Clubde lecture


Clubde lecture
Club de lecture
1. Amulet : Le gardien de la pierre. CO, tome 1 Emily and
Navin move to their great grand-father’s house and discover
an underground world where demons, robots and talking
animals live.
2. Je lis avec Pat le chat : La banane pourrie. PB Pat just ate an
overly ripe banana… Yuk! Will he be able to eat bananas again?
3. National Geographic Kids : Bizarre mais vrai! 2. NF Did you know
that sharks have been around longer than trees? A book full of
fascinating information!
4. Si jamais tu avais un dinosaure... PB If you had a dinosaur, he
could be very useful. He could act as an umbrella, a nutcracker, an
anti-theft security system…
5. La peinture magique : Noël. C with a magic marker All you need
is a bit of water for the colours to appear. Magical!
6. La princesse et le poney. PB Princess Prunelle has always dreamt
of having a tall and muscular horse. Unfortunately, the one she
got is quite different…
7. L’académie Grimm : Chaperon Rouge est perdue. N, tome 2
Red Riding Hood gets lost in the Neverwood forest and meets
Jean-Loup, a classmate from the Académie Grimm. Should she
be suspicious?
8. Ma première bibliothèque : La Reine des Neiges. B, Boxset with
12 books Anna and Elsa invite you to Arendelle.
16. Je suis capable! C’est Noël! PB Sending Christmas cards,
decorating the tree, wrapping gifts… I can do it!
17. Les bonshommes de neige. PB, 4 books Snowmen here, snowmen
there, snowmen everywhere!
18. Violet, vert et jaune. PB Brigitte LOVES to colour and would love
for someone to buy her markers. Her mom, on the other hand, is
19. Le monde de Munsch. PB, H, by Robert Munsch and Michael
Martchenko A great bind-up with 6 hilarious stories.
20. Jeu d’association – Loto de mots 2. M Learn to read basic words
and associate them with the corresponding illustration.
21. Voici les saisons. PB, 4 books Whether it is windy, snowy, rainy or
sunny, there are a thousand reasons to smile every season!
22. Info-météo : La pluie. NF Why do we need water? What is a flood?
When can we see a rainbow? Learn about rain.
23. Bananagrams® français. M Create words anytime, anywhere!
Easier than Scrabble® but just as great to build vocabulary.
24. Mon Premier Visuel Français. R Associate words and illustrations
at a glance! Ideal for French immersion!
25. Toujours parfait. PB, 3 books Perfect for beginner readers as they
gently progress into independent reading.
26. Lire et découvrir. NF, 4 books Learn to read while you discover
interesting facts on animals
27. Je lis! Animaux - Série 2. NF, 6 books These readers with photos
9. Les bonnes manières : Être honnête. PB Tania ate all the cake that
her mom has made but she is too afraid to tell her… What will
10. Contes réinventés : Lave-toi les cheveux, Raiponce! PB Raiponce
would like to escape from her tower. Three princes try to climb to
her rescue but her unwashed hair is too greasy and slippery…
What could she do to get away?
11. Je lis avec Mademoiselle Nancy : Une visite à l’aquarium. PB
Nancy goes on a school trip to the aquarium. She loves all the sea
creatures but hates the mean jellyfish. Can Mrs Mirette help her
overcome her fear?
12. Bon anniversaire, Fenouil! PB Fenouil is really excited for his
birthday. What will be his surprise this year?
13. Chuuuut, je lis! PB Gontran is a little dinosaur who loves to read.
He reads lying down, standing up, when the sun shines, when it
rains… He reads so much that he forgets everything around him.
Ideal for beginner readers!
14. Ça suffit, bonne nuit! PB Poor bear! All he wants to do is sleep.
But duck, his neighbour, has other plans…
15. Dix petits orteils. B, PCO + teddy bear Mouth, nose, eyes, ears,
arms, legs and ten little toes!
A: activity book
B: boardbook
C: craft
CD: audio CD
CDB: CD book
and short informative text make learning to read easy and fun.
28. Cinq joyeux castors. PB 5-4-3-2-1. Learn to count backwards with
five busy beavers.
29. 10, 9, 8 dinosaures. PB Count down the dinosaurs until they
become extinct.
30. Histoires de points. H, interactive book Pull, bend, turn… Make
use of your logic and sense of observation to discover the 45
missing dots in this book.
31. Les Bâbord-Tribord et la grotte maléfique. IN Three witches have
captured the Bâbord-Tribord and put them in a cave. Fortunately,
Mathilde is there to come to their rescue.
32. Troooooop loin! N During a school outing, Zou gets lost in the
woods. Are we going to find her alive and well? Funny!
33. Les jeux de la Cabane Magique : Les tours de magie de Tom et
Léa. A Slicing a banana without peeling it, inserting a needle in a
balloon without bursting it, getting a small dinner roll to float… A
ton of magic tricks to learn!
34. Noémie : Le Voleur de souvenirs. N Noémie’s house has been
burgled and the red suitcase with all of grandma Lumbago’s
souvenirs has disappeared. Noémie investigates…
CO: comic book
F: with flaps
G: game
GN: graphic novel
H: hardcover
IN: illustrated novel
J: journal
M: manipulative
P: with pen or pencil
PB: picture book
PC: picture clue book
PCO: padded cover
PU: puzzle
R: reference
S: with stickers
ST: short stories
35. Mon premier atlas : À la découverte du monde. R, S with 60
quiz cards and a 69cm x 46.5cm world map Where is the biggest
desert in the world? And the longest river? Which animals live in
the rainforest? Discover the world around you!
36. L’incontrôlable lutin farceur. IN Farfouille loves to play tricks on
Santa and on the other elves but during the holidays, he
promises to be good. Will he?
37. Hockey junior : Temps de glace. IN Darn! The neighbourhood
rink is in a terrible state. Can it be fixed on time for the Family
Day hockey match?
38. Trio Hockey junior. IN, 3 books The perfect series for young
hockey fans!
39. La classe de Madame Zoé : Que la fête commence! N Madame
54. Klutz : Peinture sur verre. C + 6 paint colours Play with light
and transparency and create great window decorations!
55. OMG : « Écris-moi s.v.p.! » N For her 14th birthday, Iris receives a
second hand iPod. Since it hasn’t been wiped and rebooted, she
can retrieve all of the previous owner’s information, a guy
named Sandman. Who could he be?
56. Téa Stilton : Le concert du cœur. IN What will the Téa Sisters do
to raise funds to help children get books for their library?
57. Mon père est parti à la guerre. N Alfie is five years old when his
father leaves for war. Four years later, without any news from his
dad, his mom tells him that he is on a secret mission. Is that the
Zoé’s class organizes an exciting football match. Nicolas, a big
fan of this sport, seems sad… Why?
58. Trio Nate. GN, 3 books Three excellent reads at a great bargain!
40. Journal Anna et Elsa. J with 2 keys and a lock Keep all of your
59. Papeterie Téléphone intelligent. Stationery Send great “texts”
41. Activités amusantes : Grilles de calcul. A Observe carefully, use
60. Le Petit Prince. IN Stuck in the Sahara desert after a plane crash,
secrets in this frosty journal!
logic and associate a numerical value to each image.
42. Deco Color. Colouring book 32 designs to fill in with
harmonious colours!
43. Je m’amuse en français - 1er cycle. A Tools and tricks to improve
spelling, vocabulary and grammar. Includes dictations created
by the Paul Gérin-Lajoie Foundation. For grades 1 and 2.
44. Je m’amuse en français - 2 cycle. A Tools and tricks to improve
spelling, vocabulary and grammar. Includes dictations created
by the Paul Gérin-Lajoie Foundation. For grades 3 and 4.
45. Je m’amuse en français - 3 cycle. A Tools and tricks to improve
spelling, vocabulary and grammar. Includes dictations created
by the Paul Gérin-Lajoie Foundation. For grades 5 and 6.
46. Nous conjuguons! Le verbe pouvoir au présent de l’indicatif.
NF Je peux, tu peux, il peut… Keep going! Learn to conjugate the
verb "pouvoir" (can) in the present tense.
to your friends!
an aviator meets a Little Prince from another world. A French
61. Chair de poule : Gare aux monstres - Guide de survie. Survival
guide Revisit the movie with this guide full of details on the
mannequins, the ghosts and the ghouls.
62. Chair de poule : Le mutant au sang vert. N Botanist Dr. Brewer
conducts experiments in his laboratory. Soon, his children
notice changes in his physique and his behaviour…
63. Je peux lire! Les fêtes. PB, 4 books It’s time to read and to
celebrate the seasons with Nestor.
64. Vois-tu ce que je vois? Le Petit Express. PB, H, Can you see 3
skiers, 2 rabbits and 1 toboggan? Come aboard the Toyland
Express for a ride of discoveries.
65. Romans de Kate DiCamillo. N, 3 books Three exceptional
novels from the award-winning author!
47. 300 blagues! Et plus... Joke book, 3 books Get everyone
66. Au travail : Enseignants. NF Planning for classes, correcting
48. Ricky Ricotta et son robot géant contre les Jeannots
67. Bloc de jeux et d’exercices – Premiers pas en calcul. A Take your
laughing! Jokes and riddles to tell your friends and family.
jurassiques de Jupiter. CO/GN, Tome 5 A dinosaur exhibition
attracts Ricky to the museum but he changes his plans when he
realizes that General Jeannot Lapin is there…
49. Garfield Poids lourd no 12. CO 256 p. of full colour comic strips.
50. Basile, chat de l’espace. CO, 3 books Basile is a space cat. At
least, that's what he thinks… In reality, he has never left his
home based “space station”!
51. Roches et minéraux fascinants. NF, 12 rocks and minerals +
1 magnifying glass Explore what lies under your feet!
52. Cherche et trouve : Les Dragouilles. G, 4 double-sided game
boards + 50 game cards + instructions Open your eyes and find
a ton of images hidden through a mass of Dragouilles. A trip
through 8 world-class cities.
53. LEGO® Coffret du collectionneur. Boxset, R, H, 2 books Are you
a big fan of LEGO® bricks? These 2 books are full of information
and colourful ideas. Discover the LEGO® world!
homework, meeting parents… What is a teacher’s day like?
first math steps!
68. Gangster : Méfiez-vous de ceux qui n’aiment pas les chats. IN,
tome 1 During the day, I eat, sleep and purr, that’s about it. But
at night, I become Gangster, the predator…
69. L’éveil des tombeaux : Le livre des morts. N, tome 1 Doctors are
unanimous, nothing can cure Alex. His mom, convinced that he
may live, decides to try incantations from the Book of the dead.
But are the consequences worth it?
70. Le Club des Baby-Sitters : L’idée géniale de Kristy. CO, tome 1
They share a strong friendship and they are the best when it
comes to babysitting! Meet the 4 co-founders of The BabySitters Club: Kristy, Mary Anne, Claudia and Stacey.
71. L’autobus magique présente le corps humain. NF, H Travel
through the human body with Madame Friselis’ class!
72. Le chat-ô en folie : La garderie des petits dragons. IN by Alain
Bergeron. Briquet, the king’s dragon, gives birth to 6 babies.
Who will take care of them? A hot dilemma…
73. Quand le père Noël était petit... PB, H Little Noël is not like the
other kids. He has a big belly, a strong voice but most of all, a
generous heart. Adorable and funny!
A: activity book
B: boardbook
C: craft
CD: audio CD
CDB: CD book
CO: comic book
F: with flaps
G: game
GN: graphic novel
H: hardcover
IN: illustrated novel
J: journal
M: manipulative
P: with pen or pencil
PB: picture book
PC: picture clue book
PCO: padded cover
PU: puzzle
R: reference
S: with stickers
ST: short stories