Réaction à un texte écrit Compétence disciplinair


Réaction à un texte écrit Compétence disciplinair
Année scolaire 2010-2011
Composition du 3ème Trimestre
Classe : 6ème
Durée : 1H30
Compétence disciplinaire n°2 : Réaction à un texte écrit
Compétence disciplinaire n°3 : Production écrite d’un texte de type
IRéaction à un texte écrit
De nos jours tous les enfants aiment célébrer et raconter leur
anniversaire. Le texte suivant porte sur Tony et son anniversaire. Lis
Tâche : Après avoir lu le texte, tu montreras que tu l’as compris en :
-Reconnaissant les détails du texte
-Exprimant des appréciations sur le texte
-Montrant ta compréhension du vocabulaire du texte
-Exprimant ta maîtrise de quelques points de la grammaire
Text :
1- Today is December 5th. It is Tony’s birthday. So in the morning,
his parents, classmates and relatives, his father’s colleagues
attend a religious office at St Michel’s church. Tony is wearing a
blue jacket and blue trousers with a white shirt and a yellow tie.
His shoes are white.
2- Just after the office, there is a big reception at Tony’s father’s
house. A lot of guests come. Apart from his friends, relatives and
his father’s colleagues, there are neighbours too. When the guests
are sitting down, Tony’s father greets them. Then Tony stands up.
When he blows off the twelfth candle, everybody claps and
loudspeakers, in every corner of the house, start playing out
interesting tunes: GG. Vickey’s best songs, Zenab, Don Metok,
Petit Miguelito, Sagbohan ……….Tony’s cousins and other guests
sing ‘’Happy birthday to you……’’
3- Then Tony’s mother brings out the birthday meal. It is rice and
chicken with a lot of drinks. The guests are very happy. They eat
and drink beer, coke, fruit juice too. It is exciting.
4- People offer Tony a lot of presents. His cousin Margeret gives him
books and toys. Other people offer him bracelets, posters,….and a
bike. He is very happy.
5- In the end, Tony’s elder sister brings the birthday cake. It is very
big. Tony takes a knife and cuts it. People clap again and the music
continues. They share the cake and they return home. The party
is very interesting.
Attend = participer à, assister à
Guest = invité
Colleagues = collègues
Blow off = souffler
= repas
= gâteau
= titre
To take place = avoir lieu
To share = partager
The best = le meilleur
Item 1: Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences
The best title for the text is: ……………………..
Tony’s birthday
Tony’s father’s birthday
A concert
The religious office is …………………………………
After the reception
Before the reception
At night
The reception takes place……………………………..
In the church yard
In Tony’s school
At Tony’s father’s house.
………………………………..cuts the birthday cake with a knife.
Tony’s mother
Tony’s elder sister
2: Answer these questions
What is Tony wearing?
Who come to the birthday party?
How old is Tony?
Was the party interesting?
Item 3: Find in the text synonyms for these
1-Tony’s cousins, aunts uncles and nephews (paragraph1)
2- A celebration of birth (paragraph 1)
3- The people you invite to a party (paragraph 2)
4- Senior sister (paragraph 5)
Item 4: Put the verbs in the correct tense
The guests (to eat ) now
Tony always (to invite ) his friends
Listen! Tony’s cousins (to dance )
I often (to go ) to church late
Item 5 : Fill in the gaps with the right answer
1- Tony is ……….. than his sister (young ; younger ; more young )
2- Aunt Elize is …………. than Tony’s mother (happy , happier , more
3- The cake is …………….. than the rice (gooder , better ; good)
4- Magaret is …………. than her mother (fatter , fat , fater )
5- Tony is celebrating his ………. Birthday (twelve, twelfth; twelveth)
6- March is the ………………. month of the year. (third, first, fourth)
IIProduction écrite d’un texte de type particulier
Ton ami Bob vient de connaître quelques nouveaux adjectifs. Pour
lui, il suffit de connaître les adjectifs avec leur sens pour pouvoir les
utiliser dans une phrase : faux ; la preuve est qu’il est incapable de
combler les vides dans les phrases qu’on te présente ci- dessous. Il
sollicite ton aide.
Tâche : Tu montreras ta capacité à produire un texte en :
- Choisissant les mots appropriés pour des phrases cohérentes
- Respectant la nature du texte et l’orthographe des mots
Consigne : Copy and complete the sentences with these adjectives
Sad, happy, exciting, hungry thirsty
1- I want to drink some water because I am …………………….
2- When the children are ………………. in the morning, they eat
3- The match is very ………….. Our team is going to score in some
4- Maria is …………….. because she can’t go to the party
5- Jenny is the top of her class and her parents are