Saisons Sauvages, book launch Kettly Mars from Haiti in Amsterdam
Saisons Sauvages, book launch Kettly Mars from Haiti in Amsterdam
Saisons Sauvages, book launch Kettly Mars from Haiti in Amsterdam Saisons Sauvages Between power and powerlessness, on life and survival under dictatorship An evening with Kettly Mars (Haiti) and Natasja Kensmil and Shirma Rouse in the MC Theater (Big hall) in Amsterdam on Thursday 24 November 2011, start programme 20.00 hrs Register (free entrance) On 24 November at 20.00 hrs Kettly Mars presents the Dutch translation of her novel Saisons Sauvages in the MC Theater in Amsterdam. During the evening visual artist Natasja Kensmil also speaks about her work and soulful singer Shirma Rouse provides musical entertainment. The evening is led by Tanja Fraai, journalist and producer. Lucia Nankoe, Romanist and literary scholar, curates this evening. Kettly Mars is one of the 2011 Prince Claus Laureates. The Fund, with this Award, honors her bold approach to unconventional subjects that gave an important new impulse to Caribbean literature. The Award and the appearance of a Dutch t ranslation of one of her last novels, published by De Geus/ Oxfam Novib, were the motivation to devote an evening to her and to explore certain topics that are highlighted in the book. During the evening Kettly Mars shall read out parts of Saisons Sauvages. The story is set in the Haiti of the Sixties, dominated by the terror of François Duvalier. The hu sband of Nirvah works as a journalist for the main opposition newspaper. His c riticism on the regime is not appreciated and he is arrested by the militia, while Nirvah stays behind with their children. The only way to see her husband again and t o take care of her family is to get involved with the dangerous Raoul Vincent, an important official in the regime. The phenomenon of power is also a recurring theme in the work of visual artist Natasja Kensmil. She for instance made a series called Raw Couples, which consists of mostly portraits of rulers from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. The couples portrayed were often related to each other through family ties and sometimes came to rule a great empire, when they were still very young and inexperienced, due to the premature deaths of their predecessors. a special evening with Haitian writer and laureate Kettly Mars Information: International Art in Amsterdam This event is part of the International Art Programme in Amsterdam of the Prince Claus Fund and the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts. Keep tuned for an update o f the programme on or follow us on Facebook. Information: Background information Kettly Mars (Port-au-Prince, 1958) is one of the most successful female Caribbean writers of today. She started writing when she was about 35 years old. Her f irst published writings were sensual and erotically charged poems highlighting the centrality of nature, the body and sexuality in human lives. Her first novel Kasale followed in 2003 and portrays the spiritual impasses experienced in daily struggles and what it means to be human in increasingly difficult circumstances. L?heure hybride (2005) explores homosexuality, a son?s love for his mother, her work as a prostitute and the pull of contradictory impulses and c onflicting inner narratives. Kettly Mars is a bold and evocative writer who offers fresh insights on contemporary realities and a vibrant, nuanced exposé of H aitian society. Natasha Kensmil (1973) is of Surinamese descent. She studied at the Free Art Academy and the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam, after which she attended De Ateliers in Amsterdam. History is an important theme in the work of Kensmil. Her enigmatic images of anxiety often relate to religious and mythological stories. One initially notices the light and dark colors of her paintings and drawings, then the other colors unfold that are hidden in and under the skin. Her latest work is titled Sleeping Beauty for which she drew her inspiration from photographs of deceased children. Shirma Rouse (1980) is a singer and teaches at the Conservatory in Enschede and Albeda College of music and production. She was born in Curaçao, spent m uch of her childhood in St.Eustatius and moved to the Netherlands in 1999 where she built her ten-year music career. She is into funk, jazz and soulful music. She was a backing vocalist in the group Tasha's World and then she performed, toured and recorded with artists from various genres including Intwine, Extince, Wouter Hamel, Candy Dulfer, Alain Clark, Anouk, Randal Corsen, Margriet Sjoerdsma and Gerard van Maasakkers. Shirma Rouse's debut album appeared in 2010 and is named Chocolate Coated Dreams. Links Website International Art in Amsterdam International Art in Amsterdam en savoir plus Leeswijzer Wrede Seizoenen Leeswijzer Wrede Seizoenen en savoir plus Website MC Theater Website MC Theater en savoir plus Website Natasja Kensmil Website Natasja Kensmil en savoir plus Website Shirma Rouse Website Shirma Rouse en savoir plus Website De Geus Website De Geus en savoir plus Media: Programme: Collaborations La Fondation collabore régulièrement avec d'autres organisations afin notamment de créer un plus grand soutien en faveur de la culture et du dév eloppement, d'accroître son expertise et son réseau, et d'élargir ses possibilités de financement. La Fondation fait ainsi cause commune avec de nombreuses orga nisations tant aux Pays-Bas que dans le reste du monde. Vous trouverez ci-dessous de plus amples informations sur quelques liens de partenariat plus structurels. view programme Programme: Les Prix Prince Claus Les Prix Prince Claus récompensent des réalisations exceptionnelles dans le domaine de la culture et du développement. Ces Prix sont attribués chaque anné e à 11 personnes individuelles ou organisations dont les actions culturelles ont un effet positif sur le développement de la société qui est la leur. view programme