German Genealogical Sources Beyond the Church Records


German Genealogical Sources Beyond the Church Records
Handout: Sources beyond the church records
© Sabine Schleichert,
What is Where in German Archives:
German Genealogical Sources
Beyond the Church Records
Lecture Handout
© Sabine Schleichert, Bunzlauer Strasse 22, D-80992 München, FR Germany
(New address, effective from about October 2004:
Sabine Schleichert, Rosa-Aschenbrenner-Bogen 6, D-80797 München, FR Germany)
phone: +49-89-14349363, fax: +49-89-14349364, e-mail: [email protected]
website (with many links):
Secondary sources based upon church records:
Familienregister: family register (compilation, part of the church records in some
Ortssippenbuch or Ortsfamilienbuch: printed family book
German online family books:
List of printed family books:
Life and death:
Database for obituaries and other announcements:
graves: information may be accessible through the local cemetery administration
Inhabitants' records:
Einwohnermeldebogen, Polizeimeldebogen: inhabitants' record
to be found in the town archive (Stadtarchiv) or town administration (Stadtverwaltung, Einwohnermeldeamt)
Bürgerbuch: list of citizens
to be found in the town archive
Property and tax records:
19th and 20th centuries: Kataster
16th to 18th centuries: Urbar, Salbuch, Grundbuch, Steuerbuch
Briefprotokoll, Verfachbuch, Notariatsprotokoll: property transfer records
to be found in the state archive or town archive
Military records:
19th century:
Militärkonskriptionsliste: military conscription list
Stammrolle, Grundbuch: muster roll
to be found in the state archive
20th century:
staff files at:
Deutsche Dienststelle (WASt):
Bundesarchiv-Zentralnachweisstelle Aachen
general military files at: Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv Freiburg
Handout: Sources beyond the church records
© Sabine Schleichert,
Database with war graves of German soldiers:
Basic works about genealogy in Germany:
Ribbe, Wolfgang/Henning, Eckart: Taschenbuch für Familiengeschichtsforschung,
12th ed., Neustadt/Aisch 2001 ("the" handbook)
Internet site with loads of information about German genealogy:
Riemer, Shirley J.: German Research Companion, 2nd ed., Sacramento 2000
Smith, Kenneth L.: German Church Books. Beyond the Basics, Camden ME 1989
Schweitzer, George K.: German Genealogical Research, 1995 (bibliography, addresses, examples for request letters)
Janker, Stephan M.: Möglichkeiten der Familienforschung in Altbayern, München
1994 (Bavaria)
Riepl, Reinhard: Wörterbuch zur Familien- und Heimatforschung in Bayern und Österreich, Waldkraiburg 2003 (handbook for special terms, Bavaria and Austria)
Demandt, Karl E.: Laterculus Notarum. Lateinisch-deutsche Interpretationshilfen für
spätmittelalterliche und frühneuzeitliche Archivalien, 7th ed., Marburg 1998 (handbook for Latin terms)
Verdenhalven, Fritz: Alte Meß- und Währungssysteme aus dem deutschen Sprachgebiet, 2nd ed., Neustadt/Aisch 1993
Atlases and geographical handbooks:
Großer Historischer Weltatlas. Vol. 3: Neuzeit, München 1991 (best historical atlas,
concentrating on Europe and Germany)
Overview for Europe:
Overview for Germany after 1800 and for Bavaria throughout the times:
Extensive list of links to online maps worldwide:
Köbler, Gerhard: Historisches Lexikon der deutschen Länder. Die deutschen Territorien vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart, München 1999 (detailed handbook of German
Handbuch der historischen Stätten Deutschlands (handbook about the history of German places; series with 18 volumes, covering Germany, the former Eastern territories,
Austria, Switzerland, Denmark)
Library catalogues:
Verbundkatalog: union catalogues for German university libraries
Southwest Germany:
Bavaria:, "Recherche", and then "Recherche Start"
Handbooks, addresses:
Archive in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz, 15th ed.,
Münster 1995 (contains addresses of all archives in Germany etc.)
extensive list of German (and foreign) archives:
list of German archives, with English explanations:
Handout: Sources beyond the church records
© Sabine Schleichert,
Archive in München, München 1996 (archives in Munich)
State archives:
Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, Nördliche Hildapromenade, D-76133 Karlsruhe (main
archive for Baden)
Staatsarchiv Freiburg, Postfach 323, D-79003 Freiburg (for the southern part of Baden)
Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 4, D-70173 Stuttgart (main archive
for Württemberg)
Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, Schloßstr. 30, D-71634 Ludwigsburg (for Württemberg)
Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Karlstr. 3, D-72488 Sigmaringen (for Hohenzollern)
Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, Postfach 22 11 52, D-80501 München (main archive
for Bavaria)
Staatsarchiv Amberg, Archivstr. 3, D-92224 Amberg (for the Oberpfalz)
Staatsarchiv Augsburg, Salomon-Idler-Str. 2, D-86159 Augsburg (for Bayerisch
Staatsarchiv Bamberg, Postfach 2668, D-96017 Bamberg
Staatsarchiv Coburg, Herrngasse 11, D-96459 Coburg (for Sachsen-Coburg)
Staatsarchiv Landshut, Burg Trausnitz, D-84036 Landshut (for Niederbayern)
Staatsarchiv München, Postfach 22 11 52, D-80501 München (for Oberbayern)
Staatsarchiv Nürnberg, Archivstr. 17, D-90110 Nürnberg (for Mittelfranken)
Staatsarchiv Würzburg, Postfach 110816, D-97034 Würzburg (for Unterfranken)
Rheinland-Pfalz and Saarland:
Landeshauptarchiv Koblenz, Postfach 1340, D-56013 Koblenz (main archive for
Rheinland-Pfalz, especially for the formerly Prussian part)
Landesarchiv Speyer, Postfach 1608, D-67326 Speyer (for the Pfalz)
Landesarchiv Saarbrücken, Postfach 102431, D-66042 Saarbrücken (for Saarland)