
December 11 Décembre 1991
LE TEMPS - Région parisienne: Assez
beau, mais froid. Ciel brumeux. Il fera
de moins 1 à 0 .
MOSCOU - Mikhaïl Gorbatchev exclut de résister en ayant recours à la
force, a estimé mercredi le président russe Boris Eltsine à l’issue d’un
entretien avec le président soviétique. la discussion avec M. Gorbatchev a
porté "sur l’avenir de notre Communauté", a dit M. Eltsine. "Nous avons
parlé des dates auxquelles notre Communauté des Etats indépendants pourra
commencer à fonctionner", a-t-il ajouté.
WASHINGTON - Le président George Bush a déclaré mercredi qu’il suivait
de très près la situation en URSS, notamment le sort des armes nucléaires,
mais a souligné que les Soviétiques devaient décider eux-mêmes de leur
avenir et que les Etats-Unis ne pouvaient se hasarder à des prédictions.
BANGKOK - La junte au pouvoir en Birmanie a fermé mercredi les établissements d’enseignement supérieur dans tout le pays à la suite de 2 journées de manifestations contre les militaires à l’Université de Rangoon.
AFP - TOKYO - Le dollar a clôturé jeudi à Tokyo en baisse de 0,48 yen
par rapport à la veille à 128,90 yen. L’indice Nikkei à la Bourse de
Tokyo, a rebondi jeudi matin de 483,79 yen (+é,25%), pour terminer la
matinée à 21.986,69 yen, après 6 jours consécutifs de baisse.
REUTER - "European Community leaders hailed their new treaty on
political and monetary union as a historic breakthrough, although it
leaves Britain behind on the road to a united Europe. Convinced that the
accord would turn the 12-nation bloc into an international power with a
single currency and a common foreign policy, the leaders flew home to
start selling it to their own citizens."
LE FIGARO: Révision en baisse des prévisions 1992
"L’OCDE révise à la baisse ses prévisions économiques pour 1992. La
croissance pour l’ensemble du monde industrialisé ne dépassera pas 2,2%
l’an prochain, alors que les experts internationaux avaient envisagé une
progression de 2,6% le 13 novembre dernier lors du Comité de politique
économique, qui réunit les hauts fonctionnaires responsables de la
prévision des pays membres de l’organisation (le directeur de la prévision
pour la France). L’information publiée hier par l’AFP n’a donné lieu à
aucun commentaire du secrétariat de l’OCDE. Les prévisions définitives
pour l’année prochaine seront officiellement présentées le 19 décembre
prochain, précise-t-on au château de la Muette. Toutefois ces chiffres
nous ont été confirmés selon d’autres sources officielles." (D’autres
articles s’ajoutent à l’AFP: LES ECHOS, LA TRIBUNE, LIBERATION).
YOMIURI SHIMBUN: OECD growth seen slower than projected
PARIS - "Delayed recovery in the languishing US economy and slower
growth in Japan and Germany could hold the overall rate of expansion in
the industrial nations at just over 2% next year, European diplomatic
sources said Wednesday. They said the OECD now believes recovery in the
OECD area will be markedly slower than projected only a month ago. The
sources said new figures for the OECD area and for the United States
reflected a downward revision of about 9.75 percentage points compared
with the organization’s midsummer projections. But senior European
economists said they still considered a ’double-dip’ recession in the
United States as unlikely."
FINANCIAL TIMES: OECD warns on role of women
PARIS - "Women must be allowed to play a full part in society if the
developed economies are to prosper in the future, according to a new study
published yesterday by the OECD. In the 1970s and 1980s any initiatives
intended to improve the position of women tended to concentrate on
anti-discrimination legislation and equal opportunities programes. The
OECD argues that, while such initiatives are important, deeper structural
changes are required in order to enable women to make a full contribution
to society... The OECD argues that while provision for maternity leave is
crucial, governments should also make it more attractive for men to take
family leave by making provision for earnings replacement and employment
protection, as well as for training when employees return." (LE MONDE,
sous la plume de Claude Sarraute, dans son billet intitulé "Place au
hommes", évoque également l’OCDE et le travail des femmes).
MOSCOW - "Mr Boris Yeltsin, the Russian president, yesterday
strengthened his hand in his struggle with Mr Mikhail Gorbachev, the
Soviet leader, over the future of the Soviet republics. He gave confident
performances before international economists who are advising him on
reforms, and before army chiefs to whom he presented his vision of the
future... Mr Gorbachev, still titular leader of what is still titularly
the Soviet Union, now appears without allies - except for the hardline
groups who wish to retain an imperial or communist power, and democrats
fearful of the speed of dissolution."
THE GUARDIAN: Gorbachev spells out what would make him resign
"President Mikhail Gorbachev yesterday made it clear that he will resign
as President of the Soviet Union if the Commonwealth proposed by the
leaders of Russia, Ukraine and Byelorussia cannot be incorporated in his
proposed Union Treaty. In an interview with the NEZAVISIMAYA GAZETA in
Moscow yesterday, exclusive in Britain to THE GUARDIAN, he also said he
would seek to use his role of commander in chief of the Soviet armed
forces to prevent disorder. But, ruling out a coup, he stressed that no
politician should use military force to achieve political goals. Don’t you
think you have entered the most crucial point of your political life? Yes,
I suppose so."
THE INDEPENDENT: G7 to tackle world recession fears
"The United States has called a meeting of senior officials from the G7
leading industrial countries to consider the growing risk that the world
economy could slide into recession. The one-day meeting, in New York on
Saturday, will also focus on a proposal to grant the reforming republics
of the fragmenting Soviet Union full membership of the World Bank and the
IMF. Membership of the 2 bodies would allow the West to authorise large
new loans once market reforms begin in earnest. Russia already plans to
free prices in January. The talks in New York will be preceded by a
meeting of food experts in London tomorrow. They will seek solutions to
long delays in shipping already agreed US and European food aid to the
AFP: Arthur Dunkel met les négociateurs au pied du mur
GENEVE - "M. Arthur Dunkel, directeur général du GATT, a fait monter la
pression dans l’Uruguay Round en annonçant mercredi qu’il entendait
présenter le 20 décembre un projet d’accord final ’complet et consolidé’
qui devra constituer ’la meilleure approximation possible’ des résultats
de 5 années de négociations commerciales internationales. Ce document
devrait selon M. Dunkel comporter ’dans tous les domaines des textes
négociés et acceptés au plan multilatéral’. Il sera à nouveau soumis aux
participants le 13 janvier lors d’une réunion du comité des négociations
commerciales (TNC, organe de direction du round) pour être formellement
entériné en tant que résultat final de l’Uruguay Round."
WALL STREET J.: Equipment came from Germans, Swiss, US
NEW YORK - "Iraq used equipment from German, Swiss and US companies in
its secret program to build a nuclear bomb according to sources on a
United Nations commission. The Vienna-based IAEA supplied a list of the
companies involved to the UN Special Commission in charge of dismantling
Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction."
HERALD TRIBUNE: Surplus surges as imports sag
TOKYO - "Sagging imports hit by a slowing economy sent Japan’s political
sensitive trade surplus soaring nearly threefold in November, the Ministry
of Finance said Wednesday. The surplus climbed to $6.56bn from a revised
$2.24bn in November 1990, the ministry said. It was the 11th consecutive
month that the surplus rose year-on-year. The report was released a day
after the MITI predicted that Japan’s trade surplus for fiscal 1991, which
ends March 31, will total $100bn, or 44% more than the government’s
original projection of $56bn."
United Kingdom
THE TIMES: Invisibles help raise hopes for current account
"The appearance of more invisible earnings in the official trade figures
cut Britain’s current account deficit to 4.15bn pounds sterling for the
first 9 months of this year and made Norman Lamont’s forecast for the full
year well within reach... Provisional data issued yesterday by the Central
Statistical Office showed a third-quarter deficit of 1.34bn pounds
sterling, the second lowest level for 3 1/2 years. This followed a 127
million pounds sterling shortfall in the second quarter that reflected the
end of large contributions from abroad to Britain’s Gulf war costs."
AFP: Stagnation de l’économie en 1992, selon l’UBS
ZURICH - "Après une année de légère récession, l’économie suisse ne
connaîtra pas encore la reprise l’an prochain: le produit intérieur brut
connaîtra une croissance nulle, les investissements reculeront encore, la
consommation demeurera faible, et l’inflation, en baisse, s’établira
malgré tout à 4,5% en moyenne annuelle, selon des estimations de l’Union
de banques suisses (UBS) publiées mercredi... Sur le marché intérieur,
l’UBS prévoit un recul de 2% dans le domaine de la construction, par
rapport à 1991. Dans le secteur des équipements, le recul sera de 1%."
FINANCIAL TIMES: ’Scala Mobile’ will disappear
ROME - "Wage indexation, a way of life in Italy for 46 years, is to be
quietly buried in the new year. The so-called ’Scala Mobile’, which
indexed wages to inflation, will disappear more by default than by
design... The ’Scala Mobile’ law ends on December 31."