’y a pas de raison que +subjonctif
there is no reason that….
qu’est-ce que tu veux que je leur dise ?
What do you want me to say (to tell
them ?)
sentir - « on sent que »
attn. normally this means to feel (as in by
touch, or smell) here it is to sense (as in
pas forcement
not necessarily
faire le tri (parmi les gens)
make a sélection between people
un tel
7. Les regrets
remords (m inv)
regret for things that one HAS done rather
than for things left undone, implies a sort
of guilty feeling
ressentir « comment tu le ressens »
to feel, to expérience (like an emotion)
Les Conversations Mises à Jour [ http://coerll.utexas.edu/openvid/cmaj ]
CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 -- Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL)
optique (f)
avoir trait à quelquechose
to relate to something
8. Les conseils d'un ami
to make the most of (a situation)
to get out (and do things)
routinier (adj)
intriquing, heady
piquant (adj)
« Jalouse »
a fashion magazine targeting a young
female reader. a bit like Cosmo
10. Les sentiments d'un étranger
se sentir + adj. /adv.
to feel
espèce de +substantif
a sort of + noun
de façon + adj.
in a (adj) way
se ressourcer
recharge one’s batteries, regain one’s
ou peu importe
or whatever, it’s of little importance what
plus value
added value (literally capital gain)
11. L'Indulgence
impliquer quelquechose
imply something
12. Les hypothèses
(re)mettre en question
to question (again)
le type
en vouloir à quelqu’un
to be angry at someone
aux dépends des autres
at the expense of others
crime passionnel
crime of passion
Manichean – originally this meant that
one adhered to a religion based on the
basic conflict between light and dark, good
and evil, in French is has largely a
negative sense, that is a refusal of
13. La devise de Charles
Les Conversations Mises à Jour [ http://coerll.utexas.edu/openvid/cmaj ]
CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 -- Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL)
carpé de jour
a play on Carpé Diem
s’en faire
to worry about (something)
la-dessus « tu travailles la-dessus »
you are working on it
extreme anxiety, panic attack
14. Encore des regrets...
manquer à
to be missed by someone « qu’est-ce qui va
te manquer ? » - What will you miss ?
grand monde
a lot of people, crowded
dig deep
tu vois
y’know ?
16. Les stéréotypes
pécores (f pl)
a la traine
lagging behind
a la ramasse
out of it (not with the times)
the Pari Mutuel Urbain – this is a
reference to a kind of small, non-descript,
neighborhood café where one can buy
lottery tickets and the like
remettre en cause
challenge (an assumption or accepted
17. L'étranger eternel
etre censé + verbe
to be expected to + verb
Au fur et a mesure
as one goes along, little by little
La trame
the plotline (of a story, film)
Les Conversations Mises à Jour [ http://coerll.utexas.edu/openvid/cmaj ]
CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 -- Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL)