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View printable version - Guernsey Legal Resources
Island of
()rdinance of the States VI
Coming into Operation
25th F~br"ary, 1987.
1,. March, 1987.
'.fhe States Committee for Agriculture
(Transfer of Functions) Ordinance, 1987
THE STATES, in pursuance of their Resolution
of the 28th day of January, 1987, hereby order:1. Tl1e fl.mqious, rights and liabilities of the States Transfer of
Committee for Agriculture and of the President functions.
thereof arising under or by virtue of the Ordinances
s~t ont in the' Schedule to this Ordinance are transferred to and vested in the States Agricultural and
Milk Mark«:;ting Board.
2. The States Committee for Agriculture and Repeal.
Fisheries (Transfer of Fun~tions) Ordinance, 1962(a)
is repealed.
en Nothing done by or in relation to the States Savings.
for i}.Wiculture und~r qr by yirt1l~ of the
Ordinances set out in 'the'Scbeduh; iothis Orai"nance
b~i~r~ '~h~ .~om~enc~llle~t ~'6f1:hfs drdinance is
iny~~i<iit~a hy) ~~c~ 90mro~n~~~eht. ",.. .
(a) Recueil tl'Otdontiances, TottieXnI, p.Hi.
(2) Anything in process of being done by or in
relation to the States Committee for Agriculture
under or by virtue of the said Ordinances at the
commencement of this Ordinance may be continued
by or in relation to the States Agricultural and Milk
Marketing Board.
4. This Ordinance may be cited as the States Committee for Agriculture (Transfer of Functions) Ordinance, 1987.
5. This Ordinance shall come into operation on
the 1st of March, 1987.
Section 1
The Ordinance entitled " Ordonnance ayant rapport
au Recensement de Recoltes et de Betail " of the 30th
July, 1923(b).
The Protection of Wild Birds Ordinances, 1949 to
The Expmt of Cattle Ordinances, 1950 and 1952(d).
The Hay, Straw and Litter Ordinances, 1950 and
The Live Poultry and Pigeons Control Ordinances,
1950 and 1952(f).
(b) Recueil d'Ordonnances Tome V, p. 386.
(c) Recueil d'Ordonnances Tome IX, p. 306; Tome X, p. 173;
Tome XIII, p. 251; Tome XIV, p. 102; Tome XIX, p. 3G8;
and No. XXXV of 1981.
(d) Recueil d'Ordonnances Tome X, pp. 83 and 286.
(e) Recueil d'Ordonnances Tome X, p. 93; and Tome XIII,
p. IS.
(f) Recueil d'Ordonnances Tome X, pp. 107 and 316.
The Animal Diseases Ordinances, 1950 to 1985(g).
The Bovine Animal Diseases Ordinances, 1961 to
The Poultry Carcases Importation Ordinance, 1981(z).
The Animals and Animal Products (Import and
Export) Ordinances, 1952 and 1963(1).
The Atrophic Rhinitis (Compensation Provisions)
Ordinance, 1954(k).
The Swine Diseases Ordinances, 1955 to
The Johne's Disease Ordinances, 1951 and 1982(m).
The Anthrax Ordinances, 1950 and 1982(n).
The Bovine Semen, Artificial Insemination and
Embryo Transplantation Ordinances, 1957 to 1982(0).
The Milk (Control) (Guernsey) Ordinances, 1958 to
(g) Recueil d'Ordonnances Tome X, pp. 108, 300, 3M and
309; Tome XI, p. 314; Tome XIII, p. 251; Tome XX,
p. 25; No. II of 1978; No. XXXII of 1982; and No's V
and XXX of 1985.
Recueil d'Ordonnances Tome XllI, pp. 49 and 251;
Tome XIV, p. 107; Tome XX, pp. 21 and 423; and No.
XXX of 19,82.
Ordinance No. XXI of 1981.
Recueil d'Ordonnances Tome X, p. 178; Tome XIll,
p. 292.
Recueil d'Ordonnances Tome XI, p. 88.
Recueil d'Ordonnances Tome XI, p. ISS; Tome Xll,
p. 94; Tome xm, p. 251; Tome XIV, p. 43; Tome XX,
p. 18; No. XXVlll of 1979; and No. XXXI of 1982.
Recueil d'Ordonnances Tome X, p. 174; and No. XXXllI
of 1982.
Recueil d'Ordonnances Tome X, p. 118; and No. XXXIV
of 1982.
Recueil d'Ordonnances Tome XI, p. 329; Tome XIlI,
pp. 251 and 284; Tome XVIl, p. 271; Tome XX, p. 421;
No. XI of ·1980; and No. XXXVI of 1982.
Recueil d'Ordonnances Tome XIl, p. 23; Tome xm,
pp.84 and 251; Tome XIV, pp. 28 and 277; Tome XV,
p. 200; Tome XVIl, p. 1; No. IX of 1980; No's. X and
XV of 1983.
The Poultry and Hatching Eggs (Importation and
Exportation) Ordinances, 1962 and 1981(q).
The Poultry Diseases Ordinance, 1962(r).
The Bees (Importation and Prevention of Disease)
Ordinances, 1973 and 1980(s).
The Pests (Control of Destruction) Ordinances, 1965
and 1982(t).
The Control of Birds Ordinance, 1985(u).
The Protection of Animals Ordinances, 1976 and
pp. 130 and 251;
No. XX of 1981.
Recueil d'prqonnances Tome XIII, pp. 205 and 251.
Recueil d'Ol'doIYnances Tome XIX, p: 129; and Tome XXI,
p. 408.
Recueil d'Ordonnances Tome XIV, p. 103; and No. VII
of 1982.
. .
Qrdinance No. ~V of 1985.
Recueil d'Ordonnances Tome XX, p. 369; and No. XXVIII
of 1986. '
(q) Recueil d'Ordonnances Tome XIII,
Her Majesty's
Copies may be purchased from
Her MaJestyls' Greffier; Royal Court'House, Guamaey.
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