
Situation d’Evaluation en Anglais
I - Informations Générales
Etablissement : Collège Catholique
Année Scolaire : 2011 – 2012
Notre Dame de Lourdes
Durée : 3 heures
Classe : 2nde CD
Coefficient : 2
Période : Evaluation du 3è trimestre
Epreuve d’Anglais
II - Compétences à évaluer
*Compétence disciplinaire n°2
Réagir de façon précise et appropriée à des messages lus ou entendus
*Compétence disciplinaire n°3
Produire de façon appropriée des textes de types et de fonctions variés.
III – Contexte
La recherche des sources d’énergie et d’autres besoins de la vie quotidienne amène les
populations à détruire les forêts. Ce qui génère de fâcheuses retombées et menace notre
existence. Le texte ci-après évoque de ces problèmes auxquels tu es invité à réagir.
Time is running out for trees and for us ! The rainforests are being destroyed at
frightening speed, by burning, flooding, mining, building roads, and pollution. In the last 40
years, about half of the world’s rainforest have disappeared. One day in 1988, a spaceship
took pictures of 8,000 fires which were burning in the Amazon rainforest. The fires made so
much smoke that airports in Brazil had to close, and traffic on the roads came to stand still. In
one year, in that South American country, more than 10,000 square km of forest went up in
smoke. So imagine enough trees to cover a football pitch, burning down every second of
everyday of the year. If destruction continues like this, soon there will be very little forest left,
anywhere on the Earth..
As the rainforests are destroyed, we put mankind’s future on the Earth in danger. One
of the reasons for burning rainforests is to increase land for farming. However, the soil in
rainforest is usually poor, so the new farms do not improve the food supply very much. On the
other hand, plants which might provide new kind of food are destroyed by fire, sometimes
before scientists have been able to give them names. Remember rice, cocoa and maize were
all fired discovered in the rainforest.
Rainforests give us medicine as well as food. A quarter of medicines in a dispensary
contain something which has come from rainforest plants or trees. Because of these plants, we
can hope to find cures for some of the Worst diseases of our time such as cancer and AIDS.
Thirdly, rainforests give us air to breathe and they keep our climate right. Destroying the
forests warms the earth up and this endangers he whole world.
A°) La réaction à un texte écrit
Tâche :
Après avoir lu le texte ci-dessus, tu montreras que tu l’as compris en :
reconnaissant les détails du texte ;
exprimant tes appréciations personnelles sur le texte ;
manifestant ta compréhension du vocabulaire du texte ;
traduisant une partie du texte en Français ;
mettant les phrases à la voix active ;
posant des questions sur les mots soulignés.
Item 1 : answer by true or false
People are frightened because rainforests are being destroyed.
Amazon forest is in Africa.
Airports in Brazil had to close because it was raining.
Rainforests play a very important role in life.
Item 2 : Answer theses questions
1- How do people destroy rainforests?
2- State two advantages rainforests offer.
3- What will happen if all rainforests are destroyed?
Item 3 : Find out in the text the opposite of each of the following words.
Appeared (Paragraph 1)
Stops (Paragraph 1)
To decrease (Paragraph 2)
Rich (Paragraph 2)
Item 4 : Translate into French
From : ‘’Thirdly, rainforests give’’ … down to ..’’ This endangers the whole world’’.
Item 5 : Change the following sentences into active voice.
1- The atmosphere and oceans are being damage.
2- Land is needed for highways, agriculture or to expand a city.
3- The destruction of rain forests cannot be ignored.
4- Rain forests are being cut down in Amazon.
Item 6 : Ask question based on the underlined words.
In 1988, a spaceship took pictures of 8,000 fires in the Amazon rainforests.
8,000 fires were burning in the Amazon forests.
Rainforests give us medicines.
People are frightened because rainforests are being destroyed.
B°) Compétence disciplinaire n°3
Les populations qui exploitent les forêts connaissent bien le rôle qu’elles jouent dans
l’environnement. Malgré cela, elles continuent de la détruire surtout à cause de leurs besoins
en Energie.
Tâche :
Tu monteras par la production d’un paragraphe cohérent, ta compétence en :
respectant le contexte ;
respectant la logique interne du texte ;
construisant des phrases grammaticalement correctes ;
utilisant le vocabulaire adéquat ;
l’orthographe et la ponctuation appropriées.
Suggest concrete attitudes people could have in order to satisfy their needs in energy
and avoid the destruction of forests. Use examples to show how your propositions can help
for the preservation of the environment.

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