Les Boulots - Web Search


Les Boulots - Web Search
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Les Boulots - Web Search
Les Sites
1. Choose a site, and look for the list of student jobs available (un job d’étudiant).
2. Do a search for the types of jobs you would like to do. You will have to look within categories (le
cadre) and job types (le type). For instance a category might be “le tourisme” or “baby-sitting” or
“vente.” In terms of types, you might want “un stage” or “un job d’été.”
A. What category of job did you select?
B. What type of work did you choose?
C. What is the title of your job?
3. Now you need to summarize the job that you want.
Name of Company:
Skills required:
Duties and Requirements of the job:
4. Now ask yourself whether or not you would want to do this job or not if you were able to. Summarize
your reasoning for choosing this particular job and what you like or dislike about it below IN FRENCH.
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